I don't know why I haven't posted this considering it has been two months since I've worked on it. There was a scene I removed because It was technically a sex scene on the back of a flying motorcycle. I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote it.

I'm still working right now and am constantly exhausted. Don't know when the next chapter will be up but hopefully, it won't take as long as this one did.

Essence of Self



They all collapsed onto couches in the drawing-room. Still in shock from getting captured.

"All of that trouble and we came back empty-handed," Granger looked crushed at failing in their mission.

"Actu-" Draco started to say but was cut off.

"Snape is going to be pissed," Weasley stated.

"At least we accomplished our job since nobody died," Potter jested since the potion master didn't actually put them in charge of finding the flower.

"Hey! Actually," Draco said loudly to get their attention. He reached into the extendable bag and thought about the jar. "I was able to get this."

"The Datura flower!" Granger cried in excitement and snatched the jar to see better. "What a relief."

They all leaned in to get a better look. The flower glowered in the jar. Perfectly preserved in its bloomed form.

"How'd you manage to collect this in all that chaos?" Harry asked in amazement. The Slytherin shrugged in response.

"Do you think we should tell Professor Snape what happened?" Granger asked apprehensively.

"Absolutely not," Draco snapped. "I know Severus better than any of you, and he will never let us live this down."

"Just how well do you know him exactly?" Weasley asked suspiciously. Insinuating something untoward.

"He's my godfather, you nimrod," Draco exclaimed, aghast that Weasley would even imply something like that. "I would never touch him like that."

"Alright, alright," Potter stood between them so there wouldn't be an altercation. Draco didn't have a wand but Ron did.

"Just be happy that we are home now," Potter stated as he looked at Malfoy out of the corner of his eye with meaning. "Warm beds."

"I'm just glad that we never have to see that tent again," Malfoy stated gratefully. Completely missing Potter's innuendo.

I hope I never have to set it up again," Weasley said in response.

Suddenly Malfoy was up and out of his chair. "Dibs on having a shower first," He yelled as he sprinted out of the room.

"No fair!" Ron yelled as he followed the Slytherin. Not long later there was the sound of a door slamming. "He's going to use all the hot water," Ron said dejectedly when he came back.

"You better get comfortable, because you are in for a long wait," Harry warned as he leaned back in his chair. Malfoy really did love his showers.


When Harry walked past the bathroom, he was tempted to join Malfoy. It would be weird though if anyone went looking for him and found him missing.

He decided to wait in Sirius's room until it was his turn in the shower.

Malfoy walked into the room, towelling off his hair. "You can grab a shower now if you want. Before Weasley slips in there," They heard a door slam. "Never mind."

"He's pretty quick about it anyway," Harry shrugged not worried about missing his chance. He laid back on the bed. "Might as well wait until Hermione is done too."

Harry opened his eyes to find Malfoy looking at him weirdly. "What?"

"Your new look is really not working for me," Malfoy explained his reasoning as he gestured to his face.

"You don't like your men rugged?"

"More like homeless," Malfoy crossed his arms. "This look only works when you are trudging through a forest."

Harry shrugged and leaned back on the bed and closed his eyes. He felt the edge of the bed dip as Malfoy sat down. His hip was nudged by a bony elbow.

"So, you going to shave?"

"I don't know, I kind of like it," Harry stroked his facial hair.

"I don't enjoy scratchy kisses," Draco stated stubbornly.

Harry leaned in to show him what it would feel like but was pushed away. "You really need a bath. I didn't realize how bad you stunk until now."

"Five days without a bath will do that to a person," Harry shrugged and gave himself a sniff.


When Harry got back from, finally being able to have a bath, he stood in the doorway and watched Malfoy as he brushed his hair.

People often act differently when they think that there is nobody else around.

Was Harry getting tricked?

It sounded like the plot of a spy novel. The hero meets an attractive individual by chance while on a mission and they start a relationship, only for it to turn out they were working for the other side all along. It reminded him of the last Indiana Jones.

If Malfoy was a double agent, he should be able to tell. Right?

He managed to get away with it for a while before the blonde caught sight of him in the mirror.

"Ah, what are you doing?" Draco asked as he put his brush down and twisted on the stool to look at him.

"I was worried there for a second," Harry claimed as he took a step into the room and closed the door behind him.

