Disclaimer: Neither Young Justice nor anything of the Justice League series belong to me.
First, I want to say how grateful and appreciative I am for any reviews, follows, and favorites. Second, someone asked me what age I was writing the Team as. In the first chapter, I stated how this was set right after season one ended. So Wally, Artemis, and Zatanna are sixteen. Robin is fourteen. Superboy is one years old, but the mindset of a sixteen year old. Kaldur is seventeen, the oldest. Miss Martian has the mindset and body of a sixteen year old. I am not sure how old she is Martian wise.
Finally. This will be the last time I address this, and will ignore messages or reviews about it from now on. I know Wally West was Flash in Justice League Unlimited. I know there were a lot of background reasons happening about it and how comics retcon and retcon and retcon again about who was alive when, who did not or did exist. But this is a story I'm writing, and I always felt like Barry should be the Flash when the Justice League starts out. So I wrote Barry Allen in as the Flash, not Wally West. I like writing Barry being happy about having a nephew instead of meeting a doppelganger. Already covered that with Zatanna. If people just keep ignoring the comments I make at the top, then it is their loss. I'm not going to address this again. Private message or not.
Chapter 8: Broken Knight
"You disobeyed my direct orders. I told you all to stay here."
"So you keep saying. But last time I checked, you are not our boss. You can't orderus to do anything."
"You forget you are guests in my house. In mycity."
"It's mycity too Bruce. No matter the dimension. And if you want us out of your precious manor, fine! We're gone."
Both Bats turned as one when someone clapped. Loud. Due to them being in the Batcave, the sound was amplified twofold. Alfred stood there, his hands moving back down to his sides as he cleared his throat, "If I have your attention. Master Bruce, Miss Diana has asked to speak to you. Privately in the drawing room."
Batman looked at Robin, glaring at the boy before trudging his way towards the stairs, "We are not finished."
"Don't count on it." Robin mumbled back. He turned, seeing Zatanna, Artemis and Wally staring at him, "What?"
"Nothing dude." Wally held his hands up in surrender.
"Ah, reminds me of my childhood, when mom and dad used to argue all the time." Artemis placed one hand on her hip, tilting her body towards the right a little as she blew a stray strand of hair from her face.
"Oh come on, he's being so unreasonable! We were just helping, we didhelp. We caught four criminals!"
Zatanna shrugged, "We did disobey him. Not really showing gratitude when he is allowing us into his home, not to mention the Batcave. If that isn't Batman being accommodating, and downright welcoming, I'm not sure what else could."
"He still doesn't trust us."
Zatanna quirked an eyebrow at the Boy Wonder, "Do you really expect him to?"
"Well, no but..."
"I doubt what we did tonight helped you know."
Robin grumbled, taking off his domino mask and pouting at the magician, "I thought you were supposed to be on my side. Hate it when you kind of have a point."
Zatanna smirked, stepping forward and reaching her gloved hand out, pulling Dick's chin up so he looked her directly in the eyes, "I think you meant to say something else."
Robin held her gaze, defiant for all but one second before cracking, "You're right."
"What was that?"
The Boy Wonder rolled his eyes, pushing Zatanna's hand aside, "You were right! You're always right."
"Good boy."
"Whipped!" Wally cupped his hands over his mouth, mock yelling at his best friend.
"Like you can talk!"
"What, hey! I am in no way, whipped. I totally wear the pants in my..." When Wally felt Artemis' glare on his back, he froze, visibly gulping. Giving Robin and Zatanna another glance, the redheaded speedster winced before correcting himself, "I mean... Artemis and I have an equilibrium. A perfect balance that shows how perfect we are for each other!"
"Shut up Wally."
"Okay babe."
"Whipped." Robin laughed, Zatanna and Artemis giggling alongside him.
"Come on, lets get changed and head back to our rooms. Aqualad told us to get some rest and I'm sure he won't be happy about what we did." Artemis pulled her mask off, making her way to the changing room she and Zatanna had used before. Robin and Wally nodded, moving to unzip and undo their uniforms.
"Hey, as long as no one says anything, Aqualad will never find out! We are totally in the clear." Kid Flash grinned at Robin who snorted.
"Yeah, like our luck has ever been that good."
"Commissioner! Commissioner Gordon sir!" Several reporters crowded around the gray haired police commissioner, pushing microphones and cameras into his face.
"No comment can be made at this time. Gotham Police Department will release an official statement after we have had a chance to sort this mess out. Now please, let us do our jobs."
One reporter struggled against an officer who started pushing them back, "But commissioner, several eye witnesses say that Batman was not alone when he took down Clayface and his gang of villains tonight!"
Gordon resisted the urge to roll his eyes on camera, "It is a well known fact that the Batman works closely with the Justice League. It should come as no surprise that one of them would help him against such a large number of super villains."
A reporter from Channel 12, one of the few but still popular news channels that spoke out against Batman, cut in, "But sir, according to several people who recorded the event with personal cameras, they say that children helped the Dark Knight take down the criminals. And not the Justice League. Is Batman employing children now to fight against dangerous criminals? Isn't that quite irresponsible of Batman to do?"
"I'm afraid I don't know anything about Batman's activities outside of catching criminals. Whatever gossip you have all picked up from the street is your business. Now please, step aside and let the police do their jobs, or you will be charged with obstruction." With that, Gordon and his men pushed past the reporters, many still shouting questions and trying to get close to the commissioner.
"Lieutenant, are the prisoners secure?" Gordon spoke to the officer to his right. The woman nodded her head.
"Yes commissioner. They are all on their way to Arkham Asylum. Special preparations have been made to hold both Clayface and Livewire."
