Hi my lovely readers! Here's the third and final installment of Brothers on a Hotel Bed. This was a really fun little story to write and I'm happy that it was so well received! Also, just imagine James Vincent McMorrow playing Breaking Hearts at the touching scenes. It's one of my favorite songs and I listened to it a lot while writing this. I hope you enjoy this last chapter!

Merle had inevitably fucked up again. The brothers were a fifty miles from civilization, making a fire behind a ramshackle barn. Daryl stewed in silence, much like he had been doing all day, and Merle skinned a few squirrels.

"Hey, just like when we were kids, huh?" Merle laughed halfheartedly.

Daryl threw him a glance. "Just give me the damn map. Where the hell are we?" He unfolded one of the many maps they had in the truck. They had bailed out of Frankfort in a hurry; it turns out Merle had enemies everywhere.

You'd have thought running like this would get old, but they had been at it for years now. Daryl swore up and down he wasn't gonna go back after Merle got out of prison. Merle got caught in a deal with an undercover cop 3 years ago. He only served half his sentence, got out on some deal he made with the lawyers.

Truth be told, Daryl didn't have anybody when Merle was gone. He went back to his hometown, saw some old buddies, most of them strung out or in the middle of court trials for god knows what. He was in and out of AA meetings, skipping from town to town, stealing or squatting when he couldn't afford a motel room.

He even met a guy that liked to fuck around with other guys on the down low every so often. Then Merle got out and called him up asking for money and some company, so here they were.

Merle spoke after a silent dinner. "Well, better be gettin' some shut eye, little brother."

Daryl looked annoyedly at Merle, but eventually stamped the fire out and made himself comfortable in the bed of the old pickup truck.

In the morning they drove north, eventually coming up on a little backwoods town. They bought a room at the shady hotel just inside town and made their way to the diner down the road. Something about the town seemed familiar to Daryl, but they had seen so many farm towns in the last year that the thought only crossed Daryl's mind for a second.

They sat in the back corner of the diner and ordered breakfast. It was early, around 9 AM, and the place wasn't too packed.

Daryl and Merle were eating in silence when a couple of cops walked in. Automatically, Daryl assessed them in his peripherals; early 30s, guns strapped to their belts.

Daryl practically dropped his fork when he got a better look at the older one. He was average height, with slight shoulders and pale blue eyes. The thick beard spotted with gray didn't take away from the gentle features of his slim face.

He asked Merle in a low voice, "What town are we in?"

"Huh? I don't know, Cyan? Cynthia? Somethin' like that." Merle answered, completely oblivious to what was going on in Daryl's mind.

Fuck me… Daryl looked at the cop again. It was definitely him. Memories of that night five years ago came back to Daryl, so much so that he squeezed his eyes shut.

Merle finished his food and picked up the bill, saying, "I'll go pay this."

Daryl said, a little too urgently, "No!" He lowered his voice, "Nah, I got it." He plucked the bill from Merle's hand and walked past the cops to the register.

"Everything taste okay?" The hostess asked him politely.

He grunted his reply, not sure how to assess the situation he was in. Should he say something? Fuck, why would he say something? The guy probably didn't even remember him. No, he would just walk back to their booth and finish his food, and the brothers would walk out and that would be that.

But there was a little part of Daryl that wanted to say something, just so he could prolong that moment.

As it turns out, Daryl didn't need to say anything. At that moment a waitress accidentally bumped into him, spilling water down the side of his pants and onto the bar.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Let me get you some towels!" The woman scurried away frantically. But now the entire restaurant was looking at him, including the two cops down the bar.

He looked at Rick, and he watched his expression change from surprise to confusion and back again. His eyes got wide and his mouth fell open slightly. They stared at each other for a moment longer until the waitress came back with a towel and attempted to help Daryl sponge his pants dry.

Daryl walked back to his table, stealing glances at the man every few seconds. He got Merle, and they walked toward the door. He felt a hand on his shoulder as he walked past the cops.

He turned slowly. Rick removed his hand, leaving a trail of fire from Daryl's neck to his forearm. "You new in town?" Rick asked, his voice a little shaky as he tried to sound nonchalant.

"Uh, yeah, just passin' through really." Daryl narrowed his eyes. He wasn't sure if he should keep talking or make a break for the car at this point.

Rick stared at him for another second, his gaze drifting from his eyes to his mouth and back up to his eyes. "Well ya'll have a good day."

