Another collab with Night-Being! This will be a fourshot and many warnings apply to this one. This contains BDSM: use of whips, handcuffs and some other toys. Don't want to give everything away, but just prepare!

Night-Being: We have tamed (or well, Deidara did) the damned Uchiha and made him our little bitch! But we promise he's actually really adorable as the uke.

Dana in italics

Now enjoy!


Annoying. Everything around him was annoying. To be honest, Sasuke had no idea why he was even here, no logical explanation. No reasonable one at least. But his friends had been bugging him about his aloof attitude for so long he could not stand it anymore. They kept telling him to have some rest, to relax, to laugh or at least smile with them. To live. They kept forcing him to take a day off, to go and get a spa treatment or see a play in the theatre. To put his mind at ease and stop being so detached to everything around him. They thought that making him relaxed would squeeze at least a bit of emotion out of him.

Yeah. What a bunch of fools. Like he needed that. He couldn't care less about all that, because all he actually needed was...

'Damn it.' Sasuke shook his head, chasing away the disturbing blue glow that kept returning to his memory. He did all he could to forget about it, did everything in his power to push away the thoughts about a certain someone. But when nothing helped, he decided it was time for some drastic measures. And so he was here. In front of a huge Victorian mansion with tall white windows and tall white columns. Like all the white colour could change the fact that this house was anything but pure. He would never admit that the hand rising to his eye level in order to knock on the door was shaking. Because he was someone who would never back down. Never.

Feet propped up on the coffee table, Deidara had made himself comfortable inside his private room. The red leather loveseat stood in the middle of the room, providing him with enough comfort right before his next client. With his eyes closed Deidara enjoyed the last peaceful moment for that day. The room still void of any noise. Didn't occur very often really… And wouldn't stay this way for very long either.

A heavy knock against the large wooden front door resonated through the house, signalling Deidara it was his time to get up and get to work. Slowly he moved his bare feet from the table, toes dipping down in the soft carpeted floor. Pushing himself out of the chair Deidara casually made his way to the door. Dressed in tight fitting black latex pants Deidara made sure his figure would be shown perfectly. It even outlined something right between his legs, as a first teaser. A white blouse was worn above, buttons undone to add a bit more bare skin to the picture. His long blond hair flowed down nicely. Deidara had made sure he looked perfect, he always did.

As Deidara entered the hallway, many other sounds reached his ears, some of the other rooms occupied already. It sent the first thrill right through his body, preparing him for what was about to come. Ah, yes. Deidara did truly enjoy his occupation. And this was a newcomer, which was always fun. Discovering what this client would enjoy. How far Deidara could go… With a satisfied smile Deidara swung open the heavy door, coming eye to eye with a very handsome young man, younger than Deidara's usual clientele. 'Welcome Sasuke,' he murmured, his voice only a low rumble. 'I'm Deidara. But you may call me sir or master from now on.'

Lazily strolling his eyes over the blond, Sasuke mused if this really was the person with whom he talked to over the internet. While Sasuke's pale face stayed in the usual uninterested expression, his thoughts were filled with doubt. This guy wasn't really what he had expected. Apart from the fact that he was stunningly beautiful and almost painfully sexy, he didn't really seem to possess the right strength or maybe even willpower to do and achieve what Sasuke needed him to do.

'Deidara,' was all Sasuke hummed with his typical monotone after few seconds and slightly quirked an eyebrow. 'Nice to meet you,' he added, just for the sake of being polite.

There was no reason to call anyone names even before the actual act really begins, right? And besides... Sasuke wasn't so sure if this lean, feminine looking creature would even be able to make him do it later on. Maybe some tall, strong man could appear intimidating for Sasuke, dominant enough to fulfil what he came here for, but Deidara?

Right away Sasuke already blew it. Narrowing his eyes at the slightly shorter male Deidara really took in the figure in front of him. Such a dark and broody mood. Deidara would definitely get that out of the little punk. The guy better came prepared. Taking a step forward Deidara made sure Sasuke understood he was taller, head held high as his bare feet hit the cold stone front step. Grabbing Sasuke's chin, Deidara brought their faces close together, his hot breath fanning over Sasuke's pale skin. 'Listen to me, pretty boy. You are not allowed to call me by my first name. You may not even know my last name. I am master or sir to you, nothing else. Don't test me, Sasuke,' he murmured, lips grazing over Sasuke's, his grip tightening in an almost painful manner on Sasuke's chin. 'You will regret it.'

After that said Deidara let go of Sasuke, hand dropping to his side as he took one last glance at Sasuke before turning around. The smile had disappeared and would not return again before Sasuke showed the right amount of respect. Walking back into the warmth of the large mansion, Deidara granted Sasuke entrance, not yet throwing him out. 'If you are ready, you may enter. Lose the coat and shoes by the door. Don't enter any other room, but mine. Don't demand anything you wish me to do. You may only ask and I will choose to do so or not. If you don't agree with this, leave now.' And with that said Deidara proceeded to move towards his room. Above the dark wooden door stood in swirly golden letters "the suicide room".

The strong grip on his chin made Sasuke re-evaluate Deidara's strength. Maybe not so weak after all. Good. It seemed the blond chose to erase any barriers between them right from the start, bringing those sinful lips way too close for comfort. Along with the forceful grasp on his jaw and the nicely intimidating speech, Deidara did achieve to cause a tingle of pleasure to burst free from somewhere in Sasuke's abdomen. An ordinary man would probably flinch at all that show, but no normal person would even come here in the first place. Deidara indeed was a good actor, if Sasuke didn't know better he might actually feel threatened. Although if he had wanted to be treated like a porcelain doll, he would have gone to the spa not here.

Sasuke watched the cocky grin disappear and immediately found that a loss. With few last words, or maybe more like orders, Deidara turned around and walked away. Sasuke's onyx eyes shamelessly shifted down, openly gazing at Deidara's small juicy ass. He definitely wouldn't mind fucking that nice ass, too bad he paid for a different kind of service today. No matter, the front looked as promising as any part of Deidara's body.

Not sparing any other precious second, Sasuke did as he was told and left his coat hanging by the door and shoes lying right under it. As he proceeded through the hall towards the room with the rather peculiar name, Sasuke could hear all the other noises coming from behind the walls he passed. Screams of pleasure but also pain. Repeated slapping sounds. Pleading and begging. And then even a short swish and a sharp echo of a whip. By the time he entered the only room he was actually allowed to, icy chills were roaming up and down his spine.

Deidara was already there, looking all the more confident and cocky than before, if it was even possible. Sasuke closed the door behind him and with face dead calm stepped further in, staring mutely back at the other man.

'Before we continue the intake, there are a few other things I need to mention,' Deidara started, blocking the pathway towards the small living room at the beginning of the place. This would need to be said now that Sasuke had agreed with going through with this. 'When you speak to me, you will use two words or more. Something like "no, thank you, master" or "yes, sir, please" are all fine. Secondly if you react irritated to the way I talk to you, I will punish you in any way I see fit. Thirdly, there will be no kissing. That's something I keep for actual relationships. And then lastly, you are not allowed to touch me, unless I give you permission to.'

Stepping out of the way, Deidara walked over to his favourite red leather loveseat. Gracefully he sat down and instantly propped his feet back on the side table. 'Now please have a seat.' Deidara motioned at the suede grey couch on the other side of the coffee table. 'Would you like me to give some details on what could happen here or would you rather share your ideas on what you'd like to see happening?'