"What?" It took a second for Draco to realize what he was talking about. "You thought I had been fooling you this whole time." He stood up so fast the stool actually feel over.

"You just seemed like the old Malfoy who I knew at school," Harry claimed with worry.

Draco sighed in exasperation and walked over to him and put his hands around his shoulder. "I can assure you I am no double agent. I want Vol…"

Suddenly Harry kissed him to stop him from finishing his sentence.

"…him dead as much as you do." Draco finished his sentence and then Potter pulled him down into another kiss.


Just as he said, Snape came back the next day at the same time. They were all waiting in the drawing-room for him.

"Did you get what I sent you for?" Snape inquired without even greeting them first.

"Of course," Granger stood up and handed the potion master the jar.

Snape looked at the specimen with a critical eye. "It will have to do."

"Hey! We went through a lot of trouble to get that," Weasley complained.

"Everything went smoothly I hope?" Snape inquired with a weird tone.

"Of course," Potter responded.

"Then why don't I believe you?" Snape asked sarcastically.

"You already know, don't you?" Draco sighed in defeat.

"Of course. The snatchers who caught Harry Potter and let him slip through their fingers," Snape shrugged. "It is the talk amongst the Death Eaters."

"Why didn't you warn us that they had placed a taboo on Lord- I mean, the Dark Lord's name?" Potter inquired testily.

"I didn't think I had to since Draco knew about the snatchers already," Snape looked at his godson in disappointment.

"Knowing Snatcher's are catching people, and knowing how they are actually doing it, are two completely different things," Draco said defensively.

"I would be disappointed if you didn't manage to escape," Snape crossed his arms. "Scabior is a simpleton."

"Without me, these three would be presented to the Dark Lord right now," Draco claimed.

"I'm sure," Snape said as he placed the Datura specimen in his satchel.

"So, when is the potion going to be ready?" Granger inquired curiously.

"Not until the next full moon," Snape answered with a sigh.

"Really. That long?" Potter complained and Draco elbowed him in his side.

"Precisely why I couldn't wait to gather the ingredients on separate full moons," Snape rolled his eyes at their impatience.

"We haven't collected all of the Horcruxes anyways," Granger shrugged.

"I would just feel better to have less of those things existing in the world," Weasley stated with a shiver.

"A split soul is a dangerous thing," Snape nodded in understanding.

There was a long silence as they all thought about what was waiting ahead for them.

"I better get back to my lab to get started on the potion," Snape claimed as he marched back towards the mantle. "I hope I don't have to remind you four to stay out of trouble."

"We know." They replied in unison.

The flames flashed green as the potion master disappeared.


A familiar owl arrived at breakfast time the next morning. It landed on the edge of the table and offered its leg to Ron. He untied the slip of parchment from the owl's legs. He scanned over the letter's contents while he ate a biscuit with egg and sausage on it.

"My mother's complaining about how she never sees me." Ron sighed as his eyes scanned the letter. "She wants us to come to dinner tonight."

"I guess we don't have anything major going on right now and it would be nice not to have to cook for once," Hermione stated with acceptance. "It's do-able."

Draco shifted uncomfortably, knowing he wasn't invited. None of the adults knew he was here except for Moody so he didn't take offence. "I guess I'm staying here."

"I'm going to stay here too," Potter claimed suddenly.

"Why?" Weasley asked with surprise. "You'll miss all the food she'll make for her favourite sons return."

"I don't want to leave Malfoy alone," Harry exclaimed like that was his only reason. Malfoy shot him a knowing look.

"Good idea," Weasley replied like he was thinking Draco couldn't be left alone or he would do something bad. "I'll bring you some food back."

"That's all you seem to care about is the food. Aren't you at least a little bit looking forward to seeing your mother?" Granger nagged.

"Of course, I am, that goes without saying." Weasley snipped back. "We'll more than likely be staying the night knowing my mother."

"That's fine with me." Harry tried to hide his smile by taking a bite of his eggs. Finally, he would have some time alone with Malfoy for once.


That evening, once Hermione and Ron had disappeared in the fireplace, they immediately rushed up the stairs together and collapsed on the bed together.


Bellatrix smirked as she stood on Grimmauld drive in front of number ten and fourteen. Number twelve was missing. It was pretty obvious to anyone who knew what they were looking for.

