I have this story outlined and pretty much completed. In all, there will be 10 Chapters (11 including the Prologue). This is for mature audiences only. Please let me know your thoughts good or bad. If the story isn't well received, I will not post the rest of it. I don't want to offend anyone. I thought it would be fun :) AM

The Doll Prologue

" I don't care what you say about him." Elizabeth checked over her shoulder to make sure that they could not be overheard, before adding, " He's weird, Jane. And sometimes its kinda creepy." She retrieved the bag of the pre-mixed salad from the refrigerator. Tearing it open, she poured it into the waiting bowl. "I mean he stares at me. All the time. For the last seven months, week in and week out. You've seen him do it. How would you feel if you were me?"

"Lizzy, Will's just shy. Maybe you just intimidate him." Jane explained as she began to cut up a cucumber on the cutting board. She paused to pop a piece in her mouth. "Though, I agree he does stare at you a great deal. Maybe Charlotte is right and he admires you."

"Admire me? Oh, no, that man only looks at me to find fault. Of that, you know I'm being honest." Elizabeth opened the small container of grape tomatoes she brought from the Farmer's Market and added them to the bowl. "You remember what he said when Charles introduced me at your engagement party. " Adopting a deep, baritone voice, she said, " 'Tolerable, but not pretty enough to tempt me.' I mean really who talks like that in this day and age? It's like he's been trapped in another century and someone finally let him out of his time machine."

"I will agree he strikes me as being kind of old fashioned. Definitely, at odds with his views on computers and the like." Jane said as she bit into another of the sliced cucs. "But when you met, he was having a difficult time of it. You know he'd just found out his girlfriend of several years had cheated on him. That had to have jaded his opinion of women. I don't think that Charles told him he was introducing you that night." She shrugged her slender shoulders at her sister clearly at a loss. "I thought you'd forgotten all about his insult to you any way."

Clearly, Elizabeth hadn't. But, really, what woman would! Was there a woman alive who would rejoice in being labeled tolerable! She wiped her hand on a dish towel, adding spitefully, "I can't imagine why any woman would cheat on him with all his ample personality and charm."

"Since when did having charm and personality stop you from being hurt by the opposite sex. I mean you have both in spades and look at how many guys have cheated on you." Wide-eyed Jane covered her mouth with both hands before lowering them, immediately apologizing, "Sis, that didn't come out right at all. You know I think you are the best person in the world, Lizzy. If you weren't my sister you'd still be my best friend."

Elizabeth could not be offended by Jane. Her sister was already feeling bad enough for the slip. Playfully, Elizabeth tossed a tomato at her sister. "It's alright, I know what you meant."

Catching the small projectile deftly, Jane continued, "There's a man out there for you somewhere. One that is made specifically for you. Maybe you'll meet him at the wedding? You know Charles is inviting a lot of his friends from the hospital and he has even invited a lot of his old frat buddies. Many of them are single and should be thinking about settling down. I know he has been telling them all about you for weeks."

"Forget the 'to death do you part' stuff, Jane.'" Reminders of her failed love life was making Elizabeth very ill tempered indeed. "At this point, I'll settle for a man who knows his way around a woman's body and can remember my name in the dark."

"Lizzy, you know that is not true!" As Jane laughed, Elizabeth picked up the salad bowl, the tongs and the homemade bread she made and followed her sister through the swinging kitchen door to rejoin their guests in the small dining room of Jane's apartment.

Darcy and Charles were discussing something about a boat when the ladies rejoined them. The foursome were finalizing the engaged couple's wedding plans during this week's Monday night dinner, but Elizabeth would be lying if she was not looking forward to a break from them once the couple went on their honeymoon.

As Jane's maid of honor and Darcy taking on the best man role, the two had to discuss quite a bit over the last few months in preparation for the wedding. All of those conversations had started and ended uncomfortably whether they were in person or via phone. Elizabeth did not know much more about the man across from her than she knew when they were first introduced and most of what she knew she had heard from Charles or her sister and not from the man himself.

"What project is Darcy Electronics working on now?" Elizabeth asked feigning interest in the company he ran. They would have to have some conversation after all. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably. She shot Jane a telling look before teasing, "Is it top secret?"

Her question seemed to stump the brilliant man across from her. After a longer pause than would occur in a normal conversation, he wiped his lips and said, "If you really are interested, I am working on a robotics project that will revolutionize the industry."

"Are you working on robots for that Disaster Competition being held in Japan next winter?" She remembered seeing something about it on a recent 60 Minutes segment and had wondered then if his company had an entry. His bright eyes seemed to sweep over her face as if memorizing it.

"Well, Will, are you?" Charles asked.

"I'm not." He was watching her as closely as usual. "But, one of our robotics divisions is working on an entry into the DARPA competition. I'm working on a much bigger problem to mankind."

"A bigger problem? Something more important than finding a way to save people during a catastrophic disaster? Do tell." Elizabeth waited for him to continue, but when he didn't she chewed her lip and shook her head. Charles glanced at his friend and then apologetically at her before regaling them with stories from his latest shift at the ER.


Arriving home, Darcy went directly into his private lab. He was whistling.

"Welcome, Dr. Darcy. Did you have a good evening?"

"Yes, I did, Meira." The computer that ran his lab booted up his laptop as he slid into his familiar lab coat . He typed in his password and accessed the main record files containing the software for Project XY.

"Has the report of the newest batch of iris colors been finalized by the team?"

"No, Dr. Darcy. A report has not been forwarded."

"What about the materials I have requested reviewed for the silicon additives?"

"No, sir. Would you like me to check on the DARPA initiative to see if they have made any headway?"

"No. Once the reports are finalized please route it to the XY folder." He fished his recorder out of his jean's pocket. "Were the statistical abnormalities in the last round of plastique samples finished?"

