Hello my dearies!

Well here it is! The Epilogue I promised! I had fun writing this cause I was in a super sappy mood... I really think that ya'll will enjoy it!

That being said... I would like to address something...

I LOVE getting reviews from you guys. I really do. I love hearing your input and hearing suggestions! But... Today I read a review that...well it really hurt my pride as an author... I understand that my writing isn't perfect and that I have a lot of room to improve... But the review that I read today really hurt my feelings... It wasn't the criticism that the person offered. I am open to criticism and welcome it so that I can improve... It was the manner in which they presented it... It felt like they truly wanted to hurt me with their words and I admit I was a little wounded... But I won't let that stop me from writing the way I do. I don't believe that my writing is "awful", and I will continue to write in the manner that I have. It is my goal to paint a picture for you, my readers, and maybe touch your hearts in the same way that your encouragement and praise has touched mine... I can't thank you enough for all the support you've given me... I treasure each and every one of you and I hope that all of you are blessed with the same feeling of happiness that I get whenever I read one of your sweet reviews... To the person who posted such a bitter review, I thank you for your honesty. I understand that I tend to ramble in these pre-chapter blurbs. I just have so much that I want to say to you readers, because I feel like I can confide my thoughts to you. I want to share little bits of my life with yours so you can get a better feel for my writing. I don't know why you felt the need to be so rude in your review...but I still thank you for it nonetheless.

Thank you so much to all my readers. I love each and every one of you.

Much love


Ten Years Later...

"Mommy, look! I can make fire!" said the little blonde boy, running over to his mother. He was about seven years old, and had wavy blonde hair and brown eyes that he had inherited from his mother. The woman beamed at her child as he held up his hands, which were filled with red-gold flames. His cheeks were pink from the exertion of using his magic at such a young age, but the delight on his face was clear.

"Oh honey those are beautiful! Why don't you go show daddy?" said the woman lovingly, patting her son on the head and smiling as he bounded out the front door of their little home, the scale patterned scarf around his neck trailing out behind him. She hummed happily as she carried out a basket of clothes to the line outside, the wind blowing her long blonde hair out behind her.

"Daddy, Layla! Look what I can do!" shouted the young boy, running over to his father, who was sitting by the little pond by the house with the boy's twin. She was sitting in her father's lap while he fished, clinging on to the little canine spirit in her arms and marveling at the pretty flames her brother held. Her hair was a perfect match to her father's, a light pink. Her eyes though were the same as her brother's.

"Igneel that's so cool!" exclaimed Layla, while their father beamed with pride.

"Wow... Great job! Those look delicious!" said the man, leaning forward and slurping up the flames. Igneel pouted and his sister giggled. The woman smiled warmly at her husband and children as she hung up the washing in the warm sunlight. When she had finished she walked over to the blue feline curled up on a large rock near the pond and sat next to him, absentmindedly stroking his soft fur. The little cat purred happily and climbed into her lap.

"They're growing up fast, aren't they Lucy?" said the little cat, watching as the little boy tried and failed to push his father into the water. Layla had gotten up from his lap and was laughing while her little spirit sat on her head. She had been able to tap into her magic just a few days previously, and had been rewarded with a silver key her father had gone out and bought for her. Lucy nodded slowly as she watched her husband with their children, her smile never wavering.

"They really are Happy... I'm just glad Layla inherited my magic rather than Natsu's. A young lady doesn't need to be put through the kind of training he'd make her do," she said, and the two of them laughed. Natsu had gotten to his feet and was chasing his young son around the pond's edge, Igneel yelling in delight when he was caught.

"I gotcha now! Know how to defeat fire? You dunk it in water!" yelled Natsu, scooping up Layla as well and leaping into the pond. The children laughed and squealed as they swam back to shore, their father pretending to be a water monster and chasing them. Lucy shook her head and got up, Happy laughing as he hovered by her head. She marched over to the pond's edge and stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at her husband.

"Natsu! I just did the kids' clothes this morning! Now they've already gotten one change of clothes dirty!" she said, trying to contain the grin that threatened to show on her lips. Her husband cheekily smiled as he exited the pond, shaking his head to get rid of some of the water.

"I'm sorry Luce... I'll help with clothes next time," he said, trying to look chastened as she raised an eyebrow at him. Lucy was having difficulty not laughing as she spoke.

"That's what you said last time Natsu. It's funny how Gray always needs your help whenever there's laundry or chores to be done..." she said sternly, earning a wince from her husband. She shrieked as he leapt forward and scooped her into his damp arms, peppering her face with kisses as their children made sounds of disgust. Lucy couldn't help it as her annoyance melted away and the little family laughed in the brilliant sunshine.

"Daddy! Since Igneel and I can both do magic now does that mean we can join the guild?" asked Layla excitedly, picking up her little spirit again and clutching him tightly. Natsu's exaggerated thoughtful expression made Lucy and Happy giggle as the children waited with baited breath. Finally after a sufficiently suspenseful time Natsu smiled at his children.

"Of course you can. No difficult missions till you've practiced your magic more though!" he said, causing the twins to shout in delight and hug his legs tightly. Lucy's heart melted at the loving expression on his face as he looked down at their two beautiful children. He really had become an excellent father...

"Come on everyone, let's go in and have dinner," said Lucy, taking her daughter's hand and leading the little family inside their cozy little house. The children ran ahead to the kitchen and began arguing over what they wanted for dinner, egged on by a mischievous Happy. Lucy stopped Natsu just outside the kitchen, taking his hand and holding it. He gave her a puzzled look as he saw the faint tears shining in the corners of her eyes.

"Luce? What's wrong? Are you still upset about the pond thing?" he asked, sounding a little worried. Lucy shook her head and smiled at him, her heart feeling like it was going to burst.

"No... I was just thinking... About how we got here... To having this wonderful home and children..." she said, her voice breaking a little. Natsu's expression softened and he pulled her into his arms. Tears of happiness spilled from Lucy's eyes as he held her, stroking her back gently as she calmed down.

"It's been quite the journey..." said Natsu gently, kissing her cheek and wiping the tears from her eyes. She nodded, hiccuping slightly as she smiled. "And it's only going to get better..." he added, his hand sliding down to rest on her gently bulging belly. Lucy smiled and placed her hand over his, the golden dragon on her guildmark seeming to glimmer faintly, almost as if it could sense the new life slowly growing within her... Natsu's other hand cupped her face as he leaned in and kissed her. It was a kiss filled with love, a kiss shared between two soulmates who had years of happiness together but so many more left to enjoy... After what seemed like an eternity they broke apart, Natsu smiling as Lucy's eyes shone with happiness.

"Yes... But I don't know how perfect can get any better..."