Expression completely unfazed, Sasuke proceeded to sit on the couch he was so generously appointed to. While rolling all the possible answers along with the rules in his head he began a short staring contest. Deidara really looked like he was born in this place, maybe even in this very room. Every cell of his being filled the space with a strange aura, Sasuke could feel the air around him vibrating.

After a short breath intake Sasuke deemed the silence irritating and began to talk in his emotionless voice. 'I don't really care how rough you want to be with me, although I'd prefer to avoid blood stains. There is just one request I have. I need you to push me until I snap. I'll probably get angry... not aggressive... just angry. But that's something you should be able to deal with, right?' Sasuke scanned the blond carefully, was it even in Deidara's power to do what Sasuke needed him to do? 'If you actually achieve to get to that point, the rest is up to you. How you get there and what will happen after is all your choice.' To be completely honest, Sasuke was kind of in a blind spot. He knew how fucked up this all sounded, but it was just something he really needed. His friends thought he should relax, Sasuke thought he should get pissed and punished. There weren't many people who could manage to make him snap and even less of those who could make him submit. 'So, are you up for it, master?' he hummed and paid no attention to the fact that his version of the word "master" came out more like a dare, than an actual title.

Placing his hand against his head, Deidara casually leaned into it, blue eyes focused on Sasuke as he let the words sink in. Perfectly shaped eyebrows rose as Sasuke continued. This was not the request Deidara usually got and it wasn't very clear exactly how Sasuke wanted to be forced into submission, but he was new to this, very new. First timers were always fun to explore. Find out where the boundaries were and see if Deidara could still pass them, pushing the other really to the limit.

The tone in which Sasuke spoke to him would be ignored for now, but it might come back as a punishment later, if Deidara felt like it. Leaning forward Deidara closed some of the distance between them, creating a more intimate moment as he let his blue eyes slide over the toned form in front of him. Layers of clothes were still in the way, but they would be gone soon.

'I see,' Deidara murmured first, letting a slide smirk grace his lips. 'There are various ways someone can be pushed to its limit though. It can be a matter of simply using the right words. Taunt you with every syllable until you want to lash out at me. And I am aware of what your last name means and could use this against you. I wouldn't choose this on my own though. Family bonds are too personal and it is better to keep this moment together separated from your private life. I will only do this upon request.' The first and less physical approach of the bunch. One that usually got caught up in the ritual anyway. 'Then we have the different types of objects I could hit you with. Spank you for every naughty thing you've ever done.' His tone got a little lower, huskier as he let the words flutter over to Sasuke's side. 'I'm also quite experienced with ropes and could tie you up in various ways. Completely immobilize you and then play with you in every way I wish to. Some other play things will come in here. And we can role play. Force you into a submissive role just by a nice outfit you can wear. Be my maid for the day for example. Is there anything that peeks your interest so far?'

Sasuke sat completely motionless, letting all the presented options soak his brain with naughty images. There was a moment he narrowed his eyes almost insignificantly, when Deidara mentioned his last name. But being assured that it won't happen unless upon a request eased his mood back into the calmness.

A tingle subtly tickled Sasuke's back when the ropes came into mention. Fear mixed with excitement threatened to breach the poker expression on Sasuke's face. The thought of being tied up and toyed with left him outrageous in his mind. To be left at someone's mercy. That might as well be a good trigger. It seemed he had the winner.

'Ropes might do fine,' Sasuke murmured, tone of his voice dropping an octave as he was fighting the unwanted shiver.

Playfully Deidara raised his eyebrows before standing up quickly. With a few long strides Deidara made his way over to the desk standing below the large window, thick red curtains hanging from the side. Grabbing a folder from the wooden surface Deidara trailed back towards the seating area and then right before Sasuke, Deidara planted down a form and a pen on the side table. 'You'll need to sign this before we get started,' Deidara elaborated, pointing at the bottom of the page where the signature line was drawn. 'Make sure you read through it all. This is needed so that when I inflict pain on you or anything else, you can't actually sue me.' Deidara's finger then slid up a little lower on the page towards a box that needed to be ticked. 'This is important too. If you tick this box, you let me know we are going all the way and we'll have sex. As you know I do charge extra for that. If you don't tick the box, we'll just focus on your gratification.'

Stepping away Deidara gave Sasuke the room to read the form through, so he was aware on what he was actually getting himself into. It was always interesting to see how people went through the process when reading the entire thing. Some would sign without reading, already too excited to even think clearly. Others would get so nervous going through it all, they would call it quits before it happened. But Deidara was supposed to give them the privacy to go through this alone, so he would move on and make his way to the other side of the room. 'Once you've signed, hand the paper back to me and we'll go through the final stage before we get started.' Walking towards a large cabinet, Deidara started rummaging through the first row of drawers, going through the objects he might need soon.

Feeling the curious blue gaze looking at the top of his head, Sasuke's throat narrowed. As much as he wanted to fight it, he was growing a little anxious. Or maybe excited? He wasn't sure anymore. It was a strange mixture of emotions he wasn't very familiar with. But as soon as Deidara left him to read the paper and moved to the other side of the room, slowly Sasuke began to relax again. Apparently, the blond held some weird spell over Sasuke, making him slightly jittery every time he got too close. It was irritating, but also exactly what he needed. Sasuke put all his focus back on the black letters, forcing his mind to process the text. Not that it was any help, because his eyes kept twitching to the small box at the bottom of the page. He stole a secret peek at Deidara's back. Was he going all the way with this guy? He hadn't really thought about this before. He had no idea there were so many options.

Before his mind would start over analysing, Sasuke ticked the box and signed the paper. Right after that he stood up from the sofa and with a few quiet steps marched his way towards Deidara, holding the signed form in his right hand. 'Here, what else?'

Taking the paper from Sasuke, Deidara shot a glance down at it, scanning the form at just the right places. Signed and ticked. All he needed to know. Pulling the drawer in the far left corner open, Deidara stuffed it in there with all the other signed forms, keeping it safe there. With a final slam it was then closed as Deidara shot a teasing smirk Sasuke's way, letting him know it was really starting now.

'Well, there is one final question you may answer for me and after that we start. My clients may always decide what kind of shoes I will wear during our time together. I could stay barefooted.' He wiggled his toes on the dark carpet to emphasize his line. 'Some rather go for normal shoes or regular boots. But the last option I offer is thigh high boots with a high heel and I promise I can walk properly in them. So what would you like to see me in?'

Sasuke let his eyes drop down at the feet and watched how Deidara's toes moved. Was it weird he liked the blond barefoot? Or was it because in boots he would be even taller and that was something Sasuke didn't enjoy very much.

'Barefoot,' he decided quietly and raised the deep onyx gaze back up to meet Deidara's smirk. Sasuke cocked his head to the side, spying the teasing grin and just for the fun of it, he added, 'master,' using non else than his cold and almost mocking tone. Even if he didn't look it, he actually did like to play and he was curious how much he can dare to push before being punished.

Lifting his chin Deidara gazed down at Sasuke for a moment, smirk gone. 'Strip,' he said, tone still light, but the demanding vibe was clearly visible. 'And fold your clothes properly. I don't want them strewn around the place.' He kept his gaze on Sasuke, intend to watch every second of the striptease he would be getting. And it would happen.

His hands moved down to his pants without so much as a twitch, Sasuke kept his eyes locked stubbornly with Deidara, blank look settling inside them. He pulled them down along with his boxers, not intending to hesitate or show shyness. He knew he had to submit and he enjoyed that fact, but he also needed to test if Deidara was skilled enough to handle his rude temper. Sasuke would obey, but he wouldn't do it without a small pushback.