"Yes, Dr. Darcy. Onscreen now."

He reviewed the graph and sat back. Sample A would be the most ideal. That was surprising. "Please notify Dr. Shindler that we will proceed with Samples A and Sample C. Sample Z will be the backup in case those two do not meet final specifications."

"Message sent."

He laid the small recorder on the table next to his computer and rewound the digital record queuing it to the precise spot. "Meira upload voice recording sample 145."



"Is it top secret?" Her voice came through the speaker on his laptop. He frowned. Even with all of his careful planning, the recording was not what he had hoped. Could it be the recording devise malfunctioned? He fast forwarded the devise and hit play. "Do tell."

Damn! And Double Damn!

"Meira, I would like one of the prototype digital recording devises from the studio division that Dr. Avery is working on. Please have one routed to Mrs. Reynolds in the morning so I can have it for next week."

"Very good. Email has been sent."

"Bring up Samples 140-144. Play them chronologically on a loop." The recordings were not acceptable. Frustrated, he ordered, "Meira, delete Samples 140-145."


Darcy sat back, drumming his fingers on the lab bench. He had tested four new recorders in the last month. Nothing had worked. Nothing had captured the exact sultry sexiness of the woman he had sat across from dinner every week. He was stumped.

Aimlessly opening each of the other hundred and thirty-nine sound files he had made, they all seemed flat and lifeless. He was avoiding the real problem. It was surprising unlike him. He dealt with problems as they arose - efficiently. Theorizing and hypothesizing had never been a difficulty in the past. Scientific reasoning had never before let him down. There had to be a solution.

The problem, he suspected, was that his mind was too full of the original. No imitation could be close enough. Be real enough. Every time he returned from being with her and then listened to the recordings, he felt the same way. Overwhelmingly disappointed. Spinning on his stool he went to the digital calendar on his wall. There was only two more weeks until the wedding. Only two more weeks. Never had a deadline seemed more daunting.

Once the wedding was over, Darcy would not see Elizabeth again socially for three months. Ninety days! Charles insistence to take his new bride away for such an extended honeymoon was definitely hampering him. He couldn't permit that long of a hiatus in working on his project. The timing was not convenient. Not when he was so close to completion.

Darcy felt tense. Standing, he paced. He didn't want to feel tension. He did not want to think about those empty ninety days without the normal infusion of her weekly presence. He could, he assumed, just go ahead and ask her out for dinner. Just the two of them. The thought filled him with sheer apprehension. Imagining him and her at a fancy restaurant in town. She'd expect conversation. She'd expect to be wined and dined. No, he wasn't going to ask her out and raise her expectations. He was not interested in the normal relationship she would insist upon. He'd had enough of women who didn't understand the importance of his work and who grew jealous of his spending time in his lab.

Walking over to his prototype, he admired his robot's perfect womanly shape. He had studied body types for months, visiting various strip clubs, taking surveys from thousands of men online. Somehow, though, as the project wore on, Xy had taken on more of her physical attributes rather than the composites selected as the most popular from his surveys. It had soon become obvious this was a personal project! Instead of a tall blonde with double Ds and a tiny waist, Xy was a petite brunette with generous rosy-tipped size C breasts, wide hips and an ample bottom. Elizabeth was enchantingly feminine, and he was determined that so would Xy.

Dark wavy luxurious hair flowed from the robot's head, her heart-shaped face contained a small scoop of a nose, a sensual mouth, and high cheek bones. It had taken months to perfect but Xy's lips were just the right wine color and her eye brows had the perfect arch of the original. He smiled in real pride.

His Xy was not just a pretty face. Oh, no. Inside of her cranium lived a powerful computer and state of the art memory chips. He had long given up trying to program her to talk the way Elizabeth did. Even a chaos program could not duplicate Elizabeth's wit, but he was getting close to duplicating her voice. Xy's responses would be programmed from a synthesis of the phrases he collected from Elizabeth.

Pulling back the sheet he kept Xy under, Darcy opened her eyes by tilting her head forward. Frowning, he decided the eyes still lacked that sprinkle of green he found mesmerizing in Elizabeth's. No matter what material they experimented with, his team failed to capture the ethereal glow in hers. While disappointed in how the eyes had turned out, he lowered his gaze and admitted her breasts were masterpieces.

Darcy reached out to stroke them and shut his eyes. The special silicon blend used, and patented by Darcy Electronics, made his doll's breast feel as silky as he imagined Elizabeth's would. He cupped both, circling his fingers over the doll's nipples. As the nipples warmed in his palm, they hardened. He smiled at the lifelike reaction. Another scientific breakthrough for which he had obtained a patent. Several scientists on his team were excited about the discovery. Sex toys which hardened as they heated up. The possibilities were endless.

But, Darcy was not interested in being revolutionary. He cared only for his current project and had no interest in creating other sexual toys. He was only interested in Xy. He had agreed with his team's suggestion that their customers would be able to pre-order their models online using their own selected specifications. The idea that other Xys would have the same combination of features of his own had almost unleashed a feeling of something akin to disgust. He was determined to make Xy as unique as Elizabeth herself.

He ran his hand over Xy bare midriff and down her legs. These were made from a thicker silicon and plastic mixture than her breasts, but they were both felt smooth and supple. He was a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Yes, there were items that needed to be tweaked. The bare cleft of Venus needed hair to appear natural and the feel of the Xy's vagina was still not lifelike when he engaged it in the act of fornication.

Maybe, he could figure out a way to simulate a lifelike orgasm?

Shutting his eyes, his mind created a vision of a brunette smiling up at him, arching underneath him, whispering his name as she squeezed him in the warm vise of her body. He shook his head to clear it troubled that his fantasizes were not of his creation but of the real woman he had left tonight after dinner.