Written for The Ring Of Fire/King's Cup Challenge. Whoever picks this card must choose someone to write a collaborative story with or two linked stories.

My Prompt: Tragedy.

HP Slash Luv's prompt: Viktor/Cedric.

Story Rule: Every fic written for this challenge must include a character death.

Linked Story: HP Slash Luv - A Lost Lover.

In that last second, as the killing curse was uttered, Cedric's thoughts rushed back to the people he was about to leave behind.

There were very few people he was that close to. Sure, he was popular, even more so now after being picked for the Tournament. He had female admirers too, but they weren't important to him.

He was about to leave his father behind. He knew how much pain the man would be in once he discovered what happened to his only son. All Cedric wanted was to make his father even prouder of him, and he failed.

Finally his thoughts turned to Viktor Krum. Poor Viktor. Their last interaction was Viktor attacking him whilst under the Imperious curse.

No, he would remember the first kiss, and their last one.

He would remember how their eyes met for the first time, moments after his name was called from the Goblet. The way Viktor would seek him out for conversations about studies - something people never usually did with Hufflepuff's, assuming they were the 'stupid' house.

The closeness they built up and the jealousy burning in Viktor's eyes when Cedric had asked Cho to the dance. The first sign he had given that his feelings towards the Hufflepuff were anything more than friendship.

Viktor's eyes blazing as he caught up with Cedric after he walked Cho to her dorms. Him crushing their lips together in a way that made Cedric's body ache. Something the kiss with Cho didn't elicit from him.

In that last second, where his life flashed before his eyes, his final thought was on their meeting an hour before the maze started. Whispering to each other through the pants and the gasps, before wishing each other good luck.

Their last whispers of love for each other.

Then he was gone.

Review Please :)

I am so shipping this pairing!