Jessa was up early beating the sun at its own arrival. Her internal alarm clock refused to let her sleep in any earlier. She looked at her clothes lying on the bed. Baggy black cargo pants with multiple pockets; all empty thanks to a pat down from the royal army. Mountain boots, an overused sports bra, t-shirt, ripped sweater and trench coat that held more empty pockets. Jessa never realized how many pockets she had until she actually looked, and right now they were all empty. Sad really. Now felt like a good time to go fill those pockets…

The door barely made any sound as she opened it and slowly crept out. From what she remembered the guard with her bag went into the entrance beside the staircase. So that is where she headed.

It was still fairly dark inside the temple, guards were at every other corner but Jessa took her time to make her move and scurry past them with little sound. Entering the new entrance she was greeted with a large dining room that contained an elongated table. Jessa was glued to the wall as a guard peeked in the room for a once over checkup then carried on back to the main entrance room. The walls in this room had the occasional abstract piece of art covering it along with some simplistic abstract pieces.

By now Jessa was really wondering where on earth her bag could have been kept because the layout of this building suggested that it was just a mansion with no unique 'enemy weapons holding' room. Leaving the massive dining room Jessa was now in the kitchen that was equally just as big. On the right was another door that Jessa peeked into. What she saw was a modern looking living room wi-



Jessa turned and looked behind her only to be blinded by a flashlight. Unlike a deer in the headlight she ran through the door into the living room and out another doorway that led right back to the main entrance where two more flashlights blinded her. The souls on her shoes squeaked against marble floors as Jessa scrambled up the stairs ready to turn right when another flashlight was in sight causing her to turn back and go down the left hallway. She ran and busted into the last door in the hall, locking the door behind her and leaning her head against it.

'Fuck.' Everything was going so fast. Jessa was just going anywhere where there wasn't a guard. She didn't know why she was running. Granted she had been running from them for a couple years now. But it's not like she could go anywhere. She could always escape but that was really stupid considering the deal she has now is pretty good along with they would just find her again if she tried hiding. She let out a giant breath as her fingers played with the lock while her mind played with the idea of giving herself in.

The tips of her fingers teased the lock.

What could really happen if she left them in, they are clearly not allowed to hurt her, and Pagan surely wasn't going to hurt her either. Was she really untouchable?

Without any more thinking Jessa turned the lock and the door flew open. She winced awaiting whatever was going to come at her but relaxed to see several guards bunched up before the doorway. She studied them to realise they were staring right past her. But before she could turn to see what they were looking at.

"Good choice." A breath of hot air brushed against Jessa's ear sending a solid chill down her spine.

She froze feeling the man behind her slip something over her arms and onto her shoulders. "I trust you'll use this appropriately."

She caught a glimpse of what had been wrapped around her shoulders and saw that it was the straps of her backpack.

"I know how much you want to see me but I am quite busy…" His self-flattery made Jessa gag a little. "Now I assure you, these nice men will escort you safely back to your room." He rubbed her shoulder as if soothing her and gently nudged her towards the crowd of guards.

Jessa didn't look back, she knew what she would see; a smug ass grin from that pink suited man.

She shuddered slightly at the thought and started walking down the hall. All of the guards stuck to the wall avoiding her touch, possibly in fear that they will be punished for assault. She thought about the many ways she could use this to her advantage later on while entering her room. But those thoughts were replaced with questions about her bag that would soon be answered.

Jessa took her bag off and placed it on the bed, opening it up and scavenging through it. Everything she had was still in there, including the items from her pocket. Her flashlight, tiny medic kit, extra pair of socks, money, hunting knife, grappling hook and rope. 'Wait...why did he let me keep my hunting knife?' She picked it up examining it. 'I could just kill anyone with this... But then again, why would I?' She picked at the small chip in the blade. 'Can't hurt him because he's my ticket out and can't hurt the guards- well I guess I could hurt them... I don't think he would mind...'

Her mind wandered as she placed everything in is respectful pocket and pouch. Once everything was set she turned to the tv with a grin and turned it on. Surprisingly they had a couple western shows but just things like the news and a cooking channel.

After 4 hours of foreign languaged shows Jessa's stomach began to churn and grovel. Apparently it was breakfast time according to her body and after she had an internal battle on if she should even leave her room again she was halfway down the stairs.

She was once again in the kitchen but this time not taking cover and hiding. There was time to actually admire the massive modern looking room. But not that much time, Jessa needed to eat quick. She looked in the fridge to find some fruit and lamb, nothing else. Sighing she picked up an apple, avoiding the peach, and started eating it.

"Excuse me, where's the king?" A female voice came from behind her.

Jessa spun around startled by the voice. The owner was standing in the doorway. 'Holy fuck a normal person.' It was a tall skinny woman with jet black hair, in a thigh length red flowing dress. 'Well...maybe normal."

