*dodges everything getting thrown at me because it has been months since the last chapter*
I am sorry guys, I just wasn't in a good state of mind to write, but I am feeling up to it now.
I just hope people are still reading this heap of junk also known as my writing...
ANYWAYS, I will try make this long but it is 12:00 in Northern Ireland but it's a Saturday so what the hell?! WHO NEEDS SLEEP
ps: I am thinking about doing a few shots of other couples (weird ones! None of the usually crap! Unless you really want..) but yeah PM me or leave a review telling me what couple I should do!
I hope you enjoy this.. And thankyou for sticking with me, you guys give me courage to write and I am extremely greatful! I love you all my kawaii fans:33
It has been about a week since Satoshi's attack, Naomi hasn't told anyone, Seiko is too scared to leave the house without Naomi right by her side. Satoshi sure is a douchebag.
The couple haven't met their friends since the incident, they still didn't know what Satoshi had done and he acts like nothing happened, only a human with no soul could do that..
"Seiko, Ayumi just texted me, she asked us if we wanted to go out with her and Mayu to the cafè in the city centre. Do you want to go? Satoshi won't be there."
"Naomi I don't know what to do! I'm so depressed and I feel like my mind is in the gutters! I am so sorry for basically stopping your interaction with anyone or anything outside of mine or your house."
"You know I would do anything to keep you happy Seiko, I would go to hell and back."
After the last syllable came out of Naomi's mouth, Seiko pounced on her like a hungry lion hunting for her prey and finally catching it. She then wrapped her arms around her lovers neck gently and smiled until her jaw hurt from smiling too much..
"Let's go get ready for that date with Ayumi and Mayu babe!"
"Alright!" Naomi was confused at how easy it was for Seiko to just get up after weeks and meet with her friends, but she didn't question it. She was happy for her girlfriend.
They shared a delicate kiss and started washing and dressing to head out.
"Naomi! Seiko! We missed you both so much! Where were you for this whole week?!"
"Well.. Erm.. We.. Just decided to take a break from being social! Yeah! That's it! Wait... What?" Naomi stuttered.
"Naomi tell us the truth, as class rep that is an order!"
"Ayumi, we aren't even in school.." Mayu dead panned
"Naomi, just tell us the truth!" Ayumi exclaimed, clearly dying to know what they were up to.
"Well Ayumi, if you really want to know, I will tell you.." Seiko replied deviously.
"Yes! Go on go on!" Ayumi said curiously.
Much to Ayumi's surprise, Seiko leaned into her, close enough to kiss her if she wanted, Ayumi started to blush at the thought and resisted the urge to push Seiko away from her.
Just then Seiko started to whisper something into her ear, stunning her into silence, while Naomi wore a shocked look on her face and Mayu's face twisted into a curious, but cute expression.
Seiko was whispering into Ayumi's ear for nearly a minute until Ayumi finally pushed her away and much to Mayu and Naomi's surprise started shouting at her, not about Satoshi.
"Seiko you are gross! Why explain that in such detail! You have scarred my mind, my mind is dirty, it's filthy! Seikoo ewwww, nooooooooo!"
Naomi face palmed as she realised why Seiko was wearing her cat like grin. She only does this when she was doing or thinking something to do with sex.
"Seiko may I talk to you in the bathrooms?" Naomi dead panned.
"Ayumi! Calm down girl! Everyone is looking!" Mayu hushed.
"right, right, yes, sorry. SORRY EVERYONE!"
After Ayumi finished all of the girls laughed and everyone except Ayumi face palmed, the laughter only died down when Seiko gave Ayumi a wink and pulled Naomi into the bathrooms by her hand. Mayu was left with a wide-eyed, horrified Ayumi.
"Oh gosh, Ayumi, whatever you do, do not scre-"
Seiko giggled as she heard Ayumi scream from outside the toilets, Naomi tried to hold back a smirk but failed and they ended up bursting out in laughter together. As the laughter died down Naomi bombarded Seiko with questions.
"What exactly did you tell Ayumi we were doing this week? Did you tell her about Satoshi? Do you think she believed it? Did Mayu hear aswell?"
"I told her we had sex non-stop for a week, in excellent detail. No I did not tell her about that mongrel. Judging by her screaming and reaction yes and I don't think Mayu did hear, I am gonna tell her separately and it will be funnier."
"Why did she scream when I asked you to talk to me in the bathroom?"
"I told her we had sex in the toilets and you so happened to say the exact same thing I said to Ayumi."
"Alright, my questions are over, and by the way... THOSE CRÈPES ARE ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!"
"Come on idiot, our coffee is getting cold," Seiko chuckled. Naomi sent her a death glare while trying not to chuckle herself. Just before they exited the bathroom, Seiko whispered into Naomi's ear.
"Pretend to be dusting yourself off, like you just put your clothing back on, trust me it'll be priceless.."
Naomi chuckled in response and done as Seiko wished, and as she promised, it was priceless. The look on Mayu's face was better than Ayumi's!
Seiko's House
The couple returned home hand in hand, that was the most fun they had in a long time. After they ate at the café they went to the mall and went window shopping, Seiko teased Ayumi all day and told Mayu what they apparently did all week, all in all the day had been amazing.
"Gosh, it's 8PM, what should we do?" Naomi asked innocently.
"WE SHOULD GET IT OOOON!" Seiko screamed.
"Seiko!? Is your dad not home?"
"No-one is!"
"But I heard footsteps in the kitchen!"
Naomi's eyes were as wide as dinner plates when she heard footsteps in the kitchen again. This time Seiko also looked over her shoulder wide-eyed. Just then a masculine figure came out of the shadows and a pair of angry looking, dark brown eyes.
It was carrying a baseball bat.
"Seiko get the fuck over here before I swing this bat at Naomi's face!" Satoshi growled.
"No! Seiko stay here!" Naomi cried.
"Satoshi.." Seiko whispered, no one even heard her.
"Alright then! We will fucking do this the hard way!" Satoshi yelled.
he started charging at Naomi like a bull, the bat was positioned above his head ready to strike, but before he could reach her he was knocked out cold.
Naomi stood frozen in place wide eyed with Seiko beside her, a part of what used to be a lamp in her hand, she dropped it onto the floor beside Satoshi's head.
Sooo.. Was it good? It's short and kinda shitty, but I'm still not in a perfect set of mind to write. I figured that you guys deserved SOMETHING even if it was the shortest crappiest thing you have read in your life. I will try to update sooner, I'm off for Easter holidays on Wednesday, so I might write then. Sooo, see you later, I love you all:3