Kuroko lightly tapped on his desk with a mechanical pencil, staring outside of the window. He was slightly frustrated at the persistent glances directed at him but couldn't do anything to stop them from doing so. They were too damn persistent, especially that stupid puppy in their group. Fucking sparkling with fake smiles and way too clingy for his liking. He wanted to stab his book viciously with his knife hiding in his bag, but no good would come of that. He would be called a madman but not like that was any new news to them.

He leaned back slightly on his chair, looking at the underside of his nails. Rocking his chair back and forth, he blew his baby blue bangs out of his delicate face. Sitting in Japanese Literature was very dull. Incredibly so.

The loud ringing of the bell let him escape the class, and off he went to get his damn milkshake. He was getting rather annoyed at those eyes staring holes into his face. Bitch, I know I'm beautiful. You don't need to keep looking at this masterpiece.

Once his hands finally got his cold milkshake, he sighed in satisfaction, feeling some of the tension release from his body. He glanced at his surroundings, contemplating life like every angsty teen at sweet sixteen. What joy that floats in that head of his. (*scoffs* yeah right) He got up, immensely annoyed to find those rainbow heads still following him. What the fuck? Why are they still being creepy stalkers? This is fucking illegal!

Thinking about it, wasn't it around the time for a training camp? Although the coach had not arranged any recent matches against other opponents, there was no need. Within the basketball team, there were separate teams. Seirin is one, isn't it? And so is the Generation of Miracles… For God's sake, it was damn confusing. They really need to sort that out – what are they gonna announce, oh, Seirin team from Teikou, come to the court? And Teikou, yes the whole school, please register immediately? The confusion...

He assumed the teams themselves probably knew each other from previous affiliations, like how Seirin had been junior high schoolers together in the same school, or how the GOM were a coven. And look at me, in the third string while all these teams are probably in the second or first string. I seriously have no connections. What a pain. Teikou actually allows this bullshit – I guess promoting rivalries is a thing now?

Grasping the handle of his bag, he got up taking his empty milkshake cup with him. With a light swishing motion, he tossed the cup into a bin. Sweet, three points to me. He continued walking with a soft whistle. I wonder, when can I finally show my claws? Even if I have changed, it's not like those skills have disappeared. He was broken in the past, but even if he has gotten stronger – he can still see the cracks left behind.

Obviously, a mere human like me surely couldn't compare to the supernatural. But, no matter, I still have to get stronger. For me and for those who need my strength.

At the training camp...

A loud whistle echoed across the gym. "Guys, hurry up!" A teal head perked up, hearing the commotion. At the moment, the 1st string were competing to see who would make it to the actual player list for the tournament. Victory is definitely Teikou's motto; nothing less than perfection for this school.

With a sigh, he slipped into the large crowd watching from above. Bird's eye view – easier to see above these large monkeys. Though I really wish I could have a good close up… He leaned on the metal bars, feeling the cool metal against his cheek. Right now… the coach probably wants a team made of the brightest lights, the real talents that will allow them to gain the honour of the victorious; the winners.

That's why the coach was putting the teams against their peers in the 1st string. After, he would be constantly rearranging the teams with different team members; to see if the talents of this team could be pushed further even more. How demanding…these players aren't half bad, though. Who am I kidding, they're ridiculously good for their age. I'm kinda jealous of the light they emit…

Kuroko's lips twitched a little. He missed playing official matches. He'd probably get all pissed off at my lacklustre effort – probably wouldn't stop complaining until I finally got bothered to actually try to get someone to notice me.

Eyes swiftly narrowing, he saw the web being weaved. In, out, in, out. Pretty. What did they call themselves again? Kirisaki Daichi? Sinister looks were carved on their faces. They were planning something, judging by the looks in their eyes. In a quick but calculated moment, all the props were set out. The players had cornered one of the members in a sticky situation. With very smooth motions and movements, which had clearly been practised diligently, they attacked the opposing player and feigned innocence at their actions. They're good, despite their methods. Amusing, but cruel. Who created this web of lies and viciousness, I wonder?

Seirin, the rather lively bunch, were up against them. Losing rather badly, but that wasn't his problem. He wasn't on any of those teams...but, if he was on first string, he wanted to play with every one of those teams. They all had their unique quirks and characteristics, and that made him rather excited. He snorted to himself quietly. Yeah right, when I can actually be bothered to actually make myself noticeable so I can get to the 1st string.

Nonchalantly, he left with his hands in his pockets, strolling back to his room leisurely. Aw, I really want to play now... He ran his fingers through his hand with a distant look on his face. Should I ask coach if I can join? I'll do it when no one's with the coach. It's been awhile since I've felt like this. I wonder if any of the other teams have such interesting tactics…

He wondered if he could sneak onto the bench to get a closer look.


At lunch, in camp...

