Dragon's Garrison (Chapter Twenty-Five)

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

On September 25 of 1926, seven year old Garrick Ollivander, along with his father, created his first wand. It was a special birthday treat from his father that took the young Ollivander over three days to create, the longest the ancient Wand maker had spent on any wand. It was a unique and beautiful wand especially during that time; 14 and three quarter inches, aspen wood, dragon heartstring, unbeatable.

Garrick Ollivander felt so proud of his wand's creation that he had it on a plaque in the shop for anyone who wanted to buy it. So many wizards wanted to buy it until eventually a pro-dueler named Thomas Quinn, a descendant of the famous pro dueling group, the Silver Spears, bought the wand. Together he and the wand won many duels together.

Only when Thomas achieved a great age did he officially retire the wand and hung it inside his house. When he passed away his descendants couldn't find the wand and believed that someone stole it. In actuality Thomas had sold the wand back to Ollivander as he believed another great duelist would come to possess it in time.

The wand remained in Ollivander's shop for many decades until August 26th, 1985 when it was mistakenly shipped to the Ollivander shop in Hogsmeade where it remained in storage for ten years. After those ten years a young couple came into the shop where the girl convinced the boy to exchange his old wand for a new one.

Ron and Ollivander don't know this fact, but if they did I'm pretty sure they'd smile. I suppose you could say that's where this story had begun…

… And this is where it ends.

September 1st, 2017

Exiting a car at King's Cross station a family of seven walked into the train station. People seemed to automatically shoo out of the way because the patriarch seemed to walk with an imperial air about him that made others seem to not want to get in his way. The man was tall, about 6'6, with short slightly slick and spiky red hair and blue eyes, wearing a fine royal blue collar shirt and black jacket with blue jeans. The man walked with his wife, three sons and two daughters.

"I will not Jesse" one of the girl's hissed towards her little brother.

"Give it a rest Jesse" Daphne told her son.

"What, I'm just saying it's a possibility" Jesse said with a shrug, his blue eyes twinkling mischievously. "Right Jake?"

"Oh quite" he said in a fake pompous tone as the boys laughed.

"I told you I will not" the girl said firmly. "I will uphold our family's tradition proudly. I will be put in Gryffindor or Slytherin, no exception." A little blond haired girl trailed sadly clutching her father's leg.

"I want to go now" she whined softly.

"And you will, it's only three years" the man said comfortingly. "They'll pass by just like that."

"We only have one year" Jake and Jesse grinned at their little sister. A sharp glance from their mother made them go quiet. Commuters stared at the family oddly as they pushed two trolleys filled with trunks and owls, but once more the looks went back to the man and woman; the woman for her astounding beauty and the man for the expensive looking heart shaped red diamond he wore around his neck.

"We're here" the oldest said. He looked almost like an exact copy of his father when he was a teenager with the long red hair, pale skin and same blue eyes. They had approached the barrier to Platform 9 and three quarters. "Father" he said respectfully.

"After you son" the man smiled at him. The boy sped towards the barrier and vanished into the wall. Seeing his daughter look at the wall nervously he gently patted her long red hair "Together" he smiled. The girl nodded and together with her father they sped through the barrier.

They came out on the other side to a bustling train station where there were many other witches and wizards off to see their children off to school. Behind him the man's wife and three children came in behind them. Her brothers looked around in awe and with their youngest sister grabbing their hands they went off after their oldest brother.

Capitalizing on the moment that her brothers weren't around the girl asked "You'll write to me won't you" she asked.

"Every day if you want" Daphne said.

"Not every day" she said with a blush. "I'm already going to get enough attention as it is."

"We wrote to Ron three times a week on his first year; he didn't mind" Daphne pointed out.

"He doesn't mind about a lot of things; he's too calm" the girl said with a cute whine.

Ron laughed "Don't believe everything Ron says; he may be calm, but he does know how to mess with people. He gets that from your mother." Ron got a giggle from his daughter and a severe look from his wife, but he knew her long enough to know there was no real ire in her look.

