
Blue Exorcist/ Dragon Age

Demon Talking



Kirkwall's markets ran busy from Lowtown to Hightown; even after the Qunari attack. From the large crowd, a male walked from stall to stall, trying to buy material to better fit himself as well as his comrades but this has proved to be a rather difficult task. The Mage huffed in frustration when he stopped at another stall and found what he was searching for wasn't there either. Closing his eyes in the thought that maybe going to the Dalish Elves up near the mountain will be a safer bet for material's and he does need to take the blood mage he harbor's there to speak to her keeper about restoring the mirror she had brought with her.

But his thoughts were interrupted by his companion's rambling on with their idle conversation – and as amusing as they are – he cannot deal with their argument as of the moment. The Champion looked back to see the blonde male arguing with the Dalish elf about demons and blood magic. Then the Female Rogue said something about sexual tension between the two and they should solve it now before it hurts them even further – this made him chuckle slightly at their reaction. Marriel being clueless to the sexual innuendo as Anders quickly argues against the claim at the now chuckling female. He sighed and wondered briefly on how he managed to bring together the entire showcase he called a crew. Hawke turned to leave Hightown and hoped he didn't have to go to Darktown to get what is needed. In fact, Hawke prayed that he didn't need to since he didn't want to deal with the thugs in the area.

Then shivers ran up his back, the hairs on his body stood up on end when he felt the veil strain even more than before, his crystal blue eyes looked towards The Magi's Circle or rather The Gallows. In recent events, The Champion of Kirkwall has been feeling an incoming storm and no doubt every Mage in the city can feel it. A hand touched his shoulder before the Blonde companion stepped up and looking towards the very place he despised. The Dalish elf as well on his other side and she started speaking in her native tongue and no doubt to pray that The Dread Wolf does not find them.

"It's getting worst…" The Champion mage was the first to speak when he looked back to The Gallows; the three of them can feel that the demons are trying especially hard to break into their realm but for some odd reason this one felt different.

"Hawke, we may need to go there in case something does happen." The Blonde Mage had said before the Female Rogue placed her arm on the free space of her companion.

"Oh, is this about the veil again, you know if the maker didn't want demon's flooding in you would think he designs a better barrier or much less a wall between us," Isabella said looking toward The Gallows. "Anyways if anything happens the Priest and The Guards Captain are there with the little wolf to keep an eye on things base on The Knight Commander's request from recent complaints." She said looking at the three worried mages.

"This is the first I have heard of these complaints," Hawke said as he looked at the darkly toned female with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah well, I was eavesdropping on The First Enchanter and the Lady Templar about whether to ask you for assistance to venture into the fade. And found out what's causing people to dream of blue fire," Isabella said, and in these rare moments, Hawke is grateful for her using her skills to the max whether for herself or the greater good – no one knows until they found out.

Hawke was about to say something until a massive burst of energy blasted from The Gallows and hits everyone, citizens started screaming and ran everywhere. The four quickly got ready to attack anything that would jump out but another wave of energy came from the island, and hits the city ten times were harder and caused the buildings to crack before demons broke through the now weakened veil. Hawke was quick to grab his staff from his back and cast a fireball at the now appearing demons. They screeched at the contact and turned into ash, but many broke through, and a lot of them were not what they saw before.

Green ones of many sizes floated out, black tails swinging behind them and their large hands flexed with large claws. The demon's faces resembled monkeys, and they opened their mouth and let out shrill laughter and about to charge at the four armed citizens. Before they got close another wave burst through the city and the strange looking demons paused before looking towards The Gallows.

"Prince is here! Prince is here!" the demons shouted in shrill voices, the four looked towards the island and their eyes widened, the island had a large mass of blue fire coming out of it before it shrank and the demons rushed towards it.

"If we get Prince back to his father we'll get awarded!" one screeched, and the rest responded in agreement as they added more to the conversation. The three-mages moved rather quickly as they tried to kill as many demons before they reached the island. Hawke had to rush to the tear and closed it before more strange demons can rush out.

"Quick! Get to the boat. Isabella tell the others to meet us there as soon as possible!" Hawke shouted, and the female ran the opposite direction as quickly her long, lean legs can take her. The three mages rushed to the boat and had it steered to The Gallows where the blue flames slowly have gotten smaller. Hawke shivered from the immense power from that little light show, but he didn't want to imagine what sort of demon could have caused this.


