
Due to a growing pile of bills and the bar her father works at going out of business, Haruhi's pride gives her little choice but to take on a part time job to help make ends meet. Gathering all of her pluck and hosting skills, Haruhi has takes on a maid cafe! Keeping it from the other hosts and her father is where it gets complicated...


Just a warning to you all: I don't know how consistent I am going to be with the updates. I just had a cute idea in my head... anyway! Not sure yet which host will be the main romantic interest yet. If I get enough suggestions I might be able to make up my mind lol. Enjoy and please review.


Running down the street at breakneck speed, Haruhi weaves through foot traffic and around the corner of the bustling main street and onto a slightly quieter, and quainter Shika street. It was a beautiful lane lined with tall hedges and old trees with red and golden maple leaves ready to fall at the slightest nudge from the autumns crisp breeze. Haruhi was unable to enjoy it however as she came to a screeching halt in front of an ornate wrought iron archway covered in ivy. Checking her watch and composing herself, a slight smile light Haruhi's face as she noticed that she arrived with moments to spare.

Walking calmly down the cobblestone path that lead to a door reading 'Molly's Maid Cafe', Haruhi pulled open the door with a tinkering bell and quickly made her way through the main room, smelling of warm coffee,sweet treats, and savory foods, to the back employee portion of the cozy shop.

"Hello Fumika-san" Haruhi greeted with her natural smile as she opened to door to the locker room. "Miyo-san" she gave a friendly nod of her head as she pulled open the 5th locker on the left wall.

"hey Haruhi-chan!" the other girls greeted without pausing in their dressing.

A playful voice came from around the corner, "Cutting it a little close don't you think?" a tall beautiful woman with long eggplant colored hair can round the side of Haruhi's locker.

Haruhi started peeling off her school uniform."Just a bit Tsugie-san." she let out an exasperated sigh "club activities took longer than usual, and I ended up missing my bus." her voice muffled by the black dress with white lace hemming being pulled over her head and down the rest of her body to rest at mid thigh.

"That host club thing you were telling us about?" Fumika called as she pulled the uniforms white stockings up her legs.

"Yeah" Haruhi fumbled with the straps of the frilly apron she was trying to tie around her waist.

Tsugie came up behind her already fully dressed. "Let me" she grabs the laces out of Haruhi's hands and deftly ties it into a perfect bow.

"I wonder if they are all as handsome as you make them sound…" Miyo paused in buckling her shoes to sigh dreamily.

"You should bring them in sometime" Fumika suggests with an excited grin "It would be nice to have some pretty faces around here other than ours".

"It gets tiresome flirting with old business men" Miyo agreed.

Haruhi shuddered to think what their reactions would be if they found out. "The absolutely can't find out that I'm working here!" she shoved her small feet into her polished mary jane heels. "I need this job and they would only interfere". Carefully placing a wig of flowing auburn hair on her head,she nodded resolutely and made her way out of the locker room and back into the dining area with the others not far behind.

"Hello Molly-san" Haruhi greeted a beautiful middle aged woman as she came to a stop beside the owner and operator of 'Molly's Maid Cafe'.

"Haruhi-chan" she gave the girl a curt nod. You will be taking section three tonight. Tsugie, you're one, Miyo, two, and Fumika, you're going to be four." All the girls gave her nods of understanding. "Mimi called in sick today, so I will be greeting and seating the guests." With that she walked up to the podium on the right side of the front door, her long black and slightly white streaked hair swaying behind her.

Placing an angelic smile on her face, Haruhi walked up to her first table of the night that was occupied by a slightly sweaty man in a suit "Welcome to Molly's Maid Cafe, honored guest".

Haruhi wearily unlocked the front door of her home and immediately kicked off her school shoes. "I'm home" she called out as she made her way into the kitchen to fix herself a warm pot of tea.

"Welcome Back" she heard her father call from his room as she filled the stove top kettle with water and placed it on the heating burner. "Out late again?" she heard her father question as she sat on the floor where she stood and began to massage her aching feet.

"Studying with Hikaru and Kaoru" she fibbed as she rolled the heel of her palm along the ball of her foot.

His voice coming nearer, "They seem to need your help studying a lot this month". Haruhi jumped to her feet and leaned casually against the countertop just as her father entered the room.

"They have been falling behind" was all she said in response to that.

"Idiots, the lot of them" her father grumbled as he opened the fridge door. She could see stubble coming in along his face. No luck with the job hunt so far then. "Taking advantage of my baby girl" He gave her a look of sympathy. "I'll heat of the leftovers for you".

Haruhi closed her eyes as he bustled around the kitchen, content to enjoy the scent and feel of home after a long day of school, club, and work. She was starting to feel like there weren't enough hours in the day to get everything she needed done, but it was small moments like this that reminded her why she was working so hard.

The shrill of the kettle awoke her from her thought. Deftly she pulled two cheerful yellow mugs down from the cupboard placing a single tea bag in each, then carefully pouring the boiling water over and then padding over to the table.

Ranka set a steaming bowl of rice and curry down in front of her and took a set across the table. "Thanks Dad" she nudged his mug towards him as she sipped at her jasmine tea then set down the cup.