Then his son's Jake and Jesse came running back "We found them, come on" they said excitedly. Smiling they walked along the platform seeing a few familiar faces as they did. They saw Neville and Hannah Longbottom saying goodbye to their son. Hannah was smoothing his short blond hair while Neville smiled at his son's embarrassment. Their daughter was next to her father giggling at her brother's look. They'd see him again soon enough as Neville was the Professor of Herbology and Hannah was the School's Med-Witch.

Through the crowd of people and steam Ron heard his brother Percy saying goodbye to his two daughters with his wife Audrey. "There they are" Ron pointed as a bundle of people emerged from the steam.

"You made it" Ron's older brother Fred beamed as he reached up and clapped his tall little brother on the shoulder. "Alicia made us come by Apparating; they didn't trust us to drive."

"With good reason" Alicia said with a serious look. "Have you seen him attempt to drive? He almost flattened the instructor."

"By accident" Fred said indignantly while his children just laughed at their father's expression.

"At least I did better" George said loftily.

"I wouldn't call knocking down all the traffic cones better dear" Angelina said with a roll of her eyes. George pouted while his children giggled at him. Ron had already moved on and greeted Harry as they helped his son's trunk on board.

"Found your way have you" Ron asked.

"Yep, the traffic sucked though" Harry said. "Seriously, idiots don't know how to drive nowadays."

"Neither do most wizards" he said remembering his older brothers. Behind them Ron's daughter and Harry's son were having an animated discussion with each other about what house they would be in when they got to Hogwarts. As they finished loading their children's things into the train Ron noticed some others "Look who it is" he said.

Harry followed his gaze and saw Draco Malfoy with his wife Pansy along with their young son. Draco's son resembled him as much as Harry's middle child and Ron's oldest child resembled them. Draco and his wife looked up and caught the eye of Harry and Ron and gave a very courteous nod to them with small, miniscule smiles.

"So that's little Scorpius" Ron murmured. "Don't get too comfy with him Jackie; Grandpa Weasley would never forgive you if you married a Malfoy."

"Ron" Daphne admonished looking a little amused as Jackie paled. "Don't turn them against each other before they've met."

"Mmm-Hmm" he hummed.

"Hey guys" someone else called. Looking up the saw three more children running this way.

"Kyle" Jack and Jesse cried happily running up and hugging their cousin. Their cousin Kyle caught them as they jumped into his arms. Jackie and her little sister, Susan, ran over and hugged their cousins Tammy and Sasha.

"Cutting it close Colin" Harry asked.

Colin Greengrass was slightly breathless as he caught up to his children. "Had to go back to the house three times; Kyle forgot something each time."

"I said I was sorry" Kyle said somewhat sheepishly.

"Say that to the traffic" Colin muttered making his daughter's giggle. "Astoria's coming along; she's double checking to make sure Kyle didn't forget anything in the car." Kyle blushed making his many cousins grin at him.

"Look who it is" a voice called. Out of the steam and crowd of people came Theodore and Tracey Nott. Walking next to them were their two children Ashley and Michael Nott. Their son Michael was heading off for his first year.

"Hey guys" Ron said sharing a handshake with Theo while Daphne shared a hug between Tracey and herself. "Both kids off to Hogwarts now?"

"Oh yeah" Theo said. "Michael's been bouncing off the wall with excitement. He can't wait."

"I recall that Tracey was the same" Daphne commented getting Tracey to pout.

"Like you can talk" Tracey griped. Their children were already co-mingling with one another and distinctly Ron noticed his oldest son talking with Ashely; Ashley was blushing slightly, but smiling brightly.

"Blaise here yet" Ron asked.

"He's running a bit late, but he said he'll get his son on the train" Theo responded.

"Hey guys" the loud voice of Harry's son, James Potter, sounded out as he ran towards them. "You're not gonna believe what I just saw. I saw Teddy snogging Victoire. Victoire… our cousin… being snogged by Teddy, seriously."