"He's uh..." Her eyes rolled to the right as if the answer were on the wall. But in actuality her answer did come from the right wall just when Pagan entered.

"You! There you are!" He called out to the woman in a warm tone. "You've finally made it, yes well just in time too! Mr. Delveton will be here soon." He rushed over to her and guided her out of the kitchen.

Jessa was slightly confused but then Pagan popped back into the room again. "Go back to your room and don't come out until I say so." And then he left again.

'Well then. God forbid if I don't listen to him...' Jessa remember the peach for a second. 'Actually yeah... Listening is a good idea." With that she stole a mango and left with her two fruits.

Upon going up the stairs Jessa could hear the woman laugh, she in return rolled her eyes at the fact that someone found anything that man said amusing. Jessa went back to her room to find a maid making her bed. Guilt immediately hit her and she stopped the woman from finishing her job.

"Hey listen you don't have to do that." She grabbed onto the sheets keeping her from fixing it any further.

He looked at her with a puzzled expression. Then Jessa remembered most of the Natives don't speak English. "You don't have to clean my room." She quickly repeated in their language.

Again she looked puzzled.

"I don't care if my room is clean." Jessa smiled.

The woman ignored her and continued.

Jessa sighed and sat on a sofa chair and started watching tv. After three more bites her apple was done so she threw the core away and picked up the mango. Her fingers lingered on the fruit remembering the guards that brought her up. She looked to the maid who was dusting the dresser and then looked back at the mango in her hand. Jessa stood up and walked over to the maid, the woman looked back at her puzzled.

"Take it." She held it in front of her. "Eat it now if you think you'll get in trouble."

After a long pause the woman finally took the fruit from her and began to leave the room. "Thank you." She said in English before leaving the room.

'Awesome. Now hopefully he doesn't think she stole it.' Jessa smiled feeling happy for her kind deed. Her stomach growled ruining the moment. 'Are you kidding me?' She started chewing on the inside of her cheek as her mind broke out into a debate. 'I could go get some fruit now before that guy comes or before Pagan leaves the living room...' She leaned on the door pushing it open. 'Just do it. He won't kill you...'

Jessa slithered down the stairs and into the kitchen sneaking another mango and returning to the stairs to over hear the red dressed woman gasp. Curiosity spread throughout Jessa and she crouched beside the entrance to the living room peering over to see what was happening.

Pagan held a knife whilst talking to the black haired woman.

"All you have to do is end up behind him and..." He held the knife millimetres away from his neck and pulled it across. "Slit his throat... when I give the signal. Okay?"

" I thought you just wanted me to be the caviar server!?" She exclaimed realizing he wasn't kidding.

"Yes! Yes! God yes, that is still on the table. I want you to do that as well! BUT I need you to do this too." The pink suited man enthusiastically exclaimed.

"B-b-but why why not get your guards t-t-to do it!" She started stuttering in fear.

"B-b-b-because the guards are not allowed in the same room as him." He mimicked her stutter as he came up closer to her with the knife. "It's very simple." He forced her to hold the knife.

"W-why can't you do it!" She was almost sobbing by now.

Pagan sighed. "I have to in-tera-gate him while you hold the knife against him." He stated the word 'interrogate' slowly, emphasizing each syllable. "And once I'm done... you finish. him. off." His tone began to sound frustrated.

"But...I..." She looked at the knife and then at Pagan. "I-I-i can't! I just can't do it!" She started sobbing dropping the knife to the ground.

Pagan's face scrunched up with anger. "I paid $3000 for your services and you are standing here right now telling me that you can not do as I say!?" He shouted at her as she hung her head. "Look at me when I am speaking to you!" He grabbed her wrist but she didn't look up. Pagan then picked the knife up off the ground and grabbed a clump of her hair by the root, lifting her head up and neck out."You useless-" Stab. "Piece of-" Stab. "Money-" Stab. "Draining-" Stab. "Bile!" Stab.

Blood pooled down her neck from the jagged punctures. Her body dropped to the floor as he released her hair.

He calmed down as his breaths turned heavy. "See... It's that easy..." Then he put his hand over his forehead. "But now you've ruined my floors... Ohhh... Fucking bitch..." He growled at her corpse and then turned to head out of the room.

Jessa high tailed it up the stairs and down the hall only to bump into the maid as she went around the corner.

"Shi-" Jessa caught her balance just like the maid. "S-sorry!" She shook the startled woman's shoulders and started to head for her room but a voice stopped her.

"Destructive little girl!" He called out to Jessa as if that was her name. Jessa stopped in her tracks and turned to face him. "I have a job for you." He said to her surprise.

"And you." He referred to the maid. "I have a mess for you to clean."

He came up beside her and ghosted his hand over the small of her back, guiding her back to the living room. "I need you to be the waiter for my little meeting..."

