**************Authors note****************

So this is the first fanfiction I'm uploading and I'm scared but i think it'll be okay…you won't be to mean right? Just joking, we fantoms stick together. Okay so I'm just uploading the first chapter, if this goes well than there are more to come I Promise. The next two chapters are already done.

Excuse any mistakes, I know they shouldn't happen but I'm German if that makes up for anything (I get it no excuses)

Here we go…

*************End Authors note**************

Alway Expect the Unexpected

If someone would have told me that I would sit, straddled between the legs and leaning against the most dangerous Death Eater known to the Wizard World, a year ago then I would have told them that they had a bit to much fire whiskey. A year ago I shuddered just as the name 'Bellatrix Lestrange' fell from someones lips.

I sigh at the thought and turn to one side, still wrapped in her arms, looking at the fire and laying my head on her chest to listen to her heart beat. I enjoy being with her even though I could have never expected it ending up this way and I know…that neither could she. Looking down at my arm, I read the word 'Mudblood' on it. I rarely look at it since it makes Bella feel guilty for what she did and it always ends with a huge fight and one of us sleeping on the couch. Today Bella did, because she found out that I send Owls to Ron and Harry and got really upset. Of course we both keep contact with the Wizard World, but she still believes that I have deeper feelings for Ron, which is utter Bullshit. Excuse my language. As I think about earlier I try to recall our conversation

-This Morning-

I just finished writing a letter to Ron on the kitchen table next to a cup of tea. He asked for help with his new Auror case. Ever since the war the ministry was trying the clean up the mess it had created and rounded up the wannabe Dark Lords. He needed spells that would help him stay hidden while following the suspect and waiting for his sign when the trap was set up and the others were ready to go. There were more and more groups surfacing lately and they had to get creative if they wanted to catch the entire group and not just alert them to go back into hiding. I wasn't sure what exactly he needed and frankly I still believe that he should do some work on his own, but I did tell him some book titles to look up in the Ministry's library. I was tying the letter to my owls leg when Bella came into the kitchen, as always dressed in black but her corset had nice silver symbols along the neckline. I went to the open window above the sink and send off my owl so it could deliver his letter while Bella got herself a cup from the cupboard und put the still warm kettle back on the stove to heat the water up. Ever since I moved in I made sure that Bella did more things on her own so the house-elves could have some time out. Safe to say she wasn't as fond of the idea at first. She leaned against the dark marble top and smiled at me

"Good morning Muddy" She beamed at me with a light grin on her red lips.

I quickly frowned at the Nickname, not enjoying it as much as Bella did "Bella could you please stop calling me that, you know I hate it"

She makes a joking pout "But I like it so much" she gushed innocently like a child arguing with a parent that even though the parent said it was wrong she was positive that it had to be right, because well…she said so.

"Oh go to hell Bella" I answer jokingly and roll my eyes at her but can't help the light smile on my lips as I take a sip of tea.

"Been there sweetie, I didn't like it at all" she grins and winks at me "anyways what are you up to grumpy pants?"

"Well first of all, I'm wearing pajama shorts so your statement is invalid" I point out in my know-it-all voice, as Bellatrix liked to call it "and for your question, I just send a letter to Ron"

Before his name even completely passed my lips you could hear the shattering of a cup on the tiled floor and the little splinters of glass spreading across the floor and covering most of it as well as disappearing under the fridge. I stare at an enraged Bellatrix in shock who had that crazy glimmer in her eyes. Her nostrils flared as she took sharp intakes of air. Easy to say that overreacting to an extrem was a Bellatrix specialty. I looked at her as if I had just been slapped and scooted back a bit in my chair while keeping perfect eye contact with her. My Gryffindor courage on the other hand let's my blood boil after all.

"What the bloody hell Bella?!"

"I could ask you the same thing!"

I look at her confused and then stand up as a light goes on in my head " No,no,no don't you dare start that again!" I almost scream at her, thank god that I was finally standing, it made me not feel as small in front of her.

She takes a few steps towards me, looking dangerous as she stood there but I didn't even filch "Yes,we're starting that again. What is going on between you and the Weasley?"

"You still think that I'd cheat on you?!"

"Don't avoid the question! Tell me!"

"No, I'd rather have you tell me! You don't trust me at all! I trust you and I trusted you from the start even after everything that happened in the war but you can't even trust me this once!"

"He's a boy, I know how they are and I know that he loves you. It's obvious that he does! How often do you write with him behind my back huh? What else do you do without me knowing about it?!"

" Are you kidding me? I never write with anyone behind your back! By Merlins beard I wrote in the Kitchen and even though it's non of your business, since he wouldn't like me talking about it, he just needed help with his job" Ronald didn't want her talking about it since he didn't want to look incompetent next to Harry and the others. Little did he know that Harry asked for help sometimes as well.

She looks at me like a wet puppy and tries to process what I had said while looking into my eyes as if to read in them wether I'm lying or not. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and tapped my foot on the floor impatiently and mostly annoyed.

