A remake of my other story, also named 'Bloody Wings'. When I complete this one, the other will be deleted, unless you guys want it to stay up. This is also going to be rated teen, but much less Anguishy then the last one. Platonic Link/Pit. Set in Smash 4 this time. Spoilers for Kid Icruas: Uprising and Fire Emblem: Awakening, but I'm later chapters.
Fun Fact: Lucina is my bae. Dark Pit is also my bae. Put two baes together and wonderful things happen.
My eyes narrowed. This was it. The defining moment. My hands ached from strain of holding my weapons, and silence filled the air, tense with competition. My opponent's hand came down, and BAM! Link played down a seven. I smirked to myself, itching to place my cards. I waited three seconds before shouting.
"Lack of saying I like this game!" My smirk could no longer be contained, and I grinned at Link. Since the guy couldn't talk, the game was very frustrating.
When Link first heard about the game where he didn't need to speak, he looked really excited. I almost felt bad about 'forgetting' to tell him some of the rules where you did need to speak. Luckily, Link wasn't going to back out, even though he had the most cards out of all of us. And by 'us', I mean Marth, Lucina, Miss Zelda, and Pitto. Trust me, He had a lot of cards. Miss Zelda sighed, and rubbed her head. Ever since she separated from Sheik, the Princess (was Zelda a queen now? Marth changed into a 'Hero-King', whatever that means,) had been getting really bad headaches and random magic bursts. Knowing it was my turn, I slammed down another card.
"I really, really like this game!" I stood on my chair and shouted. "The game is mow! I win!"
Link slumped in his chair and placed about half the deck of cards on the table, glad the game was over. Pitto chucked them on the table, and Zelda simply added her cards to Link's pile. I tossed mine in the air, grinning as they rained down around me like confetti. Lucina gave a small huff of annoyance before congratulating me.
"I am the champion, my friends~" Marth sighed, a slight smile on his face as I sang.
"Good job Pit, once again, undefeated."
"I know! Isn't it gre-" Apperently, dancing on a chair that had been crashed into by Pokémon and other small children wasn't a very good idea, as I tripped.
I shouted, hands outstretched, and Zelda have a small gasp as I collided into her. A bright, searing light overcame the room, and it felt as if my soul was seprated from my body. Suddenly, I saw him, flying below me.
"No! Not that close!"
A shout of pain escaped me as I was blasted to the otherwise of the room, slightly singed from the attack. The memory was knocked out of mind while I layed there, groaning. Everyone who had been playing, except for Pitto, who had left, was on the ground. Link and Marth were the first ones up, the Prince of Altea helping me up while Link and Lucina helped Zelda.
"Ugh," I murmurd, rubbing my head. Everything was spinning, and slightly blurred.
"Are...ll...ght?" I was suddenly aware I was sitting on a chair, Marth peering into my eyes, rather concerned.
"W-What?" I looked at him, and he frowned.
"I think Pit might have a concussion," Marth said, turning to where Lucina was rubbing Zelda's back, looking concerned.
"Wait," I said. My words came out sort of sluggish, but I was pretty confused. "Miss Zelda, are you crying?"
Lucina shot me a glare (that I ignored) and Zelda looked at me, tears streaming down her face. I don't think anyone had seen Zelda cry before.
"I'm s-sorry Pit, I saw and felt e-everything!" Marth and Lucina exchanged worried looks, and Link came back with a cup of something.
I didn't know what she was talking about. Suddenly, I realized.
She knew.
She knew what I had hid from everyone except Palutana. The reason I had was so childish, why no one came and visited me during the holidays, even though Skyworld was filled to the brim with Angels. Zelda knew why I couldn't fly.
And I couldn't stop it.
I stood, knocking the chair back. Marth said something about me sitting down, and that I probably was injured from the blast. A tight feeling squeezed my chest, and it was hard to breath.
"You know about him?" I murmured. I felt light headed. I was sure Marth was holding me up at this point.
"Daedalus," Zelda said. I froze. My breath hitched, and panic ripped through my mind. Marth put a hand on my shoulder
"Pit? Are you-" Acting on impulse, I shoved Marth away. It was to much. My breathing became faster and faster, and I saw the Prince catch himself on the table. He looked shocked and said something, but I couldn't hear. My brain felt like mush. I grabbed my hair and wrapped my other arm around my stomach, replaying what had happened that one day.
She knew.
She knew.
She knew.
Slices of pain shot through my wings, and I was vaugly aware of tears streaming down my face.
"If you fly to high, you'll fall!"
His words still rang loud and clear.
I should've listened.
I should've listened.
I should've listened.
I bolted out the door. I heard Marth shout my name, slipping into Japanese. I didn't care. I was trapped. Running into the vast forest behind the mansion, I let my thoughts feed my sense of panic. If Zelda knew, she would tell, and then everyone would know. She said she felt all my pain. Zelda had felt the burning, the sudden impact of water, the snap and the screams-
Branches snagged at my clothes and wings, leaving tears and cuts all over then. My laural crown had fallen off at some point, and I gave a cry of pain when I tripped on a tree root, skidding a couple feet before sliding to a stop. I curled up into a ball, sobbing, wishing the chest pain and nausea would stop.
"It's okay son, we'll get out of here, and we'll be okay."
I remember his warm touch, pulling me into a hug. I remember the clicks of metal, his fine craftsmanship being strapped onto him. I clutched at the grass, eyes tightly closed.
I had to stop remembering.
I had to stop remembering.
I had to stop remember-
My eyes wrenched open, and I threw up.
"Hnng..." I groaned, and wiped my mouth, a constricting feeling flashing through my chest. I stood, dizzied, and ignored the pile of bile. Stumbling forward, I noticed how much my head hurt. In fact, everything hurt. I managed to get a couple of feet ahead before falling into a tree, collapsing against it's rough bark.
I didn't understand. Why did those memories have to come back now? I hadn't had nightmares for years. I felt as if I was chocking to death. Was I? I didn't hear a soft voice call my name. Numbness spread through my feet, and I threw up again, swearing and shivering as I leaned against the tree's freezing cold bark. I felt detached from the world, and not in a good way. Like a puppet, it's master no longer controlling it. The last time I had felt like that was when I was put into that Ring. My eyes flew open. I screamed.
I was looking at my body. I couldn't take it anymore. Why, why, why did it have to happen now? I sobbed.
"...Pit? Pit! Please come out!" The unfamiliar voice was concerned, just like his.
"Son, please, don't fly close to the sun."
"Yeah dad, I know. I'll be safe, don't worry."
"I love you. "
"I love you too."
I sat down, and screamed.
In the original version, I was going to have Pit's family go out for dinner or something and have them be murdered, and the attack slice Pit's wings up so they stopped growing or something, but you can tell I didn't do that this version. Cookies to whoever guesses Pit's past! I think this version will be two chapters, not three like I wanted the other story. I hope my writing has gotten better! I would like constructive criticism. Also, in my other authors note, for the original story, I said something about a story called 'Dark Hearts' and I'm afraid I will not be working on that anymore. However, I have been writing a story with a similar theme called 'Singing Villans and Silent Heros' (SVASH) which will be out quickly, as my cousin/beta reader is almost finished Betaing it. I hope you enjoyed, and the next chapter of this story) along with the first chapter of SVASH) will be out in a week or two.
Feel free to come PM/Chat me at anytime.
- Corie101