*********Authors note**************
Thank you for all your feedback on the last chapter. Let me know if you want more scenes like that and I'll try my best to get them in more often as the story continues (;
Always Expect the Unexpected
Bellatrix dissolves into black smoke only to reappear in front of Malfoy manor a moment after. The dark looking mansion stood tall on the hill, there seemed to be no life or happiness in that house. A white gravel path leads up to the building. The stones seemed to shine in the full moon's light. To the right of the manor you could see a big old tree. It's inside as hollow as the soul of a dementor yet it's appearance both scary and beautiful. Bellatrix remembers the tree from when she had been younger. Her mother often forced the older sister to tag along whenever Narcissa went to spend the day with the Malfoys. Back then Narcissa was to young, she didn't like spending time with Lucius as he was a boy and to quote a girl her age 'he had boy disease'.
Bellatrix smiled at the thought, seeing that the same Narcissa now rarely left Lucius's side and even gave him an heir. But back then, on a sunny day the sisters would hide in the hollow three as Lucius desperately searched for the girls in a game he couldn't possible win, considering that the only rule was to only hide inside. Bellatrix was never a girl for rules.
On the other side of the mansion there was a maze, Bellatrix loved getting lost in the maze and wondering around, without any direction. No where to go and nothing to get done. Just walk and think. She enjoyed those moments when all the chaos didn't come trashing down on her and she cold be just as lost as she felt. Out of nowhere Bellatrix's arm burned which made her hiss in pain "goddammit I'm here already!" she hisses and continues walking towards the mansion, yet a bit faster as being late wasn't an option. She reached the dark wood door and stepped inside. The door would only open for those who's blood it feasted upon. That way you wouldn't need a key, you just have to let your blood drop on it and it would remember. Of course every time you'd open it there would be a stinging pain yet Bellatrix was used to pain by now. The witch stepped inside and walked towards the source of the burning in her arm, when it got worse she'd be on the right path. It was rather ironic when you thought about it. It was like a child's game where you follow the sound util you reach your goal. Bellatrix soon reached a door and took a deep breath. She dark Witch straightened out her dress, easily pushing the fabric down before pulling her corset up a bit as it had complied to her dresses pull. After she had fully composed herself, at least as good as possible, she opened the door to step inside.
The Room was so incredibly dark and close to her lord was cold. The only light source in the dim Room was a green light radiating from the fireplace, over which there was a mirror. The mirror on it's own looked old and barley showed any reflection at all. In the middle of the Room stood a big armchair, it had the look of a throne with snake handles and a silver black back. A shudder went through her body, as it always did in her lords presence. It was a mixture of fear and respect standing close to him, feeling the magic flow through the Room. She took a step forward before bowing down deeply to her lord. She could feel his red eyes on her, burning a hole into her soul and waited for him to speak and acknowledge her presence as it was custom.
"Bellatrix.." His cold and heartless voice went through the Room like a snake's hiss, he let the word linger in the Room for a moment before Bellatrix knew it was alright to speak.
She slowly and carefully straightened back up, her eyes staying on his. Only someone who had something to hide would look down "My lord, you called" She says, her voice strong as always. A Black would never show any weakness and only a fool would act weak in front of the dark Lord. The dark lord chuckled lightly, it was frightening to the ear but not to Bella. Not anymore. He stood up, taking slow steps towards her, like a predator would towards its pray. Bellatrix's eyes stayed glued to his, it would be dumm to look away as that might be the last thing you do. Looking away showed guilt and that was the last thing his most loyal servant wanted to display "Bella.." he repeated quietly since he didn't have to talk louder. His snake like fingers winds around her chin, pulling her face up further.
"Tell me, where have you been?" he asks with raised eyebrows, pushing past her mental barrier and into her mind. Bellatrix let him, this way she could control what to show him without having him think that she was hiding anything in particular.
"I've been looking for the boy, my lord" she answers, showing him the memory of searching for them but in this version to no prevail. He snarled, releasing her chin painfully to only leave behind the red marks of his fingers "You're failing me Bellatrix! You're weak!" he hisses turning his back to her. Bellatrix bowed her head down "I apologize for failing you,my lord" she says quietly and he turns back around to her, yanking her head up by her hair, Painfully pulling at her curls until her scalp was in so much pain.
"Bring me the boy Bellatrix, i won't be this kind the next time" he hisses and she nods quickly wanting him to release her hair. Very slowly his grasp of her hair lightened until her ran his fingers through her curls and let go. Bellatrix's head was throbbing from the pain.
"You're dismissed, leave" he says after a moment of utter silence, his voice like a masters talking down to a worthless servant as he makes a hand gesture for her to leave.
"Thank you, my lord" Bellatrix bowed once more, slowly walking backwards before opening the door to leave.
"Oh and Bella, I really hope you do better soon, for the sake of the well being of your sister"
Bellatrix swallowed hard and nodded lightly before leaving. Narcissa. Nothing is allowed to hurt her little sister, not as long Bellatrix has anything to do with it. Even as children Bellatrix couldn't bare seeing her in pain. She'd take the blows her parents would throw at them when they did something wrong to protect the one person on this planet who accepted Bellatrix for who she was.
