It had been a week since the attack. Rick had been apprehended and was in questioning. It was sounding like he'd be spending some time in Jail.

So Harley had seen it fit to Celebrate. She'd set up a party at The Iceberg Lounge and invited almost every Rogue free in the city, as far as I was concerned. And, of course, me.

I hadn't ever been to the Iceberg Lounge, but I'd always known it was a pretty fancy place. And to say it wasn't would be a lie.

But I'd also always been told by my father to never go there. He'd always said that it was a dangerous place where the rogues could enjoy a safe-haven of sorts.

I guess that was true as well. Looking around, I could see lots of faces I recognised and plenty that I didn't.

Jonathan was talking to Jervis in a corner, Harley was clinging to The Joker's arm while he talked to Two-Face, and Catwoman and Poison Ivy were trying to get Harley away from the clown.

I shook my head, amused at how much I'd changed from what my father had always taught me. I wasn't scared anymore. He'd always wanted us kids to be safe, and had told us almost everything he could on how to survive in this city.

Not that he was wrong, but there are more ways of living than that.

"What are you thinking about?" Edward said as he sat down next to me. I looked up, shocked at his sudden appearance.

"My father," I answered. "He's always said to avoid you guys at all costs." I laughed a little. "I've really heeded his advice, haven't I?"

"I never really listened to my dad either," Edward said.

"I'm not surprised." I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Oh. I visited a psychologist the other day… A real one with a current license and everything," I said. "They seem to know what my voice is. They say it's DID, but an… interesting case of it."

"It's not because of us, is it?" Edward said, seemingly amused.

"You may play a part, but I don't think the doctor is coming to that conclusion. She doesn't know that I hang around you. They say it probably developed after my Mother died and had a resurgence after my Dad did."

"Hmm…" Edward sat there, thinking. "So you are actually two people."

"Something like that, I guess." I said, shrugging. "The other one calls themself Sout. They don't really like being in control, but they're willing to help. There may be more personalities, but they haven't made themselves known yet," I explained. "I'm going to visit the Doctor again tomorrow to iron out some of the details."

"Do you still get the headaches?" Edward asked.

"Yeah, but they're getting better. My brain just isn't really used to having two people in it at once. I'll get used to it though."

There was a moment of silence where we both just sat there, watching as the people around us moved and talked.

"You know, a while ago you said that you'd come up with a riddle and stump me. Did you ever do that?" He asked, leaning on his cane and smirking.

"Oh, that. Yeah, I guess so. i haven't really worked on it in a while…." I stopped and thought for a moment. "Okay. Clothed all in black, a murder in the night. Said to be like death, but they carry no sythe."

"Edward thought for a moment before laughing a little. "A crow. Not bad for a first riddle."

"Didn't take you long to solve, I huffed. "It was supposed to stump you."

"My turn to ask you a riddle," Edward said, smirking. "You can give me, and receive me, but if done wrongly, you can get a smack. I am shared between lovers, but that's not always a fact. 4 little letters, also a band, can you please tell me, just what I am?"

"Mentioning the band make it way too easy. It's-"

I never really got to finish. I was interrupted by Edward leaning over and pulling my face up to his. I stiffened, a little too shocked to really register what was happening.

After a few seconds, Edward backed off, still smirking.

I just sat there for a moment, trying to get my mind caught up on what was happening.

"Flustered, are we?"

"You know, you could have asked first," I said, blushing.

"I did, didn't I?" He said. I sighed, slightly exasperated.

"You are so infuriating sometimes," I argued back.

"So I've been told," he said. "I was being serious though."

"What?" I just shook my head and sighed. "Why would you…"

"You listen to me and don't just shrug me off as crazy," Edward said, shrugging. "It's surprisingly rare."

"Well sure I do. You're a person," I said. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Because I'm a Rogue. Because I'm obsessed with riddles. Because most people seem to think that I am exhausting to spend time with. There's a lot of things that we could say," he said, counting on his fingers.

"All those things are true," I said, teasingly poking him. He laughed and stood up, facing me.

"I don't think you've danced yet," he said, offering me his hand.

"I actually need to get home pretty soon. I have work in the morning."

"It's nine," Edward said. "I think you could spare an hour." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Besides, jazz dancing is fun. I think you'd like it."

"Tch… alright. Will it still work if I don't know how to dance?" I asked, smiling as I followed him to the dance floor.

"Just follow my lead."

"So… what I always do?" I laughed.

"Pretty much," Edward answered, leading me away.

Author's Note: And that ends Gotham's Game! I hope that everyone enjoyed the story. Thank you again so much for reading!

This story is a huge achievement for me as it is the longest piece of writing that I've ever finished, beating the second place by about 10,000 words.

Thank you all again, and I hope to see you later!