Walking towards the sofa he neatly folded his pants along with the underwear and placed it on the armrest. Then with his back turned to the blond Sasuke bent down, giving his master a good view when he was dragging down the socks. Both of them followed the pants and were nicely placed on the couch as well. The shirt was the last piece and for this one Sasuke wanted to see Deidara's reaction. He turned around again, facing the blond he slowly undid every single button. After revealing the exposed chest he pulled the cloth from his shoulders and took it in one hand which he straightened in front of himself. A smirk flashed on the normally stoic lips and Sasuke let the shirt fall on the floor.

For a moment Deidara simply stared at the fallen garment and then as he glanced away a smirk flashed on his lips as well. Of course this one needed to test Deidara's patience. 'Oh, you have so much to learn, pretty boy,' Deidara called out, his voice easily carrying through the room. Strolling towards Sasuke, Deidara let his hand move to the side and grab something from the cabinet on the side. Letting the rough rope slide through his fingers Deidara made his way to Sasuke, and without a word grabbed one of Sasuke's hand, twisting the rope around his wrist a few times before moving to the other, forcing his hands behind his back, and giving it the same treatment as the previous wrist. He let the rough texture slide over the sensitive skin, pulling it tightly and then easily slipping on a knot he could release easily, but Sasuke couldn't break out off.

With one hand he held onto the rope on Sasuke's wrists, pulling it hard enough to put some strained on Sasuke's arms and the other moved to Sasuke's neck. 'Pick up your shirt,' Deidara whispered into Sasuke's ear, before forcing Sasuke's head down towards the shirt. No need to use his hands to pick it up, right?

Sasuke hissed mildly under the strain and his insides fluttered when the order had been placed. His smirk was gone, but he shot a single unfazed glance at Deidara before going down on his knees and picking up the shirt with his teeth. Then he straightened up and stayed like that with the cloth slowly soaking with his saliva. The previous process of tying up caused shivers in Sasuke's stomach. Deidara's hands were not just strong but also quick and soft and he couldn't wait to have more of them on his now naked body. Ropes were a good pick, apparently.

Taking the shirt from between Sasuke's teeth, Deidara folded it properly and placed it onto the stack, the rope in his hands tugging at Sasuke's wrists every time he moved away too much. 'Thank you,' he said sweetly and then with a harsh tug at the rope started moving towards the other side of the room once more. This forced Sasuke to actually walk backwards and of course Deidara wouldn't care. Let the guy struggle and have a hard time keeping up with Deidara's pace. Let him trip and maybe even fall down. They only needed to get back to the rest of Deidara's playthings and then they really would get started. And seeing how bold this one was, Deidara decided to really taunt Sasuke.

Sasuke cursed inwardly when his feet stumbled heavily as his body was yanked in another direction. It took some effort but at the end he managed to stay up and proceeded to follow Deidara, even though he had no idea where they were actually going. He figured this might not be the right time to struggle, not while he could still keep his cool. And once Sasuke would come face to face with his master, he would show him how deadly calm he still was. But that small disobedience had to wait, for now he could only imagine what else Deidara had in store for him. How far would the blond dare to push?

Before Sasuke had really gotten used to standing still again, Deidara pulled out the knot and let the rope slide to the floor. But Sasuke wouldn't be untied for long. Grabbing Sasuke's right wrist, Deidara jerked him towards a structure standing in the right corner of the room and attached his wrist to a handcuff high above his head. Now that the guy was truly stuck in his place, Deidara went slower with the next one, letting one hand trail over Sasuke's bare abdomen. 'There is one thing I still need to mention. We need a safe word and today I feel like settling on "please". So any time you feel like I take it too far, simply call out please, and I will stop whatever I am doing. Yes, I feel like that is a nice word,' Deidara murmured as he grabbed Sasuke's left wrist and cuffed it to the black iron structure as well.

'Now while you are still soft, I will also slip this on.' Cold fingers were wrapped around Sasuke's still flaccid dick and he quickly pushed up the cockring until it was settled nicely against the base. Taking a step back Deidara openly appreciated his work and then continued talking, the taunt really starting. 'I believe we are ready now.' Letting his shirt fall from his arms, Deidara tugged the white button shirt away on his cabinet and started roaming through the other objects. 'Let's see if this will actually be fun. You don't really seem to be a fun guy and I actually wonder if you'll be able to please me. I mean my dick needs to be hard too before it can go up your ass. Do you think you'll even manage that, pretty boy?'

Everything happened so fast. Sasuke found himself with hands cuffed up and a cockring tight around his base even before he could muster a proper thought. The first thing which reappeared was the safe word. Please? Really? Wasn't it the thing he was supposed to chant in the end? This guy was some fucked up perv it seemed. Perfect! Just what Sasuke wanted. He closed his mouth before Deidara would notice the tiny gap of surprise which appeared between his lips after all the administration and shot back a stoic gaze.

Taking in Deidara's half naked form Sasuke eyed every muscle. Oh yes, Deidara was definitely his type. And now when seeing the slightly tanned skin being finally exposed he could gradually feel the blood filling his cock. Unlike Deidara's apparently. Sasuke fired one disgruntled look up at his tied up hands. Then back at Deidara's crotch. 'Yes,' he said maybe quicker than he intended to. He wanted to sound confident, but the hidden anger started to bubble up. Although his eyebrows were twitching with need to frown deeply, Sasuke held his stare resolutely nonetheless.

Reaching behind him on the cabinet, Deidara went for a small shirt whip, usually used for pony riding to get the little legs of the small horse to go faster. Better not compare Sasuke to a horse though. In three long angry strides Deidara had reached Sasuke's side. Grabbing his chin roughly Deidara made sure his hold would hurt, ready to leave bruises if Sasuke would really test him. 'I believe you were told to speak with two words,' Deidara spat out before raising the small whip higher up in the air and have it land right against Sasuke's bare ass cheek. The soft supple flesh vibrated through for a moment, turning an angry red instantly. 'Even little kids know better than you do,' he added, letting the whip snap against the iron structure to give Sasuke a scare.

'And I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you. I mean not everyone gets it up as fast as you do. I hope this is not a sign. You really shouldn't come too soon. I would be very disappointed and you really don't want me to be disappointed.' He gave the hardening length a soft tap with the whip, pushing it down slightly before moving away again, ready to grab his next toy.

Hands balled into fist as the first sharp intake of pain made Sasuke's body tense. The muscles on his ass clenching when the whip was harshly brought upon them. Sasuke always liked rough sex that included actions like biting and spanking. It was good to know that whipping was apparently among them. A shudder of pleasure revealing the fact more than enough. The close proximity of his master adding even more of a thrill. There was something almost intoxicating about Deidara, something that made him want to disobey and submit at the same time.

But the moment Deidara's whip got too close to his intimate parts, Sasuke stiffened and as much as he wanted to fight it, a flash of surprise mixed with fear flickered in his widened eyes. Was Deidara just mocking him? Outrageous! As fast as it all happened, the dangerous object was gone along with Deidara's firm grasp on his chin. Sasuke had no idea how he was going to mask the bruises which were surely about to appear, but at this point, he couldn't really care less. Sasuke's lips parted, with the intention to speak, but when he found his mind too preoccupied with curiosity of what Deidara would pull out next, he closed them again. Not like he actually had an idea of what to say in the first place.

Turning around Deidara casually strolled back towards Sasuke, several objects now in his hand he would put to use soon enough. A thick stick with several long strips of leather attached to it would function as a nice whip, hitting a far larger surface than the small whip could. Around his neck Deidara had wrapped a long white rope, which would be used later. For now he would enjoy the handcuffs as long as he could, abusing the pretty boy in any way he could. Sasuke wanted to break, Deidara was here to make him break. Have him on the floor, shivering away every time Deidara uttered a word. That was how far Deidara was planning on taking it, unless Sasuke couldn't handle it anymore.