"Do not underestimate the other two. You never know with these people."
"Yes sir, I will make sure security is not lax in the least."
At the hesitation on the lieutenant's face, Gordon frowned, "Something the matter?"
"Just.. I usually don't question Batman sir. He does good work, despite being a vigilante. I can't even express how grateful I am to him and the League. But some of the boys are concerned that children seem to be working with Batman."
"Well lieutenant. Tell the boys to keep their heads out of pointless gossip and focus on the job. These lunatics have been escaping Arkham far too often, and way too easily. If they have time for such idiotic worries, then they should focus that time on real problems instead of speculations."
The lieutenant nodded, "Of course commissioner. I'll make sure they shape up." Turning back to her own patrol car, the lieutenant left for Arkham while Gordon let out a tired sigh.
"Feels like the world is getting crazier and crazier." Gordon looked up at the sky. The same sky that proudly displayed the Bat symbol, "I just hope us little folk don't get caught up in the middle."
Bruce knew he was scowling. He knew it and did not care as he stomped down the halls of his manor, making his way to one of the inner rooms where there could be no prying eyes or ears. A room he used specifically for his alter ego or unusual friends. Not that he would call Diana unusual.
Naive sometimes. Focused. Brave. Headstrong. Maybe a little too much so. Beautiful.
The Dark Knight shook that thought away, taking a calming breath before opening the drawing room door. Alfred had lit the fireplace, the warm glow filling the room and keeping the chill in the air at bay. Far above the chimney mantle, was a picture of his parents. Both were smiling, his mother's left arm draped over his father's right shoulder. His father was reaching up, holding his mother's hand and he knew the picture was taken right before she had looked down and laughed. He could see the tells of a laugh forming on her lips in the picture. It was his favorite picture of many throughout the manor.
"Bruce." Diana's voice grounded the Caped Crusader, drawing him to her. She was sitting on one of the big, red lounge chairs right in front of the fireplace. She gestured to the chair across from her, but Bruce ignored it, walking over and standing a few feet away.
"Alfred said you wanted to speak to me."
"Yes. I wanted to talk to you about our guests."
Batman glared under his cowl, already knowing where this was going. He stayed silent though. It was a little childish but he had been getting teamed up on a lot lately. It was getting a bit old.
"Bruce... The others all see how great those kids are. What is holding you back from doing the same?"
Batman grit his teeth, stopping himself from raising his voice, especially at her, "We don't know them Diana. No history, no experience of any kind when it comes to being heroes in this world. And from what I have seen tonight, they lack discipline, cannot follow orders, and-"
"We can teach them all that Bruce. It's the same argument we had with Lantern about having Supergirl and Stargirl in the League. Yes they are young, but with the powers they have and the responsibilities they try to take on, we all agreed it would be a better idea to have them in the League and under our supervision. It was even your idea to have them trained and slowly gain experience in a safe environment, with such a large variety of mentors at their disposal. What exactly is the problem with trying the same with them?"
Bruce was silent, staring at Diana who waited patiently. If she learned anything during the few years she worked with the Bat, it was patience. He finally sighed, pulling his cowl off and showing her his handsome face. It was not something he did lightly, an action that showed some form of vulnerability and trust. He sat down across from her, leaning back and closing his eyes. She could see his fatigue more clearly now, the slight bags under his eyes, how he sagged his shoulders instead of having his usually immaculate posture.
"Diana, we are just recovering from an invasion. From a betrayal by someone we trusted. Someone I did not look into thoroughly enough. Part of that, was because there was no record for me to look into. She came here as an infiltrator, and the cover she made in her short time here, along with the fact that I got complacent because we worked together so many times, allowed her to catch us off guard."
"Bruce...what Hawkgirl did was not your fault. You couldn't possibly have known..."
"No. I couldn't. But that doesn't change the fact that I was too relaxed. Too trusting too quickly. I will not make that mistake again."
"It isn't your responsibility to know everything Bruce. You're one man. A man with no powers or special abilities, but still one of the greatest heroes this world has." Wonder Woman was not trying to be harsh, and spoke like she was just stating a fact when she mentioned his powerlessness. Batman did not take offense to it, just listening to what she was trying to say, "You can't predict everything. You aren't omniscient. Heck, Superman probably can't keep track of everything that you try to." She gave the Dark Knight a playful smile, one he did not return.
"My point is... I never realized how affected you were by what Hawkgirl did. You are so held back and much too good at hiding your true emotions. It's something I both respect about you, and feel endless frustration at."
Bruce's eyebrow did go up at the comment, a teasing smile forming on his lips, "Women do like a man of mystery."
Diana quirked an eyebrow right back, "They like them less than you think."
"Ouch. And here I thought my mysterious persona as Batman would be an advantage."
"Mm, it only really works on the right girl."
"Really now? Well I better keep my eyes out for one."
"I'm afraid you would never notice, with how frustrating you are about relationships."
Bruce coughed, not being prepared for the turn their conversation had taken. He was not a fumbling teenager anymore, he knew there was a growing attraction between him and Diana. He had of course, thought about it on more than one occasion. Not like a prepubescent boy, but in a sense of what kind of future they could have. And all he could see was heartbreak and tragedy.
Thankfully, the Amazonian provided him with an out, "Hawkgirl was an extreme case, Bruce. I have no doubt that you were not a very trusting person, even before the League. And that what happened with Hawkgirl made it even harder for you to do so. But please." She reached out, taking both of Bruce's gloved hands in hers and squeezing, "Please. Trust us. Trust in your friends. Clark, J'onn, Barry, and J'onn would never betray you. Not like Shayera did. You can believe in our decisions. And something tells me, you can believe in these children too. I'm not the only one who noticed how...drawn you are to Robin."
