*Laxus's POV* 'I almost kissed her. I almost...kissed her...I almost...fucking kissed her!' My thoughts were raging inside my head as I leaned against the side of my house. I could hear Blondie and my team inside talking, but I could still hear sadness laced in her voice. It saddened me and also angered me greatly that she was still upset. I mean it made sense with her background, but still what was Fairy Tail thinking!? "Maybe I should talk to Gramps about this..." I mumble "Talk to Gramps about what?" I turn around and find Lucy standing in the doorway looking at me. "Nothing" I tell her. 'Because I'm not entirely sure if my guess is right, but if it is...then we might have trouble, but for now I'll keep my thoughts to myself' I think. She nods, but gives me a look saying she doesn't believe me at all. I giver her a quick smile and walk over to her. "So, how are you feeling?" I ask her. She shrugs and looks at the ground. "I've been better..." I nod and hug her close to me while setting my chin on the top of her head. I feel her slowly wrap her arms around my waist and relax into my arms. "Laxus..." I hear her mumble "What is it?" "I need to tell you something...but I'm scared to." She all but whispers the last part. Confused I move my head to look down at her. "Just tell me then. Even if you're scared it's better to just get it off your chest than keep it in" I tell her. She nods and I feel her grip tighten on my shirt. She looks up at me, determination in her eyes, but also conflict. I lean in a little and out of the corner of my eye I see my team watching us from inside the house. "I-I..." She starts "Ah, screw it!" She yells and before I know it her soft lips are on mine. Shocked at first I don't move, but after what feels like forever, which in reality was only five seconds I eagerly return her kiss putting all the feeling I hold for her into it and in return I feel her feeling towards me in her kiss. I feel her hands move from my back to my abdomen and up my chest before settling behind my neck and in my hair. I move my hands down onto her hips and grip them tightly, but not enough to hurt her. I gently nibble on her bottom lip silently asking permission. Her mouth opens slightly and I take the opportunity to slide my tongue into her mouth. I hear a soft moan escape her throat and suddenly kissing just wasn't enough. I push her against the side of my house earning a surprised gasp from her. I continue kissing her and deepening as much as I could. Her grip tightens in my hair as she tugs on it. I pull back from her mouth and start on her neck. This earns another moan from her. "L-Laxus..." She moans out. I smirk against her skin and gently bite the sensitive flesh. She gasps as I suck on the spot. I continue to work on her neck, leaving multiple hickeys. I pull away and admire my handy work. I smirk when I see her flushed face and bring her in for another kiss. This one less passionate than the last but still filled with feelings. "Lucy..." I whisper. Her eyes go wide and she stares at me. "What?" I ask her. "Yo-you called me by my name..." She says. I smile when I realize that I rarely call her by her real name, but instead settle for the nickname I gave her. She smiles back at me. "I think I understand what you wanted to tell me and I hope you understand what I was trying to tell you" I say. She nods, still smiling and kisses my right cheek. "Yes" she says "Good, and I hope that will be your answer to my next question." "And what would that be?" "Lucy, will you be my girlfriend?" She grins and kisses me hard. "Yes"