'I have something else fun for you now,' Deidara murmured as he shot his blue eyes at Sasuke's face for a moment, granting with a single sweet smile. Stuffing the whip through a belt loop, Deidara instead focused on the other object in his hand then. A thin chain with two small clamps attached to the end. Stepping right into Sasuke's comfort zone, Deidara took the tip of his finger between his lips, letting his tongue roll around it until it was wet enough. With a plop he took it out and brought it down to a small perky nipple. Rubbing it up against it he made sure the little nub hardened enough and then quickly squeezed down the first clamp, putting on a little extra pressure to tease Sasuke.

It was only Sasuke's luck that the colour of his eyes hid how his pupils dilated. However, if it was concern or thrill stayed unknown, because his gaze heavily swallowed the thick stick behind Deidara's belt loop. But he wouldn't chicken out now! Not when the guy wasn't practically doing almost anything to him yet. Almost anything... the small clamps soon came into view and now that Deidara was towering over him once again, Sasuke could feel the heat rushing down his length. Fuck! He didn't want go get so hard! Damn! But it felt so great.

Sasuke's jaw clenched when his throat held down a moan as Deidara's wet finger rolled around his nipple, but Sasuke's persistent gaze never left Deidara's handsome face. He held his ground, for now. Gulping down another groan when his nipple was painfully squeezed and the sensual pain fired through his entire chest. He was sure Deidara would notice every single twitch in his face or anywhere on his body for that matter and it was only that more important to endure as long as he possibly could. Sasuke was simply a stubborn brat, even when it came to things he actually wanted.

The other nipple received the same exact treatment, first being teased with a single wet digit, it rolling around the little nub until it was hard enough for the clamp to be attached harshly. Deidara gave it another squeeze, seeing Sasuke's reaction clearly in his body language. The sudden twitch and the shallow breathing. It's not like the guy could hide anything from Deidara. He had been doing this a lot longer than Sasuke had, but this silence didn't really please Deidara. Grabbing Sasuke's unruly locks firmly behind his head, Deidara yanked Sasuke back. Bringing his lips dangerously close to Sasuke's, only a hair away from actually kissing the pretty boy, Deidara hissed out his next command.

'I want to hear you, Sasuke. The next time you swallow a sound, you'll regret it.' For a moment he brought his lips even closer, their skin actually touching, and then with a smirk Deidara pulled back again, because there would be no kissing. 'Moan for me pretty boy,' he said a little louder, his hand leaving Sasuke's dark locks, moving down to the thin chain instead. To emphasize his line and need for sounds, Deidara gave the chain a short tug, putting extra pressure on Sasuke's nipples.

Sasuke's heart missed a beat or two. Having Deidara's skin this close, that was a merciless tease. Sasuke's lids fluttered, intending to close as he was anticipating something else, but when the impact never came, he grunted unhappily. Of course! It was one of the rules, how could he forget. No kissing. And Deidara was probably only playing him. Having his nipples pulled Sasuke hissed mildly and opened his mouth, making Deidara think just for a while that he would actually do as he was told. That was until a mischievous grin spread Sasuke's lips and he sent a daring look up to the stern face. He just couldn't wait to feel those leather strips on his bare ass.

Seeing the grin spread on Sasuke's lips, Deidara shook his head as he let out a chuckle. Clacking his tongue he brought a little weight out of his pocket and attached it to the thin chain, weighing the clamps down effectively. After that Deidara put the clamps to rest, because it was time to put something else to good use. 'You are such a little slut, aren't you, pretty boy?' Taking the whip from his belt loop, he raised it up and let the small strips of leather slide over Sasuke's bare ass, showing exactly where he was going to hit the little punk. 'Better show me what kind of slut you are, brat,' he then added, tone darker than before. His hand was raised backwards and then snapped forward, the strips hitting Sasuke square on the ass. But it didn't stay with just that one time. It came down again and again, abusing only the left ass cheek in the process. 'Better start moaning, Uchiha,' he spat, and then let the whip come down one final time, harder than the hits before.

An excited shiver tickled around his skin. Sasuke braced his hands and tensing his body he pulled on the handcuffs. His head fell backwards with the first impact. Blissful surges of pain crushed through his flesh. Sasuke could feel each slap sending stabs all the way into his length, making it harder and harder. The cock ring now really working its miracles. It felt like each strike pushed a new dose of blood into his shaft and the barrier around his base held it all in. It was heaven and Sasuke couldn't hold down the moans even if he wanted to. They were soft, but audible. Until the last strike came, forcing a broken cry right out of his lungs. With toes curled and his entire body still ridiculously stiff, Sasuke panted heavily. Eyes half lidded and left ass cheek on fire.

Bringing the whip down, Deidara stuffed it back through his belt loop, letting it carelessly hang there. His now free hand was then brought to the abused ass cheek, rubbing the sore spot to actually spread the pain instead of relieving it. The supple flesh now felt tense under his hand, blood having rushed to the surface. A few spots had actually started bleeding and Sasuke would have some troubles sitting down after this, but the sounds had been enough evidence that Sasuke really did not care.

'That's right, pretty boy. Scream out your pleasure. Make your master proud,' Deidara muttered into Sasuke's ear as he dug his finger into one of the bleeding scratches on his ass. 'You really did a great job there, so I think I'll reward you now…' Giving the weight a tap, Deidara let it swing back and forth, putting more pressure on the nipple clamps. The little nubs must really be abused now and Sasuke should hardly even feel anything in them anymore, but even the faint ebb of pain would be enough here. But that was not what Deidara meant as a reward. Taking a few steps further away from Sasuke, Deidara took in the full sight of the pale body, seeing his dark red flushed cock standing proudly between his legs. Oh, he was going to break this boy… Fishing a small object out of his pocket he held it up for Sasuke to see, a smirk spreading on his lips. 'You know what this remote is for, pretty boy?'

Sasuke limbs hang loose in the cuffs above his head, his body twitched only from time to time when Deidara's administrations forced his muscles to react without Sasuke's consent. His head fell forward for change and he simply chose to rest for a moment. To relieve the ache in his stiff figure. Like it was the main thing that should actually bother him. His half-lidded eyes focused on the floor for a moment, mind collecting the scattered thoughts while his lungs pumped in the needed amount of air. Until Deidara's words caught his attention and Sasuke looked up, taking in the image of a small remote control.

With a flash it all made sense. Or didn't it? He wasn't sure. Confused gaze promptly drifted down on the cock ring and then back at the remote control, then up to meet the smirk adoring Deidara's face. Instinct followed instinct and the cuffed hands jerked, like it could actually make Sasuke free. 'No, I don't,' Sasuke growled and a deep frown darkened his face before he angrily pushed out the last word, 'master.'

A soft chuckle left Deidara's lips as he saw the struggle Sasuke put up right in front of him, clearly realising what was about to happen. 'Oh, but you do, pretty boy. You most certainly do. And it's a nice reward, isn't it…' Pressing the button with his thumb, Deidara sent the first wave of vibrations through Sasuke's length, it having a pulsating beat almost. The buzz coming from the vibrating cock ring rose up in the room, reaching above Sasuke's laboured breaths easily. Yes, such a nice reward indeed. And there were a few other speeds on this thing Deidara would test out soon enough.

