I know I already have a fanfic for this section.


So, uh, yeah!

Let's get this started!

And don't worry TSOS fans, I won't give up on that story! This is just a side-project, so this might not be updated as often as my other stories.

I don't own BH6, just my OCs!


"Amelia! Time for school!" A voice shouted. Another voice groaned, but got up. The latter voice belonged to a girl, with black hair and blueberry blue eyes. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, sitting up in her green and white bed.

"I'm up, i'm up!" Amelia groaned, and got out of bed, stretching. Then her eyes became wide as she looked at the calendar that was right beside her bed. Red X's lined across the weeks of March 2015, and a red circle surrounded the 15th of said month. Amelia's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and she squealed, running towards her closet to get ready for the day.

This 14-year-old girl was Amelia Francis, a regular high school student who had a knack for science and social studies, whom lived in San Fransokyo. She quickly got ready into an orange t-shirt, paint-splattered jeans, and white socks. She grabbed her blue-framed glasses and quickly put them on, and started to brush her hair, tying it into a low ponytail.

"Today is the day! Oh gosh I'm so excited!"Amelia thought happily, as today the people in Advanced Science were going to take a field trip to a science lab, where her father worked. She'd been waiting for this day since it was announced by their teacher two months ago. Amelia quickly got her green tennis shoes on, grabbing her black and white backpack.

"You ready, sport? I'll be driving you there, after all." Her mother said as Amelia ran down the stairs. Amelia's mother, Sarah, whom had blonde hair and blueberry eyes, was bus driver, as she wanted to stay close to her children as possible. Amelia nodded, a contagious smile written across her face. Sarah laughed, and the two drove to school, where Sarah got the bus #24. Once they got there, Amelia bid her mother goodbye and went into the cafeteria, where she muttered to herself, giddy and excited.

"Hey Amy!" A girl called from one of the tables.

"Hey Jess!" Amelia called back, and she sat next to her blonde-haired friend. The said friend had freckles that dotted her face, obviously had blonde hair down to her mid-back, icy blue eyes, and a beauty mark under her left eye.

"Ah. I can't wait for the trip that I'm going on soon." Amelia squealed. Jessica laughed, patting Amelia's shoulder.

"You're so lucky, though. Missing school for a whole day and all." Jessica sighed. Amelia smiled, patting her shoulder back.

"Hey, maybe after school we can go get some ice cream. It's been getting hotter lately," Amelia proposed. Jessica nodded, smiling.

"That'd be great, Amy!" The two fist-bumped, and laughed as they chatted excitedly for Amelia's trip.

"Everyone's here! Let's go!" The science teacher, Mr. Galland, said cheerfully to Sarah. Sarah smiled and nodded, driving off to the facility.

"Hey Amy, you excited to see your dad?" Another friend of Amelia's, Mizu, asked. Amelia nodded, looking out the window. The lab wasn't too far, but it was still far away enough to go on the bus, obviously. The girls chatted, talking about the latest news. And after finally getting to the lab, they got off 3rd and 5th place, respectively. Amelia and Mizu kept on chatting excitedly as they went into the lab.

"Welcome to The San Fransokyo Science Facility!"

"Hey dad!" Amelia greeted, and an older man smiled at his youngest daughter. The man had black hair like his daughter, but emerald colored eyes. He also had glasses, though they were framed black. Amelia hugged him tightly, and he hugged her back. As the tour began, Amelia chatted silently to her father, talking about the day.

"And here is our newest project, Frozen Crystal." A lady scientist said, holding her hand out to three tubes, with a huge switchboard in front of them.

"This project will be conducted in 2017, where three volunteers will go to 2033, where we will transport them back to this era, 2015, after we run some tests of course, and hopefully we'll have the time machine up and running by then too." Amelia's father, Frank, said. Everyone chatted excitedly amongst themselves; Time travel would be real!?

"Wow!" Mizu said, amazed, twirling her dyed blue hair around her finger.

"Wow indeed." Another man scientist agreed.

"Whelp, let's go see how our first robots are doing!" The same lady scientist from other said happily. As the group left, a sudden voice called out to Amelia, though amongst the chatter, only Amelia heard it.


"Un...?" Amelia asked. She looked around, and then a force pulled her behind the switchboard. She let out a tiny squeak, holding her glasses before they flew off. Falling on her bottom, she darted her eyes around. "W-Who's there?" Amelia asked.

"Over here..." Amelia got up, grabbing whatever she could grab, which is at the time, a pen. She clicked it, the tip coming out.

"I-I have a pen, and I'm not afraid to use it!" Amelia squeaked, scared.

"It's alright, Amy... I am a friend from a distant future..."

"Eh?" Amelia muttered, following where the voice was. Suddenly one of the test tubes opened, a bit of smoke coming out of it. Amelia coughed, and went near the tube. "Come out, now! I'll get my dad!"

"But you'll ruin the fun!" The voice suddenly got very angry-sounding, and suddenly a pair of hands pushed her into the tube!

"Hey!" Amelia cried in shock, turning around, slashing the pen around in a frantic and panicked motion, trying to hurt the invisible force. The voice giggled, turning menacing quickly. A button noticeably went down on the board, and the tube door closed, trapping Amelia into the cramped space.

"Goodbye, and see you in the future, my dear!" Suddenly an alarm sounded, and footsteps were heard, and Amelia recognized two of the voice to be her parents. The mysterious voice cursed heavily, and a floating chip of some kind appeared out of no where, and was pushed into a slot of the switchboard. Suddenly it roared to life, and a few buttons were being pressed.

"Amelia!" Frank cried, seeing his daughter in the machine, while Sarah gasped. Other scientists tried to get to work, but another invisible force held them back.

"Help! Mom! Dad!" Amelia cried, tears appearing at the corners of her eyes as she pounded on the door. A smoke filled the tube, and Amelia weakly pounded more on the glass, but it was useless as she fell asleep, and then, after a lever was pulled, she was noticeably pale and ice filled the tube, fogging up the glass.

"AMELIA!" The parents cried, and as soon as the invisible force appeared, it disappeared.

"Someone shut everything down! The only thing that works is her tube!" A female scientist cried.

"Well get it open!" Frank said, frantic.

"We can't! The machine other than Amelia's life support has malfunctioned!" And suddenly a huge noise filled the room, the once working machine broken, smoke coming from it, the only thing working was Amelia's life support, which didn't help much.

"No..." The couple gasped, terror and pain of the lost loved one filling them to the brim. Sarah cried into Frank's chest, and they cried together.

Their daughter was lost to them forever.

Sorry if this seems rushed! It just came out this way!

Anyways, I wonder who this strange force is...

This story has no ties with TSOS, so, uh, yeah.

I got the inspiration halfly from Back to the Future, seeing this is 2015, and Futurama, though obviously it won't be like Futurama or BTTF, now will it?

I've seen plenty of movie transporting and same timeline stuff here, so why not give this a go?


And if there is a time-hopping story here, then obviously I haven't seen/read it yet.

Ahem, anyways, thanks for reading this prolouge!