"You interrupted them" Ginny said dryly. "You are so much like your uncles."

Her daughter Lily didn't share her mother's sense of dryness "Oh wouldn't it be lovely if they got married. Teddy really would become a part of the family then. Both he and Katherine."

"Oh there's more" James said with a positively ecstatic grin. "I also saw Romulus… he was snogging Alice."

"Whoa, hold on, Romulus… Romulus Black was snogging Alice Longbottom" Ron Weasley II said in shock. "We just saw her with Professor Longbottom."

"Apparently not anymore" James grinned.

"Well it would be nice if they did marry" Ron said with a hum. "They pop up at least twice a week and if it's not at the castle it's at your house Harry."

Harry nodded "Yeah, why not just invite them to live with us and be done with it."

"Could we" James said excitedly. "I don't mind sharing a room with Al. Teddy could have my room."

"Oh no" Harry said quickly. "You and Al will share a room only when I want the house demolished."

"Father it's almost eleven" the oldest son of Ron said. "We should be getting on."

"Right; have a good year everyone" he said watching as everyone gave their goodbyes to their children. Fred and George hugged their sons and daughters and watched them go on the train. "Have a good year Jackie, don't forget Hagrid's invited you and Al for tea on Friday. Don't mess with Ghosts or suits of armor, don't get into messy confrontations and don't let your cousins rile you up."

Jackie nodded while hugging her father, but she still looked worried "Father… what if I'm not put in Gryffindor or Slytherin." Ron knew right then and there that his daughter inherited the fear he once had when he was being sorted. Crouching down so that his daughter's face was equal with his own; of all of his five children Jackie was the only one who inherited their mother's emerald eyes.

"Jackeline Molly Weasley" Ron said softly. "You were named after your mother's grandmother and my own mother, one may have been a Gryffindor, but the other was a Ravenclaw and to this day she remains the wisest Greengrass ever."

Jackie looked nervous "But just say that I am."

"Then Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw will have gained a wonderful young witch" Ron said firmly. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Harry and Al having a similar conversation. "But listen, if it really means that much to you then you can choose Gryffindor or Slytherin. Uncle Harry says the Sorting Hat really takes your choice into account."

"Really" Jackie said with hope.

"Really" Ron nodded. The whistle blew "Ready?"

"Ready" Jackie nodded and they both stood up. They hugged each other once more before getting on the train with her many cousins and older brother. As she got on many students stared at her and her brother before looking out at Ron and Harry.

"Why are they all staring" Al wondered out loud.

"It's just our father's they're extremely famous" Ron's oldest son answered with a small smile. The train began to take off as the cousins all managed to squeeze into one large compartment. The train began to go and Ron saw his daughter and son's face filled with happiness and excitement as they got further and further away. He heard his two other sons waving and whistling while little Susan was tearfully in the arms of her mother watching everyone go. The same was for Lily, Tammy, and Sasha.

Even as the scarlet train drifted away Ron kept staring at the tracks "She'll be fine" Daphne murmured next to him taking his hand. "She is your daughter."

Ron's hand lowered to where it gently touched the shining Heart of the Dragon rested around his chest "I know she will." The wars were over and his children were happy. All was well.

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Epilogue Character Bio's:

Ron Weasley II: Ron and Daphne's first and oldest child and Heir Apparent to the Throne when Ron eventually steppes down. Born on June 7th, 2003 Ron is heading into his Fourth Year at Hogwarts. As stated he is an exact carbon copy of his father from when he was in Hogwarts with the only thing he doesn't have is freckles. Since he is the oldest of five children and the Heir Apparent to the throne Ron has a more serious side to him. He is very respectful to his father and mother, but is very close to them and all of his siblings. As stated Ron is rather serious, but also has a small playful side to him. Ron Weasley II is sorted in Slytherin House.

