
The Finale: Our story

3 years later

Jan Di Pov

I sit with Ga Eul, or should I say So Ga Eul

"Yeah I know, that was crazy last week."

"Jan Di"


I call back at my husband Jun Pyo

"I need your help"

"Okay, two seconds Ga Eul"

I walk upstairs into the room

Jun Pyo is holding Joon Seo

"What's wrong with him?"

"He's not feeling well and won't sleep"

"Oh my baby"

I take our child off him and sit on the chair and rock back and forth

Yes that's correct, Joon Seo is our second baby, He's only 2 years old, I still can't believe that he is in this world

I pat his back softly and wait for him to fall asleep

Jun Pyo POV

I smile seeing Jan Di hold Joon Seo

I walk down the stairs and place a white flower at our own personal memorial area for Sung Min

"Gu Sung Min and Gu Joon Seo, I wonder if you two would have got along."

I smile then walk into the living room

"Oh you're finally here"

I greet Ga Eul who's sitting on the couch then go over to Yi Jung and Woo Bin

"Where's Ji Hoo, He will be here soon, he had something to take care off"

"Oh Okay"

"Hello mister" I ruffle Luhan's hair, Luhan is 8 now

"I'm not a child anymore" He fixes his hair making us all laugh

"Yeah I know, your a manly man now, but you're still a child to me"

I laugh again then sit down on the couch

"How is Joon Seo?, He's alright, I had trouble getting him to sleep, though, he's got a cold"

"Awh poor soul, I still can't believe you have another child"

I smile

"me either"


Jan Di Pov

It's been a year since everything has come to an end, there's no more kang won to bother us

Jun Pyo's out working for his business

I walk into the kitchen and see my diary on the table that says when I have a period

"Wait, I haven't had one for a while now"

I check my diary then freak out

"No, it's just a coincidence right?"

Lately, I've been feeling sick a lot and having to go to the bathroom more than often

"I'm back"

I hear Jun Pyo's voice but don't respond

I run up to the bathroom and take out a pregnancy test(Ga Eul gave it to me as a joke)

after using it, I wait for a few seconds then read the reading on it


I am Pregnant


"Jan Di, is something wrong?"

I hear Jun Pyo shouting upstairs

"Oh No Nothing"

I take the test down with me after cleaning it

and Look at him

"What is it?"

"Jun Pyo... i-ii."

"What's wrong"

He lightly grabs my wrists so I'd face him

"You're going to be a dad"


his eyes widen

"I'm Pregnant Jun Pyo"

He smiles brightly

"No way seriously"

I show him the rest and he hugs me really tightly

"I'm going to be a dad" He is too busy celebrating

"Jun Pyo"

"My stomach"

"Oh Sorry"

"It's okay you never hurt me, just be careful"

"We have to go and tell the others, let's go"

We met up with them in the bar like we had originally planned before I knew about this

Of course, it's empty since it's Yi Jung that owns it,

I am nervous of course while Jun Pyo can't stop smiling

We walk in nearly all of them are already seated

Ji Hoo is the last one in

"Sorry I had an errand"

"You mean you had to meet your girlfriend didn't you"

"How did you"

"Never mind, so why does the atmosphere feel tense"

"Did you two fight again?"

Woo Bin stares at me and Jun Pyo

"No wait he's smiling, what is it?"

"Well, You see we have something important to tell you all"

"You're not divorcing right? we don't want to go through all that trouble with your love life again"


"Were having a child"


"AHHHH, oh my god"

"That's great news"

Ga Eul runs over to me and squeals

"I'm going to be an aunty again"

I smile at her

"Let's go get the drinks, let the guys talk"

She takes me away from the table and Luhan follows us

Jun Pyo Pov

I can't stop smiling like a fool

"Congratulations Jun Pyo, you were busy"

"Be quiet, you can't talk you have a kid to"

"Hmm true,"

"Do you think that if it's a boy, he'll act as cocky as Jun Pyo,"

Woo Bin looks at me after making his comment

Ji Hoo answers him

"Let's hope not, we don't need another Jun Pyo"

They all burst out laughing, this is clearly hilarious to them

"I won't make any of you his godparents"

"Jan Di will probably decide that"

Yi Jung adds

Back to the present-

Jun Pyo POV

"It's been a long journey from us, meeting Jan Di then Ga Eul to coming here, Jan Di and you are married with a kid, so is Yi Jung and Ga Eul, Ji Hoo's first love came back into his life, and what about me."

"Don't hide it, we all know that you've got a crush on that girl who works in your dad's mafia"

"She is really cool, though, what girl can fight like that"

"My Jan Di can, she's a tough weed" I smile and reply to him

"Oh yeah I forgot, she kicked you remember"

He laughs

Ji Hoo speaks

"I thought she was cool back then for doing that, I was impressed someone stood up to you"

I laugh

"Yeah, She was really brave but then again I did piss her off"

"That's Jan Di for you, She has always stood up for me even during elementary school"

"Luhan you will stand up for me too won't you"

"M'hmm mummy."

"He still acts like a child around his mum, after all"

We all laugh since he had a tough act on earlier

Hours pass and we spend the time just talking about all the stories we've experienced together

A few days later

Luhan is being moved to Shinwa Primary school, Ga Eul put him into the school she was at but he eventually wanted to go to the school Yi Jung went to,

Ga Eul POV

"Seriously, you have to be like that? what's wrong with my primary school?"

I look at Luhan

"Dad said it's better if I go to Shinwa Primary school, it has more privileges"

"Dads trying to make you a big headed person like dad was"

" I heard that, and No I just think we will have more control if he goes to Shinhwa, Jun Pyo you agree right?"

