Daryl carefully lowered Beth into her Grave as Glenn covered her with a sheet. Everyone was there to pay there Respects to Beth while Gabriel said a Prayer. After he was finished Daryl Started to fill up the Grave along with Glenn.

Maggie was taking it the Hardest, Everyone put a flower on Beths Grave, Maggie decided to stay behind for a little bit while Glenn comforted her.

(Later that Night)

Noah decided to talk to Rick about what Eddie, Bonnie, and Beth were going to go after they escaped the Hospital.

"She was going to come with us." Noah said

"How far?" Rick said

"outside Richmond Virginia, Eddie and his friend Wyatt were trying to help me and my father get there...but we never did. " Noah said

The Next Day Rick Decided to tell everyone about the Place Noah talked about.

"Is this Place Secure?" Lee said

"It was Secure..It has a wall, homes, 20 people. Beth, Bonnie and Eddie wanted to go with him wanted to get him there...It's a long trip, but if it works out its the last long trip we'll have to make." Rick said

"where is this Place?" Kenny said

"Richmond Virginia." Rick said

"...damn...that's a huge gamble Rick, that's at least 500 Miles away." Kenny said

"It's a risk were going to have to take." Rick said to Kenny

" if theirs a slim chance for us to be safe, it's worth the risk." Lee said

"And what if it isn't around anymore?" Glenn said

"then we keep going." Rick said

"then we find a New Place." Michonne said

(Intro Plays)

(17 Days Later on the road)

Rick/Lee and company were headed to the settlement in Virginia, They managed to find a few working Vehicles, Rick, Lee, Kenny, Glenn, Michonne, Noah and Tyresse, were ahead of everyone else so that they can check the place out before they send everyone there, They kept in contact with Walkie Talkies. Eddie managed to get his and Wyatts old car back from the hospital and he had, Bonnie with him in the car. and they were driving right behind them.

"'How far out are we" Rick said to Noah

"About five miles," Noah said

rick then goes to speak on the Walkie Talkie.

"Hey Carol Bonnie." Rick said

"I'm Here" carol said on the other end of W.T

"Me To" Bonnie said

"Were just about there, just wanted to take the range for Carol" rick said

"Everybody's holding tight...We've made it 500 miles. Maybe this can be the easy part." Carol said

"Got to think were due." Rick said

"Way over due if you ask me." Eddie said on the other line

"Give us Twenty Minutes to check in." rick said to Carol

We don't hear from you all, we'll come looking." Carol said

"Copy that" Rick said

I've been wanting to tell you something. " Noah said To Tyresse

What's that?" Noah said

"The trade. It was the right play. It worked. It did work. Just something else happened after." Noah said

"It went the way it had way it was always going to." tyresse said

"I never wanted to kill anybody before." Noah said

I've wanted it just made it so I didn't see anything except what I wanted. I wasn't facing it." Tyresse said

"Facing what? What happened, what's going on." Noah said

"My dad always told Sasha and me that it was our duty as citizens of the world to keep up with the news. When I was little and I was in his car, there were always those stories on the radio. Something happens 1,000 miles away or down the block. Some kind of horror I couldn't even wrap my head around.
But he didn't change the channel. He didn't turn it off. He just kept listening. To face it. Keeping your eyes open. My dad always called that paying the high cost of living." tyresse said

"I lost my dad in Atlanta. I think he would have liked yours. Still got a mom and a couple of twin brothers I hope." Noah said

"I hope so to." tyresse said

"2 more Miles away." Noah said

Rick contacts Bonnie

"Bonnie." Rick said

"Yeah Rick." Bonnie said

" Tell Eddie to head into the woods, We'll go on foot." Rick said

"Roger that." Bonnie said

"We don't need to."Noah said to Rick

" it's just a Precaution Noah." Lee said

All of them Drove into the woods and parked by a couple of downed vehicles. they all got out with there equipment.

"this is good, with these here it'll look like it's part of the wreck." Rick said

"It's this way." Noah said

They all started to walk towards the settlement.

"Do they have spotters, snipers?" rick said

" We Built a Perch on a Truck. out front." Noah said

Lee takes out a pair of Binoculars, to scope out the front of the settlement.

"do you see anything Lee?" Rick said

"everything seems good, I don't see anyone." Lee said

They all got out of the woods and headed towards the Entrance. Noah tried to open the gate but it was locked.

"Why the hell is it locked?" Kenny said

"I don't know?" Noah said

Noah then puts his ear to the Gate.

"Do you guys hear that?" Noah said

Everybody takes there guns out, and Glenn looks over the Wall.

"do you see anything?" Lee said

Glenn was just Silent.

"Glenn!?" Lee said

Glenn just looked at everyone and shook his head sadly

Noah Quickly went over the wall, along with Everyone else. They then saw at what was left of the Settlement, Noah Started to Quickly Limp.

Noah Hold on." Rick said

Noah then started to run,

Noah Wait!" Lee said

They then made to the the main road of the Neighborhood, all they saw were dead bodies and a few walkers roaming around. It was Deserted.

Noah then collapsed on the ground Crying, Tyresse went comfort him.

"Oh God." Bonnie said

"It's all right your going to be with us now." Tyresse said to Noah

Kenny just stared at the Ground in Disappointment.

"Figures...I knew it was to be good to be true." Kenny said in a agitated tone.

"C"mon man, we don't need that shit right now." Lee said

"we just wasted 500 miles for nothing!" Kenny said in an angry tone.