Bruce tried for a small smile, "Teenagers. They hate being called children. And I am not drawn to anyone. I just think Robin is the most competent one on that team."
"Flash would disagree with you. As would J'onn."
"Gee, I wonder why."
Diana quietly laughed, "Is that a yes?"
"Yes to what exactly?"
The Princess rolled her eyes, "You know what."
The decowled Dark Knight sighed, "I suppose it's better to have them close by than anywhere else out in world, doing god knows what."
Diana laughed again, but Bruce was not done, "They need to be tested. Every other hero we invited to the League have been thoroughly vetted, both in their background and past actions. The Team does not have anything like that, so I'll thoroughly examine them in the next week and a half before the League expansion. See what they're made of."
The Amazon raised an eyebrow, "And how will the League know you were fair in your exam and judgment?"
"You'll all have to just take my word for it."At the flat stare Diana was giving him, Bruce frowned, "What? You've never questioned my judgment before." At the even flatter stare he received, the billionaire coughed, "What do you propose?"
Diana tapped her chin before her eyes lit up, in a way that scared Bruce for some reason. Before he could somehow head it off, the Princess spoke, "Well I suppose if you plan to test them all, you'll need help doing so. And since I am already here, I volunteer."
"I'll stay here at the manor and help you test our young heroes. That way, Clark and the others don't have to worry about you rigging the tests or having too much of a bias against them."
"And I'm sure they would be grateful to have another League member here to help them adjust to this world. Now that I think about it, it was quite unfair for Clark to dump them all on you."
"No I... Alfred is..."
"It's decided then. I'll have J'onn teleport me to my apartment so I can pick up some clothes and essentials." Diana stood up, the decision already being made as she walked towards the door, "I'll explain the situation to J'onn while I am at it and have him tell the rest of the League. I'm sure you want to handle telling our young heroes."
With that, Diana was gone. Already speaking into her communicator. Bruce sat there alone, his mouth slightly hanging open and for the first time in a long time, speechless.
When Alfred came by an hour later, it was to the sight of his employer and charge staring into space, mouth still agape and sitting in the drawing room in his Batman uniform, "Master Bruce?"
It took him a minute, but the Dark Knight turned to look at his surrogate father, "Yes Alfred?"
"I took the liberty of putting Miss Diana in the west wing secondary master bedroom. Right below your room. As an adult, I felt it would be more appropriate for her to be closer to you than the children."
"You planned this. You planned it all Alfred."
Both eyebrows shooting up, Alfred stared at Bruce, "I am not sure what you are talking about sir. Are you alright? You seem a little pale perhaps some rest and relaxation are in order."
Rubbing his forehead, Bruce could only shake his head, "How did this happen."
Superman was there when J'onn got the call. The Man of Steel was glad Diana could only hear their voices, because he could not stop smiling, "I think that's a fantastic idea Diana. How else can we be sure Bruce was fair? Matter of fact, I think a week isn't enough. Even if they make it into the League, it will still be seven superpowered teenagers against just Bruce and Alfred. They're only human after all."
"Hm. You make a good point. I'll run it by Bruce after his tests are done." At the innocent way Diana said that, Superman grinned.
"You do that. And please, don't say it was my idea. He'll respond better if he thinks you thought of it."
"Oh come on Clark, give him more credit than that."
Superman laughed, "Just trust me Diana."
"If you say so. Wonder Woman out."
As soon as the transmission cut, Superman laughed, turning away from the screen and holding a hand over his mouth. J'onn just stared at the Kryptonian, "Batman will find out you planned all of this Clark. And he will not be kind."
"I know J'onn. But I honestly think this will all be good for him. Ever since the invasion, Bruce has been running himself ragged. I'm worried he's sinking further and further into himself, and Diana and the kids will help drag him out. Kicking and screaming. Emphasis on screaming." Superman smiled, turning towards the lift, "Is it alright if I leave contacting the others to you J'onn?"
"It is no problem. I'm sure Flash will have a field day with this."
"Oh I'm sure he will. He'll probably run to Gotham in hopes of seeing Bruce's face with Diana living with him."
"Where are you going?"
"Well, with Diana and Bruce there, I'm no longer in a rush to get there. I promised my Ma and Pa I would visit soon. Plus, it'll be a good a chance to fill Kara in and meet Superboy."
"You plan to introduce them? So soon?"
"I think it'll be nice for Kara to meet other heroes her age. The Team works so well together and the bonds they share is a sight to be seen. While Kara has made friends at school, she always seems so held back. It'll be great to see her really bond with people and show them her true self."
"On that, I can agree." J'onn smiled warmly at the Kryptonian who just nodded back.
"Oh, and J'onn? I'm sure Bruce is going to call up here and ask for me. Please don't tell him where I am."
"I make no promises, my friend."
"You want to test us? For what?" The Team was currently in the main living room, the afternoon sun shining down. Most of the young heroes managed to get in a few solid hours of sleep but the nightmares and restlessness that plagued them forced the teens up early. Batman called them all to a meeting over the intercom, Wally shaking his head at how Wayne Manor needed an intercom system because of the sheer size of it. It was almost big enough to be a school. Some of the teens were sitting together here and there while a few others chose to remain standing.
Dick was on his feet, glaring at Bruce. When the Boy Wonder made to speak again, Aqualad grabbed his shoulder, shaking his head at the young teen.
Wonder Woman gave them all a warm and encouraging smile, "Test might be a strong word. We just wish to see what you are all capable of, to better understand and guide you when you join the League."
