Mako had worked at the coffeehouse long enough to be used to customers hitting on him. He used to get flustered, but after two years he learned to ignore the flirting and focus on the order. So he didn't expect it when he got flustered even though the bright blue eyed girl standing in front of him hadn't flirted with him.
She didn't try to make small talk, or bat her eyelashes at him, or even try to give him her phone number when he asked for her name to write on the cup. She placed her order, twice (Mako found he couldn't concentrate on what she was saying the first time because he was more enthralled by the way her lips moved), she replied "Korra" when he asked for her name, paid, then moved over to the pick up station. She barely looked at him the entire time she was ordering.
When Korra got her coffee, she sat down at one of the tables next to the window and pulled a laptop out of her bag and began to type away for the two hours she was there. Mako found himself stealing glances at her every couple minutes. Even telling himself that he should go talk to her, but everytime he talked himself out it.
He was cleaning one of the tables on the opposite side of the cafe when he finally mustered up the courage to talk to her, but when he turned around she was gone.
Mako told himself he'd talk to her forsure next time she came, if she ever came in.
But when Korra returned the next day, she sat in the same spot for the same amount of time, and Mako still didn't go up to her. He was convinced she didn't like him.
On the third day, Mako caught Korra looking at him a couple times.
On the fourth day, she got flustered making her order, even though it was the same one everyday.
On the fifth day, Korra blushed when Mako told her to have a good day .
On the sixth day, Mako took an early break and went to talk to her. He was convinced she liked him, and he was right.