"Hey...has anyone been feeling that someone has been watching them?" Hyuuga brought up the topic hesitantly as he was eating his lunch set. It had just popped in his mind as goose bumps raised on his skin, which left him on edge.

"Me! Mimimimimimi!" Kise flung his arm to the air, waving dramatically. "Everyone's always watching me! I'm too beautiful to take your eyes off anyway. I bet you can't stop admiring me; I know I'm so cool!" He bragged with a sparkling demeanour.

"You're a fucking model. Obviously, you idiot. You pose for a living and let your face be plastered everywhere." Aomine scoffed, slouching in his seat with an annoyed expression. He chomped nosily on his favourite burger from Maji Burger. Kise dismissed the comments breezily, more or less surprised that Aomine bothered to look at his work. How sweet of him, Kise thought, definitely will make that into a jab against him to embarrass him.

"No, but seriously. Has anyone else experienced this? In the camp?"Hyuuga continued asking, rather curious. He twitched slightly, looking around.

"Well...I have been feeling some gazes on me these days. Maybe it's just my imagination..." Himuro laughed lightly, adding to the discussion. Others murmured in agreement.

"Tatsuya! You too?" Kagami questioned with a look in bafflement and mild concern. "Could it be a ghost?"Kagami could only panic at his own assumption.

"Well guys, it seems like this is an occurring problem!" Aida chortled in amusement, hitting Hyuuga roughly on the back. "Hands up boys, who else has felt those probing eyes piercing through your body… no, your muscles!" Everyone else thought 'That's only you…'

All the first stringers raised their hands awkwardly. "Hahaha! Oh my god, this hurts my stomach so much!" She laughed at the regulars' misfortune. "Just ignore those eyes! You shouldn't be worrying about people looking at you; you should be worrying about your training! All that muscle that could be built in the time you're worrying your little heads off! " She cracked her knuckles threateningly, grinning at the idea of having more guinea pigs to test her training menus on. "Hurry up then! You won't be able to eat if you don't finish the training, you know!" The regulars immediately hurried and shovelled more food into their mouths, already premeditating a long day.


A figure walked quietly into the gym that the regulars were using. No one noticed him, mainly because all the players were focusing on the match on the court at the moment. He glanced at the match up and hmmed in interest. He put it aside for now, after all he was here in the regulars' area for a reason, despite belonging in the third string.

He walked leisurely to the bench area, then silently sitting down next to the managers. He crossed his legs comfortably and watch the intense match in front of his eyes, despite probably breaking a few rules concerning his presence on the bench. Whatever.

Glancing over the two managers' notes (well, pinkie was taking copious notes and brownie was doing… whatever disturbing thing she was doing), he learnt a lot more about the basketball members and the whole structure of Teikou's basketball club. Sigh…you shouldn't leave such useful information about our club members, you know… What if our enemies decide it would be highly appropriate to… I don't know, sneak into the gym and steal all our tactics and our information?

Silly managers, maybe he could help them? Part time manager, part time basketball play? Very ambitious, he nodded to himself, pleased. This way he could work with all the different teams and merge his style to suit them, but also he didn't need to be permanently fixed into one team (though he heard that there would often be different variations of the members, switching with others when they got bored with playing with just their own normal players).


I know, I know, what a shock, I've updated!

Many thanks to everyone that reviewed, followed and favourited. I never expected people to actually like this. 300+ followers! Like WTF? Thank you so much!

Also, quick update on the other chapters. I've gone back again and added stuff. Haven't completely finished, though. I'm really grateful for you all liking this so much. I'm trying, y'know, to move this fic further into the stages of whatever I've planned but I need the chapters I've posted already to be smooth so I can. It's taking a long time, right? w I think it's better now, but I still feel like it's still rather cringy… Also have you noticed the summary had changed? I have decided it would be easier to do it this way, just for my own sanity. Sorry, but I don't really understand my way of thinking. If you no like, you no need to read. Thank you.

Also, many thanks to my reviewers of last chapter! Thank you: GuardianWitchDemiGhost, Otakufire1028, BabyNightmareLady, TrollQueen, SSJ Mirai Gohan, Guest(1), Guest(2), LoyalMusicLoverLML35, 14brendale, RazenshiaSapphire1306, KurokoTetsuya101, and DKILAM.

Sorry if I've misspelled your name or I missed you. Know that your reviews are very much appreciated! Thank you3

Feel free to leave a review. I won't be mad.

31/07/19: hi it's me now a lot older. it's been, what, three years now? thank you so much for all the love for this fanfiction. actually i had this written a while ago, a long time ago but i forgot entirely about it because i lost interest in KnB (another factor being that writing on the computer was more tedious and school and all that stuff). that's life, i guess. i'm incredibly thankful to know that so many of you liked this, and thankful for your interest. i'm sorry to say but this will remain incomplete, but it's been a while, so most of you must have lost your interest already, huh?

thank you for all the great times :)