Before we start with the big message I should clarify that I'm not dead. I am SO SORRY for being gone for so long but school is a thing and a bunch of new games and dlc are even more things and after taking a break from writing I kind of stopped wanting to write anything for a long time, which is a thing.

Anyway, my schedule has to change since I really don't know how much time I have to write anymore. Basically I'll post whenever I have something to post. Sorry, wish I could be more consistent but I really just don't know anymore. Sorry. Though the things I plan on doing next shouldn't take too long to do.

NOW! On to the real reason why I am posting an update on these fics!

Seriously, I really see no other way for me to tell you guys this besides an update on all my relevant stories.

I have something awesome planned! Allow me to explain…

Being that these fics are connected, and many of you probably aren't going to read them all, I'm going to make thing easy for you.

I'm taking these fics and combining them into one series!

Yes, I'm going to have to repost a bunch of chapters, but that gives me a chance to improve them a bit and add things that are also important for the story.

Don't worry though, I'm leaving the original works alone. Well… except a few that I deleted because I didn't get very far with them anyway…

So yeah! Soon I'm going to go back to where it all began with The Plus One of RWBY…

Have a great week everyone, and I'll be back hopefully soon with a series that I'm calling…


(If anyone is confused and has a question feel free to PM me)

The following is a special bit I put in for anyone reading this on "The Plus One of RWBY".

I can't believe how well this fic has done over time! I really can't! Even when I had gone far past the fic and moved on to other fics, TPOR has continued to get around 20 views every day! Now I realize that for the professional people that isn't much, and this fic was something you kind of needed to read first so that explains some of the views…

But even now, 20 views a day!? And the follows that I had gotten over time were such a nice thing to see. I'm really happy with how many people are enjoying this fic! I mean from what I've seen, OC fics are GOOD fics if they can get 50+ follows. Now, seeing as I consider TPOR an amateur and poorly written fic (I'm not very good at storytelling XD), you can understand my confusion when I see this has 72 (72!?) follows and 59 favs! Like, I have to assume I did something right despite what most reviews said. (Those people were rude… and probably flamers. I realize that now) While the people who are actually good at this go on and get hundreds of follows by writing non-OC based fics, I still consider 72 follows to be A LOT of follows! Thank you so much guys, I'm glad you enjoyed the fic!

But as I stated above, the story isn't over yet! I have a rewrite inbound! All the fics that are connected are going to come over into one fic so things are easier to follow for you guys! I don't plan on changing much besides changing the format/ how things are worded and adding scenes occasionally. You might recognize one of them from the EXTRAS fic!