Ok so I have the next 10 chapters written and so Im going to be updating twice a week! Thank you to all that read, favorite, follow and review! Enjoy :)

Grabbing her stuff Beth made a bee line to the front door and just as she was about to leave Daryl grabbed her lightly by her arm and Beth was once again frozen in place.

"Uh look sometimes I'm a dick and m'sorry."

Daryl still had his hand wrapped around her forearm and he was looking anywhere but at her but Beth could tell he didn't apologize much and decided it was best to start fresh then keep fighting with him.

"Water under the bridge. Look I need to pick out some things and I don't know the city at all would you mind coming with?"

Beth hoped he'd take her olive branch because she really didn't know the city and she'd really like them to be friends even if he was a little rough around the edges. With a deep sigh he let go of her arm and walked back to his room, for a second Beth thought he was just going back to being the man she first met but he soon walked back to the front door shrugging on his worn leather vest and holding the door open letting her lead the way out.

"You got a place in mind ya wanna go?"

"I was thinking someplace like Bed Bath and Beyond."

With a loud grown, he locked the door and started mumbling about dumb girl shit and Beth couldn't stop the bubble of laughter fall out of her mouth because the thought of a man like Daryl in a place like Bed Bath and Beyond was the most outrageous thing in the world.

"Whats so funny?"

"The thought of you in a place like that is probably the funniest thing in the world right now."

"Oh yea well I could make you fend for yourself and find it on your own."

Latching her hand onto his bicep Beth started dragging him down the stairs still letting out small giggles as he pretended to drag his feet.

"C'mon it'll be fun or if nothing else it's payback for makin fun me."

"This is more like torture if anything this is worse than calling you princess."

"Nah I'd say this is about even."

Once they made their way out of the building Beth dropped her hand from his arm and motioned him to lead the way, and with a hesitant glance he nodded his head to the right and they took off, falling into step with each other. Once they were about two blocks away Beth decided to break the easy silence between them with a question that had been in the back of her mind since she met him.

"So what part of Georgia are you from?"

"Up north grew up in the mountains and trailer parks. You?"

"Just a little ways outside Atlanta my Daddy owned a farm, lived there all my life until today."

Giving her a small nod they fell back into easy silence and Beth took the opportunity to take in her new city. Each block they walked there was something new to see, each street was different holding its own kind of energy that only fed to the city as a whole.

"Guessin you aint got a subway pass yet, you got change?"

"Yea plenty."

Making their way down the steps to the subway Beth felt herself getting really excited, she knew it was probably really stupid to get excited to ride a the subway but she couldn't help herself this was all new to her and soon she'd be a pro at it just like everyone else. Daryl led the way and once she got her pass he led her to the right terminal, while they were waiting Beth took the opportunity to study Daryl a bit. He didn't seem like the type to leave Georgia, with his flannel and leather vest, she could tell he was a country boy through and through which only made her more curious as to why he was in the city.

"Why'd you leave Georgia?"

She hadn't meant to be so nosey but he was an enigma to her and she needed to figure him out because if she was being honest he was driving her crazy.

"My brother got locked up and I wasn't doin' much then one day I got a call from Tyresse an old friend, and he told me he was looking for people for his new bike shop up here and I took the job, a year later I'm still here. What about you why'd you leave?"

Beth hadn't been prepared to have the question asked to her and she racked her brain for an answer that was honest but didn't go into to much detail.

"I want to pursue my music and just needed to be somewhere different."

It wasn't the whole truth but it was enough, besides a man like Daryl didn't want to here about her pain, didn't need to know she was running from the loss of her parents, he didn't need to know she was too weak for the pain and tried to runaway from life. The thought made her rub the scar hidden by bracelets, it was something she did often when she thought about her parents it was her reminder that she was weak but now she's strong, it was her anchor every time she started to slide into grief. When the subway slid to a stop Daryl led her to where they needed to get on and Beth was amazed by the amount of people crammed into such a small space, Daryl found a seat and let Beth take it as he stood above her holding onto the railing.

As much as she didn't want to notice him it was really all she could do, the smell of the woods engulfed her and she was mesmerized by him, his body was toned and each time the train bucked forward she could see his muscles tighten and it made her stomach flip. It wasn't until her eyes reached his face that she realized she'd been caught gawking at him, his blue eyes were filled with a fire and she was sure her cheeks were a bright pink. Daryl shifted a bit so he was looming over her and Beth practically moaned when his eyes darted to her mouth, if it hadn't been for the sudden stop of the train Beth was sure she would have jumped his bones right then and there.

Clearing his throat Daryl nodded to the doors "This our stop." his voice was horse and Beth was glad to know she wasn't the only one who felt the attraction.

They made their way from the underground to the city and Beth's mind was still buzzing about what happened down there. What the hell was her problem? This man infuriated her and he was surly and he was rugged and god she wanted him. Even when he was pissing her off calling her princess she wanted him. The thought made her even angrier, how could a man she just met make her loose her mind it was like being in his presence turned her into a different Beth, she was a little more sure of herself and the way he looked at her in subway made her feel powerful like she could bring a man like Daryl to his knees and the thought of Daryl on his knees made her already wet panties soaked. She needed to get ahold of herself he was her roommate and that would just cause a world of problems.

"I can't believe you're actually makin me go in here."

Beth was more than confused by his words and then it hit her that they were standing in front of BB&B she had been so lost in her thoughts that everything after the subway was a blur.

"You'll love it I promise."

"Mhmm I doubt that."

Dragging him into the store Beth focused on what she needed and headed for the bedspreads, as she went through the section she could feel Daryl's eyes on her and it made her body shiver a bit and a part of her hoped she was driving him as crazy as he was driving her. Picking up a bedding set that was white with music notes she turned around and found him a lot closer than expected.

"Uhm what you think." her voice was shaky and his eyes had her pinned.

"It looks good to me."

Beth didn't know how he could be so collected and she was starting to think it was all in her head.

"Ok good well all I need is hangers and then we can leave."

Grabbing the last of what she needed she headed to the check out and she was fully convinced that it was all her and she was imagining the lust in his eyes earlier but a part of her didn't believe his act of being all collected. Once they left they fell back into step with each other and made their way to the subway.

"Thank you for coming with me I appreciate it a lot."

"Aint nothin."

"So I was thinking since its my first night here do you know any place to get drinks?"

"Yea I know a couple. If ya want we can drop these off and then head to Tara's work and grab a drink she'll be getting off soon and she'll show you a good time."

It wasn't exactly what Beth wanted but she figured it was the best she was going to get from him.

"Sounds perfect."