A/N: So here's chapter two. I'll probably update this story more often because I already have the first 10 chapters written so yeah!
DISCLAIMER: If I owned Harry Potter, Jily would've lived and I'd know exactly what happened to them and I wouldn't need to write fanfictions to get my feels out. So long story short, I don't own Harry Potter because I ain't J.K. Rowling.
"What the hell just happened?!" Alice exclaimed, shocked, yet somewhat satisfied.
Slap him! Punch him! DO SOMETHING! HE KISSED YOU! But I kissed him too. DAMN YOU LILY EVANS. BAD EVANS. YOU ARE A VERY BAAD GIRL. 6 LONG YEARS ALL GONE TO WASTE. Lily scolded herself for being so foolish.
Remus sat there, shocked at what he had just witnessed. "Uh..." Remus trailed off, feeling slightly uncomfortable in the awkwardness.
"THAT'S IT. GIRL'S LOO, RIGHT NOW!" Marlene, not being able to stand the uncomfortable silence any longer stood up and walked out of the compartment, Alice and Lily following.
Once they reached the girl's bathroom, both girls turned expectantly to Lily.
"Explain." Alice and Marlene both demanded.
"I'm sorry! I was only gonna peck him on the cheek!" Lily confessed.
Marlene broke out to an unexpected grin. "You LUURV him."
"I do not! I do not LIKE Jam- I mean Potter!" Lily said stubbornly, "It was ALL the teenage hormones talking! It happens to everyone!"
"Mhm. Sure." Alice said sarcastically, clearly not convinced.
"Besides, I already have a BOYFRIEND." Lily said, feeling guilt take over her.
"YOU HAVE A WHAT?!" Marlene and Alice both screamed.
"AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US?!" Marlene continued her rant. Lily cringed.
"It was supposed to be a surprise?" Lily defended.
"SURPRISE MY ARSE!" By now, Alice had joined Marlene. "WHO IS THIS 'SURPRISE'?"
"Ummm…er, Dustin Sconce?" Lily said meekly.
"Wait, like THE Dustin Sconce? The hot one from Ravenclaw?!" Alice asked, her anger had somehow dissipated along with Marlene's.
"Tell us what happened." Marlene said eagerly.
And so Lily recounted what happened over summer break at Diagon Alley as she was supply shopping.
Not much happened back at the Head's compartment- save for some excited screaming, a victory dance (resulting in Remus getting elbowed in the face), and some hideous singing from yours truly, James.
A/N: Yeah yeah, I know. Really short chapter, but hey, I'm a lazy Amercian so what do you expect? Well anyways, please read/review! As always, thanks for reading!