Hello everyone, I hope you like this fanfic. Naruto wont have whisker marks.
Chapter 1
"WHERE ARE YOU!", a ghoul yelled as he's running through a dark alley fast as he's holding an unconscious little girl the man abducted. As he's running he could hear a flapping sound and looks up as he yelled loudly which blood splatters everywhere.
"Pathetic", the one who said that was a figure wearing a blood red mask with a spiral pattern focused around his right eye which shows his right eye as a kakugan. He's currently wearing a long, midnight black cloak with blood red clouds, a blood red interior, and a chin-high collar. He's currently holding the sleeping girl as he could hear footsteps and sirens. On the ground is a dead ghoul that's head is detached from his body which Naruto places the child on the the ground as from his back bursts his Ukaku angel like wings as in one flap he takes off flying as the Ghoul Investigators arrive to the scene but they eye to late.
"Radio in, the One Eyed Angel has struck again", one of them said as the other nods.
A teenager is currently placing cups of coffee on a table as he's wearing a waiters outfit. His is spiky blood red with white highlights and has ocean blue eyes. The waiter looks at the news report on tv talking about last night incidents involving different ghouls.
"(Sigh)", was the only the teenager did as he continued his work while goes to deliver Ken and Hide's drinks.
"Hey guys, so it's the usual", He said to them which Ken smiles as Hide smirks thinking of something.
"So Naruto, is it true you two(motions towards Touka) are going out?", Hide asked as Naruto just gives him a blank stare.
"... Dude, seriously?", Naruto said causing Hide to give a laugh as he begins sweating at the awkwardness.
"Uhhhhhh... So Ken. Who is she? The cute girl you mentioned?", Hide said causinh Naruto to raise an eyebrow as he looks at him with a smile which Ken begins sweating as he blushes.
"Hey Touka, come over here", Naruto said gaining her attention as she walks towards them.
"What?", she asked Naruto who looks at Hide who gives a smile as he looks at Ken causing him to not like where this is going.
"Miss Touka! Are you seeing anyone?!", Hide asked immediately as Naruto freezes and Touka's eyes widen hearing that as she immediately kicks Naruto in the shin gaining a yell of pain as she stops back while Yoshimura gives a laugh at this.
"Seriously Hide?! Now she thinks I asked her out! How many times do I have to tell you I don't have those feelings for her!", Naruto said to him but not loudly which he just gives a laugh as he scratches the back of his head but they heard the door open causing Naruto's eyes too narrow as he sniffs the air while Ken blinks in surprise gaining his attention which his eyes widen along with Hide's.
"She's...the one", Ken says gaining a "Fuck!" from Naruto's thoughts as she just walks by them.
"Ken just don't ask her out, I heard she's a bitch all of the time. Only acts like that just to catch a mans eye into going into a date then she goes full on bitch trying to get your money", Naruto told him as he goes to walk back but bumps into Touka causing the cups of coffee she has on her tray to fall on her dumping it all over her as she drops the cups of coffee as everyone heard breaking glass a turns.
"Nice one Nar-", Hide was cut off by Naruto.
"SHUT IT HIDE!", Naruto yelled as he looks back at him, when he looks back at Touka he can see she's glaring at him.
"(Oh shit) well uh-SLAP!", Naruto was cut off as Touka straight up bitch slapped him in the face knocking him onto the ground as the others flinch but some of the citizens smile seeing this since this happens a lot when Naruto doesn't see where he's going and bumps into Touka which she spills and drops the coffee along with losing money from his pay check.
"Ouch", Hide said as Ken nods agreeing while Naruto sits up rubbing how cheek.
"Again Touka, seriously? It's almost like your trying to get me to notice you more almost like you are in lo-OW!", Naruto yelled the last part as he's binding his head while Touka's left fist is shaking in anger.
"It still hurts ya know", was all Naruto said as he's currently in Touka's bed with his shirt off looking at Touka getting dressed as she makes a "humph" sound as she gives him a glare.
"Don't you dare tell anyone I'm your girlfriend, not after that while fiasco with my brother all those years ago", Touka said which Naruto scratches his head with his left hand.
"Ya, ya, ya, it wouldn't be good seeing your brother appear here trying to attack me from hearing that I slept with you more then a couple of times", Naruto told her as she looks away thinking about her younger brother while Naruto gets out of bed as e begins dressing.
"Kenaki...", Naruto thought to himself worried for his friend as he looked t his reflection as he got dressed but stops as he looked at a picture showing him and his family.
"Dad... One of these days... I will a avenge moms death by killing you", Naruto thought with anger as his tight eye turns into his kakugan.