Cutting her palm with a silver dagger, Bellatrix held her bleeding hand up to the wall and smeared it across the stones. She started to chant under her breath. The stone started to shift in front of her eyes


Grimmauld Place was quiet as all the inhabitants were asleep. They were both woken by a loud boom.

Shooting up in bed Draco asked, "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know," Harry jumped out of bed and threw on the first set of clothes he could reach. "Stay here, I'll go see what that was."

He exited the bedroom with his wand held up in front of him. Harry knew he was jumping to conclusions. It could just be that Hermione and Ron decided to come back early from the Borough. There were in the middle of a war though, so it never hurt to be cautious.

There was another loud boom before the front door burst off its hinges. Peaking down the stairs Harry could see Bellatrix as well as some other well-known Death Eaters enter Grimmauld Place.

He quickly scrambled back to the room he had left Malfoy in. He ran in and carefully shut the door behind him so that it made no noise. "Get dressed!" Harry commanded with urgency under his breath.

"I'm already doing that!" Draco hissed as he struggled to get his legs into a pair of sweats that were a little too big on him. As soon as he had heard the loud explosion, he had gotten his ass in survival mode.

Throwing open the closet door, Harry quickly grabbed the getaway bag he'd had packed just in case they experienced an occasion like this. Reaching inside he pulled out the invisibility cloak. Another item caught his eye.

"What the hells happening?" Draco asked as he threw a sweater over his head.

"We're being invaded by Death Eaters. Just put some shoes on," Harry snapped impatiently. "Shit, how the fuck did they find the house?" Harry cursed as he paced.

"My aunt probably," Draco answered with a shrugged as he tied his shoes. "Ok, I'm ready," He claimed, anxious of what was waiting for them on the other side of that door.

"Here take this." Harry handed him something.

"My wand," Draco said with astonishment. "Why?"

"I would rather you be in top form because we are going to have to fight our way out of here."
Harry peeked out the door to make sure the coast was clear.

Malfoy walked practically on his heels so their feet couldn't be seen.

They managed to make it one level down before they ran into any of the Death Eaters. Harry backed them up into the wall so there were out of the way. Yaxley was checking all of the rooms. Once he had passed their position and entered the library, they rushed down the stairs to the first level.

Greyback was guarding the doorway. His nose went up in the air. Harry herded Malfoy into the parlour. The cloak made them invisible to the eye, it didn't hide their scent.

"Pretty Malfoy. I can smell you." Greyback claimed.

Potter was just about to throw floo powder in the fireplace when the mantle exploded. Draco managed to pull Potter out of the path of the destruction just in time. "Fuck! How are we going to get out now?"

"I know you are there, nephew," Bellatrix claimed as she fully entered the drawing-room.

They crawled to the next room. Managing to mostly stay covered with the invisibility cloak.

"Little Potter, where are you." They could hear Bellatrix calling for them.

"Come on." Harry dragged Malfoy behind him. Dashing through the kitchen he edged open the back door. He peered into the back garden to make sure the coast was clear. He dragged the blond behind him.

"What the hell are we doing out here? We need to escape." Draco complained.

Harry opened the garage door. Running over he removed the cover revealing the form of his godfather's flying motorbike. He'd had Hagrid store it here just in case they needed it again. Too bad that the sidecar had been damaged beyond repair when they were moving him from the Dursley's since they could have used it.

"No. No fucking way am I getting on that thing," Draco snapped at the sight of the muggle death machine. He'd heard about the vehicles before.

"Get on behind me." Harry ignored the Slytherin's reluctance. He straddled the seat and hit the kickstand.

The engine roared alerting the Death Eaters to their position.

"Get on, now!" Harry yelled anxiously. They didn't have much time now.

Draco climbed on behind him reluctantly. He wrapped his arms tightly around Potter's waist. The Death Eaters had to jump out of the way of the motorcycle as it roared out of the garage and into the open.

They zoomed down the driveway and into the street. Draco wasn't sure how they were going to get away on the rickety death trap. The Death Eaters had managed to climb back to their feet already and were not far behind them. Shooting curses that travelled much farther than they could drive away.

"Hold on!" Potter yelled flipping a switch on the handlebars. The tires left the ground and the motorcycle started to rise into the air. He could feel Malfoy's arms hug him tighter in shock.

