"Molly, I need those experiments that I've been working on." Sherlock said, walking into the morgue.
It was unusually empty and quiet. Sherlock looked around for any sign of his pathologist. He heard a sniffle from the corner of the lab. He followed the sound, and found Molly crying. She had her knees pulled up to her chest and was sobbing.
"Molly?" Sherlock asked.
The pathologist looked up at the detective. Her eyes were red-rimmed and filled with tears. Her mascara had run down her face. She quickly stood up and tried to compose yourself.
"Yes, Sherlock, what can I get you?" Molly inquired. She plastered on a fake smile which Sherlock immediately saw through.
"Why were you crying?" He asked.
Molly let out a bitter laugh. "What, you aren't going to deduce it like you usually do?"
Sherlock was shocked. "Molly-"He began.
"No. Go on. You do it any other day. Tell me all about my problems. Tell me all the things Molly Hooper has done that doesn't suit your satisfaction. What did I do wrong today?" Molly took a breath after her outburst.
Sherlock felt a physical blow from her words. Did he really treat her like that? Since when did he care about Molly's feelings? He decided he didn't mind the strange feeling her received around Molly.
"I'm serious, Molly. What is bothering you?" He asked.
"I can't take it anymore. The secrets are becoming unbearable. I could lose my job if they are found out. I submit to your every request. It is tiring. I'm drained physically and emotionally. Sherlock, I'm not sure I can do this anymore." Molly cried.
Sherlock felt bad for Molly. She had been carrying the burden of his fake death for two years. She had not been allowed to tell anyone. She put her job on the line for him. That showed how deep her care and devotion was for him.
"And the guilt is the worst part, you know? When you were dead to the world, I had to look John in the eye and say you were dead. Same with Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, and I hated it. I'm being suspected because I was the one that signed your death certificate and performed the autopsy. I still can't look at John without feeling horrible." Molly continued.
"Why haven't you said anything to me about it?" Sherlock asked.
Molly looked at him as if he had grown another head.
"Are you serious?" She inquired.
"Talk to you about feelings. Talk to you, who criticizes how I live my life. All of my life choices, such as boyfriends, cosmetics, clothes, it's what you do. Feelings are not your area." Molly said. Sherlock had moved closer to Molly. She didn't realize how close they were.
"Although everything you said is true, I did tell you I cared about you the most. You remember that don't you?" Sherlock said.
"Yes, but I thought you were just saying that to get me to help you stop Moriarty." Molly replied.
"No. I meant it. Molly, I care for John and Mrs. Hudson on a certain level. Whereas with you, I feel something else. You are and always will be my pathologist." Sherlock said.
"What are you saying?" Molly asked.
"I really like you, Molly. Like, as in, I want a relationship with you." Sherlock answered.
"How can I say no to that? Just promise me this is not a joke, and that you are taking this seriously. When in a relationship, you can't get bored all of a sudden." Molly replied.
"I'll go one step further." Sherlock said.
"Oh yeah?" Molly breathlessly asked.
"Yeah." Sherlock leaned down and captured Molly's lips in a kiss. She was shocked at first, but responded quickly.
The doors to the lab opened.
"Sherlock, you have been gone ages." John stopped when he saw Sherlock and Molly full on snogging.
The two pulled apart. Molly let out a squeak of embarrassment. Sherlock smirked before turning to face John.
"Yes, John, I'm coming. Good day, Molly." Sherlock said.
"Bye, Sherlock. Bye, John." Molly said with a blush on her cheeks.
Sherlock and John walked down the hallway. Sherlock with a serious expression and John grinning like an idiot.
"So, you and Molly, eh?" John asked.
"Shut up, John." Sherlock said.