The strange demons were everywhere and many Templars as well as mages are fighting them, Hawke's eyes then caught small black ones that swarmed around one of two Templar's and made them rot at a rapid pace. His eyes then landed on the large tear and blue flames seeping from it as it grown bigger and smaller and seemed to be fighting against the Veil.

"Hawke over here!" The three mages then turned to see a red head female slaying demons that either attacked her or flew by her, "We need to close that tear or otherwise we'll die at this rate!" The Guards Captain shouted out completely missing a demon coming at her from behind before it was shot down by two arrows. The red head looked to see the Exiled Prince quickly moving his bow and arrows flying faster than they have before to take down the strange demons.

"Thank you, Sebastian." The Guards Captain said to the archer before she turned and cut down another demon. Hawke looks at the tear that managed to rip The Fade into their realm and rushed to it, passing The Templar Knight Commander and The First Enchanter keeping the demons from leaving the island. The blonde female Templar looked at the now running Mage and saw his target and even though she was skeptical as she turned to her men.

"Make sure none of these demons attack him while he is closing The Tear." The female's voice shouted her order and the men and women responded with ferocity. Though the demons there took an interest in Hawke and the small black ones swarmed towards him, in an attempt to stop any Mage from closing the portal.

"No! The Prince is coming! We can't allow you to prevent us from seeing him!" The small black ones squealed, but before they can swarm him and make him rot, they screeched when a fireball hit them and quickly turned into ashes. Hawke reached the tear, and as magic covered his hands, he focuses on The Tear. He watches it shrinks and before he can close it the blue flames reopened it and this time he saw a shadowy figure. Before he could have reacted in time, a body impacted him, and the force made both of them fly away from the now growing tear.

Hawke opened his eyes, and all he saw was blue fire, much like his recent dreams, but this time the once shady character is now apparent. He was staring at vibrant azure orbs that contained a red slit in the middle, the being blinked and moved back a little from Hawke so he can see his face. The face was demonic, long and pointy like elven ears are bright, and sharp teeth open slightly and appear they can rip his throat open. Two distinct flames adorned the teenage looking demon forehead much like horns, the face strained slightly, and his mouth opened a little bit more to say something, but his eyes shrunk a little bit more as he turned towards The Tear. Two bright lights have appeared as two demons that are easily recognizable to Hawke appeared.

"My dear Prince," The Desire demon started, her alluring looks attracted the boy's attention, and he moved to stand up and face her, "We merely want to return you to go back to your father, so you're protected in his nest. Why fight us even though these mortals are not your friends and can kill you without remorse." Her demonic voice echoed, and The Champion looked at the teenager. The other demon is much larger than The Desire Demon.

"We speak the truth little Prince, with your father you can be stronger and receive better training than these creatures can produce." The Pride demon said. Hawke stayed in place and saw something black swish from his view, when his eyes landed on it again he saw that the boy have a black, fluffy looking tail and the tip barred blue fire that surrounded him as well adorned his forehead. Hawke watched the tail pick up a skinny sword, the blue flames that seethed from the curved weapon then transferred into the teenager's hands, his nails were claws and a growl emitted from the boy's chest.

"For the last time…" the teen finally said, his voice echoing like any spirit and demon, but it sounded more childish, the demonic voice that followed his words is softer than The Desire and Pride demon, "I AM NOT YOUR PRINCE!" he shouted out as his flames grew. Then he charged at the two with fangs bared and blade thirsting for blood. Hawke hand then shot out to his Staff of Parthalan and quickly turned to cut down a green demon that charged at him.


The pale teenager was livid beyond words, mostly at himself for getting so easily trapped somewhere where people can kill him for him just being what he is and much less in unknown territory. However, his focus is on the two strange looking demons that came right after him and dragged him into Gehenna before he managed to escape it. The half-breed katana swiftly slashed and heard the wind being cut as well dark purple plated skin. The teen expected it to bounce off and maybe leave scorch marks, but he didn't expect the blade to cut through the skin and managing to sever the demons' limb. The demon let out a shrill screech before he backhanded the teenager away from him, the boy blinked before he hit the wall. His eyes widened, and his body slid down before he started coughing up blood. He leaned against the wall to steady his breathing then used it as a crutch to stand up.