"Not a problem honey" he smiled softly as she dug into her bowl with gusto. Not realizing how hungry she was until she smelled the heady aroma.

Wiping her mouth on a napkin, "By they way" she rummaged around in her school bag for her wallet. "The twins paid me for all the hours I've been putting in tutoring them.." her hand wrapped around it as she pushed down the guilt of lying to her father.

"Thats nice dear" Ranka said absent mindedly as he stared into to mug wrapped in his hands.

"I figured it would help out until you're able to find another job" she says as she pushes a stack of bills across the table.

He looks up with shock and regret clear in his face "Oh Haruhi, you don't have to give me your money" he pushes it back towards her. "We will be fine on my unemployment for a little while more until I find something".

Haruhi's eyes filled with stubbornness. She firmly pushed the money back to her father. "Just incase". She they got up from her seat and made her way to her room for a good nights rest. "Goodnight Dad" she called over her shoulder just before she shut her door and passed out on her bed without changing her clothes or getting under the covers.

In the next room Rouji heaved a sigh and ran his hand through his tousled hair. In front of him was a stack of 120,000 yen(1).

"Haruhi!" the twins greeted in unison as she made her way to to back of the classroom and settled into her seat between them.

She gave them a nod of greeting and covered her mouth with a dainty hand as she unsuccessfully fought off a yawn.

"Why have you been so tired lately?" Kaoru asked with suspicion and concern underlying his voice as he and his brother noisily scooted their desks until they were touching heres on either side.

Hikaru pulled her face closer to his by her chin. "You're getting bags under your eyes Haruhi" he inspected.

Haruhi temporarily closed her eyes to enjoy the coolness of his hands on her face. "I haven't been sleeping well lately" she swatted his hands away only to have him and his twin cross their arms across the back of her chair and desk, caging her in.

"We can help you with that" Kaoru's breathy voice sounded in her ear.

"Maybe you just need a good… workout…" Hikaru teased his lips across her jaw line.

A flurry of fainting and squeals broke out from the groups of girls not so subtly watching the three now second year hosts.

"Knock if off you guys" she attempted to shove them off of her.

"But we are worried about you!" Hikaru wined.

"We're only trying to help" Kaoru continued as they wrapped her up in a bear hug sandwich.

Haruhi was finding it hard not to melt into their heat and fall into the land of dreams she so desperately wishes she could. Not really caring at the moment what the others might think, Haruhi allowed her head to fall onto Hikaru's shoulder "just let me rest my eyes till class starts…" she mumbled.

The twins exchanged a concerned look over her head but said nothing more. Haruhi sighed happily at the feeling of Hikaru's fingers in her hair and kaoru's gentle squeeze of her hand. She had a few minutes before class….

Another day another dollar Haruhi thought to herself as she finally laid her head down to rest at 3 am. After another longs day of school, club, work, and a stack of homework she finally allowed herself to fall into sleeps embrace.

Club activities were rather subdued today for which the only female host was glad. The club members just finished with the planning of their next adventure and were lounging around the room doing their own things. Haruhi leaned her head back against the sofa she was seated on and listlessly stared at the ornate ceiling as she made a checklist of things to take on their 'camping' trip this weekend. She highly doubted it was going to be like any camping she had done, of that she was sure.

"Haru-chan" She looked up to see Honey standing in front of her in a peach button up and blue jeans. She grudgingly admitted to herself that she was a bit envious that the university students didn't have to wear a uniform.

"Yes Honey-senpai?" She questioned with a serene smile. She spotted the rest of the host club huddled together and sending not so subtle glances their way.

"Hika-chan and Kao-chan told me you have been having trouble sleeping at night" he leaned into her slightly with concern filling his eyes.

"Ah" she rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment. "a bit".

A gleam came into his big brown eyes. "Come take a nap with me Haru-chan!" Honey grabbed her hand without waiting for a response and tugged her to his napping corner of the room.

Haruhi dragged her feet "I don't think we are both going to fit on your sofa senpai!"

The blond haired boy gave a little giggle "I got rid of the sofa" he skipped a step, "I have a bed in here now!" He moved the curtain aside to reveal a plush queen sized bed.

"How did I not notice this?" she questioned rhetorically.

Honey tilted his head to the side cutely "tee hee" Then with a strength not belied by his size he grabbed her around the waist and tossed her onto the bed and followed soon after with a leap. "Isn't it soft Haru-chan!?" He began snuggling under the covers.

It was Haruhi marveled. "It feels like a cloud" she accidently mumbled her thoughts as she turned to face her senior.

Hunny patted a spot of bed beside him "Come here Haru-chan". Once she had settled where he had indicated he held out his pink bunny to her. "You can hold Usa-chan" he layed down and rested his blond head on one of the plush pillows.

The brunette looked down at the plushy in her hands touched "But Honey-senpai…" she trailed off at a loss for words at the unusual show of kindness.

"You need him more then me right now" Honey smiled then closed his eyes indicating the conversation was now over.

Haruhi stared at her senior a moment longer before she too laid her head down and shut her eyes with a smile on her face and Usa-chan tucked into her chest.

about $1,000