Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA again. I'm working on another story, but i thought of this one shot at work today. I'm marking it as complete, but I may continue it if wanted. Enjoy.

What a long day. Moving from New York is defiantly a process. My new apartment is covered in boxes. I look around at all the work I have in front of me. I sigh and look at the time, its quarter to nine in the evening.

"God, no wonder I'm so tired. It's almost midnight in New York." I yawn.

After growing up in New York and going to performing arts school there, I decided to become a script writer. It's been four years after graduation and I finally landed a job writing on a movie. I decided it would be better for my career if I moved to LA. So here I am, Jade West, in LA, somewhere I never thought I'd be, but nevertheless, I'm going to make the most of it. I look around again at my apartment. It was a two bedroom apartment, with a large kitchen and an open plan living room, a spa in my bathroom and most of the big furniture.

Ok, ok, well even though I'm technically "a struggling writer", rich parents sure come in handy. It's a nice building, only two apartments per floor. Thank god, less people I'll have to deal with. I was told some actress lives across the hall, hopefully I can avoid her as long as possible.

"I better get started on some of these boxes." I groan, tucking my ebony hair behind my ears.

After about an hour, my stomach reminds me, I haven't eaten almost all day. Luckily I had gone shopping before I arrived at my apartment. I wander over to the fridge, when I suddenly hear a loud knock at the door. I turn and look at the door.

'Maybe, if I'm quiet, they'll go away!' I think, and turn back to the fridge, deciding what I wanted to eat.

The knocking comes again, louder and more continuous. I groan outwardly and stomp towards the door. I look in the peep hole and see a young woman, with long brown hair and bronzed skin. She looks kind of familiar. I open the door to shout at her, who the heck is she anyway, interrupting my night and at this hour. I reef open the door, but am surprised at who I find.

"Hi!" Says the woman, with a thousand watt smile.

It's a smile I've seen before, many times in fact, splattered over all the tabloids. I can't believe it, she couldn't be my neighbour, could she?

"I'm your neighbour! I live across the hall!" She exclaims, loudly. I furrow my brows, she's rather perky for a famous actress. Yes, she's certainly famous alright. The last four years, she's become quite the little movie star.
"You must be Jade!" Her perky up beat voice is rather odd for this time of night "I'm Tori, Tori Vega!" She then grabs me by the shoulders and hugs me rather hard.
'Oh, Jesus! She's a hugger!' I think, awkwardly.

"Oh, yeah, I'm Jade. It's nice to meet you, I guess." Muttering the last part, trying to escape her vice grip. She lets go and comes inside.
"Ahh.." I begin, not wanting her in my apartment.
"Oh my gosh, your apartment is so cute!" She gushes. Something seemed a little odd about her, I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
"Was there something you came over for?" I ask, trying to get her to leave. I don't care if she's a famous actress, she's invading my space and I want her to leave.
"Oh!" As if she just remembered why she was here, "Yes! I want to know if you had any eggs?"
"Eggs?" I question, wearily.
"Yes! I just got back for a movie shoot and I have no food in the house!" She says, happily.
"Oh, don't you have people that can do that for you?" I ask, with a raised eyebrow.
"You are so pretty, you know!" She says, suddenly gazing into my eyes.
"I'm sorry?" I ask, starting to feel a little uneasy with this whole situation.
She starts walking towards me, she reaches out and touches my hair.
"Your hair, it's beautiful." She says, as she strokes it.
"Oh God." I mutter. She laughs.
"If you're lucky, I'll be making you scream that later." She says, huskily, winking as she does so. My eyes widen in surprise.

She stops stroking my hair and continues walking around my lounge room. Something wasn't right here, I know actresses are weird, but her erratic behaviour points to something else.
"Erm, Tori? Have you taken anything?" I ask. She turns dramatically.
"Yes! Ambien!" She exclaims. A sleeping pill, that makes sense.
"Ok, how long ago did you take it?" I ask, wondering when its full affects were going to kick in.
"About five minutes ago. Oh! Your couch looks so comfy!" She exclaims. She runs over to the couch and jumps on it.
"Oh, no, no. Maybe you should try out your own couch." I say, hurriedly. But it was too late, her head rolls back and her eyes close. She's passed out.
"Well, shit!" I say, looking down at the Latina, now asleep on my couch. What am I going to do with a passed out celebrity?
"I'm too tired for this." I mutter "I'm calling it a night."