Jackeline "Jackie" Weasley: Ron and Daphne's second child and oldest daughter. Born on September 21st, 2005 Jackie is going to start her first year at Hogwarts. Jackie is very proud of both her Weasley and Greengrass heritage and as such wants to hold up tradition for each side by not being prejudiced towards others despite their blood status and by being sorted into Gryffindor or Slytherin. She has a slight fear of being sorted into Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, a fear that her two younger brothers capitalize on a lot. She is especially close to her father as she was able to confide her fear to him and be reassured by his words. She is the only one of Ron's children to inherit Daphne's green eyes.

Jesse Weasley: Ron and Daphne third child as he was born a few minutes before his twin brother Jake. Born on August 14th, 2007 he is set to go off to Hogwarts next year and show everyone what he can do as the son of the King. He looks like a young blond version of his father as he has his mother's hair, but his father's eyes with a minor amount of freckles on his cheeks. He and his brother are like the next generation "Fred and George" as they are both twins and love pulling jokes at other people's expense. If they go too far a single glance from their mother is enough to stop them. He shares close relationships with his parents, siblings, and cousins.

Jacob "Jake" Weasley: Ron and Daphne's fourth child as he was born a few minutes after his twin brother Jesse, a fact that his twin likes to exploit on him at times. Jake likes to pretend to act pompous at times as he is a prince, but he doesn't really mean anything by it. He looks exactly like his twin brother, but his parents can always tell them apart. Like his twin brother he loves to pull jokes on others and shares a close relationship with all of his family members, but is particularly a mama's boy.

Susan Weasley: Ron and Daphne's fifth and youngest child. Born on January 19th 2009 she is quite anxious to set off to Hogwarts like her oldest brother and older sister. When it was time for another one of her siblings to go off to Hogwarts Susan tearfully clenched her father's leg as she wanted to go badly. She apparently shares a very close relationship with her father and is also very close to her big sister. She looks like a carbon copy of Daphne only with her father's eyes.

Ashley Nott: Theo and Tracey's first child and daughter. Born on April 29th 2003. She is a mix of her mother and father. She has a bit of Theo's stoicism to those who are rude to her and she also didn't follow a crowd. But like her mother she is a very open person. She has her father's black hair and her mother's amber eyes. She is starting her 4th year at Hogwarts and has a massive crush on Ron's oldest child.

Michael Nott: Theo and Tracey's second child and son. Born on January 14th 2006 Michael is mostly his mother's child as she is exactly like Tracey, but looks like a miniature Theo as he has his slick black hair and dark violet eyes. He is a very excitable child and is very much looking forward to his first year at Hogwarts. He is best friends with Albus Potter and Jackeline Weasley.

Blade Zabini: He is the adopted child of Blaise Zabini and was born on September 9th 2003. Blaise found him as an orphan wandering around the streets in 2006 and he saw how much Blade was like him. He was a dark skinned boy with dark eyes and short black hair. Due to his early upbringing in the streets Blade is a rather stoic boy, but will show his kindness to those who have earned his trust. He is good friends with Ron Weasley II and Ashley Nott. His best friend and secret crush is Katherine Lupin.

Frank Longbottom II: Neville and Hannah's oldest child. Born on February 28th, 2001 Frank is an almost exact carbon copy of his father as he has a slightly round face, but his face is slimmer than Neville's is and he inherited his mother's blond hair. Both of his parents work at Hogwarts so he sees them off at the train station and sees them at Hogwarts a few hours later. He is sorted into Hufflepuff in his Fifth Year and is one of the two Hufflepuff Prefects.

Alice Longbottom II: Neville and Hannah's second child. Born on March 31st 2003 Alice looks more like her mother Hannah as she has her pink face and eyes, but has Neville's dark hair. Unlike her slightly shy big brother Alice is more outgoing and adventurous, which is why she was sorted into Gryffindor. She shares a close relationship with her parents and older brother and is also in a relationship with Romulus Black. She is also one of Ron Weasley II's best friends. Like Ron she is in her fourth year.