The whole Team shared looks, before Aqualad spoke up, "We are...not sure if we wish to join the League yet."
"You don't want to join the Justice League?" Bruce was in his civilian clothes, a business suit he wore when he had work to do at Wayne Industries. Diana had also switched to casual clothes, wearing long white pants held up by a belt, brown boots, and a purple blouse over her usual red, white, and blue unitard.
"That is not what we are saying. However, there are a lot of factors we must consider before making a decision as a team. We have only just gotten our bearings, and have not had a chance to discuss how we wish to proceed in this world while we look for a safe way home."
Both Diana and Bruce stared at Aqualad before looking at each other. Bruce reached up to fix his tie, "Be that as it may. Whether you join the League or not, we still need to understand what you can do and more importantly, what you are like if you are to be trusted."
"I knew it! You just want to find our weaknesses so you can better take us down if we fall out of line." Robin knew how Batman operated, and while he normally would not divulge such information, this was far from a normal situation. Right now, his loyalty was strictly to his team, not Batman and his protocols.
Bruce remained silent, all but confirming it for the Team. Superboy growled, his hands balling into fists as he stood up, "I'm not answering any questions. And I'm certainly not going to do any stupid tests. We're not lab rats."
Diana quickly held up her hands, "Please. We are not suggesting you run tests in a lab, or let us poke or prod at you. We would never do that. What we meant, was that you allow us to observe, and occasionally talk with you all as you go about your lives and while you do hero work."
When Bruce and Diana saw Superboy wave his hand wildly, but not speak and look at Robin, they knew the Team was using telepathy to hide their conversations. Bruce absolutely detested that, while Diana waited for them to finish talking.
Artemis and Wally also made wild gestures, standing up and turning left and right as they talked with their team inside their minds.
Just as Bruce was about to lose his patience, Aqualad held his hand up, making all the members of the Team give him their full attention. He waved his hand this way and that in a calm manner, staring each of his friends in the eyes. All of them looked at each other again before nodding at their leader.
The Atlantian turned to look at both Diana and Bruce, "We will accept these tests you wish to put us through. But we refuse any intrusive body examination, or telepathic probing."
Before Bruce could answer, Diana nodded, "Those are acceptable terms. Thank you everyone, for your understanding."
Superboy crossed his arms and scowled while everyone else just nodded again.
"We'll start your tests tomorrow. Because in essence, the nature of these tests are to figure out how genuine you all are, I will not be divulging what exactly will be tested or how. So be prepared for anything." When Bruce reached over to pick something up from the table, the whole Team took fighting stances, making a tighter formation and covering each other's backs.
Diana smile at them while Bruce just sighed, "I told you, your tests start tomorrow." The Dark Knight then held up seven manila folders, walking over to each of them and handing them out. Each separate folder had a name on it, specifically, theirs, "These are identification papers that the League created for you all. You now officially exist as part of the global system."
Artemis nodded at her birth certificate. Artemis Lian Crock. Not that different from her real birth certificate, which was also from Gotham.
"Wait, what?" When Artemis looked over at her boyfriend. The redhead held one of the documents inside up, "Wally Allen?"
"Flash agreed to be your official guardian in this world. If you ever need an adult's consent for something, Barry will be responsible for any and all of your actions. Legally." Wally looked at the document, then at Batman. Then at the document again.
The others quickly pulled out their own documents. Zatanna was still Zatara, but the older Zatanna was listed as her long lost older sister. Conner was still Kent, but listed as Superman's younger brother. M'gann was now Megan Jones, J'onn's rarely used human alias. Kaldur'ahm was now Kaldur Curry, his lord and liege's surface world identity. Robin was staring at his own papers intently, practically burning a hole through them. Richard Wayne. Dick could not tell if he was uncomfortable at Grayson being changed or happy that he shared his foster father's name now. Officially. Kind of.
Artemis was now looking at her own piles of documents, and raised an eyebrow before looking at Batman questionably, "Um. Artemis Queen? Last time I checked, I haven't even met this version of Green Arrow yet."
"That one isn't official. Don't worry. It needs Arrow's signature to be official, and we'll only ask after you have met him."
"Speaking of, why haven't I met your Green Arrow yet? You introduced Aquaman and older Zatanna."
Diana stepped in, "Green Arrow is... Complicated. He has not been returning any of our messages and has refused to join the Justice League."
"What? Why?" Artemis leaned back, "The Ollie I know would jump at the chance of being part of the League."
Bruce shook his head, "I can make a guess on the why. I plan to reach out to him personally. He'll come around. As for meeting you..." The billionaire lifted his right arm, glancing at the time, "This'll be a good as time as any. Get changed, you and I can pay a visit to Star City."
"I'm coming with." Wally stepped forward, as did Robin and Zatanna.
"No." Bruce stared the three teens down.
"If you think we're going to let Artemis go out there on her own, you have another thing coming." The redheaded speedster glared at the Dark Knight.
"There is no point, or any reason for you three to come along."
"How about, we don't trust you yet either? I wouldn't let Artemis go out with you to Gotham, let alone another city. I'm going too."
"It's fine Wally." The speedster stared at Artemis in surprise, "Oh don't give me that hurt puppy dog look. I can take care of myself, thank you very much. And I don't need babysitters or tagalongs to meet my mentor." The green archer rolled her eyes before heading to her room.
"Artemis!" Wally sped after her, Robin shrugging his shoulders and Zatanna crossing her arms.
