Hey there! I'm going to be taking over Unexpected Outcomes now, the permission or should I say the deed to the story has been handed over to me. A lot of you were getting feisty that the next chapter wasn't coming out and nobody volunteered to take it over. The story had way to much potential to just die. So without any other delays I present to you, Unexpected Outcomes: Carrie Returns. RETURNS! (S/N All the OC's in this story belong to respected owners, Lexy is Lexboss, Alex to Cpt. Womer, Blast to Sunblast X, Endo, Kira to ArcLight Fire77

The two lovers continued down the sidewalk as Gumball walked Carrie home for the night. After they saw the movie "Carrie", Gumball was still a little on edge since he was basically scared to death. The two approached Carries house and were about to part for the night.

"Goodnight Gumball, thanks for the movie." said Carrie as she kissed him on the cheek.

"It was my pleasure, I'll see you tomorrow. I have an exciting day planned." Enthusiastically announced Gumball as he returned a kiss to Carrie.

Gumball made his way home thinking, "Maybe my life is finally back in order now that she is finally back in my life." "Maybe I can finally appreciate what I have." He continued on the sidewalk still thinking of Carrie and how she first appeared into his life, and everyone else he knows life.

Gumball slowly opened the door knowing it was late, trying not to make any sound at all fearing he might wake up everyone else in the house. To his surprise Darwin and Lexy were still watching a rerun of Family Feud (yay sponsors, please don't sue me :/ )

"Hey Gumball." said both Darwin and Lexy in unison.

"Hey Guys." Gumball said with the slight bit of annoyance in his voice since he was planning on watching his favorite show before he went to bed.

Gumball decided he would just go to bed now instead of having to fight with his siblings over what to watch. (He would be walking into a bloodbath, considering the remote is the most sacred object for a family.)

As Gumball climbed into his pajamas and then climbed into bed, he didn't notice Darwin come into the room. He simply drifted off to sleep to have a peaceful dream. (lol jk)

Gumball's dream was the worst thing he could have imagined to come into play at this point in his life. In his dream he woke up in his room almost as if he never went to bed. Curious he looked out his window, to see nothing but blank. Blank emptiness. Except for one small flaw. Carrie was out there. Just standing, motioning for Gumball to come down, almost as if she was luring him into something. Her arms? Her loving warmth? No, little did Gumball know it wasn't Carrie.

Gumball excitedly opened his window and got on to the roof to jump down to Carrie. He faceplanted right in the grass. He didn't care, he only cared that he got to see Carrie. As Gumball pulled himself up to meet Carrie, but as Gumball got closer she started floating away, not in her solid form anymore. She kept calling Gumball, as if she were a siren leading her prey into a trap. Gumball kept following as he couldn't stop, he was too distracted. Eventually Carrie stopped floating. Gumball watched what she did, and she vanished. This left Gumball alone, in the blank empty world.

Gumball woke up from his, dream? He didn't know what to call it, if he could even call it anything. He got out of bed and got ready for the day. He still had a big day planned for Carrie. He went to the bathroom, which had a line full of his family members.

Gumball got to the back and waited to use it. One after the other family members poured in and the next one after Gumball was Dad, he did it so fast it was like if it was Black Friday at an Elmart. (Hope I came up with that, it's a play on word, Elmore and Walmart, eh. No? Okay I'll stop talking.)

Gumball thought to himself, "Oh man I gotta pee so bad." "I wonder what could be taking Dad so long in there, I've never had to pee this bad." Gumball did what any SANE person would do and he opened the door a smidge to see what his Dad was doing. To nobody's surprise he was sleeping. In the bathtub.

Gumball saw this opportunity and used the bathroom. Did his hair, flipped his bangs a little, brushed his teeth, and then got dressed.

He made his way downstairs to have breakfast, where his other family members waited for Nicole to finish making breakfast. Gumball sat between Darwin and Lexy.

"Hey Darwin what is Mom making for breakfast?" Gumball asked. "I'm pretty sure by the smell of it, it's waffl-" Darwin was cut off as Mom announced that they would be having not only waffles but none other than bacon waffles. Richard was drooling and his eyes had gone almost pure white at the thought of it.

The family enjoyed their breakfast as Gumball thought about what Carrie might be doing.

Carries POV

Carrie thought to herself, "Hmm, this hoodie, or that one. I just can't decide." "I could always go naked." She laughed.

Gumball POV

"Eh probably still sleeping based on her not being a morning person."

Gumball still had a while before his date with Carrie so he was at a loss of what to do. He'd been looking forward to this for a while. So he decided he would hang out with Darwin since he hadn't done that in a while. "Hey Darwin, are you free for a while?" Gumball asked. "Nope sorry bro." Gumball thought he was at a loss of what to do. So he decided on T.V until his date.

