( Hey everyone so I have good news, bad news . Bad news is that I won't be updating as fast because my nephew was diagnosed with HLH with is a genetic illness that runs in my family's genetics but luckily I am not a carrier and have it no where in my genetics. Good news is that the Danny phantom cross over will happen just after this story. If you don't know what HLH is look it up.)
Peter's P.O.V
We all stood frozen as Stacy pointed the gun at Alex and Loki.
"Looks I'll be the hero and no one will care about the stupid freak." Stacy said.
I heard Jack growl. I would too if this was my sibling in a situation like this. I knew Stacy was crazy but this was out of hand. Before we could do anything Hiccup's dragon pounced on Stacy knocking her down, allowing us all to make a break for it. Alex took off into the air but was soon knocked out.
"The air's too dense to fly in." Alex said.
"We need to get to the empire state building." I said. "Even if we have to take the long way."
We ran threw thick snow. Jack kept and eye out for anymore threats. Honestly now that I see Alex and Jack are standing next to each other I can see how much they look alike. If Alex turned her hair white and her eyes blue they could defiantly pass as twins.
"How much farther is it?" Nova asked.
"Two more blocks!" I said.
Suddenly Alex was on the ground.
(Cliffey! Also everyone meet my newest cohost Ember.
Ember: Sup. )