"Now then. As for the rest of you, I've included some cash and credit cards in your folders. Alfred has offered to drive you all to the city, and Diana volunteered to be your chaperon." When the teens went from excitement to indignation, Batman held his hand up, "The chaperon is nonnegotiable. I've explained time and time again. You are unknown elements, while I am extending some level of trust to let you roam around, I still can't trust you enough to let you go without supervision. I hope you can understand. Letting other dimension beings roam around my city is not exactly comforting to me. But Diana told me you all need some time out. Do not make me regret agreeing with her. Or her for thinking of you all."
The teens looked at the Princess who just smiled back. They each said thank you, except Superboy who kept scowling.
"Ready." By the look of just Artemis dressed up in her costume, and Wally just standing there in his civies with a pout, the redheaded speedster was unsuccessful in convincing her, "How are we getting there? Teleportation?"
"We'll take the Batplane. I don't like using the teleporter for every little thing." Bruce turned to the grandfather clock, pulling on a lever inside. He turned to look over his shoulder at the rest of the Team, "Behave. That goes double for you Grayson."
Batman disappeared into the hidden entrance, Artemis waving at her friends as she followed after him. The clock closed, Wally sitting down on the couch with a groan, "So not fair."
"Give her some space KF. No one likes a clingy boyfriend." Robin teased the speedster, who gave the young Bat a half-hearted glare.
"Plus side." Zatanna held up a wad of cash, whistling to herself before holding up a legendary black credit card. No limit, infinite possibilities, "Shopping spree."
M'gann floated over to Zatanna, "Is it really alright to use this money?"
"Hey, Batman offered. Nothing wrong with accepting." Wally threw his own credit card in the air, snatching it before it started to drop.
"While I would suggest we be more... Frugal with our purchases than that, I feel Batman would not have given us these funds unless he really did not care about how or what we spend it on. But please. Be prudent." Aqualad smiled at his friends, all just waving him off while Kid Flash just pumped his arms in the air.
"Cha-ching! Dad said it was okay, we are officially par-taying tonight!"
"That was not what I- Do not call me dad, Wally."
"Whatever you say, dad."
The whole Team laughed, Diana covering her mouth to chuckle before Alfred entered the living room, wearing his chauffeur uniform and hat, "Master Bruce has asked me to show you all to the Gotham Mall. Whoever is coming, please make your way to the front of the manor."
"Yeah!" Wally zipped past Alfred, Dick vaulting over the butler while Zatanna and M'gann smiled apologetically at him, walking down the hall arm in arm. Superboy clicked his tongue before following M'gann, stuffing his hands into his pockets. Aqualad shook his head with a smile, following his rambunctious team.
"Are you sure you do not wish to call for backup, Miss Diana? Corralling teenagers around is no small feat, especially those with super powers." Alfred looked at Diana, making the Princess chuckle at the butler's genuinely concerned look.
"I'll be fine Alfred. Plus, I think Flash said he was going to stop by today. I can give him my coordinates. I'm sure he and I can handle them together."
"Or you'll be forced to watch over seven children instead of six."
Diana giggled again, reaching out to pat Alfred on the arm, "I see where Bruce gets his wit from."
The old butler turned around, making his way towards the entrance, the Amazon right behind him, "I am not quite sure what you mean."
DC Extra #3
"Artemis! Maneuver seven!" The green archer released an arrow before turning towards Aqualad. She nodded, taking a running start at him as he dropped to one knee, holding both hands together, palms up like a platform. The blonde stepped up onto his hands, the Atlantian using all his strength to toss her up in the air. She spun, kicking three soldiers in the face before notching another arrow and firing, piercing two M16 rifles that were pointed at her friends.
"We need a way out. Robin?" Aqualad spun on his heels, dodging a few stray bullets and sweeping the legs of two soldiers before punching them both in the face, knocking them out.
"Still working on it. This security system is surprisingly good."
"Keep working, Superboy, Kid, cover Robin's back. Miss Martian, Zatanna, cover the left flank. Artemis, you're with me." Aqualad summoning a blade made of water to the hilts of his water-bearers, the familiar hum of Atlantian Magic flowing through his tattoos. He let out a might scream as he cut through five rifles before performing a three hundred and sixty degree spinning kick on all the soldiers around him. M'gann yanked seven soldiers off their feet and threw them across the room and into the metal walls, Zatanna twirling her hands like a magician and causing another group of soldiers to sink halfway into the floor. When they made to fire their guns, her mystical voice called out, turning the gray metal guns into daisies.
Artemis used her bow like a staff, slamming the unforgiving metal into the sides of their heads and shattering their helmets, throwing soldiers left and right, "We can't keep this up!"
One of the soldiers, presumably the leader, pointed his finger at the Team, "Take them down! The supreme leader will not forgive us if we allow them to escape!"
"Supreme Leader? Why do the bad guys insist on such flashy titles?" Zatanna dodged a soldier trying to bash her on the head with the butt of his rifle, driving her elbow into his stomach before grabbing his head and yanking down, delivering a punishing knee into his face.
"They have something to prove. Probably lacking in the underwear department, if you know what I mean." Artemis released another arrow, the end popping open and wrapping four soldiers in a metal cord. They screamed, falling over into a pile of bodies and struggling against the restraints.
"Why would missing underwear have anything to do with that?" M'gann phase shifted, bullets passing right through her as she reached her hand out, lifting the guns out of a squad of solders' hands, and crushing them into metal balls. She then swiped her right hand to the left, throwing the now disarmed solders into their companions.
Zatanna and Artemis managed to share a look across the battlefield before Zatanna called out, "I'll explain it to you later."
"Please do not." Aqualad jumped high in the air, forming water maces instead of swords and smashing into a group of soldiers.
"This just doesn't end. Where did you bring us Wally?" The speedster body slammed into a soldier pointing his rifle at the Boy Wonder's back.