Daryl nodded, then walked out the door with a confused look. What the fuck was that?

Rick told Shane to go home for the day around 4, and he took a patrol car out the edge of town. If Daryl was in town, he would no doubt be here. He pulled into the hotel parking lot and walked up to the front desk.

"Did two men check in here today? Probably early this morning," Rick asked.

"Uh, yeah," the desk clerk looked like he would rather be anywhere else right now.

"Do you know their room number?"

"106. Down the hall to the right." The clerk turned back to his nintendo DS before Rick could even say thanks.

He exited the building and saw the same blue and white pickup truck that had been at the diner parked a few spaces down. He got in his cruiser and pulled into a spot a good distance from the truck and waited. He knew it was a long shot to just wait and see what would happen, but what other choice did he have?

He needed to see Daryl, at least talk to him. Shit, it had been five years since that night.

He waited hours and saw no movement whatsoever. But around 7, he watched a man exit the side door and get into the pickup. A minute later, Rick got out of his cruiser and walked up to the door.

He might have laughed if he hadn't been scared out of his mind; this was the same room from that night.

He almost turned around and walked away. But he needed to know. So he knocked on the door quickly, before he could really change his mind.

Daryl answered the door and stared at Rick. Rick stared back, unsure of what to say. "Uh," Rick cleared his throat. "Hi."

Daryl eyed him skeptically. "Hi."

"How, um, how've you been?"

Daryl's gaze was stone cold emotionless. "Fine. Yerself?"

"Fine, yeah, I mean, I've been good." Rick put his hands in his pockets and cleared his throat again.

Daryl just nodded. "So, uh, what was that at the diner?"

"I just, I needed to know if it was actually you," Rick replied.

"Oh. Okay." Daryl looked around awkwardly for another minute.

"I'm sorry. You know, I shouldn't have come here. Don't know what I was thinking." Rick turned away.

Daryl caught his arm and pulled him back into the door frame. He stopped centimeters from Rick's lips and let out a deep breath. He wound a hand into his hair and captured his mouth in a fierce kiss. Rick let go of the breath he didn't know he was holding and melted into Daryl's arms.

Daryl kicked the door shut behind him and pressed Rick into the wall. He didn't know why he had come here or what he was thinking, but Daryl couldn't stand not touching him for one more second. Their bodies were flush against each other, and Rick's hand was traveling up Daryl's stomach.

Rick pulled Daryl's chest against his, and he moved from his lips to his neck.

"Five. Fucking. Years," Rick growled at Daryl, each word punctuated by a bite to his neck. Daryl moaned into him.

"I know. It's been, complicated."

"I don't give a fuck. I need you." Rick's hands were all over Daryl, under his shirt and in his hair. Daryl still had an iron grasp on Rick's arm, his other hand twisted in his shirt.

But the reality of this situation was coming to Daryl. His brother had just left to go get some things that the cop would be less than thrilled to see. So he pulled away and put on a poker face.

"My brother's gonna be back soon."

Rick couldn't keep the emotion from showing on his face. "Oh. Right."

"Come back at 11, I'll get Merle out of here for the night." He didn't know how, but he would be damned if he didn't get Rick in his bed tonight.

Rick kissed Daryl again and said, "Okay." He slipped out the door in a haze.

He went back to his apartment and tried to keep himself busy. He and Lori were off right now, after he broke off their engagement a month ago. He ate a light dinner, hardly having an appetite. He decided he may as well lay down for an hour or two before he left.

Merle got back half an hour later with the drugs. They did enough to hold them over for the night and went out to the bar. Daryl was worried he would have to coerce his brother into going home with someone, but Merle found someone easily and a little before 11, Daryl nodded to him.

"Hey, I'm headin' back. You comin' home tonight?" Daryl asked, most likely knowing the answer.

"Mmm, nah, prob'ly not, little brother," Merle slurred.

"A'right. Be careful." Daryl walked the half mile back to the hotel.

It was 5 'til, so Daryl brushed his teeth and put on deodorant and paced back and forth in the tiny space between the beds. Time was inching by every minute that he waited for Rick. At 11:10 he was starting to doubt.

Maybe he wasn't coming. Had he read the signs wrong earlier? Maybe he changed his mind.

At 11:20 Daryl laid down on the bed and sighed. Maybe he should go see Rick. But he didn't have the slightest idea where to start looking.