Jessa looked at the blood spray on his suit. "You mean interrogate?" She said making him chuckle.

They stood at the bottom of the stairs. "Hm hm yes. Keep him down with the knife..." He placed his hand on her shoulder turning her to face him. "...and finish him when I'm done." He put the knife in her hand.

Jessa looked at the knife. "...I'm not killing some random guy." She looked back up at him. "I've already had to murder enough of your soldiers..." She gave the knife back to him.

Pagan's grip on her shoulder tightened extremely as his face held back the fury. Jessa stood there taking the pain and waiting for her probable death.

But nothing happened. He just sighed rubbing his eyes. "Do it or you're not getting a plan ticket out of here." He removed his hand from his eyes using them to stare at her.

Jessa stared back. "I'll walk and swim." She joked in a serious tone.

"Not if you don't have arms or legs..." He stepped closer bringing his face an inch away from hers so he could drag the blade of the knife along her shoulder.

It wasn't the knife that made Jessa uncomfortable, it was the man's extreme closeness. Her lip did the talking for her as it quivered up in a snarl. She took the knife from his hands satisfying him and making him step back.

"Excellent." He said while releasing his breath

Jessa tried to hold a scowl on her face but the maid dragging a dead body caught her attention. Pagan noticed her change in facial expression along with her direction of eye sight and turned around to see what she was looking at. He immediately jumped in his step as he walked over to her.

"Wait wait! I need her..." He pointed to Jessa. "To be wearing that..." He pointed to the corpse's dress and moved his finger in a circle shape. "In 10 minutes." The souls of his leather shoes squeaked as he pivoted to face Jessa. He made his way to his room stopping for a second beside Jessa to say something. "And try to look decent..." He snickered before continuing on his path.

Jessa stood there boiling. She wouldn't dare give him the satisfaction of seeing her turn around to stare daggers at him, she would dare let him be amused by her anger. That fucker couldn't stand not trying to get under someone's skin. Jessa's internal rage was interrupted by the maid pulling her upstairs by the arm.

"What a dick..." Jessa mumbled to herself.

"I know..." The maid mumbled back surprising Jessa.

Before Jessa could talk to the maid any further, the woman handed her the dress and left her in her room.

She examined the dress only to get red smudges on her fingers. Blood. 'Well... Good thing the dress is red...' Jessa got off her clothes and hesitated to put the dress on remembering it origins. 'Theres always a first for everything...' After slipping it on she looked in the mirror.

The dress went down just above her knees instead of being mid thigh. Thankfully it fit her snuggly but was slightly tight over her bust. Jessa looked at the reflection of her face. God had she changed. Her cheekbones had become slightly sharper from lack of nutrition and dark circles could be faintly noticeable around her eyes from the obvious lack of sleep. She took her hair out of her pony tail and let it fall brushing it out realizing just how long she had let it grow. Thankfully her bath took away the grease and dirt from her hair making it light and smooth. After that she stepped back and looked at the aftermath: A 5'2 girl in a red dress with her hair down to the end of her ribs. Much different from the baggy clothes that covered every inch of her skin. 'Well I guess this is as good as it gets...'

Just the the doors swung open startling Jessa. It was just the maid and she was holding a pair of black high heel shoes. This made Jessa looks down at her bare feet and connect the dots. "No... I can't walk in those."

The maid didn't say anything and just left the shoes.

"Fuck!" She exclaimed before putting them on. After a couple steps she gained her balance but didn't exactly remember just how to walk in heels. 'Just go down the hall and it should all come back...'

So she went out and started to strut getting used to the height. Memories of past events involving high heels flooded her mind and she zoned out as she walked. 'Today, tomorrow and the next day. Then I can leave...' Her mind snapped back as she was half way down the stairs.

Pagan came strutting out of the living room only noticing Jessa after hearing the click of her heels hit the marble floor. He froze in his path for a moment as the girl caught his eye.

"Where do I keep the knife?" Jessa pointed out a flaw.

Pagan quickly snapped out of his lingering gaze to answer. "In the living room there is a bar. Put it in the drawer with the corkscrew." He took her by the wrist quickly but gently guiding her to the entrance of the living room. "His back will be facing the bar making this whole thing easier."

"When do I stab him." She questioned.

"Oh look at you. Can't wait to steal another life away, can you?" He smirked maliciously while raising an eyebrow.

Jessa snarled only causing Pagan to smirk more.

"If that's the face you make when I say mean things then how am I suppose to resist saying them."

Now she felt self-conscious about her facial expressions knowing that he took attention to them.

Seeing her faintly flustered he retreated and went back to their original topic. "You hold it against him when I tell you to get us a drink."

Jessa nodded and then paused after thinking everything through. Pagan turned to leave but she spoke up. "Heh... Why are you the one passing up the offer to steal another life?" She smirked feeling cheeky.