"Whoa, hey! I don't control where this thing sends us! I just push the button, and open the door." He zipped away, a hail of bullets pinging off the spot where he was standing. Superboy jumped in front of Robin, using his body as a shield as bullet after bullet bounced off his arms and legs and body.
"Less talking, more fighting! These bullets don't really hurt, but they are super annoying!"
M'gann glared at the soldiers shooting her boyfriend and reached out, grabbing them by their arms and yanking them up in the air. She spun them around, the soldiers screaming before she slammed them into the ground a little harder than necessary.
"Thanks M'gann." She saw Superboy smile at her and she smiled back before flying back towards where Zatanna was setting some guns on fire.
"Got it!" Robin grinned when the holographic screen on his arm turned green, the large metal doors opening with a groan. An alarm sounded above, a yellow light spinning as the gates opened at a crawl.
"Can that door be any slower?" Wally screamed at the top of his lungs as he weaved through a group of soldiers, tossing them aside and taking away their guns, "I'll take those!"
"Door's open enough! Come on!" Robin threw some smoke pellets, purple gas filling the tunnel and causing the soldiers to cough and hack, trying to cover their mouths as they stumbled in the smog.
"Sweet! Room to run!" Wally zoomed out the door, M'gann flying out behind him with Zatanna levitating behind her. Aqualad had formed a shield with his water-bearers, blocking any incoming fire alongside Superboy. Robin slipped out with Artemis, both throwing and firing more smoke pellets inside the tunnel.
"Freedom!" They were still inside a tunnel but it was angled up, light shining down the entrance above.
"Not quite..." Kid Flash was standing by the entrance, in a fighting stance with Miss Martian and Zatanna. The Boy Wonder skidded to a halt, eyes widening at the tanks and darkly dressed soldiers pointing their cannons and rifles at them. Artemis notched an arrow, taking aim while Aqualad formed swords on his water-bearers, Superboy growling and getting ready to jump.
"More coming from behind." Robin looked over his shoulder at Miss Martian's voice, seeing several soldiers stumble out of the smoke filling the tunnels, eyes red and hacking their lungs out but still holding onto their rifles.
"Plan?" Kid Flash looked left and right, not seeing an opening in the row of tanks and swarm of soldiers.
"Go down fighting." Superboy smirked, balling his hands into fists.
"Speak for yourself dude! You're the only one who can take tank artillery and stay standing!"
"You don't know that."
"We do. Remember Bialya? Artemis and I saw you get shot by tanks ten times and still scream at them before wrecking their shit."
"Cool. That means at least I'll survive."
"Not cool man. Not cool at all." Both Kid Flash and Superboy laughed.
"Stick together, and we will prevail." Aqualad spun his water-bearers, about to charge when a beam of red laser cut across the sky and destroyed two tank cannons. Everyone blinked when two other tanks were lifted up in the air before being thrown back, landing on their heads with a mighty crash.
"Uh..." Kid Flash blinked, Robin turning to look at M'gann.
"Miss M, was that you?"
"No I... I feel something weird..."
"Another telepath."
The Team watched as a big, sleek black jet came roaring out of nowhere. It stopped above the soldiers, the bottom opening up and some colorfully dressed people jumped out. A man with some kind of, single lens red goggle reached up, twisting some kind of lever and firing quick beams of red laser, knocking down soldier after soldier. A girl with flowing red hair floated in the air, thrusting her arms out and throwing soldiers with her mind, similar to what Miss Martian did.
A blue boy with a tail teleported behind a soldier, tapping his shoulder, "Excuse me." The soldier whirled around, pointing his rifle at the creature, "Can I borrow that?" He spoke with some kind of accent, his three fingered hands snatching the gun away before he disappeared with a puff of smoke.
"Whoa..." The whole Team watched with fascination as more people poured out of the jet. A woman with silver hair floated in the air, her eyes glowing silver as she held her hands up in the air. Small tornadoes formed, picking some soldiers and tanks up and twisting them around before disappearing, throwing them all in different directions. A young with a pony tail was walking through people, tanks, and rocks, pulling guns and wiring from tanks out as she did so. A dark skinned boy with blonde hair was shooting spikes from his body, pinning soldiers and piercing the armor of tanks, sinking into the barrels and making them explode on itself when it tried to fire.
A pale girl with dark red hair was elbowing and kicking soldiers left and right, the white streaks in the front of her hair swaying as she performed a back flip. The final member that jumped out, was dressed in a mix of dark orange and black, pointed black ears sticking up from his head, reminiscent a little of Batman's own cowl. He snarled, letting out a mighty battle cry as three metal claws protruded from his left and right knuckles. He slammed his fists down onto one of the tanks, growling and snarling like an animal as he stabbed and stabbed the thick armor plating. One would think the knife-like claws would not do anything, but they cut through the tanks like butter.
"Never seen them before. Different set of super heroes?" Zatanna looked at Robin who shrugged.
"Besides the flying red head, not exactly sure whose alternate they are."
The Team turned around, facing the soldiers stumbling out of the tunnels. Aqualad pointed at the ceiling, "Bring it down." The Team nodded, Zatanna and Miss Martian thrusting their arms up at the ceiling, while Artemis and Robin shot and threw their explosives. Superboy slammed his fist into the right side of the wall, Kid Flash going left and rapidly hitting the walls of the cave. Aqualad thrust his water-bearers up, shooting a stream of magic enhanced water into the ceiling above. The tunnel rumbled, cracks forming on the ceiling before finally dropping, the tunnel collapsing in on itself. The soldiers cried out, moving back through the metal doors.
