OhMyGosh! I was so sure that I had been updating this story, when i found out that i wasn't, i went to my story folder and found it empty! I had the next three chapters, as well as a rough sketch of the 4th chapter! I checked the Rubbish Bin, and it was empty! When my dad saw me looking for the Files, he was like "What are you doing?" and i was like "Looking for one of my stories" and he was like "Did it have a picture of Harry Potter and that sparkly guy (Edward Cullen)" and i was like "Yes" Then he said "oh, i thought that you were finished with it, so i dumped it" I NEARLY HATE A FREAKIN HEART ATTACK!

'Takes a deep breath in'

So, considering that those were my Only copies, i have to re-write my story. (Don't worry, this is still going to stay) I just cant write what i did before, because i would get side-tracked, and pair different people up. I really am sorry for not updating in ages, This is a edited version. Hope you like it. I'm just going to cry under my rock, and think about how I'm going to do this story. (again)

"Tom you bastard!"

Tom was beside lily "'he, hu, he, hu'" he was rasping out while holding her hand.

"that's it Lily Flower. 'he, hu, he, hu deep breaths" He kept repeating over and over again.

Causing his wife to get pissed off. She aimed a deadly glare at him, and said in a low voice. (Well she thought it was low, but she wasgiving birth)

"Shut up before I claw you're mouth out!" She screamed the last part out.

"You're doing an excellent job Miss Riddle. Just a few more pushes." Said the doctor.

Tom heard crying, and relief rushed through him ~ oh thank Merlin this is almost over. I'm going to need some Bone-regrow for my hand ~

With out thinking the dark lord looked to where the crying was coming from, What a bad idea that was for him. Of course he was the "Dark lord" he had killed and tortured hundreds of Humans, Witches, Wizards, it was probably in the thousands. But Tom Marvolo Riddle had never, ever, seen a sight so ghastly before. It was so bloody and there was so much unidentified liquids coming from his Mates.. 'cough' privet parts 'cough'

Tom Riddle was staring to feel faint, and that was something the dark lord had not felt in many years.

"waaaaaa, waaaaaaa" He ignored the site of his wife and quickly rushed to his newborn child.

"It's a boy." Said the nurse warmly, handing the child over to Tom.

Tom held his arms out for his Son the baby was still crying but the longer Tom held the boy, the quieter it got. Tom was wondering if he did something wrong, whilst holding his Newborn, but he heard the soft snore leaving the child. ~ he is sleeping ~ Tom thought with a warm smile.

A warm feeling washed through Tom Riddle.

He hadn't known how long he was standing there, gazing at his son, but it must have been awhile, because Sirius black stood next to Tom with a Newborn child in his Arms.

"It's a Girl." Said Sirius with a big grin on his face.

5 Hours later, and Lily had just taken a Pepper-Up Potion, to stay awake.

"Here you go, It was easy obliviating the Muggles into forgetting how they appeared" Said Narcissa holding out two parchments.

(You see, when Magical children are born, Birth certificates 'Magically' Appear.

All parents have to do is sign the child's name ect. it gets copied and sent to the ministry. (Nobody reads them. I don't know why) Muggleborns get these as well. but they get obliviated when they sign the bottom.)

Lily Took the BC and wrote down the information.

Name of parents.

Tom Marvolo Riddle – Lilith Anita Riddle (nee) Evens

Name of Child.

Harrison Salazar Evens Riddle

Name of sibling.

Hermione Rowena Evens Riddle

Name of Godfathers.

Sirius Lupin Black – Alex Lovegood

Name of Godmothers.

Alice Longbottom (nee) Willow – Andromeda Tonks (nee) Black

When Lily was done with Harrisons, she started writing Her daughters BC.

Name of parents.

Tom Marvolo Riddle – Lilith Anita Riddle (nee) Evens

Name of Child.

Hermione Rowena Evens Riddle

Name of sibling.

Harrison Salazar Evens Riddle

Name of Godfathers.

Remus Black Lupin – Lucius Malfoy

Name of Godmothers.

Bellatrix Lestrange (nee) Black – Amelia Abbott (nee) Bones

Just as lily wrote the last word, the doors to the hospital room opened to reveal her good friend. Frank Longbottom. He looked worn-out but you could see the excitement shining through his eyes.

Everybody looked at Frank with anticipation

(everybody being. Lily, Tom, Cissa, Amelia, Bella Siri, and Remy.

Everybody else were with Alice)

"Well…" Asked Remus eagerly

"It's a boy!" Frank said with a warm smile.

"What's his name?" This time it was Narcissa who asked.

Frank just smirked at her. "Here you go." He said, handing over the BC

Name of Parants.

Frank Longbottom – Alice Longbottom (nee) Willow

Name of Child.

Mathew Tobias Willow Longbottom.

Name of Godfathers.

Severus Potter Snape – James Snape Potter

Name of Godmothers.

Narcissa Malfoy (nee) Black – Jamie Lovegood (nee) Anders

When Narcissa finished reading the BC she couldn't help but screaming in joy.

"I'M HIS GODMOTHER! 'oh Severus you're going to love this!"

She threw the BC into Seveus's hands and ran out of the room.

(probably to go see her Godson)

When said man finished looking at the BC he looked Frank in the eye.

"You named the child after me?" whisperd Severus.


James rushed to his Mates side. ~ I cant believe he fainted ~

The door opened to reveal Lucius Malfoy, and his 2 month old son Draconis Malfoy.

"What in the world happened..." Lucius looked shocked at seeing his best friend unconscious.


"it seems Sev was shocked to be a godfather." Said an amused Lily.

Severus Awoke moments later, to the happy chatter of his friends.

He went to sit up, but was pushed down by his husband.

"Shh love its alright, Lay down a bit longer" said James with a warm smile washing over his face.

"hmm.." Severus grogerly rubbed his blurry eyes.

"where are the kids" He mumbled, looking around the room.

"Their laying in the crib over there" Said James, motioning his head to the far corner of the room.

Severus slowly got up and walked to the crib. He looked over and saw Draco sitting in-between Harrison and Hermione, holding both of the Twins hands.

Severus gazed at them with a longing look. He didn't notice his Mate walk up behind him. He did, however notice when his Mate wrapped his arms around his waist.

"I think its time we had some of our own." Hummed James.

Severus nodded a smile gracing his lips.

What do you think? I thought it would be funny starting the chapter with "Tom you bastard!"

Because in the last one, i wrote how complete Lily was. (Or somthing along those lines)

Anyway, tell me what you think, and if you want a spacific pairing let me know and i'll think about it, Story ideas would be helpful :)

- Clover -