Kyle Greengrass: He is the firstborn son of Colin and Astoria Greengrass and the Heir of his grandfather's clothing empire when his mother officially hands it over to him when he graduates. Born on November 30th 2005 Kyle inherited his maternal last name as his father married into the Greengrass Family. Kyle is like his father Colin as he inherited his mousy brown hair, but also inherited his mother's bluish-grey eyes. Kyle can be rather forgetful at times as his father had to turn around three times to pick up supplies left back at the house. Kyle shares a close relationship with Jake and Jesse Weasley and his two little sisters. He is off on his first year to Hogwarts.

Tamera "Tammy" Greengrass: She is the second oldest child of Colin and Astoria. Born on December 11th, 2007 she looks just like her mother as she inherited everything from her. Her face, her eye color and her hair color; she could past for a miniature Astoria, but despite that Tammy shares her father's love of picture taking. She and her father take walks and take pictures of the surrounding wildlife when they had free time. Tammy shares a close relationship with her little sister and Harry and Ron's youngest children Lily and Susan.

Sasha Greengrass: She is Colin and Astoria's youngest child. She was born on April 15th 2008 and is the only one of their children to inherit Colin's brown eyes. She is a mix between her parents as she is very chatty around people she knows, but shy around people she hasn't met before. Like her older sister she shares a close relationship with her cousins Lily, and Susan.

Romulus Black: He is the only child of Sirius and Emmeline Black. He was born on October 1st, 2002. The concept of his birth is quite a story as his parent's hooked up after the Battle of Hogwarts after a drunken night together. After that both parents grew closer together and got married a few years afterwards and eventually had him. Romulus is the heir of the Black Family and inherited all of his father's good looks. He has very thick slightly curly black hair and bright grey eyes. Around Hogwarts he is known as a Heartbreaker, but unlike his father he is not a playboy. He is fourteen years old in Gryffindor house in his fourth year. He is currently in a relationship with Alice Longbottom II. Both are very smitten with each other unknown to their families. He is also one of Ron Weasley II's best friends.

Katherine Lupin: She is the youngest child and only daughter of Remus and Nymphadora Lupin. She was born on May 22nd 2004 more than six years after her brother Teddy. Unlike her brother she did not inherit her mother's Metamorphmagus abilities so she has her mother's light brown hair and her father's green eyes. Like her brother, her father worried if she inherited any wolfish tendencies; the only things she inherited was a slit pupil of a werewolf and a liking for rare meat, but that's it. She is in her 3rd year at Hogwarts and is sorted into Ravenclaw. She is also one of Ron Weasley II's best friends and surprisingly she has a crush on Blaise's adopted son Blade.

Gideon Weasley: He is George and Angelina's oldest child and only son named after his father's Uncle Gideon who died in the First Wizarding War. He was born on July 6th 2005 and has his mother's skin tone, eyes and hair and is the best friend of James Potter II. Like his father he is a very avid prankster and shares his love of pranking with his cousin Fabian and Cousin James since James inherited his grandfather's pranking personality. He is very close with his little sister Roxane and father George. He plans on working in his father's joke shop when he graduates or going to play professional Quidditch, he hasn't decided yet. He is currently a third year in Hogwarts and sorted into Gryffindor.

Fabian Weasley: He is Fred and Alicia's oldest child and only son named after his father's Uncle Fabian who died in the First Wizarding War. Ironically he was born on July 6th 2005 just like his cousin Gideon so they share a birthday together just like their father's do. Like his cousin Gideon, Fabian has his mother's looks and his father's personality and is very close with his father, sister and cousin James being one his best friends. He is currently a third year in Hogwarts sorted into Gryffindor house.

Melinda Weasley: She is Fred and Alicia's youngest child and only daughter. She was born on March 7th 2008. She has slightly dark skin, but is paler than both her mother and brother and inherited her father's freckles. Melinda isn't much into pranking, but is an avid flyer. She loves flying and plans on trying out for the Quidditch team when going to Hogwarts. She has a close relationship with her mother and her cousin Roxanne.

And there you go; that's the story of the Dragon's Garrison and their descendants. Does anyone want a Sequel… let me know. Until then… see ya!