Chapter 1

The morning after being arrested and bailed out for releasing the wild horses from Matt's pen, Amy and Ty were sitting in the living room of the cabin Jack, Tim, and Amy have been staying in. Jack is pacing behind couch shaking his head and mumbling to himself. He would occasionally look at Ty and Amy and start to say something, but he could never get it out. Tim was at the station trying to get the RCMP to understand the situation and drop the charges.

Amy had never seen her grandpa so conflicted. She could see that he was proud that they were standing up for what they believed in, but very disappointed that they went as far as to release the horses. It hurt her to see her grandpa like this but she was unable to think about it. All that her mind wanted to think about at the moment was Ty kissed her and was about to kiss her again before they were arrested. She is trying to figure out what this means. She had tried to reach out to him multiple times, but he was never responsive. So before starting this trip she had come to the conclusion that Ty had finally given up on them and so she had removed his ring.

Ty was feeling guilty for the entire situation. He sat there watching Jack knowing he had once again disappointed him. If he hadn't asked her to go for a ride the day they saw the herd of wild horses, she wouldn't have known where that pen was and she wouldn't have an arrest record. In his mind surely Amy felt the same way and since he had noticed that she no longer wore her ring he knew that she had finally decided that he was holding her back from her dreams.

After about an hour of this Tim comes back. He looks like he is exhausted from arguing and hand a look of devastation on his face. He had been able to get RCMP to drop the charges against Amy since she had no previous record and because she had worked with several horses for the RCMP. Ty on the other hand already had a record and they seemed to be determined to use him to set an example for anyone else interfering with the cull.

After Tim sat down on the couch Jack looked at him and said "Well..." Tim just sat back and ran his hands through his hair and said "I have good news and some bad news."

Jack immediately looked at Ty and his heart broke knowing what the bad news was. This is something he had been dreading. He felt like he had let Ty down.

Tim did not say anything else. He just looked at Amy know that this news could either break her heart and her chances of healing the rift with Ty or bring them closer together.

Amy couldn't stand it anymore and her gaze immediately fell to floor as her eyes started filling with tears and asked "Ok... Tell us." She knew in her heart that the bad news pertained to Ty and she knew that this could devastate him and kill his career before it even got started. Her thoughts of Ty's kiss were slowly replaced with guilt as she blamed herself for not thinking about her actions and knowing full well that Ty would follow her anywhere and do anything for her.

With the prodding from Amy Tim explained that he was able to get Amy's charges dropped, but they were going to push for the most severe punishment for Ty.

Amy's heart immediately broke. She knew she had to leave the room before the tears started falling down her cheeks. She ran to the room she had been sleeping in and shut the door. As she stood there she could no longer hold the flood of emotions back. She collapsed right there and sobbing as she felt helpless. She wanted nothing more than to run back into the living room and hold Ty while telling him it would all be ok. She then reached for her phone and dialed Lou's number but it went to voicemail.

In the living room Ty just sat there with his shoulders hunched looking completely defeated and hearing Ahmed's familiar voice in the back of his head boasting "I told you that you weren't good enough for her." Tim wanted to console Ty, but knew there was nothing he could do that would actually be of any help, so he just got and left the cabin.

Jack stood there full of guilt for not being able to help the young man he loved and thought of as a son. He decided that he could not and would not let this happen. Putting his hat on and with a determined face he rushed out of the cabin slamming the door on the way out.

After watching them all leave him one by one he knew that he had lost everyone that he had ever loved. He then got up and walked out of the back of the cabin towards the river trying to decide if he should just go back to jail so that Jack could get his bail money back or just wait until the RCMP showed up to arrest him again.

When Amy heard the back door close she knew she should go after him but the guilt only allowed her to watch him walk away through the window.

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this first chapter.

I plan on having at least one more chapter up before the new episode airs tomorrow.