"Calm down Kenny, complaining isn't going to help," Bonnie said

"Kenny...It was worth the shot." Lee said

Kenny was just rubbing his forehead with his hand.

Lee then went to Noah.

"I'm sorry Noah. I truly am." Lee said

"We should see if theirs anything we could use and head back." Rick said

"Then what?" Michonne said walking away to kill a walker.

"We'll do a Quick Sweep." Glenn said

"lets check out some of the houses," Eddie said

Kenny took out a Rubber Hose. and a Gas container

"Ill see if theirs any gas left in these cars." Kenny said walking away

"Me and Bonnie will stay with him." Tyresse said about Noah.

"Don't worry guys we'll be fine." Bonnie said to everyone

Rick then went to phone Carol on the Talkie

"Carol do you copy?" Rick said

"where here." Carol said

"We made it...It's gone." Rick said disappointed.

Rick, Michonne, Glenn, Lee and Kenny, and Eddie were checking out a pretty big house. While Tyresse and Bonnie went with Noah.

Kenny went to check the car.

"It's empty. I'll check to see if theirs anything in the house." Kenny said

"Be careful." Lee said

Kenny then gave Lee a "No shit" Look and went inside along with Eddie while Michonne was checking the Garage. Lee was just leaning onto the Car With Glenn.

" did you guys think it would still be here?" Rick said

"Did you?" Glenn said to Rick

"It was good to think that it was. " Lee said

"After it happened, right after with Beth in the hospital. I saw that woman Dawn, she didn't mean to do it, I knew it, I saw it, but I wanted to kill her, I I remember I just wondered if it even mattered one way or another. Didn't have a thing to do with Beth. I don't know if I thought it would still be here. But Beth wanted to get him here. She wanted to get him back home. This was for her." Rick said

" And it could've been home for all of us to. she didn't die for nothing...I feel bad for Noah...coming all the way back here just to see this will break anybody's spirit." Lee said

they were just silent.

Eddie was in the Backyard while Kenny checked upstairs trying to see if there was anything useful. as he was walking around the back yard he noticed a Grave that was half Buried. he looked at it and saw that it was dead Dog.

"Poor Dog." Eddie said smoking.

Eddie looked at his joint. with a sad look on his face

"Wyatt...TJ...I miss you guys." Eddie said smoking and blowing out the smoke.

Eddie puts it away and finds Kenny inside the house

"did you find anything outside." Kenny said

"No...if you don't count a dead dog that's half buried," Eddies said

Kenny and Eddie go upstairs to check if there was anything useful inside the bedrooms upstairs, Kenny started to hear something.

"Do you hear that?" Kenny said

"Hear what?" eddie said

Kenny started to listen more closely,

"it sounds like it's coming from the attic, help me bring the stairs down" Kenny said.

Both Eddie and Kenny Pulled on the rope, and carefully pulled down the steps leading to the attic.

"I'm gonna check whats up there, stay down here and check the rest of the rooms." Kenny said

"Okay." Eddie said

Eddie went to check out one of the Bedrooms. He looked through the Drawers underneath the bed everything but couldn't find anything useful. Eddie then went back to the entrance of the Attic.

"Kenny did you find anything good up there?" Eddie said


"Kenny?" Eddie said


Eddie had a concerned look, he ran outside to tell everybody.

"Rick, Lee." eddie said

"What is it?" Lee said

"It's Kenny." Eddie said

All of them went inside the house. and showed them the Entrance to the Attic

"Kenny said he thought he heard something, went to go Look.

"he's up there?" Glenn said

I can't get him to come down. " Eddie said

"You guys stay down here." Lee said going up the Stairs.

Lee went went up the Stairs he noticed Kenny was on his Knees staring at something.

"Kenny...Kenny... You okay man." Lee said walking towards him

He then smelt a strong stench.

"Jesus what the hell is that...Oh my God." Lee said looking at what Kenny was looking at.

both of them looked and noticed that it was a small boy Walker, nothing but skin and bones with flys and Maggots crawling all over him, that strongly resembled Kennys late son Duck, The walker was trying to walk towards them only to collapse to the Ground. Michonne just looked away as Rick and everyone else Looked

"Kind of looks like Duck Don't he?" Kenny said sadly.

"It's just a Kid, what the hell happened to him." Lee said

"There ain't nothing on him. guess he must've been hiding out up here, starved to Death." Kenny said

"Jesus Christ." Lee said

Kenny Put his head down and was about to cry.

"I don;t know if I could do it Lee, couldn't do it before Can't do it now." Kenny said

" Kenny...before it was your own son, now it's just a kid that needs your help...you can do this Kenny, You "Need" to do this." Lee said

"I Don't know If I can Lee." Kenny said sadly.

"I know that you can." Lee said

"I couldn't even help my own boy." Kenny said

"But that was your own Flesh and Blood, no father could've done that. but you can help this boy, Do whats right for him, send him on his way." Lee said

Kenny just looked up at Lee and then at the Boy, Kenny wiped away his tears and then got up, he walked towards the walker and pulled out his gun, He looked down at the walker, as the boy was staring at him with his lifeless white eyes. Kenny aimed at the boy and shot him right in the head.

Lee then walked towards Kenny.

"Will it always be like this Lee...is there really nothing left in this World?" Kenny said

Lee was just Silent.

"we should bury him." Kenny said

"I'll take care of it." Lee said

Lee then Picked up the boy and walked out of the Attic.