He planned on watching Daisy the Donkey, even though it was a childish show it was still pretty entertaining considering it was aimed at 5 year old kids, but it has it's moments. Anais came in the room and sat down next to Gumball and didn't say a word. This was her all time favorite show. The two sat in quiet watching as the colorful show played on. Gumball eventually got extremely bored, and extremely hungry at the same time.

He got up and walked into the kitchen to see what they had to eat in the fridge, but Dad was already in there raiding the fridge. He was carrying a bowl of sausages, an entire tray of cookies, 2 bags of chips, and 3 - 2 liter bottles of soda. When Gumball walked in the room Dad nearly had a heart attack thinking it was Nicole.

"AHAHhahhh!" screamed Dad. "Oh it's only you Gumball."

"Yeah who else would it be?"

"I thought it was your Mother at first, I don't need her knowing that I was sneaking food again." said Dad.

Dad walked out of the room and into his room and closed the door. Gumball reached in one of the cabinets and pulled out a bag of chips. He grabbed his keys and his hoodie and walked out to his car. He figured why not start the date early since his was dying of anticipation.

Gumball started the car and drove down the road to Carries house. He got out and knocked on the door. When the door opened Carrie was there.

"Oh, Gumball I didn't expect you to be here. I would've gotten ready." Carrie said as Gumball kissed her for a good 5 seconds.

"I figured why not start the day off early. It'll be fun." said Gumball with enthusiasm in his voice.

"Well give me a few minutes to ready up, then we can head out."

Carrie freshened up, and Gumball waited in her room. Carrie walked in and said, "My parents are out of town for a few days so this is the perfect time we can spend together." she kissed him on the cheek and told him she was ready to go.

Gumball took Carries hand and they walked out to the car. Gumball still had yet to tell Carrie where they were going but it's probably the best he's ever planned. First they drove out again like they regularly do to the fanciest place to eat in town.

The server didn't speak french as he never learned.

"Right this way sir and madame your waiter will be right with you, thank you for choosing us for your meal today."

"Yep thank you for having us." Gumball said.

The server sat them down at a table for two and left to get the waiter. During this time Gumball and Carrie talked about relatives.

"So Carrie where do you think Endo and Kira went?" "They seemed to be very protective of it like they wouldn't tell us at all." said Gumball questionably.

"Well I think they had their own personal problems ya know with how busy they've been. But it is strange they just up and left us."

The waiter came over to their table to ask what they'd be having to eat.

"Bonjour monsieur et madame Comment puis-je prendre votre commande ce soir ?" (Hello sir and madame how may It take your order this evening?)

"Oui bonjour, je voudrais le filet mignon , et elle aimerait le steak saignant ." (Yes hello, I would like the filet mignon, and she would like the medium rare steak.")

"Oui bel ordre monsieur, je serai de retour avec votre nourriture ." (Yes fine order sir, I will be right back with your food."

Gumball and Carrie waited for the waiter to come back and they just stared into each others eyes and shared a passionate kiss and enjoyed the moment. The waiter came back holding two plates and the couple ate in a happy silence thinking of what to come next.

Gumball paid for the meal and took Carries hand as they exited the establishment. They got in the car and rode to the music of Exile Vilify by the National

"Exile Vilify"


It takes your mind again


It takes your mind again

You've got suckers' luck

Have you given up?

Does it feel like a trial?

Does it trouble your mind the way you trouble mine?


It takes your mind again


It takes your mind again

Oh, you meant so much

Have you given up?

Does it feel like a trial?

Does it trouble your mind the way you trouble mine?

Does it feel like a trial?

Now you're thinking too fast

You're like marbles on glass


Don't even try


Don't even try

You've got suckers' luck

Have you given up?

Does it feel like a trial?

Does it trouble your mind the way you trouble mine?

Does it feel like a trial?

Did you fall for the same empty answers again?


Don't even try


Don't even try


As the song finished Gumball knew he was approaching the spot for the perfect date. He looked over at Carrie and kissed her and said, "We're here. This is what I've been waiting for all day." The two got out of the car and head up the hill.

Gumball had Alex set up a romantic evening with a blanket and pillows, but the best part was the fireworks display.

Gumball sat Carrie down and crawled onto the blanket after her. Carrie was a little confused but snuggled into Gumball anyway. Then when Gumball knew Alex was looking from a far he nodded. Carrie and Gumball listened and watched as the first rocket went up. Carrie was instantly aware of what was happening and she snuggle her head into Gumballs chest. The rocket exploded into a heart, the next one into cupids arrow, then of C & G 4ever.

Carrie started crying happy tears as more rockets went up into the air, and Carrie fell asleep happy.

Well that's it for chapter 1 of the Return. Tell me what you think in the reviews or even PM me, chapter 2 will be up sometime this week. :)