The girl crouched as low as she could get in the deep brush of the forest. Her heart was pounding so loud she feared it would give her away. She managed to be still even though her breathing had yet to return to normal. A branch snapped nearby and she bit back a gasp. Would she be discovered?

"You can't stay hidden forever, Princess," a deep voice called out. He was only inches away from where she was trying to be invisible. As he passed by she sprang from her hiding spot and ran as fast as she could. A strong arm swept around her waist and pulled her off the ground and she dissolved into a fit of giggles.

"Did I fool you that time, father?" the young princess asked.

"That you did, my little love," he said, setting her down on the ground in front of him. The girl looked a mess. Her blonde ringlets were a tangled mess, her skirts were covered in brambles and there was dirt smudged on her lovely face. "Come, darling. Your mother needs your help."

"With what?" the girl asked excitedly. Her bright blue eyes lit up. Nothing made her happier than being useful to her parents.

"Your brother has lost Thistle and no one has been able to find him," he said as he took her hand and started on their way up to the castle. "We all know that he can't hide from the Princess Crystal."

"I'll find him, father," Crystal assured him. "William won't be able to nap until he is back in his arms."

Killian smiled down at his daughter. Five years had passed but he found that every day she enchanted him more than the last. She was growing up to be smart, kind and thoughtful – as well as exceedingly lovely, just like her mother. She loved her little brother more than anything and he was confident that she wouldn't rest until Thistle, his stuffed bunny, was located and returned safely to his chubby little arms.

William was the opposite of his sister in many ways. He had dark hair, like his father, but his mother's green eyes. He was much more temperamental and demanding than Crystal had been at age two and he spent his days terrorizing the castle with his wailing. Emma and Killian found themselves often at their wits end with his tantrums but William could always be calmed by the gentleness of his beloved sister. It baffled Killian how she could muster up the patience well beyond her years and speak in a low whisper to the young prince. Within minutes his cries would dissipate and he would come to ask his mother sweetly if she would wipe his tears away.

Killian had no doubt that his little daughter had the same magical gift that Emma was born with. And why wouldn't she? Emma was the product of her parent's True Love and the love that Emma and Killian shared has proven itself to be true and unshakeable. As far as they could tell Crystal was unaware of her power but it would only be a matter of time before her skills would reveal themselves in a more obvious way than soothing little brothers and locating lost toys.

As they approached the castle Crystal was chatting animatedly about how well she had hidden from her father. In truth, Killian had been proud of her. He had spent a good fifteen minutes trying to locate her in the forest just beyond the castle gardens. He would need to have a discussion with Crystals guard about not taking his eyes off her for a moment but for now he couldn't deny that he was proud to see that she inherited some traits from her pirate father.

Pirate turned king, in fact. Killian still didn't feel like he should be ruling one kingdom, let alone two but it was a duty that he was humbled to fulfill. Emma and Killian knew that they were nothing without their two most trusted friends. Red, a werewolf that had been Emma's mother's best friend and Jack Martin, Killian's former first mate on the Jolly Roger. They were always in their respective kingdoms; there to maintain the peace, settle disputes, manage the castles and lands and in general rule in place of the king and queen when they were away. Emma and Killian preferred to stay together and were only able to do so with the aid of their dear friends who could keep their kingdoms peaceful in their absence.

The castle was anything but peaceful as they entered it. William's cries could be heard the moment they stepped into the courtyard and Killian suspected that next time it would be Emma that went searching for the little princess while he stayed behind to battle with the irritable prince. Crystal rushed up the stairs and she paused for a moment at the top, no doubt invoking the magic that she didn't know she possessed. Her head suddenly jerked to one side as if she smelled something in the air and she turned around to look down the stairs at Killian.

"Don't worry, Father," she said. "I know exactly where Thistle has been hiding." She scampered off with a triumphant grin on her face and Killian started up the stairs to confront the noise that echoed through the stone castle.

"I brought the wayward princess home to rescue us, love," Killian called out.

"William David, stop right there!" Emma shouted down the long hallway. The boy ran out of his nursery and nearly ran into Killian's boots as he made his escape. "Killian, stop him!"

