"What do you want to do now? Sticker organizing? Thumb war? Arm wrestle? OOH! We could play mini golf!" Mabel doesn't understand when the doctor says I need to rest, she needs to leave. Then again, he could probably have yelled at her to get out, and she'd only be slightly aware of him asking her nicely to leave.
"Mabel, I need to rest. I'm all broken and messed up. Can I be alone?" I ask her nicely, for being depressed out of my mind.
"Okay. I'll just sit right over here." I groan. She didn't know when to stop.
"Kitten sticker, flower sticker? Kitten sticccckkkkkkkeeeeeeerrrrrrr, flower sticker? Heart sticker? No. Kitten sticker? Flower sticker?" Mabel is now contemplating which sticker to stick on me. I prefer "nonexistent sticker". Why? Because I want to sleep.
We saw this other guy in the shack debating with himself over two shirts. Puma shirt, panther shirt. Tyler was crazy. He ended up getting half and half. One from each shirt. It was weird.
Thinking of Gravity Falls makes me want to puke. I miss it too much. It was like home for me, a place where I could explore mysteries and solve riddles. I shouldn't have had to come back home to go to school. After all: school is helping you prepare for your job. If I want to be a detective, and going to school isn't going to help me become a detective, and I'm doing detective work in Gravity Falls, why leave?
I know, I know. That logic is a little shaky, but I wish there was some excuse for me to stay in Gravity Falls. California doesn't feel like home to me, anymore. It's like a concrete jungle with dirty air and cable T.V. Okay, I don't mind the cable T.V. because of the Science channel, but other than that, this is a terrible place. Gravity Falls felt like home, and when I was there, I had the most important person to me there. Mabel. I don't need many people in my life, but my twin is a must in my life. I wish I were in Gravity Falls. Then maybe, I'd be happy.