They're dancing. It feels like they're dancing along a river of stars.

Natsu had just gotten home when he heard their song gliding down the hall into the living room and saw Lucy dancing. He approached her with his arms wide open, waiting for her to dance into his embrace.

She noticed his presence a bit too late and he let out a small yelp as she fell into his arms. Lucy smiled gently and reveled in the feel of his white dress shirt.

They both hummed their song as they began to dance, easily remembering the steps to their wedding song.

Lucy's skirt swayed back and forth as they twist and turn. The light from the afternoon sun brought comfortable warmth to the couple as they danced.

The song comes to a stop and they both opened their eyes and gazed at each other lovingly.

Suddenly, the silence is pierced by the song's opening piano riff.

"You have this song on repeat?" Natsu asked as he chuckled in Lucy's ears.

"Yes, now come on. Let's dance. I notice you missing some of the steps. How could you when Gray trained you so hard?"

Natsu growled at the unpleasant memories. "Ugh, let's not ruin the moment and bring those memories back."

Lucy giggled and they continued dancing along the river of stars.