Breath hitched and a groan got stuck in his throat when the initial shock claimed Sasuke's voice. Under normal circumstances when the pleasure built up too high, he would relieve it by rubbing it off or increasing the pace during sex, but now? His dick just hung there, in the air, tingling all over. For a while Sasuke had no idea what to do, his mind going frantic for several seconds. Then the blissful flock of butterflies spread evenly through his whole body, making him still feel good, but also allowing the vibrations to be more bearable. Not like he actually expected Deidara to make him climax this soon. With eyes closed Sasuke calmed the several harsh twitches and by breathing deeply, tried to ease his mind.

Seeing Sasuke's cock twitch between his legs, the vibrations already working its miracles, Deidara smirked pleased. But it seemed it wasn't enough, because Sasuke wasn't breaking down yet. He was actually getting himself together again and that was not really what Deidara wanted. Thankfully there were a few more speeds Deidara could put this thing on and he did so gladly. 'I see you like my reward so far, pretty boy. I'll let you enjoy it a little more,' he called out to make sure his voice would reach the stoic guy still hanging limply in his handcuffs. Pressing another button, Deidara put it two speeds higher, a steady buzz now rising up in the room. Deidara could already imagine how that thing would exactly feel and he let a shiver run down his spine. He was allowed to enjoy this as well.

But now the real fun started, because as he saw Sasuke slowly come undone, Deidara knew Sasuke wouldn't enjoy the cock ring for much longer anymore. His erection would probably deflate soon enough, the torture getting a little too much. And of course Deidara would use this moment to his advantage. 'You know, I feel a little thirsty. I think I'm going to make some tea. Would you like some as well?'

The intense change in pleasure fired right into his brain. A choked scream forced its way out of Sasuke's opened mouth. Toes dug into the solid floor as his body was trying to endure the strain. No use, his mind was clouded by a fog of all the blissful torture. The vibration was now reaching an almost painful level. If the cock ring was just a little looser, Sasuke would be crying and coming undone right in this moment. But it wasn't and somewhere from afar Deidara's words had found their way to Sasuke's ears.

Tea? What the...? Somewhere deep down Sasuke knew he should be polite, he knew that this wouldn't take him anywhere. But he was, well, who he was. And right now, Sasuke was angry. 'No! Fuck!' he yelled and yanked at his cuffed hands. 'You crazy son of a...' Fuck. Too late. He had reached the limit and he had no idea what to do now. Because an Uchiha never asked for anything. He was a spoiled brat who always only demanded. One of the reasons he chose this as a twisted way of treatment.

With a darkened look Deidara advanced towards Sasuke. There was real warning on what was to come. The vibrator had been turned off and the remote control was actually thrown away, so they wouldn't be playing with that again. And then right as Deidara got in front of Sasuke, he smacked his hand harshly against Sasuke's cheek, the sound resonating through the room. An instant bright red mark bloomed on Sasuke's cheek, showing exactly how hard Deidara had hit him. But there was no moment to actually get used to the feeling. Instead Deidara grabbed Sasuke by the neck tightly and forced him to look up at his master.

'Now you listen to me, little Uchiha,' he spat. 'If you dare speak to me like that again, I'll be sure to do something much worse to you. Call me a bitch again and I'll have you clean my boots with your tongue. Say fuck again and you'll be scrubbing my toilet with a toothbrush. You better get back into your line, pretty boy, because you'll regret it.' Releasing Sasuke's neck then, Deidara stepped back and started undoing the handcuffs, Sasuke's arms falling limply to his side. This motion was followed by pulling off the nipple clamps, casting the toy aside without a care. 'And now you're going to make me some tea,' he added lowly.

No one ever dared to treat him like this. No one had ever slapped him right across the face. Sasuke stared numbly into Deidara's furious gaze; massaging his released wrists. His heart still beating violently from all the previous excitement. But now he really screwed up and he actually did feel guilty. He had no idea what to do in a situation like this, his mind was stretched in an almost agonizing manner as he was helplessly trying to figure out what to do to redeem himself. And so he blurted out the first thing which came to his tongue. 'I'm sorry, master,' Sasuke whispered, onyx eyes widening in horror when he realised that the previous pressure magically went away. He raised his puppy-dog eyes up to Deidara's strict ones, expecting... anything.

Deidara simply raised an eyebrow at Sasuke's apology. They had reached the point they had been trying to achieve, but that didn't mean an apology would make it all better. Deidara had Sasuke right where he wanted and now he was going to keep the pretty boy in this position. 'Your apology is not getting me any tea, is it now? The kettle is in the corner on my desk. You should know how to make tea,' Deidara replied plainly, keeping his gaze locked with the wide black ones. Grabbing the rope still hanging from his neck, Deidara adjusted its position, making Sasuke aware there was still more to come.

Shakily Sasuke looked around, finding said desk and kettle waiting for him exactly where Deidara had said. He slowly proceeded to slunk towards the corner, his cock still twitching madly. But he didn't have the courage to touch it, somehow he assumed that Deidara would not be very pleased with that. So he rather kept his hands busy with checking the water inside the kettle, strangely enough, there was some water already prepared, so all Sasuke had to do was turn it on. As next, his eyes fell upon several tea bags arranged on a plate and a small bowl with sugar. Sasuke took the plate and hesitantly lurked back to Deidara. 'W-what kind of tea would you like to drink, master?' he asked, his voice rattling as much as his hands. 'And how much sugar?'

Casting a look over his shoulder, Deidara watched Sasuke like a hawk, no movement going unnoticed. They really had achieved the right amount of submission now. Let's see how little Sasuke would feel when he came out of this. Not that they were done yet. There was still enough to come… 'Earl Grey tea is fine and keep the sugar,' he murmured, not giving Sasuke a too difficult of an order. If he could really train Sasuke, then Deidara could just send him out to fetch some coffee, giving him the most intricate recipe he could think of. Not that he expected Sasuke to stick around. He might become a regular client, but nothing more. Taking a few steps back, Deidara sat down on the armrest of the couch, waiting on Sasuke to finish his order.

Sasuke took the right tea bag and placed it into the cup, then turned his attention towards the kettle, the water inside was sizzling, but not yet boiling. It felt like forever. His whole body was still electrified, pulse racing, he just wanted to be touched by Deidara, or maybe even more. He wanted to touch his master, make him feel good. Sasuke bit his lip, swallowing the quiet whine when another spasm moved within his hard cock. The kettle clicked. Finally! He promptly took the handle and poured the boiling liquid inside the cup, grabbed a spoon and as hastily as the situation allowed him, Sasuke walked back to Deidara. Sasuke knelt before stretching his hand with the steaming cup closer. An expression of ultimate adoration towards the blond shining in his face.

A soft chuckle escaped Deidara's lips as he looked down at Sasuke, finding him almost endearing. 'Funny how the most arrogant ones fall the hardest,' he muttered. Taking the cup from Sasuke's hands, Deidara instantly placed it on the table, because he didn't necessarily want to drink tea anyway. After that he grabbed Sasuke by the chin and forced him to stand back up, Sasuke now a little taller than Deidara in this position. Reaching for Sasuke's hard length, Deidara grabbed a hold onto the cock ring, rolling it around the base of Sasuke's length. 'You need to soften a little if you want me to take this off,' he murmured, letting his warm breath ghost over Sasuke's neck. 'Do you think you can do that for me, pretty boy?'

Sasuke's confused look strolled down towards his shaft. Deidara's touch was addictive, but he really wanted the cock ring off, he really did. With a trembling hand he reached for the flushed head of his length. There were many places Sasuke enjoyed pain during sex, except maybe one or two. And his precious tool was definitely one of the places, which he did not enjoy being harmed at all. Holding down a painful wail he pinched himself hard, his other hand balling into fist in the meantime. But it worked perfectly and the hard member started to ebb slowly. Happy with the outcome Sasuke's lips tugged up a little, forming a subtle smile.

