Their first fight was not very pretty. Of course a fight is never pretty. But when two people are in a relationship, especially one as intricate and precious and dynamic as theirs, a big blow out fight wasn't a matter of if, but when.

There wasn't violence. Nothing was thrown, nothing broken. No shattered glass. There were only explosive words, the kind that haunt you in the middle of the night, and the kind that burn after you say. The kind you regret.

But luckily, their first fight won't be their last.

"You couldn't have called me? Why the hell couldn't you have called me?" he fumed.

"I didn't know that you had to know my whereabouts every second of the day!" she shouted back.

"You're my partner! I should always know where my partner is!"

"We're partners at work. When we're not working, we're not partners."

"Oh, really? I didn't know our partnership had limits," he said. That one stung. Hard.

"That's not what I meant," she reasoned.

"No, I think you said exactly what you meant."

"I meant that outside of work, we're…"

"Not partners."

"Will you just listen to me?" she shouted, tears stinging her eyes. "Outside of work, we're boyfriend and girlfriend. And there's a really big difference between the two. When I'm your partner, yeah, you should always know where I'm at. But when we're just a boy and girl hanging out, I'm allowed to live my life sometimes!"

"You almost got shot yesterday," he whispered. "Someone was trying to kill you. Excuse me for being concerned."

"Why are you still trying to yell at me? I was at my Mom's. I'm sorry I didn't answer your damn phone call, but my phone was dead!"

"I'm sorry that I love you enough to be worried," he said bitterly.


What did he just say? Did he just say he was sorry that he loved her?

The apology stung, and Kensi felt the tears pricking her eyes fall.

He made her cry. He wasn't supposed to make her cry. He had the moments. He was supposed to be there for her. To help. To love. Never to hurt.

"Kens, I didn't mean…" he began.

Her tears didn't stop. His chest tightened, because he's looking at what his words can do to her.

He takes a few steps toward her. "Kensi, I love you. I don't regret falling in love with you. Never. I'm so sorry. You're right. I'm sorry."

"You weren't wrong Deeks. I should have considered that you'd be worried. I could have called you from my Mom's phone. I should have."

Her eyelashes fluttered, letting the last tears flicker away. Her eyes pleaded with him. Do something. Show me we're okay.

He did just that. He opened up his arms, and she ran straight into them.

Her grip was strong on him. It screamed, "Never let me go."

She pulled away. "Are, are we good?" Her voice was nervous, timid, vulnerable.

He cleared his throat. "Can I kiss you?"

Her deep brown damp eyes looked into his. She nodded slowly. And suddenly, there he was, kissing her the same way he did on the top of that hill. The same way he kissed her on the ice, the same way she'd kissed him as Melissa.

His fingers ran down her cheeks, and as he pulled away, he rested his forehead on hers.

"I think that means we're good," he panted.

"We shouldn't be allowed to use words," she laughed, lightly.

"No we shouldn't," he agreed.