Only a Dream

Chapter 21.

Author Note: Hi everyone! I am so sorry it has taken so long to update. I have had a really tough time recently trying to write and I didn't want to force myself to do it until I was ready. Thank you so much for all your love and continued support, it means so much to me!

Here is Chapter 21, getting ready for the cabin trip. I hope you all enjoy!

Regina'sSass x

The sound of the alarm blaring around the otherwise peaceful room caused Emma to grumble. She did not bother lifting her head or opening her eyes as an arm snaked out of the overs and she shook her arm around trying to find the offending alarm clock to silence it. She tried to get back to sleep but another noise caused her to open her eyes and she swore.

"What the fuck?" She saw Regina placing things into a suitcase. She was already showered and dressed and that is when it dawned on Emma why the alarm was going off at 7am. "Shit!" She threw the covers back and scrambled up rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she clumsily dashed to the bathroom bumping into a chair as she went.

Regina could not help but chuckle seeing the sheriff flap around. She shook her head in amusement and finished packing a few essentials for her and she gathered Emma's belongings and added them to the case.

When the blonde re emerged from the bathroom, her hair wet and face free of yesterdays make up she sat down at the vanity and rubbed the towel through long blonde tresses trying to dry it off faster before she took a brush and grumbled as it dragged through knot after knot. The mayor watched before rolling her eyes and she used magic to produce a coffee in front of the younger woman.

"Drink. I know better than to talk to you before your caffeine fix dear."

Emma sighed in relief at the strong smelling dark liquid and she took a long, grateful gulp before resuming brushing her hair but with more grace than before. Once thoroughly de tangled she took the blow drier to it, tossed her towel into the laundry basket and got herself dressed. She noticed her things in with Regina's and she sighed in gratitude.

"You've packed for me too? Thank you babe" she wrapped her arms around Regina's waist and placed sweet kisses along her cheek and down her neck causing the older woman to moan and wriggle free.

"You are welcome my love. I know how you are, leaving these things to last minute and then trying to decide whether you want your red, blue or brown leather jacket so I made an executive decision, and seeing as you insist on wearing something so vile I decided, the red one it is. It compliments your skin and hair more."

The blonde rolled her eyes but she stole another kiss to show how appreciative she was that Regina took the time to pack for her too.

"Okay, you're never going to stop hating on my jacket so I'm not even going to answer to that comment." a quick glance at the clock got her picking up the case and heading out of the bedroom to the stairs. "We've still got time for breakfast before hell begins."

Regina smirked and chuckled in amusement at Emma's definition of hell. If she had known her in the Enchanted Forest she would know that this was a picnic in the park in comparison.

Once breakfast was finished with and Emma's never ending stomach was finally content with sticky pancakes, fruit, chocolate milk and coffee the two women took a final look of the house making sure they had everything that they needed and that all the windows and doors were properly secure and locked. Regina checked and double checked the cooker was off and anything else that could cause a fire or damage her beloved mansion was switched off much to the blonde's amusement.

"You're stalling. You don't want to go either. Let's just call my parents and say one of us has the stomach flu or something. It's not too late to back out now, 'gina please let's not do this."

The accusation of stalling got the brunette's attention and she gasped and playfully swatted the blonde's muscular bicep.

"Emma Swan. We are going on vacation with your parents whether you like it or not. They are so excited to be spending some time with their precious princess and getting to know all about the ins and outs of lesbianism."

Before Emma could respond in anything other than a groan Regina walked out of the kitchen into the foyer and headed for the front door. She sure as hell was going to enjoy this trip with the uncharmings and embarrassing Emma. With one final look around the kitchen Emma remembered the dish of lasagne she had cooked the night before, she got it from the fridge and joined Regina at the bottom of the path.

"I am begging you, Regina. Please do not mortify me by going into details. They are my parents. It would be different if Mary Margaret was just a friend but she already knows too much about my sexual history because of that minor detail of me and her not knowing who each other were, thanks to you I must add."

"I am not making any promises dear. I will be truthful and honest and if that means you get embarrassed then I am sorry but that is just the way the world works sometimes." she smirked as she walked down Main Street towards Emma's parents loft, suitcase in tow. "Well if she really knows that much already then I doubt a little more knowledge will not exactly hurt, Sheriff."

The younger woman groaned and she wanted to hit her head off of a wall as she walked beside the former Queen. She clutched harder onto the tray of lasagne resisting the urge to tip it over her partner in a bid to get them back home and delay the trip.

