
In the middle of the 21st century, Digimon has swept the nations of the world. With the creation of virtual reality the Digimon franchise had regained its legs and was boosted by popularity. Humans could warp their mind into a computer generated body and be a part of their very own digimon's life. You could meet up with other players and their digimon, join parties, and battle villainous bosses that were created for the game. However that did not last long.

Within the computer age hackers became more and more of an annoyance. Around the same time that Digimon hit worldwide a group calling themselves The Light announced that they would wreak havoc with everything they deemed unfit for society, which included the new virtual reality game Digimon.

A virus was sent to destroy the game, unplugging millions of users as they watched their Digital partners flicker and erased before their eyes. The company tried to minimize the damage, but it was too late. Digimon shut down and the company tried all their might to get the game back up, but the damage was too great.

The game was vast in comparison to all the other video games. Its data held so much to make each step feel real, and each place seem that far away. The company recreated every significant place from the anime, and added new game only places to fill the world. If a player wanted to they would be able to walk around the Digital world in as many days as it would take to walk the real world.

With Digimon shut down the whole world slowly forgot about it. It was too expensive to recreate the game, and what they had wasn't salvageable, so Digimon stayed in a virus cursed limbo for years. But as Digimon was gathering dust in the corner, the world inside still lived. The digimon not affected by the virus still survived, wondering what was happening. Many cried at the loss, wondering where their partners disappeared to. A dark cloud resided over much of the digital world, the virus slowly eating at it. Many digimon were turned into a virus, becoming a corrupted version of their true selves. Havoc covered the land, and hope was lost in the digital world…