She looks a bit apologetic but mostly embarrassed as she realized that I had a point "okay..I'm sorry Hermione" she mumbles as if it would make it okay but now it was my turn to scream.

"No! It's not okay! You don't trust me! I'm always there for you. I helped you get the Ministry out of your hair and I stuck with you and trusted you with everything. This relationship can't work if you don't trust me!"

Now she was the one looking like she had been slapped. She stared at me for a moment in shock and then grinned. I role my eyes at her, her philosophy was to take problems as a joke and that is what she was doing right now and honestly I had enough of it. She lays a hand on my shoulder "Now now muddy don't overreact" she coos to me and I feel my blood boiling in my veins before pulling away. I look at her for a moment before going to the door, grabbing my jacket and leaving through the front door. Thank god that my pajama pants could be taken as weird shorts. I go for a walk in the park to clear my mind, calm down and as always…overthink it all.

Bellatrix looks through the window watching me leave in shock, her mind was still in denial and wasn't ready to process that I just left like I had. As she gets a grip of her thoughts she needs to fight the urge to chase after me. Bellatrix knew that for one it would be fatal to continue this argument right now and for a second her pride was still to big to run after someone. To top it off, she would be terribly lost if she wouldn't catch up with me since Bellatrix had no idea what was out there. She always claimed that it was because she hated muggles but I always new that she was scared of being recognized for what she had done. Bellatrix would never admit to that of course, as a pureblood she was raised to not show fear, because fear was weakness. She sits down on a chair and looks at the glass on the floor, biting her lip and with a gesture of her wand the cup is fixed and back in the cupboard. She starts to scream in frustration and holds her head in her hands. It was like an explosion of emotions going of in the pit of her stomach and a feeling of helplessness that made her want to burn the house to the ground and torture people to their breaking points.

As the day proceeds into the night, Bella had started to calm down and knowing the drill made herself comfortable on the couch, watching the fire glisten and trying to keep her mind occupied. She wasn't going to cry, that was weak and a pureblood wasn't weak. Her eyes started to fall shut, tired of the light and she slowly drifts off into sleep with a frustration in her mind and a deep regret in her heart which she would never admit to anyone, not even herself.

I had walked for a while until sitting down by a pond, the birds were up in the trees trying to get some shade and the waterlilies had an astonishing pink color on their leaves as they driften on the water surface. She still doesn't trust me, after all this time she still doesn't trust me. Goddammit I love her, I love her with all my heart and that's not going to change. In the end it would always come back to this, I love her and I could never leave her.

By the end of my analyzation I came to this conclusion: She needs to trust me, we need to talk about problems and she has to stop pretending like Problems don't exist even though they do. Otherwise this will break me because I can't cope with this feeling.

I feel my heart breaking at the thought of losing her and as it gets dark I head home to find my Bella asleep on the couch after having entered the living Room. I sigh, she looks so beautiful and peaceful in her sleep. Her black curls spread across the pillow and the fire was bringing out her deep cheekbones and porcelain skin. I must have stared for a while because she suddenly moved a bit but didn't open her eyes so I thought that she was asleep.

" Are you just going to stare at me all night?" her voice rings through the quietness and I jump lightly feeling caught and blush. As she sits up a bit and leans against the armrest, I hesitantly go over to her. Deep down I know I shouldn't because with that she would have won but either way I did and shortly after find myself being pulled close to her with her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms around my stomach from behind. I take a deep content breath at the warm feeling was creeping threw my veins and making their way to my heart. I lean my head on her chest and listen to her heartbeat for a moment of silence. I always felt safe in her arms, even when I shouldn't have, but I did. I lightly turn my head to the side and feel her shifting to accommodate my body..

I feel her warm breath on my skin as we stay silent until she starts to whisper something to me "Hermione I'm sorry, I really am…It's not that I don't trust you, because I do. I really trust you, but even after all this time, even after everything we've been threw I still can't believe that someone like you would chose to be with me. Whenever I fell in love I ended up hurt or deceived and I know that this is different but in the End, it sometimes just….seems to good to be true"

I feel a small tear run down my cheek and take a shaky breath " Bella…I Love you and that will never change, I love you today and I will love you tomorrow until the day my heart stops…I'll never hurt you"

Bellatrix smiles, a genuin happy smile as she places a kiss on the top of my head " I love you too Hermione Granger"

I smile and turn in her arms to look into her eyes "You better, you spoiled pureblood brat, Bellatrix Black" I whisper with a light grin on my lips and she needs to hold back a laugh as she smiles brightly and somehow proud as I call her a brat. I nudge her side for that and she laughs before pressing a kiss to my lips and I kiss her back as my mind drifts back to the beginning. The beginning of my life with Bellatrx Lestrange.

***********Authors Note**********

So this was the first Chapter of my story in the following chapters there will be the beginning of their Relationship, going threw the War and how it came to be like it is. You've started this story at the end and now it's time to see it begin…please review so I can now wether this is worth continuing or if I should scratch it

Thank you for reading (: