Ozai and Ty Lee's father were associates. Since their daughters were close in age, they decided to see if a friendship would form.

The eager man brought each of his seven daughters to the palace, hoping that at least one of them would gain approval of Ozai and Princess Azula.

Getting them into the carriage was a hassle. They kept fighting over toys, shoving each other. One of the sisters got bitten, and the other six all denied doing it, but eventually, he got his seven daughters into the palace.

"Now sit in a row and behave!" he warned sternly.

Ozai came in first. "They are all wearing the same dress," he pointed out, each girl was in pink.

"Their mother bought them."

"How do you tell them apart?"

"Um, I don't very well," he admitted.


Ozai could not discern them either. "Let's see what Azula thinks."

Azula came into the room.

One girl was out right away. She was picking her nose.

"Not her," Azula said, and the girl was removed from the running.

She stared down the other six.

One girl trembled too much. One girl looked like she was doing the pee pee dance.

One had a fake smile; it reminded the princess of her mother. She's out.

There were only three left.

Azula wasn't sure why, but she kept looking to the girl on the far right. She was different, yet they were all the same. It made no sense.

"What is your name?"

"Ty Lee."

"I pick this one father."

The girl happily hugged her.

Azula was not used to such affection.

Ozai's face twisted. He was sure Azula would burn her.. She forcibly pried herself away, but she didn't burn her.

"Oh thank you so much Princess!"

"My name is Azula."

"Thanks Azula."

Ty Lee had a genuine smile. Something about Azula's gold menacing eyes was enticing.

The two girls went off to play. Ty Lee liked Azula's dolls. Azula did not.

"How come this one has no head?"

"I cut it off. Its head was ugly," Azula told her.

"I've never seen an ugly doll before."

"I get plenty of ugly dolls," ugly dolls from ugly men.

"This doll is pretty," Ty Lee said. "It looks like you."

Azula frowned at that remark. "Then I should dispose of it."

"Can I keep it?"

"If you want."

Ty Lee hugged her again.

Azula would have to get her out of this habit. She was a firebender, not a hugger.

Ty Lee was sweet like sugar. Azula was like too much salt in the mouth. Somehow, the future acrobat liked it.