At 11:30 he turned off the light and accepted defeat.

Rick rolled over and stretched. He felt like he had been asleep for 10 minutes. He grabbed his phone to turn his alarm off and realized that he didn't set one. It was pitch black outside. Rick looked at the time.

"Oh fuck! Ohhh shit," Rick scrambled out of bed. It was 11:15. "Ah fuck me, where the fuck are my shoes?" Rick talked to himself as he ran around trying to look presentable. He threw on a shirt and popped a piece of gum, then ran out the door to his little car. Fucking A. He probably thinks I'm not coming.

He pulled into the hotel at 11:40. He spit out his gum hastily and speed walked down the hall and stopped in front of the door, trying to catch his breath before he knocked.

Daryl's heart raced as he opened the door and saw Rick standing there, a little out of breath. A smile spread across his face as Rick stammered out an explanation.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I overslept and thought I set an alarm and-" Daryl shut him up with his mouth. Their tongues intertwined and Daryl pulled him into the room, shutting the door behind them.

They resumed their position against the wall. Daryl ground his body into Rick's with intense need. Rick let out a low moan and assaulted his neck with bites and kisses. Daryl groped Rick's ass and pushed their hips together. He could feel Rick's hard on through entirely too many layers of clothing.

Rick slid Daryl's shirt up and off, and Daryl did the same to Rick. He captured Rick's hard nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it before leaving a small bite mark on it. Rick breathed heavily as Daryl did the same to his other nipple, then trailed his tongue down to his waist.

Daryl palmed his through his jeans, then undid the button and slid his pants down. Daryl's hot mouth encompassed Rick's raging erection through his boxers, and Rick could hardly contain the moans that were falling from his lips.

Daryl was going to make this the best night of Rick's life. He had made him wait so long. He pulled his boxers down painfully slow, letting Rick's erection pop free. His tongue circled the tip a few times before he gripped the base and enveloped the dick with his warm mouth.

Rick groaned from above and thrusted his hips toward Daryl's mouth. He tangled his hand in Daryl's hair and pushed his head down on him. He couldn't help the involuntary movements his hips were making, and he heard Daryl gag once or twice as he grew in size.

Daryl popped off of him and took a deep breath. He licked his lips and stood back up level with Rick's mouth. "Fuck," was all he could say.

Rick laughed and unbuttoned Daryl's jeans. He hadn't been with another man since Daryl, but he had dabbled in some gay porn since then, so he was a bit more informed this time around. He licked up the man's length slowly, watching as Daryl melted into the wall. He teased him for another moment before Daryl grew impatient, and he wordlessly pushed Rick's head down on his cock.

Rick took him into his mouth fully, not that Daryl gave him much choice otherwise. He hummed around his dick and Daryl moaned, lessening his grip on Rick's hair. Rick pulled off of him for mere seconds, then he was back on him, his tongue doing things he didn't even know he could do before tonight.

Daryl pulled Rick up to him again, and they left their pants by their spot on the wall and moved to the bed. Daryl turned to Rick and sat on the bed, then pulled Rick down on top of him.

Rick let his hands wander down Daryl's body. He was more muscular than he remembered. He had relived that night so many times in the past years. The feel of Daryl under him, his lips on his neck, the bite marks that stayed for days afterward.

Likewise Daryl was drinking in Rick. He smelled like coffee and mint gum. His blue eyes were half-lidded, looking down at his body. Unlike the first time, Daryl was sober, or as close to sober as he could get. And as far as he knew, Rick was sober this time too.

But as he watched Rick look him over, he felt self conscious. Rick was this amazingly handsome man, and he was just, himself. Rick's hand traveled from his chest to his shoulder and up to cup his cheek. He pierced him with his eyes. Daryl looked away quickly.

Rick's hand on his cheek turned firm and made him look at him. "Hey. What?"

Daryl flipped them around quickly, taking the attention off of himself. "Nothin'." He ravaged Rick's body with his mouth and tongue until he writhed under him.

Rick reached over him and grabbed a condom off the side table. He slid it on his hard cock. Daryl positioned himself on top of Rick, so that he was straddling the man.

Rick drug his hands up Daryl's back slowly and looked him in the eye briefly, "You ready?"

Daryl nodded his consent and put his head down next to Rick's on the bed.

Rick pushed into Daryl's tightness ever so slowly. The last time they did this, Rick was less aware of himself. But now he made sure Daryl was okay every step of the way. Daryl hissed at the feeling of being stretched by something so big.

