I noticed that there are no Vijeeter fics in English on this site. As a Vijeeter fangirl, I felt the need to remedy this immediately. And this was born.
To forewarn you guys, I'm not actually all that familiar with dance and dance moves. So if I get something incorrect, or if there's something you wish to see, let me know! I have absolutely no idea where I'm going with this fic, anyway. Let's see where it leads.
Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail
A bending of the knees in any of the five positions. The first exercises done in every class to loosen muscles, the foundation of the dancers' technique.
When Lucy had discovered her father's passing, she had been forced to realize that the world had indeed become an entirely different place. Essentially overnight. So if she wanted to avoid further unpleasant surprises, and learn how to survive and deal with her changed world, she needed to find out just what had occurred in those intervening years.
Even if she had to interrogate every single member of the guild that had lived through it.
Luckily, it didn't have to come to that. Max, social butterfly that he was, was only too happy to indulge his fellow blonde's rampant curiosity. Warren, Nab, and Reedus as well were pleased to oblige Lucy's request for information – ecstatic and still riding the waves of joy that came with everyone's return.
Nab, despite never taking on mage jobs, wasn't exactly jobless, she discovered. He actually held down steady employment at the local animal shelter, where his Animal-Possession magic came in handy dealing with some of the larger, magical beasts. Lucy didn't understand why he didn't consider this a mage job, but she decided to leave that can of worms unopened. For now. She'd get to the bottom of it someday.
Max had a keen mind for business, which Lucy had already been aware of. However, what she didn't know was that he'd continued his studies the past few years and honestly could've done just as well at a Merchant Guild or working with her father's Konzern. He had blushed profusely when she mentioned it, insisting that he was more suited to mage work, anyway.
Warren still took on a ton of jobs, despite the decreased number available these days. But Lucy found out it was mostly because the man simply enjoyed traveling to far-flung places and immersing himself into whatever local culture he happened upon. His stories of distant lands reminded Lucy of the childhood tales she loved the most.
Reedus remained mostly silent throughout the discussion, his sketchbook open and an incomplete landscape starting to take form. Despite not being particularly talkative like the other three men, he still added his own, often insightful commentary to whatever topic had come up.
Although she'd never spoken to these particular men at great length before, Lucy was seriously enjoying their company and conversation.
Or at least, she was until they mentioned something she just couldn't wrap even her large brain around.
"So the world seriously remained safe the entire time we were gone?" Lucy inquired, incredulous and disbelieving at such an occurrence. Or rather, the lack of one. "I mean, before we left it was nothing but Dark Guilds trying to take over the world, or other worlds trying to steal all the magic, or awakening demons on remote islands! As soon as one adventure finished, we were immediately off on another! Are you really telling me that as soon as we disappeared, people stopped being interested in world domination and destruction?"
Max laughed at Lucy's lamentation. "Pretty much! You were all trouble magnets! Especially you and your team. I mean… the world only really started getting in so much trouble when you joined and formed Team Natsu."
"You're not making me feel any better!" The blonde girl groaned and slumped at the table. "Seven years of peace, and I missed it!" Knowing her team, it wouldn't be long before they got caught up in another fiasco that required pulling a miracle out of their asses.
It was Warren's turn to grin at her. "It wasn't entirely tranquil, you know," he pointed out. "There were still monsters and Dark Guilds to defeat. Just… none of them were plotting world domination."
"See, Lucy?" Max patted her on the back and teased her lightly. "The antics of your team are what inspire evildoers to be all they can be. You give them aspirations and ambitions to work towards – making their lives so much fuller than they previously were. Now that you guys are back, I'm sure things will get interesting again real quick."
She sobbed. "Really not helping!"
Glancing up from his sketch of a beautiful mountain lake, Reedus joined the conversation. "Oui. Besides, aren't you all forgetting that one incident a few years back?"
Nab nodded. "That's right – I remember now. There was that one time."
The other two looked contemplative. "Oh!" Max exclaimed. "It's true. There was that one thing. Well, I guess that means that it wasn't entirely uneventful while you were all gone."
Lucy brightened at the possibility that maybe her team wasn't indirectly responsible for all the trouble in the world. "What thing? Tell me more!"
Humming, Max allowed his fellow blonde to stew in her curiosity a few seconds before taking pity on her. "It was a couple of years after Tenrou Island. One of the remaining members took what looked like a simple job, but it turned out that there was more to it than what he initially thought. He ended up foiling someone's plans for world domination."
"Who?! Who?! Tell me! What happened?!" Lucy demanded, her writer's instincts kicking into gear. There was a story to be had here; she was certain of it!
The men chuckled at her enthusiasm. Stringing the blonde along on a tale might turn out fun.
"It was Vijeeter," Max supplied, pointing out their guild mate.
Lucy turned to look at the brunette. The young man was vigorously demonstrating his newest and greatest dance upon the top of a table a few paces from where Lucy sat. She tilted her head as he pulled off a complicated move that openly defied the limitations of the human skeletal system – and physics. Lucy hadn't been aware spines could do that.
Blinking, she glanced at her companions. "Vijeeter did? How? Through interpretive dance?"
"Actually, yeah," Warren supplied. He was hard put to restrain his laughter at Lucy's dumbfounded expression. "Would you like to hear the story?"
Without even needing to think about it, Lucy replied with a resounding, "Yes!"
Max waved Mirajane over for a new round of drinks. This was going to take a while – they may as well get comfortable.
Please review and let me know what you think!