"I'm not involved in your husband-wife argument"

"Jan Di?"

She smiles at me

"I agree with Ga Eul, he might get too cocky if he goes to Shinhwa,"

"Thank you!"

of course, my best friend would agree with me

"Let's go in"

We walk into the primary school and I look around

this place is too posh for my liking

We enter the hall in time for the ceremony

They talk about all the rules and how hard kids have to study

"I'll not be overworking my child, thank you very much"

I say under my breath

Yi Jung pulls a face at me

Jan Di is sitting down beside Jun Pyo with the pram

The ceremony ends and I let him go into class

We then make our way over to Shinhwa High School, We were asked to make a speech

"Hey Ga Eul, Maybe they're will be another F4 in the making"

Jan Di and I laugh thinking about that

Yi Jung and Woo Bin glare at us

Jun Pyo is quiet as he pushes Joon Seo in his pram

We enter the hall and walk up to the part


students call out and I look around

Of course, they're still famous

Jun Pyo POV

I hold Jan Di's hand as she pushes Joon Seo in his pram up to the front

She smiles nervously at me

I introduce myself and Ji Hoo finally joins us

It comes to question time and a lot of people are curious

"Jun Pyo, Is it true that you fell in love with a poor girl?"

I look at Jan Di then back to them

"Yes I did, She may be "poor" in others people's eyes but that's only for money, don't look down on poor people like I did, they have the kindest hearts and can change you for the better"

She smiles at me

"Jan Di, How did you get involved with F4."

I listen to her story

"I came here on a scholarship and at first, I hated F4, I didn't understand why they acted the way they did and thought they needed to be taught a lesson, but then I learned that it was really just an image, Jun Pyo seems cold and scary when you first approach him but in reality he was just a lonely guy with a lot of anger issues, he didn't have the best relationship with his mother when I first met him, Ji Hoo was also cold and lonely, but when I got to know him better, he became my helper and best friend, as for Yi Jung, I saw him as a playboy and didn't want Ga Eul to get mixed up with him, but I take that back because he makes Ga Eul so happy, and for Woo Bin, He's always been a good friend to me, he always manages to fix the bad things that happens and keeps all of F4 together."

I smile,

I'm glad that my friends also became a huge part of Jan Di's life

"Does your mum still hate Jan Di? we heard about your story"

I answer

"No, My mum has a better relationship with me and Jan Di now, She still can get irritated about things but she cares about my family a lot and she has realized her mistakes."

"I have a question for Yi Jung"

A girl shouts out

"Yeah?" He takes the mic and looks at her

"What made you stop being a playboy"

"Oh this is embarrassing, Ga Eul stopped me, she made me realize that I was just taking my pain out on everything else, and not realizing that I was becoming like my dad, I freaked out and tried to make her leave but she never did, she continued to pursue me and I gave into my own feelings"

"Do you have any advice for us?"

A male student asks and everyone nods in agreement

I speak

"this is what Jan Di taught me"

"Although you're brought up in rich families, don't let that get to your head, if you continue to act cocky and arrogant, you'll realize that people don't want to be around you, instead they are just using you"

Yi Jung agrees with me then speaks about his own experience and advice

"Hmm, Don't play girls, it's not good to do and it just makes you even more lonely and you could miss out in meeting the girl meant for you"

Woo Bin is asked next

"It's important to have friends that you trust and care about especially while you go through high school then onto college or university, make sure you don't isolate yourself and instead make friends"

Ji Hoo answers

"I learned not to keep a grudge on someone, even if it's hard, try to find it in your heart to forgive people after understanding them"

Ga Eul is next

"I've learned that you shouldn't lie about things or hide anything from anyone, you will only suffer more and hurt the person you're lying to"

Then It's Jan Di

"I agree with Ga Eul but what I want to say is two things, Don't run away from your problems, they won't go away and it will make the matter worse and also to not take your life for granted, time passes fast, make sure to get the most out of your lives"

I smile and rub her shoulder

The students seem satisfied with our advice and then we talk about Luhan and Joon Seo before we leave

We take a walk across the campus

remembering all our memories here

Ga Eul sadly doesn't have many memories in this place since she didn't go here so she asks a lot of questions about the building

We hear noises and go to check it out

"You're so annoying"

a girl yells at a guy

"Your just a girl with no money, what would you know"

she kicks him

"Omg a mini Jan Di and Jun Pyo"

I look at Woo Bin who made the comment then laugh

It does seem like us

Jan Di Pov

The girl is coming our way as she passes me I whisper in her ear

as she passes me I whisper in her ear

"You'll regret that when you fall in love with him"

She looks horrified like I did

"No way!, I would rather die than date that cocky guy"

I laugh

that's exactly what I thought

"Oh it's a white butterfly"

I look at where Luhan pointed to

it is indeed a white butterfly that has landed on Joon Seo's pram

Joon Seo, meet your brother Sung Min


So after about a year or so I finally finished this story,

Let's clear some things up

-Joon Seo is their second child(since Sung Min is still classed as her first baby although he passed away

-Luhan is definitely Yi Jung and Ga Eul's child

-Sung-min was cremated(so that's why his ashes are in the bottle rather than them visiting a grave)

-Yes Jan Di's family and Jun Pyo's family still exist, I just didn't write about them

-Anything else your confused about please message me so I can explain,

Thank you so much for following my story although I was bad at updating often, I'm happy and sad that it has ended, I have started writing a few stories already but I'm not sure which one I'll post first, One if for bof and the other is for masters sun and goong,


Please if you have stories, post them to me so I can read them, I like a lot of Asian drama fanfics,