Rick caught Daryl's bottom lip between his teeth and pulled roughly as he pushed the rest of the way in with one thrust. Daryl groaned, though whether it was a groan of discontent or ecstasy, Rick was powerless to know. Either way, Daryl recovered and settled back onto him. They stayed like that for a brief second, then Daryl rolled his hips up rick's body and back down again. Rick's sigh turned to a moan.

Rick's hands found Daryl's ass, and he guided his movements on top of him. Rick breathed heavily as Daryl ground his ass into him harder and faster with every thrust.

Daryl panted in his ear, his teeth scraping the man's earlobe. Rick pulled out of Daryl to flip them over, and Daryl got on all fours. Rick entered him again, quicker this time.

He held tight to Daryl's hips and slammed into his hole hard. "Oh my God…" Daryl trailed off as Rick hit that spot inside of him. "Fuc. Harder."

Rick laughed and pulled almost all the way out of his tightness, then pushed in with so much force that the bed shook. He did it again, and Daryl pressed his hips back into Rick. The sound of skin slapping together grew loud. Rick was ready to burst. He didn't think he could last much longer with Daryl doing what he was doing right now.

Rick wrapped an arm around Daryl's chest and tugged him up to meet his lips. He slammed into him even harder from this angle, and Rick's moans fell into Daryl's mouth.

His thrusts were growing erratic; he felt like he was going to explode. He slowed down, to which Daryl said gruffly, "Don't stop."

"I'm gonna cum," Rick said into Daryl's mouth.

Daryl pushed himself back onto Rick with more force now; he grabbed Rick's head and slammed their lips together.

Rick couldn't hold back anymore. He released his cum inside of the condom and thrusted in spasms, moaning louder than he should have, since they were in a hotel room.

Daryl smiled at Rick, who looked down at him with drowsy eyes. He turned around and Rick's hands found his semi-hard penis. He stroked him and leaned him back on the pillow as his mouth covered him once again.

Daryl was in ecstasy. Rick's hands travelled up and down his body as his tongue continued the onslaught of his dick. He felt his orgasm build inside of him, and he arched his back as he came all over Rick's mouth and chest.

His own chest heaved with exertion. Rick wiped his mouth clean and came up to lay next to him.

They laid side by side on their backs, breathing heavily. Rick watched Daryl out of the corner of his eye. Slowly he reached out and grabbed his hand, winding their fingers together. He saw the corner of Daryl's mouth turn up.

He tugged on his hand and Daryl rolled over to look at him. Daryl scooted closer to him, so that he was leaning into Rick's body.

This felt so right; Rick dared to say it might have been perfect. He was content to stay like this all night.

Daryl reached over the edge of the bed and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and offered one to Rick. He took it and lit it up with little apprehension. He took a long pull and breathed out, watching the smoke hang in the air.

Eventually Daryl spoke, "Sorry I made you wait so long."

Rick laughed. "It's fine. As long as you don't make that a habit, disappearing for years at a time. You could actually stick around for more than a night."

Daryl looked away, laughing half-heartedly. He wasn't going to ruin the moment by bringing up the reality of the situation: he would leave again, of course he would.

But evidently Rick wanted to have this conversation, or at least he felt they needed to. He saw the change in Daryl's attitude and asked, concernedly, "Why don't you? Stay, I mean?"

Daryl shut his eyes. "My brother and I, we're all we have left. I can't just up and leave him after all these years."

"You wouldn't have to leave him. You guys could live in town, it's a nice place. Make a life here, or something, ya know."

Daryl refused to look at Rick. "We just can't. My brother's..job keeps us moving around a lot. Never really staying in one place for more than a week or so." He didn't like flat out lying, but he didn't really have another choice.

"Well he could just go on his own and you could stay here, right? He could come back in between jobs." Rick was trying to be supportive, but Daryl was just growing annoyed.

He laid back on the pillow, pulling his hand free. He kept his voice level as he said, "No, he can't. We just can't stay, okay?"

"Okay." Rick looked hurt.

Daryl rolled back over to face him. He would tell some truth, Rick deserved that. "Look, I want to, Lord knows I would stay here. But my brother, he's got, problems. I can't just leave him."

Rick nodded. "Okay. I get it." He wasn't upset, thankfully, or he at least didn't show it.