"Success! Woo!" Kid Flash threw his arms in the air but froze when he heard a growl. Turning slowly, he faced the clawed man from before, who was glaring at all of them but did not move any closer. His claws slowly retracted back inside his fists.
"What are you kids doing here."
The Team looked at each other, moving closer together in a defensive form as the other members of the claw man's team gathered together in front of them.
"New mutants?" The blue tailed boy looked at the redhead, who squinted her eyes at the Team.
M'gann felt the familiar probing at their minds and glared, thrusting her hands out at the redhead across from them, No!
Her telepathic scream pierced the redhead's head, making her cry out and fall to her knees, grabbing her head.
"Jean!" The boy with the single lens goggle crouched down, placing his hands on the redhead's shoulders.
"They have a telepath..." The redhead pointed at Miss Martian, the clawed man narrowing his eyes and taking a step forward.
Superboy growled, blocking the man's way with balled fists, "You won't touch her."
"Oh yeah?" The dark skinned boy with blonde hair drew two big spikes from his wrists, pointing them at Superboy when Kid Flash zoomed up in front of him.
"Whoa, another Quicksilver?" The girl who was phase shifting widened her eyes, taking a step back.
"Perhaps we should calm down." The silver haired and similarly dark skinned to the spike boy woman held her hands up, taking a step forward and trying to get between the clawed man and Superboy.
"Agreed. We wish to avoid conflict if possible." Aqualad gave Superboy and Kid Flash a pointed look, making the two lower their arms and take a few steps back, "Thank you." The Atlantian then turned to the other group of heroes, putting his water-bearers away and holding his arms out to the side, "We do not wish to fight you. You saved us from the soldiers attacking us, and we are in your debt. Please forgive Miss Martian. We had a bad experience with a telepath attacking our minds before, and she become quite protective when it comes to telepathic intrusions."
The redhead, Jean, stood up, shaking off the slight pain in her head before smiling, "It's okay. It was my fault for suddenly trying to enter your minds. The Professor always told me to be more careful. Especially against other telepaths. I leave myself open for attack because I'm so used to entering other people's minds, and not used to others entering mine."
"We learned that the hard way..." Robin grumbled, glancing at M'gann. The Martian had apologized profusely. She was caught off guard, but she felt it was her fault that their telepathic link was high jacked, and their shared memories erased.
"You learn to put up psychic barriers, not just on yourself but those around you. It just takes a little practice!" Despite the attack earlier, M'gann's voice was just as bouncy and full of perky energy. It lowered almost all of their guards, but the clawed man still had not said anything, keeping a close eye on them all.
"Now that we have reached a consensus, I am concerned that these soldiers immediately fired upon us as soon as they laid eyes on Miss Martian." Aqualad looked at one of the fallen soldiers, taking note of the strange squid symbol on their arms.
"Hydra isn't really one for strange mutants in their bases." The clawed man finally spoke, crossing his arms.
"Mutants?" Kid Flash looked at Artemis, who shrugged.
"Yeah, mutants. Isn't that what ya'll guys are?" The girl with a mix of red hair and white streaks tilted her head, the southern twang adding to her charm.
"No we..." Aqualad eyed the people across from them, "I am Aqualad, and this is my team. We are super heroes, protectors of Earth."
"Super heroes? What, like the Avengers?" The boy with the red goggle stood up, "You expect us to believe kids like you are Avengers?"
Kid Flash glared, "One, you're like, the same age as us. Two, no idea what the 'Avengers' are." Kid Flash made air quotes with his fingers, "Three, we don't have to justify ourselves. Especially not to someone like you."
"And what's that supposed to mean? You got something against mutants?" Red goggle boy took a step forward, his hands balling into fists.
"You don't need to be a mutant to be a douche bag, douche bag." Kid Flash took a step forward too, scowling back at red goggles.
"You want to go tough guy?"
"Bring it on cyclopes!"
The red goggle boy recoiled, "How do you know my name?"
Kid Flash barked out a laugh, "Cyclopes? Seriously? That's so lame."
"Okay you're asking for it!"
"Wally!" Artemis grabbed Kid Flash by the neck of his uniform, yanking him back while Jean yanked Cyclopes back with her mind.
"Knock it off." Artemis smacked Wally behind the head while Jean scolded Scott for being so hostile.
The clawed man let out a chuckle, looking at Aqualad, "They a couple?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"Yeah, it is." The man sighed, "Look kid, you all seem like a good people. But this is a weird situation. Coming out of a HYDRA base out of the blue, we've been burned before."
"Hydra? What's Hydra?" Zatanna placed her hands on her hips, glancing at the clawed man.
"HYDRA, a bunch of low life, power hungry crazies hell bent on taking over the world. Had my share of run in with them for over a hundred years." Zatanna nodded before she froze.
"Wait, a hundred years? Even with that mask, you don't look a day over thirty."
The clawed man let out a chuckle, as if he were laughing at an inside joke, "I look younger than I am."
"Long story short, HYDRA's bad news. The fact that they were trying to keep you guys in means they really want something from you. What is it?" Scott crossed his arms, glaring at the whole Team from under his visor.
"Uh..." Robin looked at Aqualad, the dark skinned boy shaking his head.
"To be completely forthright, we encountered them accidentally."
"Accidentally? Like, how do you 'accidentally' come out of a HYDRA base?" The phasing girl held her hands up by her sides, as if asking 'what?'.
"We were...experimenting. With a teleportation device when we found ourselves in an underground laboratory. The soldiers did not even give us a chance to explain before open firing."
"No surprise there." The blue tailed boy looked at the pale southern girl, who shrugged at him.