Bellatrix remembered one time, Narcissa must have been twelve, when Bella failed to safe her. Failed to rescue her little sister. It was already dark, the great big moon didn't bother to show up on the sky and it was as dark as ever but Bellatrix was never bothered by the dark. The dark felt safe to her.
-From the memory of Bellatrix Black-
I sighed, scribbling on a piece of parchment. The sound of the sharp feather scratching away on the rough piece of parchment echoing through the Room as well as the sound from the old wooden clock ticking away on the wall. The quiet didn't last long. It was quickly interrupted by a hurried banging on the door. I looked at it confused before swishing my wand to make it slam open, just to reveal my baby sister standing in front of it. She was a sobbing and frightened mess, tears streaming down her rosy cheeks. She stood there, sniffling and trying to breath as the tears kept coming and her arms hung limp to her sides. I looked at her paralyzed for a moment before seeing the blood gushing out from a wound in her silky blonde hair. It only took me a second to jump up and hurry to my sister who immediately collapsed against me and clung to me once my arms were around her fragile body. I shushed her soothingly as she held on to me for dear life and let her tears run freely.
"It's okay Cissa..calm down..sweetheart it's okay, I'm here" I whispered into her ear but she just nodded into my shoulder trying to control herself but losing miserably. She simply couldn't stop crying at this point. I carefully picked my baby sister up and carried her to my bed, sitting her down on the edge before carefully pulling her small arms away from me, so I could look at the wound. She reluctantly let go, but held onto the skirt of my dress as if to make sure that I wouldn't simply leave her stranded. I carefully pushed her hair back to look at the wound and continued to shush her.
I bit my lip, it needed a bit of healing for sure. The cut was deep and probably very painful, there were still a few pieces of glass stuck in it from the bottle that must have been broken over her head.
"Cissa what happened?" I asked quietly looking down at her fearful for her wellbeing. She sniffled and seemed to be tearing up once more so I quickly cupped her cheeks in my warm hands to let her know that i'm here and that she's safe with me.
"Nothing will hurt you, just tell me. I'll be as quiet as a mouse, it'll be our little secret" I told her before placing a kiss on her forehead and lingering there for a moment.
"I…I didn't mean to.." she started to choke out and i gently caressed her cheeks to calm her down "I was…outside and.." she teared up once more "and I got the house all muddy…m-mom got mad and..and" she broke down sobbing once more and I pulled her closer into a tight hug "It's okay, Cissa it's alright. I'm here, I got you. You can stay here tonight. nothing will hurt you" I whispered close to her hear.
"I didn't mean to" she cried into my shoulder clinging to my dress. It took forever to calm her down but once she did it gave me time to fix the cut. Cissa sniffled, dangling her feat of the bed and waiting for it to be over.
"Bella, why didn't you help me?" She breaths out, upset and broken. The air got stuck in my lungs at her question and I had to swallow hard. Why hadn't I been there? Why didn't I safe her? I looked at her sadly, a sigh leaving my lips.
"I'm sorry Cissa, I will never…never..let anything hurt you ever again" I whispered looking into those blue eyes and emphasizing the 'never'.
"Promise?" she asked in a quiet whisper, her eyes full of hope.
-End memory of Bellatrix Black-
Bella sighed, she hasn't broken that promise since that day and she was defiantly not ging to start with it now. Even if it did cost her the muddblood. But she only was a muddblood right? It didn't matter. she didn't matter. Bella shock her head, trying to get out any last thought she might have had that actually involved having feelings for the girl. She couldn't have, wouldn't have let herself develop such a thing. Not towards that annoying, stubborn little gryffindor of a girl, with her know-it-all attitude, her smart mind, those warm brown curls, the way her eyes seem to sparkle of life, her skin so soft it might as well be silk and those lips, those lips drawing her in. Stop it Bellatrix! Get your head on straight. You're a pureblood for crying out loud. Toujour pur!
But she couldn't, not for a single second during that entire night get the girl out of her head. Bellatrix had gone to bed soon after her talk with the dark Lord. She stayed with her sister since she could hardly go back to Lestrange mansion. Bellatrix closed and locked her door, slipping out of her dress and into a silk nightgown before crawling into bed. But to no prevail her mind wouldn't let her rest in peace. She couldn't fall asleep without seeing her big brown eyes as soon as she closed her own. She felt paranoid as she kept hearing her voice in a whisper flowing through the Room, making her sit up and scan the room before growling and falling back into her lush pillows in annoyance. Was she actually going mad.
"Bella…Bella" she heard whispering and growled pulling her pillow over her head "shut up!" she growled into the pillow to her own mind, wanting it to stop. "Goddammit Bella! Open the fucking window!" Hermiones voice rang through the Room with an impatient hint in it. Bellatrix immediately sat up in bed feeling confused and looking to her window. To both her surprise and horror a young girl was standing on the small balcony, knocking on the door.
"what the hell muddy…" she mumbled annoyed yet stunned at the sight. All the important questions running through her head. What? Why? When? and for crying out loud HOW?