(If you don't want to read my bolded news, you can scroll down until you get to the story.)
I've got bad news:
I'm leaving my short-lived writing career here at . I've noticed that my updating has become less frequent and more like dates that are very far apart as if I no longer wanted to write. I began to notice this when I told myself that I didn't want to write today, or the next day, or the next when I thought of finishing my stories. I do get caught up with busy things in my life, but there are times when I'm not busy and lazing around but not bothering to update. The second thing that got me was that my recent chapters for my stories have become shorter and shorter each time. I wasn't rushing, yet I felt like I was…and that reason, which took me not too long to figure out, was that I didn't want to write anymore. The third reason is that I've run out of ideas; it's kind of evident when you can tell from my short chapters (reason #2). You don't have to worry about my stories—I'll still keep them here at this site, but after I finish Tsuna's Maskerade Ball, which is the only thing left I have to update, then I'll leave my fanfiction writing path. I'll leave my stories here for all of you to read as you please—and don't steal them of course; I trust that no one will—my stories aren't that great anyway… But on the bright side, I'll just stick to being a fanfiction reader like I was before I started writing. To be honest, the only reason why I started writing was because there weren't enough Yandere!GiottoxTsuna stories out there so I made some myself. I didn't think anyone would actually read my stories. I was glad when some people did and liked them—I didn't expect to be liked at all. This was a surprise for me. Reading everyone's reviews made my day brighten up when people asked for more. I thought I would only write about three fanfictions and quit, but I made more because some people liked my stories (I didn't want to disappoint ^^). I kind of enjoyed writing a bit. I appreciate everyone who takes time out of their day to read my stories, favorite them, follow them, follow me, and/or review them so I know what you thought of my stories. But if you didn't really like me or my stories, then this must be plenty good news for you. I'm sure you have your reasons for not liking me or my stories, so I won't argue. I'm not a person of many words—this time is the only exception—so I'll just say that I adore you all who love to read what I post. Thank you for spiritually (you know what I mean) being there to read. And here's your goodbye.
~Won't be putting the psychological part: received a complaint. (Which has a technically and completely valid reason).~
Tsuna fell out of the bed with a horribly aching back. He can't believe that Giotto could do that to him. He should have trusted the feelings in his gut to stay away from this man, but I just had to stay. By the end of the terrifying experience, Tsuna had a vision of Giotto killing his friends and family, and kidnapping him—hence why he's in the middle of nowhere alone with him. But he couldn't remember how he got amnesia.
Wherever Giotto went, Tsuna didn't want to know. Regardless of his aching back, he got up, leaned against the wall, and made his escape. He is definitely not coming back EVER.
The skies were dark due to the heavy rain. Tsuna made his way out in just any direction as long as he'll be going the opposite way of Giotto's place.
"Tsuna…" Giotto said, right behind the brunette.
Tsuna didn't dare turn around. He refused to look at this man who lied about being together, who lied about this place, who lied about everything.
"Please say something…"
Giotto stepped closer and Tsuna stepped away. The rain soaked the two men.
There was no reply from the brunette. As Giotto walked towards Tsuna, the younger male tried to run from him, but his back ached. He fell to the grass, his hands supporting him.
Tsuna shook with fear and did the one thing that no one was supposed to do in a situation like this—even in horror movies: looked back.
What he saw was a dark and dull, empty expression on the blonde's face. The rain soaked his clothes and hair. His eyes were wide as if he stared into the abyss of his own deep, dark, brutal heart. What caught his attention the most was what was in the blonde's hand: an axe. The same one from when he chopped wood.
"No… Please don't hurt me!" Tsuna quickly got up and ran as fast as he could, ignoring the pain. Giotto chased after him, calling his name and holding the axe with both hands.
There was no way Tsuna could outrun him. He was better, faster, more athletic, and has longer legs than he does. When Giotto caught up, he used his left hand to pull Tsuna backwards, making the younger male scream and fall. Giotto hovered over him and smiled.
" Wait—please I don't-"
Tsuna's words were immediately cut off when Giotto used the reverse side of the axe (the side opposite of the blade) and swung for Tsuna's head.
"Where am I?" The brunette asked as he sat up on the bed, holding his head. It ached like crazy. The brunette then wonders what he did to get his head to be this painful. He scanned the bright-colored room to see that he was alone. The sun shined light into the room, giving it a very homey atmosphere.
He gets out of the bed and exits the room. "Who am I? Is this my house?" He said to himself. He shifts his attention to a noise outside and exits the front door with caution. There at the front of the house, he sees a young beautiful blonde man with spiky hair, blue eyes, and broad back cutting wood on a tree stump with an axe. The blonde quickly noticed the brunette and stopped chopping wood. He stares at the other without doing anything.
The brunette looks outside to see that this lonely house is surrounded by trees. 'Are we in a forest?'
"Um… Where am I? Do we know each other?" The brunette asks.
The blonde only smiles. He then leaves his axe onto the stump and walks towards him.
"It seems you don't remember. This is my place. You had quite the fall last night. I'm Giotto di Vongola."
TsunaMoe: Sorry, not this time. *Sad face*.
Kagami1674: Hopefully, I didn't make you wait too long. ^^.
Loverofall: I completely agree with you.
Kichou: Sadly, no. I hope the brief description of it will work (even though it's only mentioned once).