"That is not the point and you know it. I do not need my mother knowing about us in the bedroom. Don't you think it's weird considering you were her step mother?"

Regina's perfectly painted red lips curled up in a wicked smirk and that got Emma's heart racing. She was not prepared for what was about to come from the brunette's lips nor the sound that it would cause her to make.

"I still am her step mother if we are being technical, Miss Swan."

The blonde almost stopped dead in her tracks and she had to catch the dish of lasagne she was carrying. Did Regina really just say that?!

"How is that helping?! I mean that means you're my..."

"Step Grandmother, yes dear"

Emma groaned and she turned a deep shade of crimson. She wanted to be repulsed at that thought but she could not help but feel aroused by it at the same time. God, sometimes she really did hate her complicated family history.

"Okay, stop. Wait." She lightly grabbed Regina's arm to stop her from walking. They were almost at her parent's loft but she had to get this off her chest to save an embarrassing conversation later on. "So you mean to tell me that you are still my mother's step mother? Which makes you my step grandmother?"

Regina smirked and nodded. She could tell this new information was getting the younger woman into a flap. She could see the wheels in her brain turning as she mulled it all over but she also noticed her eyes had turned slightly darker and if anyone knew what that meant, it was Regina.

"Yes dear, get to the point"

"Do you realise? When we were talking to them about children it's no wonder they reacted the way that they did. If we had a child that would make my mother a grandmother but also a sister to that child and my father would be a grandfather and brother-in-law"

"Indeed. It is a good thing that family history is already complicated around here."

"Complicated? Are you kidding me? You don't even see this shit in the movies or in books!"

Hearing the sheriff's panic made the mayor drop her teasing and she looked serious into dark green eyes and she took hold of Emma's free hand and held it reassuringly.

"Emma. All joking aside, I know that is a lot for you to take in and I am sorry for dropping it like it means nothing. It does, to you anyway. I am in love with you and strictly speaking we are not related by blood, just by marriage. Leopold died. I am his widower. True I am the one that conspired his murder, but as far as we go there is nothing wrong about it."

"I know that, but it just...I don't know. I thought this town couldn't come up with any more surprises and then it does." she gave a soft sigh before clearing her throat. "Anyway, all what matters is we are happy, right?" Regina nodded, "then lets get this god damned trip over with."

The pair walked hand in hand and arrived at Snow and David's loft. The sound of cases being dragged down the stairs made the couple aware they were right on time and sure enough the door swung open to the overly excited petite brunette.

"Emma, Regina I am so glad we have the chance to do this. Heaven only knows when the next opportunity would have come."

Emma had to bite her cheek to stop herself saying the wrong thing and she heard Regina chuckle before she hugged the other brunette. "Hi Mom, yeah no I was saying the same thing to Gina this morning, wasn't I babe?"

"She could hardly curb her excitement. It reminded me of the day your Father bought you your first horse, Snow. Your face was overcome with pure joy. I almost never made it because I felt a migraine coming on."

The sheriff glared at Regina. Trust her to bring up a moment about her mother's childhood after the conversation they just had but that's exactly why she did it and she knew it. A smirk over took the glare at her wife's lying skills and she rolled her eyes before helping her father load the car leaving Snow and Regina to talk.

Once the car was loaded David turned to his daughter and took one last look around for any more luggage. "Is that it all? I hope so, I don't understand how much luggage you women need we are only going for a couple of days"

"Hey, don't look at me. You know I live in jeans and tank tops. That's all Regina, she is a queen after all and queens apparently need to take their entire wardrobes with them where ever they go"

David gave a small laugh at that before shutting the boot and Emma twisted her hands nervously. "Look, dad, please don't let Mom ask us anything embarrassing. I've already had a bombshell that I am still trying to wrap my head around about our family history. I don't need to be questioned as soon as we are there. Make her wait until at least tomorrow?"

"I will try my best but you know what your mother is like. She can be very headstrong. Luckily the traffic is against us today so we won't arrive until late this evening and that'll give you an excuse to get an early night but for the rest of the trip? I'm sorry but that's any man's guess as to what will happen." he gave the blonde a squeeze on her shoulder whilst smirking before calling over to the two brunettes. "come on ladies, if we ever want to get there we should make a move."

Snow let out a shriek of delight which caused Regina to recoil within herself but she followed and climbed in the back seat next to Emma. "Are you ready for the holiday of a lifetime dear?" Emma shot her an unsure and nervous look

"Oh it'll be that alright. A once in a lifetime kind of thing."

As the car started rolling and the scenery shot passed Emma knew there was absolutely no turning back now.