Emma's voice sounded desperate and Killian wasted no time. He scooped up his son and threw him over his shoulder to bring him back into the sunlit nursery. The room was a disaster. It was clear that the young prince had been busy since Killian had gone out looking for his sister. Every toy in the room had been tossed to the floor and his blankets had been torn off his bed. William was not happy to be brought back and his little fists beat on Killian's back.

"Enough, boy," Killian said sternly as he placed the boy back on his feet. He held onto his shoulder to prevent another escape attempt. "Your sister is getting Thistle as we speak and she will bring him here any moment."

William's face scrunched up as he tried to wriggle free from his father's grasp. If Crystal was an angel then their boy surely had the devil in him. Killian held him firmly but gently in place until he heard Crystal come running down the hall.

"I've got him, Liam!" she yelled as she swept into the room. Killian let go of the boy and he ran towards his sister and flung his arms around her and the stuffed bunny.

"Thistle!" the muffled voice cried out. Crystal bent to kiss her brother's forehead.

"He was a very naughty, bunny," she told him. "I found him hiding in a suit of armor!"

"I wonder how on earth he could have found his way there," Emma said, her voice sounding much more even than it had a moment ago. "Thank you, sweetheart."

William's crying had stopped and moments later he was pulling at his mother's skirt as she went around the room putting the toys back where they belonged.

"Will you wipe away my tears?" the sweet voice asked and Emma dropped to her knees and produced a linen cloth to dab at her son's eyes. Killian's heart ached at the sight of them and he busied himself with putting the blankets back where they belonged in his little bed.

"There, now," Emma said. "Did you thank your sister?"

"Thank you, Cryssy," William said with a smile. Crystal beamed.

"I think a nap is in order," Killian suggested as William yawned. He might have a temper about a great many things but the boy knew when he needed sleep and his parents were thankful for that. "Into the bed with you."

The shades were closed and William was tucked into his bed, Thistle clutched tightly in his arms. He was already drifting off as Emma closed the door softly behind them.

"Mother, may I keep playing outside?" Crystal asked. "I was just about to catch a frog when I heard father coming for me and I think I could still find him if I tired."

"Of course," Emma said. "Just be sure that you don't give the frog a kiss. One prince is enough around here."

"A kiss?" Crystal cried. "Ewwww!" The princess made a face and her parents were reminded that no matter how responsible and mature she acted that she really was just a normal little girl. She bounded off towards the stairway as Emma slipped her arm into Killian's.

"Another disaster averted," she sighed. "And now we have a quiet moment."

"Hold that thought, love," Killian said, kissing her temple. "I need to go have a word with Geoffrey. It seems our five year old was able to lose him and I think he needs reminding that he is not to take his eyes off her when he is her guard."

"Don't be too hard on him," Emma said as her arm slipped out of his.

"I'll just see to it that it doesn't happen again," he said menacingly. "And I'll be back by your side in no time."

His word was good. He spoke to Geoffrey as though he was still the pirate captain and made the man tremble and swear that he would never take his eyes off the Princess when he was on duty. He knew how to make men fear him but also respect and even love him. It was one of the many skills he had taken from captaining his ship and applied to being a ruler. Emma had convinced him that he already knew how to lead and the rest he would learn as they went along.

He returned quickly to find his wife in their bedchamber. She was looking out the window and as Killian came up behind her he saw that she was watching Crystal try to catch a frog in the gardens below them.

"It's a good thing she takes after you," Killian said as he brushed her hair out of the way so he could place a kiss on his wife's neck.

"Hardly!" she exclaimed. "She's so disciplined and caring. That most certainly comes from you. Our son has the same spirit that I had as a child."

"No, my love," Killian purred in her ear. "William may be a lad but there is too much pirate in that boy. He's a tough one to tame."

"Our children do have a lot of both of us in them," she said happily. "But there is no such thing as too much pirate as far as I'm concerned."

Killian's arms went around her slender waist and he held her close to him. "I thought you might be of that opinion," his hand began to creep up her bodice until he was grazing his fingers over the swell of her breasts. "You must have forgotten how dangerous and greedy pirates can be."

"Maybe I need reminding," she breathed as his fingers travelled up her throat until he could turn her chin towards him. He captured her mouth in a kiss that left her breathless. Before she knew it her husband had swept her into his arms and was carrying her to their bed. She raked her fingers through his hair and pulled his mouth back to hers.