He felt the impact has cracked the wall and even the rocky surface shifted from the pressure, the half-breed looked up to see the giant demon charging at him, and he quickly moved to avoid the claw that has shot out at him. When he looked back the fiend's hand, have impaled itself into the sandy color wall. The teen then stood into his fighting stance and held his katana where his sights set mainly on the demon. However, the demon looked at him before its sights changed to a red headed female that was killing the lesser demons with a broadsword and reflecting their attacks with her shield, her strange looking armor gleaming in the light. The boy's eyes widened, and he looked back at the demon that moved slightly towards the unexpecting female. The fiend observed him when he motioned towards her, and he growled.

"Don't!" he shouted, and the demon launched itself at her. Rin feet immediately rushed towards the warrior, the women turned, ready to counterattack him. But Rin quickly pushed the woman as far as he can; shock expression quickly spread across both of their faces when he managed to shove her away a few good five feet, Rin then felt a giant hand grab him, and he looked at the strange dark purple demon features.

'Shit…' he thought when the demon picked him up before slamming him right onto the concrete ground. "Argh!" he shouted out in pain, and his blood shot out of his mouth. The grip on his sword lessened he let the blade go altogether when he was slammed onto the now cracked ground, the sound of bones breaking and the feeling of it piercing his skin as blood dripped to the ground. The taste of his blood made his stomach churn, he felt dizzy, and everything hurts, his head lulled a bit, and bright white stars filled his vision, his body slacken.

"Careful!" the she-demon shouted as she froze five Templar's that have charged at her, she quickly floated to her companion and seemed to analyze his face before it seemed to turn into worry. "The king will be furious if we injured him too much or much less kill him!" His ears started to ring as well the slipping of his focus.

"Hurry up and put him to sleep!" The Pride Demon shouted the she-demon huffed. Then a strange smell reached his senses and sleep started to sound like a good idea. His eyelids felt heavy, and he slowly closed them to allow sleep to overtake him. Then came that high pitched screech again and his entire body fell and hits the ground, hard. The boy groaned and looked up when the fog that clouded his mind started to drift only to see the two demons now occupied with a man that he had rammed into when he first got here as well the female that he saved.

"Whoever you are; get up right now!" The male shouted at him, and the teen can easily tell that this man – whoever he is can be trusted. He nodded and grabbed his sword and used it to help him stand, his fast healing closed the once fatal looking wounds and his muscle have shifted back into place, his bones pop and he can tell they have resettled and healed themselves. He looked at his surroundings and saw that goblins and tar demons swarmed everyone, many lying on the ground dead, dying or severely injured.

"Enough with these games!" the she-demon shouted, and an eerie purple aura surrounded her. She motioned her hands, and the dead bodies started moving before they got up, the blood still dripped from the fresh wounds and their eyes dead and soulless, they wobbled towards the survivors as body parts fell from them and soon they shakily lifted their weapons ready to land a killing blow. "Prince I'll give you two choices…Surrender and come with us and these mortals can live however fight they all die." Her voice echoed, and frustration was evident in her voice. He looked and saw the very few that was still fighting barely look like they can continue and the many demons that kept attacking and now ghoul's that will take even more lives. He blinked when he looked at his fire.

He has never attempted to spread his fire to surround a larger space than a classroom, but he has to try or otherwise they will all die. He sighed when he made up his mind and glared at the demon with a quick motion the tip of the blade was facing the ground.

"Go back to hell!" he shouted and stabbed the ground, focusing all of his anger and Satan's fire spread all across the area. Shrill screeches of screams came out of demons when the fire touched them, and the color blue filled his vision.


Hawke froze when the teenager fire spread and seem to cover the entire island, his hands quickly reach himself to stop the fire, but he blinked when he found it wasn't harming him. In fact, the blue flames only targeted demons and burned them into ash before they disappeared. In fact, the fire felt strange and seemed to emit The Fade itself, his hand reached out, and the fire curled around it. The touch is kind and warm and posed no significant threat. He then turned to his comrades, and the blue flames aren't burning even the Templar's and very few Mages with the same confused expressions.

He then turned to see The Desire Demon and The Pride Demon screeching in pain and even begged for forgiveness when the fire touched them; their skin quickly turned to ash, and no doubt was sent back into The Fade. The fire died down back to its owner as he panted. The boy's weight shifted, and he limped to a pickup something that was discarded. He then motioned and sheathed his blade, when the weapon was sheathed his fire vanished. He turned towards the survivor's to say something then he collapsed to the hard ground, unconscious.