The ground got steadily further away until they were above the rooftops. "We're flying." Draco blinked in surprise clutching Potter tightly.

"Yeah, now just don't fall off." Harry laughed putting the motorcycle into a higher gear making them raise higher into the air.

Bellatrix tried to knock them out of the sky with some spells but they hit a shield Harry had added to the bike. After the chase from Privet Drive, he realized how unprotected you were on the vehicle. After fixing up the damage from spells that had hit their target, he decided to add some protective features.

Once they reached the clouds they were out of sight. They could just imagine how much Bellatrix was cursing that they escaped. She was probably literally cursing one of the other followers in her frustration.

It took a while for the adrenaline to stop rushing through their bodies. The situation started to hit them as they drove through the clouds. The night feeling strangely calm after the action they had just gone through.

"It's great and all that we were able to get away so easily but my balls are freezing." Draco snapped rudely as he shivered his ass off. Even with their joined body heat, he could feel the wind blow through his meagre clothes.

"Just a little further!" Harry had to yell so his voice would be heard over the sound of the wind.

Draco scowled in discontent. Un-tucking Potters shirt he slipped his freezing hands under the fabric to warm them up.

Harry jumped at the feeling of cold hands against his warm skin. The fingers stroked across his skin. He had to hold in a groan, he couldn't stand it any longer and he brought the motorcycle down.

Looking down for a good place to land Harry spotted an empty parking lot by a mall. With a flick of the button, they started to descend. Harry could feel the Slytherin's smirk against the skin of the neck.

As soon as the motorcycle had glided to a stop on the pavement Harry put down the kickstand and turned on the Slytherin. Whipping his head around, he tugged Malfoy's hair and attached their lips aggressively. The blond returned the kiss enthusiastically.

"You did that on purpose." Harry accused, between kisses.

"Maybe." Draco gasped as his neck was attacked with sucking and biting. "I was cold." He complained like it was the most important factor.

"I was trying to at least get us out of London," Harry said between kisses. "I can't believe we just did that out in the open," Harry exclaimed looking at the nearby road that still had cars driving down it at this time at night. He was sure the muggles couldn't see clearly what they were doing even in the dim lighting of the parking lot.

"It was the adrenaline of the moment." Draco sighed in contentment. "What are we going to do now? We can't go back to the Grimmauld."

"We should go to the Weasley's and inform Ron and Hermione," Harry sighed. "We'll have to tell the Order that the headquarters has been compromised."

"I don't care where we go as long as it's warm and has a bed waiting for me." Draco sighed tiredly.

Harry straddled the motorcycle properly, kicking the starter to get the engine running. Malfoy slipped in behind him returning his hands to the position under his shirt. Harry moved the hands higher so they wouldn't have a repeat performance. It wouldn't do to arrive at the Burrow turned on.

He speeds out onto the street joining the muggle traffic. Harry thought it would be best to wait until they left the populated city before he could use the flying function again. They'd been reckless in their escape.

He was sure lots of Muggles out for a night of drinking had seen the flying motorcycle.


Dirt flew as the motorcycle touched down on the Burrows dirt driveway. The sun was just starting to rise when they climbed off the motorcycle.

Draco looked at the lopsided building with amazement that it didn't topple over. Magic must be the only thing keeping it together. He stumbled after Potter to the front door of the Weasley's home. Potter knocked on the door, it was answered by a plump red-headed woman.

"Harry!" Mrs. Weasley gasped in surprise. "What are you doing here? Ron said you'd be staying behind."

"It's a long story, Mrs. Weasley. Can we come in?" Harry asked wearily.

"We?" Mrs. Weasley opened the door wider. She pursed her lips when Molly saw the ruffled blond. She knew the boy could only be the missing Malfoy heir. "Get in."

"Why are you in your nightclothes?" Mrs. Weasley asked the Malfoy heir, noticing his attire in the proper lighting of the fire.

"Death Eaters attacked Grimmauld place in the middle of the night." Harry started to explain.

"What!" Mrs. Weasley gasped.

"I think you should wake the others so I won't have to explain it twice," Harry suggested tiredly leaning back against the couch.

"Right dear." Mrs. Weasley walked over to the bottom of the stairs. "Breakfast is ready!" She announced loud enough to wake the whole house. One by one the family wondered down in their nightclothes.