With one child napping and the other suitably distracted in the gardens Killian could finally savor his wife for a bit longer than usual. He slowly rolled her stocking down one leg and pressed slow, wet kisses into her thigh. Emma watched as he removed her clothing and agonized at the slow torture of his pace. Killian delighted at uncovering his wife's body. Five years of marriage had changed her in ways that he found irresistible. Still slender and beautiful as always she now had marks on her belly and fuller hips from bearing their two children. Underneath her eyes sometimes gave away the lack of sleep that she contended with but the eyes themselves continued to be bright and full of passion for him. He didn't think when he first met her that he had ever seen a more beautiful woman but he had been wrong. This woman - the one that he had spent years loving and caring for, arguing with and making amends; the woman with whom he shared his soul. This woman grew more beautiful every day to the point that he felt the familiar pang in his chest when he thought of how she had rescued him.

"Killian, I appreciate the adoration but if you don't hurry we're going to find ourselves interrupted again," Emma said impatiently.

Killian grinned and raised an eyebrow. "At your service, my queen."

He quickly removed his clothes with Emma's help and settled himself on top of her. She arched her back when his hand drifted to her center found her wet and ready for him. Killian brought his fingers to his mouth and tasted his wife.

"Now, Killian," she demanded. He was more than happy to give her what she had been waiting for. Slowly he buried himself within her until he could go no deeper. Emma moaned sweetly as Killian leisurely brought them both to the edge of their release. He nails dug into his back when he withdrew teasingly but he let out a cry of pleasure as he thrust deep and hard into her. It was moments later that he felt her body tighten and release around him as she found her pleasure. The quiet moans that escaped her mouth was all Killian needed and one final thrust had him spending himself between her thighs.

He looked down at the golden haired beauty as she brushed his own hair out of his eyes. For a moment they lay still, gazing into each other's eyes, Killian still inside her. The late afternoon sun lit the room with a soft glow and neither of them wanted to leave their bed.

A knock sounded on their door. "Your majesty?" a voice called.

"You or me?" Emma whispered with a mischievous grin.

"Queen Emma?"

"I'll be with you in a moment," Emma said sternly. She sighed at their disturbance and whimpered softly as Killian slid out of her and rolled over.

"I'll help you lace up your dress," he offered.

Emma pushed herself up onto her elbows. "I suppose I should be thankful that this time you didn't rip the laces," she said. "Although if you had done that instead of taking your time then we could have had much more time before this latest interruption."

"You know you like it when I take my time," he said in a sultry voice.

"Mmm," Emma agreed, "I do. I just miss having the time for it."

"As do I," Killian said. He began to help her back into the dress that he had just removed. "You'll need to fix your hair quickly before you take your leave. It gives away the enjoyable activities that the king has been treating his queen to."

Emma looked in the mirror and saw the state of dishevelment that her curls were in. For such a brief encounter he had managed to leave her with all the signs of pleasure: swollen lips, flushed cheeks and a mess of curls out of place.

As she fixed her appearance Killian dressed himself. Emma kept trying to steal discreet glances at him before he was fully clothed again but every time she did he would catch her and give her a suggestive look. She couldn't help but laugh at the obscene gestures he made with his tongue and couldn't help but wish they had more time so he could put his mouth to better use.

"Duty calls," she said with a sigh as she headed for the door.

"You know, Emma, I was wrong," Killian said.

She turned back to him. "About?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You don't need reminding how dangerous pirates can be," he said with a sly smile. "You can turn even the most cutthroat, ruthless, bloodthirsty pirate into a lovesick gentleman."

She lowered her lashes and smiled. "Well," she said as she opened the door to leave. "I just hope not too much of a gentleman."

She gave him a suggestive look of her own before sweeping out of their bedchamber. Killian lingered for a moment longer, brushing his hand over the sheets of their bed and recalling the passion they shared only moments ago. Then he smoothed his own unruly hair down and went off to attend to his own tedious duties.

Author's note: There is more to this story! This is the first chapter of the sequel that I just started writing. The title is "It's Not That Kind of Curse"