They laid together, entwined under the covers. They talked some; Rick usually led the conversation. Mostly they kissed. And fucked. They tried everything, even some weird positions that Daryl didn't even know were possible. They didn't want to sleep. They had to savor every second they had together.

It was 5:30, and Rick was telling a story about his first time riding a bike when he looked over and say Daryl snoring lightly. He chuckled, then turned out the light.

He gazed at Daryl's sleeping form illuminated by the pale moonlight. He was easily one of the most attractive men he had ever met. But not in the obvious way. His hair was a little greasy, his eyes a little small comparing to his wide lips, and he wasn't the most inviting man. But Rick couldn't get the image of him out of his mind, even when he closed his eyes he was there.

He had never felt this way about a man, or a woman. He could never see himself thinking about anyone else they way he felt about Daryl. Which was crazy because they had spent a total of maybe 48 hours together since they had met. And as much as it would hurt him, Rick couldn't help himself from realizing, I think I love him.

They woke up around 12, but it was a Saturday, so Rick was off work. Daryl was up first, cleaning up the room from the pizza boxes to the condom wrappers littering the floor. Rick rolled over.

"How long have you been up?"

"Eh, an hour or so."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You looked so comfy. Couldn't bear to interrupt your beauty sleep."

Rick laughed, then got serious. "When are you leaving?"

Daryl frowned. "Prob'ly soon. Whenever Merle decides to roll out of whatever bed he slept in last night and finds his way back here."

Rick got out of bed and put on his jeans. "You could still stay, you know." He tried to sound nonchalant.

Daryl put down the trash can and looked at him with pain in his eyes. "You know I can't."

"You talk so bad about your brother, but you can't tear yourself away from him." Rick commented. He just didn't understand this attachment Daryl had to his brother.

"Yeah, well that's family," Daryl said dismissively. He didn't want to be having this conversation.

But Rick continued. "Yeah, he has problems, but don't we all? And yeah he's family, but he's also a full grown man."

Daryl was annoyed now. "Listen. You don't know, okay? You wouldn't even begin to understand."

Rick stood up. "How can I if you don't give me the chance? What could be so bad that you can't let him be on his own for more than 12 hours?"

"He's a fuckin' meth addict! Okay? He's a junkie and an alcoholic, and he can't be trusted to make it home at night by himself, let alone live his own life! And you know what, so am I. I can't remember the last time I was sober. I'm not strong enough, and Lord knows I ain't good enough to live a normal life. That's why I can't stay here."

Daryl was breathing heavily, and he sat down on the bed in defeat. "If I left and somethin' happened to him? I'd never-I wouldn't be able to forgive myself."

Rick stared at him with wide eyes. He walked up to Daryl and placed one hand on his cheek. Daryl flinched away, but Rick kept his hand there.

"Okay. Okay, you can't stay. Your brother is the most important person in your life. I get it. But you are good enough. Hell, I've never met anyone like you before. I-I love you, Daryl." Rick hesitated on the last words, unsure of whether or not he should have said them.

Daryl's eyes grew wide at that. "No, you don't. You don't even know me."

"I know enough." Rick pulled Daryl's body to his. "Leave if you need to. I understand. But know that you're good enough for me, and that's what matters. Even if I never see you again-" The thought made Rick's voice hitch. "Remember that."

Daryl sucked in a ragged breath. He would not fucking cry. He captured Rick's mouth before he could lose his courage and his self control. Rick wound his arms around his neck and Daryl's hands grasped at Rick's shirt.

They kissed for what seemed like hours. When Daryl finally pulled back, he saw the love in Rick's eyes.

"Merle will probably be here soon," Daryl said reluctantly. He wanted so badly to stay. But Merle was family, his only family left. He couldn't let him go. And he felt better knowing that Rick knew the truth.

Rick nodded. He gathered his things silently, and they walked to the door. "Just don't make me wait another five years, okay?"

Daryl kissed him one more time, a sweet, slow kiss that would linger in both of their memories until they crossed paths again.


There it is! There's just something about a love that cannot be that just makes my heart melt. I hope you feel the same way! Thank you so much for being wonderful readers and I hope you'll continue to read and enjoy everything I have to offer! I really want to try a ZA version of this Brothers on a Hotel Bed idea, so that may be a thing soon. And I might even try to do some female pairings. I've never written that before, so it might take me a bit to get one of those out here. Thanks again, guys! :)