Ron groaned when he noticed the position of the sun. "Mum, what time is it?"
"Late enough," Mrs. Weasley snapped. "Now get down here, Harry has something he wants to tell you."

"Harry?" Hermione said with worry. Pushing Weasley because he was blocking the way. If Harry was here this early in the morning, it couldn't be good.

"Malfoy?" Ron exclaimed with surprise seeing the Slytherin in his living room.

"Yes, about that. I had my suspicions that you three were hiding something, but a whole person." Mrs. Weasley snapped. They all looked at each other ashamed. It just seemed easier at the time to keep it a secret from the adults.

"Moody knew," Harry shrugged. "And Remus and Tonks." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Dear, why is Draco Malfoy sitting in our living room?" A confused Mr. Weasley stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"We are getting to that," Mrs. Weasley sighed. "You might as well come and sit down. This conversation includes a matter that affects you."

Mr. Weasley sat down on the couch across from them. Draco tried to ignore the head of the Weasley family's glare. He knew his father and Mrs. Weasley had never gotten on.

"Poor dears." Mrs. Weasley fussed over the boys supplying them with tea.

Draco felt like his head weighed a thousand pounds. His head kept drooping because he was having trouble staying awake.

"Oh, you two must be exhausted," Mrs. Weasley simpered. "You must go to bed straight away."

Draco hardly remembered climbing the stairs. He collapsed onto the bed he was offered and was almost instantly asleep. He felt strong arms surround him.


Hours later Draco woke up in an unfamiliar bed alone. It was lumpy and not up to his usual standards. When he sat up in bed and looked at his surroundings, Draco remembered he was at the Barrow.

It was strange to not wake up in his room at Grimmauld Place. Now that the Death Eaters had invaded the headquarters, they would no longer be able to stay there.

Draco stood at the top of the stairs nervously. He could hear everyone else was already downstairs. He walked down the stairs to see all the Weasleys at the table eating. Draco was only able to stand unnoticed for a minute.

"Draco!" Harry called and ran over to escort him over to the table.

He was pushed into a chair by the women and served more food than he could ever possibly eat.


They weren't sure if the Death Eaters were still watching Grimmauld Place or not. A couple of members of the Order went to make sure the coast was clear before they were allowed back in.

They were only allowed back to collect their possessions. It was no longer safe for them to stay in the House of Black now that it had been breached by the enemy.

Harry went and collected the Horcrux from its hiding place. He was glad that he didn't leave it in the open.

"It is all ruined!" Kreacher screeched in despair. The house-elf had a portrait clutched in his arms.

It was only as Harry got closer, he realized it was Mrs. Black's portrait or was at least it was. There was a huge hole in the middle of the frame. He kind of felt bad that he was glad he never had to hear the witch's shouts of mud blood ever again when the house-elf was distraught over his mistress loss.

"I know that this house is important to you but it's no longer safe to stay in. Kreacher, you should go to Hogwarts." Harry suggested.

"I'll do as my master commands," Kreacher agreed reluctantly and disappeared with a pop.


Draco paid a visit to the office. He wasn't sure when the next time they would be at this house was.

He searched the tapestry for his parent's names. Draco's brows furrowed when he noticed something odd. There was another name etched next to his. He dropped to his knees to get a closer look.


"We have to get my parents out now!" Draco cried as he ran into the kitchen.

"What, why?" Harry asked what had set him off. Malfoy marched over and grabbed his arms dragging him out of the room and down the hall.

Hermione and Ron followed behind them curiously.

"That is why!" Draco gestured to the tapestry.

"Is that…" Harry blinked steadying his glasses as he squinted at the small writing.

"My mother is pregnant," Draco exclaimed. "With a girl."

"It's faint but it's defiantly there," Hermione confirmed. "Carina Lyra Vega Malfoy. Your family is one for the dramatic names aren't they."

"Congrats on graduating from being an only child," Ron exclaimed, finally comprehending what is going on.

"I can't leave her in the manor with that wacko," His mother had been trying for years to have another baby. "One Cruciatus curse and she'll miscarry."

"Calm down Malfoy," Hermione warned the Slytherin who was pushing himself into a state of panic.

"Draco, we'll think of something." Harry placed a comforting hand on the blond's shoulder.