This is the end, I hope I didn't suck at this too bad. Thank you for reading
After the remaining royal returned to Italy, Isa got a call from Caius requesting she take Aro's place.
Isa explained that she had a pack and eventually a tribe to run but she had talked to Carlisle about stepping up, everyone agreed that no one king should be more powerful than the others and that Carlisle was such a pacifist that he would be perfect.
Isa suggested that since it was a new rein they should try to run thing differently, such as letting the Whitlock vampire handle and train the guard so that the kings only had to worry about what kings should, she also suggested letting the government officials know about vampires so humans didn't unexpectedly get caught in the middle of their battle also the prisons could give their death row inmates as an open buffet that way it would lessen spree killing in populated areas. With a vampire sense of smell and acute hearing they could tell if a human was guilty or not it also would help the human because they wouldn't be convicting innocent people.
Once the new rules were in place Isa and Jasper sat and talked about their relationship they agreed this time was different because they would know where the other was and how to get a hold of them if needed.
Since Isa wouldn't take throne the kings announced her as princess as well as announcing what she was and the area around forks and la-push were a hunting free zone. When Isa species and status was announced the super-natural world made its self-known as long as Isa were there to delegate any meetings, she was there when the kings spoke to the werewolf spokesman as well as the hybrids spokeswoman.
The werewolves point blank bowed to Isa as their Alpha since she had survived being a wolf amongst the worst of vampires so instead of only having a pack she was still forced into running a whole species. The hybrids felt more comfortable with her then the kings because she could relate to them and their needs since she too was neither-one, or the other.
When Isa and Paul sat down with Marcus, Caius, and Carlisle to discuss the rules among the species they all agreed to keep the creation of immortal children from being made, All hybrid and werewolves were to make them-selves known to Isa just for her to keep a census of how many there were and what their territories were to avoid trespassing, the rest of the laws they would set the some of the same laws humans had. As far as law enforcement went with so many different species known, now the Volturi guard was made up of many those very species.
With Carlisle and Edward's medical training as well the healing abilities of the half humans the super-natural world profited when cures for diseases like aids and cancer were discovered with no invasive procedures and little side effects.
In la-push things settled between Isa and the pack into a happy routine. Billy Black stepped down as chief 2 years after the new vampire rules were set in place, and Paul and Isa decided that her coronation should also be their wedding, the elders and Isa decided that the tribe should know every-thing since Isa was now chief and Paul and her were a marked pair that meant there would always be vampires around on top of that them never aging, all the werewolves, vampires, and shape-shifters coming for the wedding, Paul and Isa forever guarding the land as well as many of the tribe being from a wolf blood line the tribe needed to know. After that it was discovered that with the true Alpha on the land and running things phasing became optional. With the tribe in the know, all the current imprints marked, and phasing optional the pack felt there was no hurry to stop phasing.
5 years after Aro's demise the, all of La-push was abuzz with the return of all the pack after graduating from college and the attendance of the Volturi kings, the Cullen's including Edward's new husband Lucus, the Whitlock's, a handful of true werewolves, the Alphas from other tribes, and the hybrids all come to witness the birth of the first 3 pack pups.
Ironically Leah, Emily and Isa were due to deliver the same day. Peter, Emmett, and Edward sat laughing at the 3 soon to be fathers and the 2 nervous grandpas. Jasper hated feeling his baby girl in pain, he'd never felt so helpless since the day his Isa was born on top of that he could feel what every-one else felt all the worry and pain was not helping at all and it only made the 3 idiots laugh more to see the Major coming so unglued was some-thing they thought they'd never see. At 11 am Jacob and Emily welcomed Ephraim William Black. Leah was having a bit more problems delivering then Emily did since she was wolf her healing ability was making it hard until at 5pm Sam and Leah welcomed Joshua Levi Uley. Shortly after howls filled the air as, Paul and Isabella welcomed Emelia Marie Lahote Whitlock the daughter of the Alpha and Chief. Isabella felt she should acknowledge both her mother and her father's sire. If Maria hadn't have turned her father her parents may never met.
Jasper looked down at his grand-daughter sleeping in his arms and thought back to when he first joined Maria, at the time he never thought any of this was possible after he was turned. That his life would always be about death and destruction he then turned to look at Isa as slept curled into Paul's side and he realized that every-thing he has, how far he's come is because of her, she taught the monster he had become how love, she gave him purpose beyond the next warm body, she reminded him what it was like to be human. For the time ever he silently thanked his pet, not just for their daughter but for the life she opened up to him.
30 years after Aro's demise all of the pups of the pack chose to phase they saw it as an honor to fight alongside their parents just as Isa had when she fought along her father, since the pups phase the rest of the pack saw no reason to stop either, so as a pack they looked to cliff to see Jasper, and Paul standing behind Isa as she knelt at a headstone recently place there "Emelia Sue Black, Mother, Alpha, Chief" the spirits and wolves heard Isa whisper 'We made it home mama we made it, now rest.'
At that a soft wind blew and all of La-push heard a soft spoken voice reply 'you did good my child.'
The end.