DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter. Everything is JK Rowling's

It was just another typical day in July.

With birds chirping nosily next to the windowsill, Hermione Jean Granger opened her caramel eyes and blinked tiredly at her bedroom ceiling. Shielding them from the dazzling sunlight streaming outside, she lazily flicker her wand to close the blinds. Stretching in an almost cat-like pose, she gave an exaggerated yawn and rolled out of bed, not without kicking her comforter onto the ground.

Sleepily scratching her toned mid drift, she stumbled into the bathroom and nearly fell back in shock of her reflection. Her tussled hair was all over the place. She looked like one of those crazy muggle scientist that blew up their lab, or more hilariously, like Seamus whenever he performed a charm that resulted in him setting fire to himself.

It had been about a month after the final battle at Hogwarts against Voldemort and nearly all of the Death Eaters were rounded up and sent to Azkaban for a life sentence. The Wizarding World was healing, slowly but surely, from all the chaos and destruction caused in the past two years. Hopefully this time round, they will learn from their past mistakes and cleanse the corruption inside the Ministry of Magic and fight against age-old prejudices.

Those who fought on the light side were showered with many praise and awards for their courage. Making headlines as the golden trio, history will remember them as the one who saved the Wizarding World from evil. Harry, of course, received a First Class Order of Merlin, while many others, such as herself got a Second Class Order of Merlin.

As soon as the battle had ended, Hermione immediately set out to find her parents to restore their memories. Nevertheless, the trust between them had wavered. Although they understood her reasoning behind her actions, her parents still cannot comprehend and are fearful of their daughter's powers. What they thought to be wand-waving mumble jumble had become something life changing, even life-threatening. Her parent's decision to stay in Australia and away from the magical madness caused an ache in her heart but what was done was done. History cannot be rewritten, as she had learned with the time turner in her third year.

However from this tragic event, a silver lining can be found in the new addition to the family.. Hermione was overjoyed when she found out that her parents had given birth to a baby brother, John Edmund Granger. The adorable little monster just turned one and started to crawl around, babbling nonsense as he goes. They sure had been busy during their stay in Australia.

She smiled at the framed photo they sent her when she went back to England, which was placed on her bedside table. Running a finger fondly over her picturesque family, she can't help but think back of the happy memories of her childhood.

Over that month, she had little to no contact from her various friends. Everyone was too busy rebuilding the Wizarding World to its former glory. Professor McGonagall was heard to be with Professor Flitwick, reconstructing the Hogwarts so that it would be ready for the school year. Except for the flogging of reporters and the thousands of trails, it was a normal day in July.

The world was finally at peace.

iA tapping noise was heard from the window. Jumping up from the bed in excitement, she flung open the window and hurriedly untied the letter from the owl's leg. When she flipped the letter over, she recognises the Hogwarts seal. Grinning profusely as she ripped it open, it read:

Dear Miss Granger,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been invited back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to repeat your final year since the war may have hindered your education. You have been appointed as Head Girl. Your badge will enclosed in the letter with a list of all necessary books and equipment for you seventh year at Hogwarts.

Term begins at September 1. We await you owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall
Headmistress of Hogwarts

Jumping up and down with joy and squealing, she ran downstairs and quickly scribbled a letter to her parents. She also wrote to Harry and Ginny, telling them that she was Head Girl and asking if Harry was Head Boy.

She can't wait to be at Hogwarts again.

As Hermione tightly gripped her trunk and rushed on to Platform 9 and 3/4, a shrill whistle sounded, signalling the near departure of the Hogwarts Express. She scanned the sea of heads for her two best friends.

A familiar face peered through the sea of people. Harry Potter came striding up to her with a beaming smile and his ratty flannel.

"I have not seen you for ages. It's good to see you!" as he crushed her into heart-warming hug.

"Hermione!" shouted Ginny as she ran over to hug the older woman. Hermione was happy that she could see the little red head. She missed her so much.