Mimicking the smile Deidara looked up at Sasuke, enjoying the small signs of completely adoration. 'Good, very good, little Sasuke,' Deidara muttered softly, letting his lips slide over the pale skin of Sasuke's neck. Slowly he slipped off the cock ring and placed it to the side, granting Sasuke some relief. To show his gratitude Deidara gave Sasuke's now softening length a few strokes to bring it back to life, letting a breathy groan escape his lips to let Sasuke know he was really doing a good job. 'Now there is something else you can do for me. I still need to fuck you, but it seems my dick isn't hard enough yet. Do you think you can do something about that?' He kept his voice soft now, luring Sasuke in with every syllable.

An eerie glint of joy glimmered in Sasuke's eyes. He really gets to touch Deidara now. How little was enough to make the simple state of his mind happy? 'Yes, I can, master,' Sasuke breathed out blithely and automatically got back down on his knees. Fingers shaking with excitement he began to unbutton Deidara's pants. With a little help Sasuke was finally allowed to free the shaft which he was going to have stuck up his ass very soon. The tool which would grant him pleasure if he was to obey. He wrapped his fingers around the base and gave Deidara a few experimental strokes. It wasn't like he didn't enjoy doing this, but he had no idea how far he can actually go. He didn't want to have his face pushed away if a blow job wasn't what Deidara had in mind. Onyx eyes rose up, a silent plea buried inside them. Sasuke decided to voice the question. 'May I...' he wanted to sound polite, obedient even, but with the word 'please' now practically forbidden was the task a lot harder. He pouted, plotting. Then came up with a solution. 'I beg you to let me taste your cock, master.'

'Very creative,' Deidara praised amused, stroking Sasuke soft raven locks as he watched those dark eyes stare up with him. 'You may if you give me your hands to play with in return,' he replied, offering up a hand where Sasuke could place his in. The rope still needed to be put to use and while Sasuke got him fully hard, Deidara could have some fun here as well.

Without thinking Sasuke stretched both his arms towards Deidara and losing no other precious second he took the warm member into his mouth, sucking carefully and being extra cautious not to involve his teeth. He was usually told that he was good at blowjobs, but it never really struck him as an important ability. Not now though, because to be praised by his master was something he actually desired. Sasuke put all the effort he could muster to make his master proud and of course hard as well. He swirled his tongue around and cleaned every inch of the length. While Deidara got busy with doing something with Sasuke's wrists.

Blowjobs were something Deidara had received often enough. Most clients never got to touch him, but there still had been enough people that would grant him the name, experienced. So Deidara was able to keep his voice down and focus on the task ahead as well. Slowly his length was hardening in Sasuke's mouth, growing in size as he filled up that warm orifice. Soft sighs escaped his lips as he encouraged Sasuke to continue. While Sasuke busied himself with pleasuring Deidara into full hardness, Deidara wrapped the rope a few times around Sasuke's right wrist before putting a knot into it. Folding the arm back against Sasuke's shoulder blade, Deidara tied the left wrist against it, securing it perfectly, so Sasuke wouldn't be able to use them anymore. 'You're doing an excellent job, pretty boy,' Deidara muttered softly. 'But now I want to join you on the floor, so you need to scoot back a little.'

Reluctantly releasing the tasty flesh, Sasuke obeyed and with arms tied behind his back moved a few inches away from Deidara. 'Thank you, master,' he murmured almost shyly. Being this far from Deidara made Sasuke immediately feel alone, he gazed up at the blond man with an expression of a lost puppy. Sasuke stayed on his knees nevertheless, quietly waiting for more orders.

Slipping off the armrest Deidara got down on his knees as well. Sliding a hand through Sasuke's hair he showed his appreciation for what he was doing. The end of the rope was still in Deidara's hand, which he could now use to steer Sasuke in every direction he wanted to. It was time to get actually behind Sasuke and move to the final part of their being together. Keeping a firm grip on the rope, Deidara forced Sasuke to bed forward a little, showing off his strong back like this. Sasuke may be shorter, but his body really was something. Not too muscular, but definitely something Deidara could appreciate. 'Because you've been such a good buy, you can decide if you want to be taken dry or if you rather have some lube to accompany this.' To emphasize his line this time, he rubbed his hard dick up against Sasuke's butt cheek, sliding it over the bruises caused by the whip before.

Sasuke stiffened for a moment, thinking hardly about what to say. Deidara's administration and the teasing was seriously messing with his nerves and he had no idea how long he was going to last if Deidara would actually manage to find his prostate. Sasuke closed his eyes for a moment, recollecting his thoughts. 'I-I would prefer the lube, if you'd be so kind, master,' he squeezed through a narrowed throat. He couldn't stop the excited shivers and wanted to have Deidara's dick inside of him as fast as possible, but on the other hand he also really needed to walk properly tomorrow.

A pleased smirk formed on Deidara's lips as he heard the polite tone he was spoken to now. There was no more bite in the guy's voice, no more unnecessary snaps. Deidara could definitely enjoy this Sasuke thoroughly, though the challenge of before had been fun as well. He had to go pretty far to actually have Sasuke submit to his needs. But now they were here and Sasuke had asked so kindly if he could use lube. Of course he would then oblige. 'Very well, pretty boy,' Deidara muttered and reached into his pants pocket to get out a small bottle of lube, there for moments like these.

Spreading the lube first over two fingers, Deidara inserted those easily into Sasuke, forcing his way through the first strain. Perhaps he should've actually done a prepping job, but Sasuke had suffered far more pain here already and this shouldn't be too bad. Their time would soon be up anyway and Deidara did want to enjoy the ride as well and not have to finish this in a hurry. He would actually enjoy fucking this one. Scissoring his fingers slightly he forced the walls apart and gave himself a good view of Sasuke's ass, the puckered hole stretched wide nicely. 'How have you been enjoying your day so far, Sasuke?' he asked casually, as if he didn't have two fingers shoved up Sasuke's ass.

A long cry fell off his lips. Sasuke could swear that he lost his sight for several seconds. The pleasure of being stretched reached somewhere beyond his comprehension. This whole experience was one big rush of sensations to which Sasuke wasn't completely prepared for and it simply caught him off guard. His torso fell forward and the slapped cheek rubbed itself over the floor while his ass stuck up in the air - ready to be filled by his master. He didn't care how humiliating the position was. Nothing could be more important than the feeling of Deidara inside him.

His master's question drifted towards him slowly. It was a miracle Sasuke's blurred hearing could even detect someone's voice, but he had to answer to his master, he just had to. Breathing heavily Sasuke formed the words, fair amount of brain cells being sacrificed in the process. 'V-very much, master, thank you...' Sasuke panted, closing his eyes firmly and focusing back on releasing the inner muscles for a second. Deidara's fingers brushed over his prostate and his entire body trembled. 'B-but master... h-have mercy... g-give me your cock... I beg you...' Sasuke cried out restlessly with half of the sentence actually losing its meaning among all the harsh gasps.

Another shiver ran down Deidara's spine as he let the wanton cries slither through his body. This was what he could get off on as well. Ego being stroked so thoroughly. Deidara wasn't one to actually have a relationship with very submissive men or women, but this one. Sasuke was just different. He truly needed to be beaten down before even reaching this level, stroking Deidara's ego along the way. There was nothing fake about this. The pretty boy didn't submit so easily, but here he was, actually begging, that lithe body squirming under his touch.

