She walked up the steps to the door but before she could open it, she saw shadows. She peered in through the window and she saw them kissing. She wanted to believe that her eyes were deceiving her but she wasn't sure. She was however, when she opened the door to find him with his hands on her waist and his lips pressed against hers. She stood there in absolute shock, not sure what to say or do.

The minute he was able to focus on his situation, he pushed the girl that was standing in front of him away. At that time, he saw her standing there. The look on her face was more than enough but he only said one word as she turned on her heels to run.


She did. She had no idea why she did, but she did. She wanted to hear his explanation; she needed to hear it. He would never do this to her. He loved her, right?

"It's not what you think," he said moving closer to her.

"Darien," the girl he was kissing began, "I thought..."

He held up his hand in a gesture that told her to stop. He took the blonde's hand in his own. "Please just let me explain Serena."

"To who," she answered, "to me or her."

"It is not what you think," he insisted.

"Darien," the redhead he had been kissing started again, "you invited me here. Now do you want me to stay or to go?"

Those were the only words the blonde needed to hear as she turned on her heels and barreled out the door. She walked into the rain and stood there for a minute before pulling the hood onto her head. She took a left at the bottom of the stairs and headed back to the corner where her car was parked. She walked slowly and stuffed her hands in her pockets. She didn't look back once.

He ran out of the house after her. He cursed under his breath as he realized that it was now raining. He looked right then left and saw her as she rounded the corner. He rushed after her in the rain. As he reached her, he put a hand on her shoulder. She turned and looked at him with heavy eyes. He couldn't bear the look he saw in them. Her usual cheeriness and laughter was replaces by weariness and annoyance. He'd never seen her look this way before.

"I'm sorry," he said with a hand still on her shoulder, "but I swear that it is not what you think."

She looked at him and shook his arm from her shoulder. She continued to her car and she heard him call after her.

"What do you want?" she snapped and whipped around, "haven't you embarrassed me enough already. Don't I look like enough of a fool? What more do you want to do to me?"

"The only thing I know how," he answered.

"And what is that?"

"Love you," he answered.

"Do you really expect me to believe that you love me after that... that...that... THAT! If you really knew what love was this wouldn't be happening...AGAIN!"

She was now in the car and starting up when he jogged over to the driver's side.

"Believe me," he said, "when I tell you that it wasn't supposed to happen this way. Please Serena just let me explain."

"There is nothing to explain," she said starting the car and driving away. He watched her drive away and out of his life.

'This is not happening', he said shaking his head.

He couldn't blame her for being mad. Not just for what she saw but for the past few months' events. Nothing seemed to be going right between them at all. There was always one fight or another about things. Walking back to his apartment, he though desperately of a way to make her give him another chance. God, did he love her. Somewhere deep inside him, he knew she was the only one for him. The problem was letting her see that. As he walked into his apartment, he remembered the other person he had to deal with.

"What's the deal Darien?" she asked.

"You know I didn't invite you over here for that. You do know that don't you?" he said looking at her.

"Darien, really. I kissed you and you kissed me back."

"Damn it, Ann," he said slamming his palm against the wall, "just leave."

"I thought we had something going Darien."

"I asked you nicely to leave," he said still facing the wall. "You've already ruined everything." He turned and looked at her tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "Everybody knows that we have been seeing each other on and off. I was hoping for a little help from a female. That was all."

"Really Darien," she said rolling her eyes at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"If you really wanted 'female' help, why didn't you ask one of her friends for help?"

"Becauseā€¦" he started not sure why he didn't. Even though she doesn't like them knowing about their relationship, he could have easily asked one of them anyway. And if she found out, she would be too delighted to stay mad. 'Damn,' he said to himself, 'I screwed up.'

Ann looked at him, rolled her eyes and walked out of his apartment slamming the door shut behind her. 'In a pig's eye,' she thought thinking about his insinuation of her help. Now that she and Allan were permanently on Earth, she was determined to be with Darien.