After the battle, Harry and Ginny's relationship continue to blossom and grow, filled with love and happiness. Hermione envied them as the brief relationship between Ron and her did no end well. Simply saying that Ron "took a break" as the whole Weasley family was mourning for the loss of Fred, would be a understatement. One awful day after the battle, he just left without a word or note and disappeared from her life. No owl or call could convince him to return, not even as a friend. He seemed to have taken Fred's loss the hardest. Hermione even tried flooing back to the Burrow but he had refused to come out of his room, claiming to be ill. She cried for days as she finally realised that she had been dumped without a reason.

Thinking about this always brought a tear into her eyes. Snapping out of her reveries, she smiled at the mini crowd of flaming red hair. Harry and Hermione were greeted by the whole Weasley family. Well. Everyone except for Ron, who was seen sulking behind Molly and the laughing Ginny in the background. She was about to go over and talk but Harry intercepted her.

Grabbing her by the arm, he gave a sorrowful glance between both of them and whispered "Don't bother him, Hermione. I know that you want to talk to him but just give him a bit more time. He will come through. Anyway, the train is leaving soon, get to the Head's compartment and report back to us who the head boy is."

Swivelling around in shock, she exclaimed "Wait, you are not Head Boy? I thought that Headmistress McGonagall would have chosen the Chosen one," which earned a small chuckle from the group.

A whistled sounded again, rushing everyone to get on the train.

"Tell me later, okay?" Harry said as he hastily dragged his trunk away, rushing towards Ginny to find a compartment.

Hermione sighed as she heaved her trunk and moved to the head of the train to find the head compartment.

Who is the Head Boy? she thought. If Harry was not the Head Boy, who would it be? Ron maybe?

She suddenly thought how awkward if it was Ron, everyday living in the same dorm room as him and even going on their daily patrols. It was not something she would look forward to.

No, it can't be… I saw Ron go after Harry and Ginny to find a compartment. It could be Anthony Goldstein from Ravenclaw. He was a very talented young man, second only to me…actually I am not sure.

Her mind swirled around for other possibilities and at last she reached the door to the heads train compartment. She took a deep breath and slid open the door.

A tall, muscular yet slender, white blonde-haired boy was lounging on one of the couches in the Head's compartment. A face of shock crossed Hermione's face as she recognised the one and only Draco Malfoy. Before she could even retreat back outside to the hallway, he turned around. Draco sneered as he saw the Head Girl. "If it isn't the insufferable know-it-all… I should have guessed that the old lady signed you up as Head Girl."

"Why are you here, ferret? I thought you would be back home with your mummy since your daddy is in Azkaban." Hermione wittily scorned back, fury bubbling in her chest.

Anger flashed in his eyes as he pinned Hermione to the closed door behind them, their faces inches between each other. "Don't even talk about my family like that, bookworm." Pleased with her shocked face he moved back. "And I thought you are supposed to be the brightest witch of our age, I'm the Head Boy, duh." He drawled, rolling his eyes as he sat on the couch.

Recovering from his shocked face, she spat "What you the Head Boy! Don't make me laugh. Why would Profe—Head Mistress McGonagall appointed you as Head Boy?"

"Read this bookworm. I didn't choose to work with you, Granger."

He shoved a piece of parchment at her face, looking very similar to her own Hogwarts letter. She snatched it away from his hand and read:

Dear Mr Malfoy,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been invited back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to repeat your final year since the war may have hindered your education. You have been appointed as Head Boy. Your badge will enclosed in the letter with a list of all necessary books and equipment for you seventh year at Hogwarts.

Term begins at September 1. We await you owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall
Headmistress of Hogwarts

"Oh dear, this is going to be a hell of a year." She murmured, rubbing her temples.

Not wanting to continuing arguing with him, she sat down on the surprising plush couches. Avoiding Malfoy's face, she looked around, taking in the beauty and luxury of the Head's compartment. The compartment was elegantly furnished with lush couches and even a small table beside the window. It looked like some kind of first class train compartments instead of a Head's compartment.

Without warning, the train suddenly lurched forward, throwing Hermione off of her couch and on top of Head Boy's hard body. She stared into the shocked stormy grey eyes of Draco Malfoy, faces in front of each other's and their lips pressing together. Before they can move, they both heard a little voice coming from the door. "I was wondering if - oh, sorry am I interrupting something. Maybe I should just come back later…"