Rolling his fingers around one more time, Deidara coated the walls with enough lube on his way, and then pulled the digits completely out. 'Very well. I will give you this last reward, but make your master happy. I don't want to be disappointed,' he murmured, rubbing his hard length with some more lube before aligning himself with the puckered hole. The ringed muscles winked at him for a moment, matching Sasuke's begging words. And then he pushed in, the head breaching the first ring. There he stayed still, not giving Sasuke anything more. Giving a tug at the rope, Deidara asked for Sasuke's attention, jerking his arms backwards slightly and putting more strain on his wrists. 'Now take what you want the most. Show master what you're longing for.'

Sasuke's breathing reached the level of a marathon sprinter. Eyes tightly closed and lips parted Sasuke gulped for more and more oxygen. Nothing was enough. Drops of saliva coming out of his mouth created a wet spot on the floor. His head spun when Deidara's length finally breached the first ring of muscles, and then his master stopped, causing an unhappy wail falling from Sasuke's parted lips. But Sasuke knew what he had to do, despite the agonizing strain in his entire body, he propped his torso with his forehead just enough so he could move with his hips and take in more of his master's cock. It was surreal and Sasuke had no idea where was up and where down. He didn't feel the pressure on his knees, he didn't apprehend the bruises on his ass cheek nor did he notice his hands slowly going numb. All Sasuke felt now was the sensation of Deidara's shaft gradually filling his stretched insides.

Feeling those walls slowly slide over his length, Deidara let out a soft groan, throwing his head back as the pleasure soared through his body. Perhaps he should stay a little more professional and not get absorbed into this moment this much, but Sasuke was just so tight and giving. Feeling those muscles tighten around his cock, sucking him in further and further, made Deidara grip the rope a little closer. But now it was time to focus more on Sasuke.

Pulling the rope backwards, Deidara forced Sasuke off the floor and sit back up, Deidara's dick sliding out slightly in this position. Sasuke's hands were now hanging really low and were in not a comfortable position at all, but the added pain should only help Sasuke's mood move along. Fingers brushed against Deidara's abdomen, sending a new thought through Deidara's mind. 'Can you feel it?' he muttered softly in Sasuke's ear, his hot breath fanning against the pale neck. 'If you reach down you can feel our bodies being connected. How does that make you feel?' He wasn't moving at all, simply sitting there, most of his length buried inside of Sasuke.

Deidara's tool wasn't the biggest Sasuke had seen in his life, but it could as well be the biggest he ever had inside and it became a struggle when Sasuke felt his prostate being very secretly teased. His own cock reacted with releasing more and more precum, it now dripping down from the wet top. Sasuke's skin was tingling everywhere.

As a reaction to Deidara's words Sasuke blindly petted backwards, caressing every inch of flesh he could reach. He had to arch his spine even more to get to his goal but it never stopped the chaotic hyperventilating and ragged shivers. Sasuke began to explore the exact spot Deidara's length was buried inside him with the tips of his fingers. Lustful cry with an undertone of a desperate sob clawed out of this throat. Deidara really wanted him to lose it completely, he knew Sasuke felt obligated to answer to everything Deidara had asked, no question left behind. Sasuke blinked several times, getting his thoughts together. 'Y-yes, master... I-I can feel it... it-it feels...' Several laboured breath intakes interrupted his sentence. 'It feels... full... it's g-great to feel your c-cock stretching me like this, master,' Sasuke hummed obediently.

'Good answer, pretty boy,' Deidara hushed, giving another tug at the rope. 'You know I don't answer every client's request of being fucked. Most I actually refuse. So you should praise yourself lucky.' And with that said, Deidara released the rope and let Sasuke drop forward again, his head making a hard smack on the floor. Now it was time to actually end this meeting and have Sasuke come, shedding every bit of stress he had once felt right onto the carpeted floor. This should be exactly what Sasuke had come for. And of course he would end this in the perfect way for himself as well.

With his fingers digging deep into the soft flesh of Sasuke's hip, Deidara used it as a leverage to pull back ever so slowly. Blue eyes were fixated on his length sliding out of the stretched hole, a slick sound rising up between them. God, he was tight and then feeling those walls squeeze around his cock, making it even narrower, Deidara couldn't help but let out a guttural groan. But it was done with the slow pace now. With only the head still lingering inside, Deidara snapped his hips forward, forcing his entire length inside once more. He pushed Sasuke's body over the carpeted floor, his cheek now getting a fresh burn of the fabric. But Deidara didn't care. He simply pulled back once more, only to thrust back in harshly.

Stars clouded Sasuke's sight and a scream shot out of his lungs. Somewhere in the back of his mind Sasuke wondered if he was able to achieve an orgasm only from the feeling of Deidara plunging him forcefully. He chased that away, the answer was definitely yes, because he could now feel the heat pooling in his abdomen, ready to burst out. Deidara must have been feeling the approaching climax too, because Sasuke's inner muscles went crazy with uncontrollable spasms. 'M-master... I beg you... c-can I... I n-need to...' Sasuke tried to squeeze a plea among all the unusually loud vocal expressions. He felt like he had disappointed his master, like he was going to come too soon, but with all the previous stimulation and all the taunting and the fact that Deidara was simply perfect at his job, Sasuke had really no other choice and not much restraint left.

Clacking his tongue, Deidara showed his displeasure in Sasuke's sudden plea. This was far too fast for his liking. They had really just started and Deidara had not really enjoyed his ride yet, so this just wouldn't do. There was not that much time left, but there was no need to rush. The next client could wait a little longer. And so Deidara did something that could be considered cruel, but it had to be done. In one long side Deidara pulled out his entire length, leaving Sasuke feeling empty, and then sat back against the couch, leaning his back on the armrest.

While giving his cock a few lazy strokes to keep it alive, Deidara turned to Sasuke, giving the rope a tug to make the pretty boy look at him. 'I warned you master would be disappointed if you came too soon,' he said plainly, sending Sasuke a dark look. 'Now get yourself together first and then get over here. Master will come first and after that you will have permission to come. So make sure my ride is pleasurable.' This probably matched the cruelness of before, because forcing the pretty boy on weak legs to ride him now was something that was clearly not possible. Deidara couldn't care less. The Uchiha was going to do it.

Sasuke's eyes went wide, almost out of his skull and he sent one thoroughly hurt look up to Deidara, but then he moved his eyes away, not able to hold Deidara's stern electric gaze. How can one be so ruthless? He couldn't believe it. His body still shaking subtly, but now empty stilled on the floor and Sasuke straightened his torso, settling his weight on his shins. He began to recollect his senses just like he was told to. It took a while and Sasuke rather kept staring down at the ground, feeling betrayed and maybe a little stubborn, but after several long seconds he began to crawl and with unsure knees made those few movements towards his master. A childish pout claimed his face when he hesitantly straddled above Deidara's lap. Even though his face was turned towards Deidara, he refused to share a look with his master. If it was from fear or another emotion, stayed hidden even to Sasuke.

No tantrum? Deidara really had done a good job then. Good. Just the way Deidara liked it and now with this pretty boy in his lap, Deidara could do whatever he wanted. Grabbing a hold onto Sasuke's hips again, Deidara slowly let him sink down over his cock, the guy's ass soon making contact with Deidara's thighs. Again his cock was buried deep inside of Sasuke and the squeezes sent another wave of pleasure coursing through his body. But now he wouldn't thrust up. Deidara wouldn't do anything. It was all up to little Sasuke… Would he be able to hold out enough and not come before his time?