"Something tells me that isn't the full story, but we'll leave it at that. It's best that we not be here when they dig themselves out." The clawed man turned, making his way towards the jet hovering above, "That means you kids too, come on."
The Team followed cautiously, the other group quickly following the clawed man towards the ramp of the jet that had landed by itself.
The silver haired woman smiled at the Team, "This might be late, but I am Storm."
The other members of the group waved, calling out their names one by one.
"Jean." At the last name, Artemis raised an eyebrow.
"That doesn't sound like a code name."
The redhead smiled, "That's because it isn't."
"Why don't you have one?"
"Oh, because-"
"Enough chatter, get in! We need to be long gone."
Jean rolled her eyes, "That's Wolverine by the way."
"Where are we going?" Superboy stopped at the entrance of the ramp, crossing his arms.
"Somewhere safe. If you'd rather stay and face another battalion of HYDRA soldiers, be my guest." Wolverine turned away, making his way towards the cockpit.
"Conner..." M'gann grabbed the half-Kryptonian's arm, tugging slightly, pleading as she walked back onto the ramp.
"They are the first friendly faces we have seen since coming here. Let us place our trust in them. For now." Aqualad looked at Superboy, gesturing up the ramp. The boy stared back at the Atlantian before giving him a short nod, following his Martian up and into the jet.
"Pretty cool. I think the army tried making a stealth jet like this back during world war two. Was a bit too expensive for the army. It was the inspiration for the Javelin though." Robin looked around the inside of the jet with an impressed look, "Doesn't seem as advanced, but awesome none the less."
"Hey! I'll have you know, the X-Jet is the coolest thing in the sky." Spike strapped in next to Shadowcat.
"Sorry Spike, but the Javelin is equip for space travel and has worm hole technology that helps it travel to the other side of the galaxy. From the look of this thing, it can probably just barely leave the stratosphere." Kid Flash strapped himself in next to Artemis, looking smugly at the dark skinned mutant.
"Y-You've been to space? To the other side of the galaxy?" Spike stared at Wally with an open mouth.
"Well, not to the other side of the galaxy, but into space, yeah." The speedster looked a little too smug.
"That is awesome!" Nightcrawler had his feet planted up on the seat, his knees pressed to his chest as he looked at Kid Flash, "We've barely flown around in the X-Jet, let alone go into space!"
"Space is overrated. Trust me." Wolverine spoke up from the front of the jet, starting the engines.
"You've been to space?" Zatanna leaned forward in her seat.
"Once or twice."
"You need to tell us about that!" Rogue called out from her seat, Shadowcat nodding her head rapidly.
When the jet jerked upward, the teens all shut their mouths, lest they bite their tongues. Some held onto the straps tight, the initial rumble and shaking still scaring them a little. Kid Flash raised his voice over the rumbling, "Where exactly are we going?"
"New York!" Jean called back, "It's where our base is located!"
"Base? So you guys are super heroes." Kid Flash had his eyes closed but still spoke, counting in his head. Artemis reached out, holding his hand and making him smile. He squeezed back, opening one eye and grinning, "Thanks babe."
"Aw!" Shadowcat squealed, looking at the two holding hands.
Scott ignored it, "We aren't exactly super heroes, no. We're mutants."
"Whats the difference?" Robin spoke up, tilting his head at the boy.
"Well, it's complicated but super heroes and mutants are treated differently. A lot of discrimination going on."
"What? Why?"
"I'm not sure actually. For some reason, meta humans playing hero is okay, but people born with powers are not."
"That's...stupid." Superboy shook his head, M'gann nodding alongside him.
"Yeah, you're telling me." Scott's voice was bitter. Jean reached out, squeezing his hand and he smiled a little at her.
"Well we think you guys are alright!" Robin called out to the mutants, smirking.
"Gee, thanks! Only alright huh?" Scott smirked back, making everyone around laugh.
"We're the X-Men!" Nightcrawler proudly pumped his arms in the air, prompting Spike and Shadowcat to whoop.
"X-Men, seriously?" Wally waved his hand at Scott, who playfully glared back.
"What? What's wrong with the X-Men."
"It sounds like something a four year old thought of!"
"Oh yeah? What's your group called then?"
The whole Team went silent, just now realizing they had no name and just called their group 'Team'. At their silence, Scott laughed, "You guys don't even have a name? Talk about lame!"
"Oh yeah? I'd rather have no name then be the X-Men. What's that all about anyways?"
"We were named after the man who brought us all together, and taught us to control our powers and do good." Jean smiled fondly, admiring the man who helped her through so much.
"Professor Xavier. The strongest telepath on the planet, and a good man." Scott finished, nodding his head.
"Sounds like a good role model." Aqualad noted the respect and admiration on all the X-Men's faces.
"We're here." The Team looked out the window, seeing the enormous mansion and fields surrounding it.
"This is your base? I thought it would be more..." Kid Flash did not hide his disappointment, "Base-like."
"What does that even mean?" Spike laughed, unstrapping himself, "And yeah, this is our base. But it's also our home and school. Professor Xavier made this place a home for mutants. He doesn't just teach us chemistry and math, but how to control our powers and the importance of how we act with them in public."
"It's like a sanctuary." Zatanna stood up, stretching her arms and back.
"Well, lets hope it can be a sanctuary for us as well." Artemis strapped her bow and quiver onto her back.
"Charles is not one for turning away kids, even if they aren't mutants." Wolverine walked past the Team, hitting the switch to open the ramp and making his way down, "Welcome to the Xavier's School for the Gifted."
Whoa this extra went longer than I thought. A lot longer. Phew!
Crossover: X-Men Evolution (TV Show)