I go and have a shower, cleaning off the day's grime. After stepping out, I put on a pair of black PJ's before clearing all the boxes off my bed. I look at my pillows and groan at myself. I grab one and an extra blanket and storm back out into the lounge room. I've never in my life been this nice to anyone. I place the pillow on the couch and gently move the sleeping actress onto it, then covering her with a blanket. I gaze at her for a moment, she really is beautiful. The magazines don't lie about that.
"What am I doing?" I growl at myself, and stomp my way back to bed "Maybe she'll be gone in the morning! And I won't have to deal with her."

It's around eight, when I woke. My stomach gives an angry growl, realising I'd forgotten to eat last night. I get up, forgetting the reason I had forgotten to eat may still be asleep on my couch. I walk into the kitchen and hear the sound of light snores. That's when it all comes flooding back, I had a visitor last night. I go over to the couch, she's in the exact same position I left her in.

"The pill knock her out cold. Maybe I need to get some of them." I wonder out loud, before my stomach reminds me again that I was hungry.

I begin to make pancakes, it's about the only breakfast food I can make other than cereal. I just finished off the first batch and start to eat when I hear groaning. I look over and see my visitor beginning to sit up. She looks around, taking in her surroundings.

"Oh Jesus, not again." She groans, running her fingers through her hair.
I clear my throat to make my presence known to the beautiful woman on my couch.
"Oh!" She jumps, and looks around.
"Good morning." I smirk.
"Um, hi. Where am I? Who are you?" She asks, tentatively.
"I'm your new neighbour, Jade West." I inform her.
"Oh." She sighs, relieved, "How did I end up here?"
"You knocked on the door and kinda barged in after I opened it."
She gets up, "I'm so sorry."
"You said you took an Ambien last night?" I question her, wanting to make sure that's really what she took.
"Yeah, I got home from a movie last night and I'm so jet lagged that I wanted to make sure I slept. My last thought I remember was that I needed to go meet my new neighbour. And I guess I did." She blushes.
"It's fine." It really wasn't, but her non drug induced self seems much less perky, maybe she wasn't so bad.

"Did I do anything odd last night?" She asks, concerned.
"Other than barge into my apartment, you mean?"
"Yeah?" She nods.
"Well, let's see.." I smirk a little "You thought my apartment was cute, you wanted eggs.."
"Eggs?" She raises her eyebrows.
"Yep!" I nod, then continue, "You thought I was pretty and my hair is beautiful. And told me so while you stroked it."
"Oh god!" She facepalms herself.
I start laughing, "That's ironic."
"What?" She asks, confused.
"I said that too last night, and you said if I was lucky you'd make me scream that later." I explain.

Tori groans and covers her entire face and sinks back into the couch.
"I didn't?"
"You sure did." I was enjoying watching her squirm, I seemed to get some kind of sick pleasure from it.
"Anything else?" She asks from behind her hands.
"Not really, you screamed about how comfy my couch looked and then passed out on it." I say, taking my last bite of pancake. I hear her groan again, I smile, 'Well, this is fun!'
"Does this happen often?" I ask.
"Sometimes, when I take Ambien, I usually do weird shit." Tori says, "I ended up in this apartment one other time and believe me, this situation is a whole lot better than last time."
"Really? Why?" I ask, genuinely interested.
"Well, let's put it this way, this morning I woke up with no one staring at me." She grimaces "I do not want to talk about it."

She sits there for a few minutes longer, I watch her, not sure if I should kick her out yet.
'She is kind of hot though.' I muse. I'm not normally nice to people, but this woman, there's something about her. Something rather interesting, maybe it was worth my time getting to know her.

"Are you hungry?" I ask, getting up and walking into the kitchen.
"A little, but you don't have to make me breakfast. I think I've taken up enough of your hospitality as it is." She blushes again, getting up and making her way to the door.
"Ah, come on Vega. It's just pancakes. I'm always starving after I wake up from a sleeping pill, and I bet you are too?" I raise my eyebrow at her. She gives me a funny look at the calling of her last name but her growling stomach gives her away at how hungry she is.
"Go sit." I say. She does as she told and I begin to make her pancakes with the last of the batter. I walk over to the table with a plate of pancakes and set them in front of her.
"Thank you, but you really didn't have to." She says, gratefully.
"It's fine, but maybe later, you can fulfill that promise of making me scream." I wink at her, with a smirk.
"Oh god, Jade!" She hits me in the arm.
"Or I'll make you scream first. Either is fine with me!" I grin, watching her squirm again.
She lets out a pretend cry and lowers her head to the table. I start to laugh.
"You'll be right, Vega. I don't scream that loud." She groans again. Maybe this will be the start of a beautiful friendship. Either that, or I'm just going to have someone fun to mess with. I'd be ok with either.