'Look at me while we fuck,' Deidara murmured, grabbing Sasuke by the chin and turning him to face his blue eyes. 'I want to make sure you don't come too early.'

His insides were on fire. If Sasuke had thought that he had lost the mood somewhere during the switch of positions, then he was painfully mistaken. The thrill was still there, right inside of him, exactly in the spot Deidara's length subtly rubbed itself over Sasuke's prostate. Sasuke's own cock was hard, twitching and he wanted to just grab it and squeeze the orgasm through or push it back, maybe? He had no idea anymore. But pleasing his master was what he chose to do and as strange as it might seem to his normal selfish and arrogant self, right now he forcefully pushed his needs aside. Gritting his teeth and tensing his body, Sasuke began to rise and fall, impaling himself all over again, giving Deidara the ride he deserved. The onyx stare now determined and tied upon Deidara's face. Sasuke would make his master happy, he would make him come.

An instant pleased smile formed on Deidara's lips as Sasuke started to ride him, slowly pushing himself up and down in Deidara's lap. The walls still squeezed uncontrollably, sometimes clinging to his cock like a vise. Keeping their gazes locked, Deidara stared deep into those dark half lidded ones, making this moment quite intimate. To encourage Sasuke on, Deidara let out soft sighs and groans, voice louder whenever the right spot was hit. 'Good, pretty boy. Make me come,' he muttered, giving a tug at the rope right when Sasuke slipped down far enough to send a shiver down his spine.

Sasuke's body rattled with suppressed release, muscles cramped and stretched, toes curled all over again. His determined pace faltered few times when he got too close to coming undone prematurely, but despite the fair amount of precum, Sasuke managed to hold it in. Somehow. He crushed every moan in his throat, swallowed several cries, only to prevent himself from feeling the bliss of Deidara's length sliding in and out of him. Sasuke knew he should be increasing the pace, this moderate amount of movements wasn't going to do it, not in the least. But if he was to speed up, there was nothing stopping his orgasm. And seeing Deidara's well build body under him, the handsome face, perfect golden hair and sun kissed skin, that all was a stimulation on its own. Sasuke was definitely going to have Deidara stuck in his head for some time now. He closed his eyes, focusing hard to give pleasure to his master and not lose his mind in the process.

Gradually Deidara's body started to tingle all over, this slow pace of Sasuke's actually sending a different vibe through him. It was the shivers than ran through Sasuke which caused Deidara to feel pleasured. He would've loved to just slam himself inside of Sasuke, fucking him hard until his cock couldn't reach any deeper, but this was actually really nice too. It delayed everything slightly, but build up to a level Deidara hardly had ever reached. At this point the sounds that did tumble off his lips were earnest. They voiced the things Deidara was feeling and god, did he want more. A heat started to pool in Deidara's abdomen, warning him from the inevitable. 'Master is almost there, Sasuke,' he breathed out, throwing his head back and closing his eyes, because he needed a moment to focus on just this, just this moment.

Being encouraged by Deidara's words, Sasuke reached down. It wasn't easy with tied up hands, but he managed to part his ass cheeks somewhat, allowing his master to get as deep inside of him as possible. Unwanted tears formed in his eyes and Sasuke looked up, praying to all saints to grant him enough strength to hold on just a little longer. The pressure in his cock was now almost painful, the hot sperm ready to burst out. Or maybe even more, because Deidara was literally making him explode. Just a little longer! Fuck! He felt ashamed for the degrading wetness in his eyes, but one can only possess so much self-control and all of Sasuke's will was now focusing only on making his master come. Sasuke sobbed softly, biting his lower lip before he picked up the pace, slamming his ass roughly onto his master's crotch. The tears trickled down his cheeks as Sasuke repeated the movement with the same intensity and speed. Again and again.

Holding tightly onto Sasuke's hips, Deidara's fingers now left bruises on the pale flesh, marks that would hurt for a few days. Now that the pace had increased, steady groans fell from Deidara's lips. Head thrown back against the side of the couch, Deidara just let it all come over him. The tingling of his skin, the warmth spreading through his veins. His orgasm was creeping closer, pulsating through him in a steady beat. And then it had reached his length, speeding through it suddenly at a rapid pace. The sound of their skin smacking together, resonated through the room, the echo of slick sounds lingering after. And then it was mixed with a final heartfelt moan, leaving Deidara's parted lips harshly. Thrusting his cock up into Sasuke, he made sure it was as deep as possible, spilling his seed as far as it would go. And then master had finally come.

With Deidara's final trust, Sasuke stayed still. Not because he would want to, but because he just reached the line. The mind blowing grip on his hips and his master's heated groans did the job. He felt Deidara's hot seed fill his insides - reaching deep; and he just couldn't stand it anymore. Screaming to the heavens Sasuke came hard, spilling his cum over Deidara's bare chest and abdomen. Then his torso fell limb. Normally he would lie down on the body under him, but he wasn't allowed to touch, so he stayed with crouched back and head hanging lifelessly.

Carefully Sasuke relaxed his hands and withdrew his own nails which had been buried in the flesh of his own ass cheeks. His eyes blinked several times, gaining back the ability to see properly. Only then he noticed the mess. 'I-I'm sorry, master...' Sasuke breathed out, ashamed for not asking for permission first and scattering the thick white liquid all over the tanned chest.

Blue eyes fluttered back open as Sasuke's words reached Deidara's ears. He had hardly noticed what had happened right after his orgasm, the high too strong to let him focus on anything else. Shaking his head Deidara expressed that he didn't really care. Better to have cum on his stomach than on the carpet and it was to be expected. Deidara had driven Sasuke to his limits, so this really had been inevitable. With a tug at a certain part of the rope, Deidara let the knot slid out and freed Sasuke's hands easily. Now that the high was fading away, did Deidara want to actually stand and clean up. The session was now over and Sasuke had gotten what he had come for.

'I'd like to get up now, Sasuke,' he muttered, sliding a finger over the sensitive pale skin. 'Time for you to put your clothes back and tell me if you enjoyed your time here.' His voice stayed kind, finding no need to put Sasuke in his place anymore. Not that the pretty boy would actually show a glimpse of arrogance now. He must be too out of energy at this point.

Massaging the abused wrists, Sasuke carefully stood up. Deidara's now almost flaccid length slid out of him and he had to make some effort to hold the released cum inside. Sasuke didn't hesitate for too long and went to collect his clothes. Now that it was all over, he could tell that his body would carry certain memories of this session for some time. But he didn't really care that much. Not like it was that hard for him to cover some bruises. He simply felt relaxed. Something which he could hardly achieve somewhere else. And also grateful. Which was something he almost never felt. After buttoning up his shirt he turned around and searching with his eyes for a moment he finally found the courage to look into Deidara's face. He was still as handsome as before.

Slipping back into unfazed Uchiha facade, Sasuke decided it was time to show some more good manners. He offered a hand for handshake. 'It was very pleasant experience, thank you,' he said, tone professionally emotionless but there were hints of softness still left behind.

After Sasuke had left his lap, Deidara had gotten up as well and had simply buttoned his latex pants closed again, covering up his privates. Sasuke moved through his room quite fast and apparently needed no moment to recover. Good to know, even if Deidara wasn't sure if they would be seeing each other again. That was all up to Sasuke now. The sudden politeness was funny to watch though. With his hand extended to shake each other's hands, as if this had been a formal meeting. Reaching out Deidara shook Sasuke's hand with an amused smile on his lips. 'Glad you enjoyed your stay. Please come again,' he said in a mocking voice and then shook his head, adding in a whisper, 'all Uchihas are the same.'


Let us know what you think! Curious about the next chapters?