He turned back around to face her and paused in his spot for a couple seconds then slowly stepped towards her leaving his famous inch of air away from her face. "I wouldn't want to get addicted to it..." He stated while very quickly, almost unnoticeably, looking Jessa's stature up and down. His face came closer and whispered sharply. "Now would I?" With that he smirked down at her.

Jessa stared him down flicking her gaze from one of his eyes to the other. But her attention was broken from the maid coming in the room. "Mr. Delveton is here sir."

Pagan turned to the maid. "Right." He smiled and turned to Jessa. "Stay here..." And he left.

Jessa scurried behind the bar and put the knife in a drawer containing corks and a corkscrew. She took note of the whiskey, wine, and trey of fancy looking crackers, this earned a growl from her stomach. 'Still hungry...' But there was no time for that, she straightened out her dress and pushed back her hair. Just then she could hear them coming.

Pagan entered the room once again but with a man in a black suit following him. He snapped his fingers causing all the maids and guards to leave the room, it also unintentionally caused Jessa to straighten her posture.

"I see the amounts are still flowing steadily from you updated house..." The man said admiring the room while he sat down.

"Yes, a renovation was long overdue." He chuckled and sat down in the chair facing the bar and the man.

"Fit enough for a king!" Mr. Delveton exclaimed and Pagan laughed.

"Speaking of kings I suppose it was you who took down the saints?" Pagan ahold crossed one leg over the other and rested his chin on his hand. As Devleton went to answer Pagan glanced at Jessa and winked.

Jessa snapped out of her affiliated trance on the two powerful men to grab the tray of food.

"Ah... So you heard..." He seemed a little caught off guard but used Jessa as a social safety blanket by pretending to be distracted by her presence. He took a cracker and ate it up. "Thank you miss... I don't seem to know your name-"

"The saints Charlie. What happened?" Pagan snapped at him.

Mr. Delveton, Charlie, went silent then began to speak. "I didn't want to say it... But the triads destroyed all of the saints outposts..." He said then flashed his view back to Jessa. "What is your name? I sign my servers tips all the time and it's worth quite a pretty penny-" He attempted changing the subject again.

"Jessa." Pagan shut Charlie up and surprised Jessa. "Would you care to get us a drink?"

Jessa was still a little shocked from hearing her name. 'How long had it been since I heard someone say my name?' Jessa nodded and strode on over behind the bar, picking up two glasses and the crystal bottle of whiskey. 'So he knew my name this entire time?' She poured the liquid in the glass. 'Wait... How did he even know my name?' She put the glasses on the tray and took the knife from the drawer.

"Charlie... Do you realize how important the saints were to me... Do you understand how much they benefited my business? Hm?" Pagan was putting the third degree on Mr. Delveton as Jessa placed the tray on the little coffee table between them. She hid the knife away from Charlie's sight.

"I know Paga-"

"Mr. Min." Pagan cut him off with his correction.

"Pagan." He continued with how he first started showing signs of disrespect. "It might seem like it was I who stopped the saints as you have every right to assume but I assure you I did not make the call."

After he finished Jessa grabbed the man by the hair and held the knife against his neck. He struggled at first but then settled knowing it was check mate.

Pagan smirked in his chair, chin still rested in palm, leg still half crossed. "So. Care to tell me about the call you never made?" His smirk could be heard in his tone.

Charlie tensed every muscle. "Mr. Min I swear my organization had nothing to do with this!"

Pagan uncrossed his legs and sat leaning forward, staring the man down. "Really?... Because that's not what some of the surviving saints are saying." His smirk turned into a smile.

Charlie was speechless and Jessa held onto his hair tighter feeling the adrenaline kick in.

"Didn't think things through did you Charles..." Pagan stood up and walked in front of Mr. Delveton.

"I-I" Charlie stuttered.

"It's okay boy... We all make mistakes..." He placed his hand in the man's shoulder and smiled warmly down on him.

Charlie's muscles relaxed feeling as though he was being set free.

All of a sudden Pagan's facial expression turned from warmly accepting to dark and twisted. "But behind every mistake is a consequence..." With that he looked at Jessa and nodded.

Jessa felt no hesitation as she dragged the blade across what seemed like the man's throat. The man under her hold was no longer tense or relaxed, he wasn't anything. She looked at the knife, examining the blood and wondering where to put it.

Pagan was too busy looking at the time. "Perfect. Lunch time."

Jessa was pulled out of her trance from Pagan's sudden statement. She was still a little overwhelmed from the adrenaline rush.

He looked to her. "Care to join me little one?"

Jessa couldn't exactly speak at the moment. Her hands tensed around the knife.

He grabbed one of the glasses off the tray and took a sip of the amber liquid. "Well, don't stand here all day." With that he turned around and headed for out the room.