(Hello everybody! Sorry for the delay on this chapter, I promised you guys it would follow the last update but my laptop died and I just got it back from the repair shop, so hopefully this is worth the wait. Enjoy!)

The wedding party


"Hello everybody, hello!" I say once all of the guests had finished their meals. At the marvellous venue Tobias hired out for the after party, it was time for the speeches to take place, and I was about to let everybody know. "First of all… I would like to thank each and every one of you for being here tonight to witness the best day of my life!" I say with a high pitched voice. "I guess it's time for the first speech of the evening, from my Daddy! I hope you all enjoy it, and go easy on my husband, Dad" I smile, which draws some laughter from the crowd, about 23 tables of people in attendance. I kiss my dad on the cheek on the cheek as he stands up.

My dad clears his throat, and starts the speech. "Well… I just need to start this speech off with a little fact that was drawn to my attention just yesterday, so I suppose you could say it was a late addition! Did you know, that women sub consciously pick their husbands on the basis of being as far as possible away, characteristically wise, from their fathers? I didn't believe it myself, until I heard Natalie describing Tobias as being generous, light hearted and sensible. Can you believe?" He jokes and I feel Tobias chuckle beside me. "Tris, from a young age, was always going to grow up to break hearts. We knew that, however, it never happened. She had her heart broken in the past, but then she found 'the one' so early in her adult years it baffles me to this day, but I can stand here as an extremely over protective father who owns a wide array of blunt cooking utensils that can be thrown with a great deal of velocity and say that you know what? I cannot disagree with her decision to marry Tobias. You, young man, are extremely lucky" He says with gleaming pride in his eyes, and Tobias slowly nods understandingly. "However, extremely unlucky too, have you smelled the girl's farts?" He says with raised eyebrows. My face sinks into my palms and I laugh along with the rest of the spectators. "But in all seriousness, I must wish the best for you two young kids. You have a long time to spend the rest of your lives together, and it will have its ups and downs and I promise you that. But there will be so many more positive moments in your long and illustrious lives than there will be negatives. I cannot express the amount of love I have for my baby girl Tris, and I love and welcome Tobias like one of my own. Because as of today, he is one of my own. Welcome to the family young man. To Tobias and Tris Eaton." He says as he raises a quart of whiskey, in comparison to what many people drink tonight in wine and champagne.

I stand again, expecting to have been crying but instead with a huge grin on my face. "Thanks Dad. Can I just specify; I don't have stinky farts!" I hold an arm out to the side.

"Lies!" I hear Uriah shout from his table with Marlene and her parents, along with his mum.

I roll my eyes, and think of a comeback I can give him later. For now, I just respond with "Very funny Uriah, but I can smell you from here" I joke. "Anyway, the next speech will be made by the wonderful best man, Zeke. Take it away"

Zeke stands, holding a long brown envelope in his hand, he opens it and clears his throat with a smug grin on his face. He pulls a white sheet out first, and holds it out to read from it. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and Girls. Under your chairs, fastened with cellotape, you will all find an embarrassing photo of the Groom, my best friend, Tobias Eaton. But wait! That isn't all you shall find… For I got in touch with the brother of the bride and found an equally hideous, outrageous photo!" He says, and dramatically pulls out another sheet from the brown envelope. He holds it in the air with two hands, lion king style, and the crowd erupts with laughter. When I see the photo is of both me and Tobias from just before he proposed to me, I shoot Zeke a playful glare. Tobias is doubled with laughter. "So ugly, horrific! Monstrosities! They're alive!" He cries, imitating Victor Frankenstein from many a horror movie of its namesake. Once the hall of people had stopped their laughter, he begins again. "Tobias. The brother I always wanted, but I got stuck with the kid that smells from all the way over here. I love you unconditionally. But, it doesn't mean this speech will be particularly flattering in your image. But, this part, it will be. For those of you who don't know, Dauntless was all his idea. He got myself, Will, and Uriah together when we were much younger and we filmed childish skits together. He worked tirelessly day and night to get to where we are right now. Without his undying efforts, I wouldn't be able to wake up to a beautiful girlfriend and hop into a pristine Lambo' Gallardo. Brand new, of course. For that, I will never be able to repay you, and I think I speak for myself, Will and Uriah. But on a personal level, I owe you my life brother. I struggled to find a way in life until the YouTube channel blew up, and here we are today, with a second channel for the female division. Branching out into new horizons, the world is ours to seize. But, this world will be rocked by your marriage. Trust me, Tris' voice can reach scary volumes when she's angry! And your voice? Well, let's see how that sounds." He says, pulling a remote out from the brown package, and he presses a button, a screen slides down against the far left wall off the room, and a projector flashes on. A video of Tobias singing topless into a poor camera, using a brush as a microphone, belting out the lyrics of Baby by Justin Bieber. The room, yet again, breaks out into raucous laughter. When the video ends, he grabs the microphone again, proclaiming "I did warn you it wouldn't all be nice!" He laughs.

"Anyway, I have to admit, I had a lot of stuff to do behind the scenes in terms of helping Tobias out with the wedding, so you'll have to excuse me for cutting this speech short. I'll just skip right ahead to the toasts, because I can tell the happy couple want to do nothing more than race upstairs, rip their tight fitting clothes off, and… Put their thingies together." Which gathers another laugh for Zeke. "To Tobias and Tris" He raises his glass, and we drink.


Tris takes my hand. We stand up together and hold hands. She introduces this speech, and it sends shivers down to my very core. "And now, everybody, the speech of the groom. My groom. My incredible husband, who I adore." She sits back down, and I begin my speech.

"Wow. I, um… I just want to start by saying a couple of words in appreciation to some people. Natalie Prior, my new mother in law. Thank you so much for welcoming me into the family the way you have, and for preparing such a wonderful cake like you have, it's incredible" I say and she smiles at me with warmth. "To Andrew, my new father in law. You are an incredible man, if I could ever grow into a tenth of the man you are, I'm sure I'll do both you and your family proud" I say and he looks down, laughing, before wiping a tear away from his cheek and looking up at me. "Oh God, I wasn't expecting waterworks so early. Stop Andrew, that's Tris' job!" I joke.

"To the boys, my Dauntless crew. Thank you for everything. This couldn't have been possible without your help. To the Dauntless ladies, the gorgeous bridesmaids, you truly brighten the life of my beautiful wife. And for that, I can't express enough gratitude. The final thank you, goes to who else? But my wife. I love you more than you can ever comprehend. Nothing you could do will taint the image I behold of you in my mind, and the angelic mist that surrounds you shrouds any doubt I have that you can't conquer anything in your path. You certainly conquered my heart. Raised the Union Jack on there, my little English Princess." I say.

"I have to admit myself, I never thought Tris would ever say yes to marrying me. I'm speechless. No, literally, I didn't write one." I joke, allowing some of the emotional guests to laugh for a small while. "Never did I think my life would have so much purpose. I have never felt so responsible. To provide for another human. To love and to hold them. To protect them. To give them my all. There is nobody in this world I would rather do it for. I love you, baby. I propose this toast to Tris Eaton." I push my glass up, locking eyes with her as she sits next to me, and a single tear mounts her lips. We drink.

To her.

To us.