The evening after sending Joshua off on the train was quiet but not uneventful. Draco and she went separate ways, he cited a need to catch up at work and they made plans to meet up on Friday and finally have a talk. The evening Prophet had come, and while the headline was about Harry's new baby Hermione did spot and article linking her, the talented muggleborn witch to Draco, they had even learned her name. It made Draco out to be a savior, rescuing her from her from a life as an ignorant muggle. Annoyed she had tossed the paper aside and went about her evening. She was startled during her evening meal by an owl, not expecting to have heard from Joshua so soon. It was the magical hospital requesting she come by for a checkup with a healer explaining that magical maladies and ailments could be missed by muggle doctors. As a daughter of dentists, she understood the importance of regular checkups and called using the floo to schedule an appointment for the following day, pleased that they were so accommodating as she would be returning to work soon. Pulling out the transfiguration book she began to read the theory while waiting for her owl from Joshua. She was still on the couch when she awoke to the owl with news from Joshua. The writing was messy, he was still learning how to use a quill, overall, he was excited, and the castle was amazing, and he was in Griffindor. The House for the brave and courageous, she felt it was fitting.

The following morning Hermione flooed to St. Mungo's, when she arrived she smiled at the welcoming sensation she felt, a feeling that she now associated with magical places. She paused as a woman came through the floo frantically approaching the receptionists desk holding a young boy who was covered in boils. The woman behind the desk casually informed the mother where to go without looking up.

"Hello," Hermione greeted as she approached the desk.

"What's the nature of your malady." The woman asked.

"Oh, I have an appointment with Healer Oddpick." Hermione informed her. Not at all impressed the woman's attitude. She would not have lasted long at her parents' practice. The receptionist gave a slight start and then tried but failed to appear nonchalant.

"Have a seat," she asked Hermione, gesturing to a few chairs in the corner. "Someone will be by to take you to the healer."

As she waited, she noticed the receptionist, or welcome witch she heard her called by another patient, was nervous. While she was the picture of ambivalence before Hermione had greeted her, she was now alert and kept glancing Hermione's way. After a few minutes a large man approached her.

"Hello Miss Granger," he said, "I'll take you to the healer now."

Strange that she required an escort. He took out his wand and Hermione noticed he was changing the signs before they reached them. "The hospital can be tricky to find your way around if you have never been before. Don't want you to get lost. You need to select the ward you are heading to." It was meant to be reassuring, but Hermione felt anything but. Wouldn't it be better to show her how to find her way around, rather than doing it for her?

Eventually she was led to a room but all it had in it was a standard bed. It had sheets and a blanket on it which was unusual for what she assumed would be a temporary exam room. "Please wait here." The man said and closed the door. Hermione was on edge and found herself wishing she had informed Draco what she was doing today. It should have felt unusual she thought, but instead it felt nice, to think she could have someone to share the mundane things of her life with. As she waited, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

A quick knock and the door opened to a man that looked the picture of a wizard Hermione had imagined as a young girl. His face was kind, his beard was long, and his robes were green, Hermione found herself smiling despite herself.

"Hello, hello Miss Granger, I'm Healer Oddpick. I'm so glad you could come in so quickly. It puts my mind at ease to know that you will get the care and attention you need. Please have a seat." He said and pulled out his wand and conjured a chair next to the bed.

"That looks like a worthwhile spell, I look forward to learning it." Hermione said taking a seat, "I was surprised you could see me so quickly, usually I have to make appointments weeks in advanced."

"I thought it best to see you as soon as you were able. Safety is important. Now," he said, pulling a piece of thin metal from his robes, "if you will allow me to place this on your wrist it will help to monitor your health while I conduct the exam."

"How does that work." Hermione asked while extending her arm.

"Oh, hum, I'll explain in a minute." He brought the metal to her skin and began to wave his wand around her wrist when Hermione discovered what was wrong. The room lacked the sense of magic she felt in the rest of the building. She felt her energy begin to drain as the metal began to close.

"I'm sorry," she said pulling back her hand, "That doesn't feel right. Is there another method you could use to monitor me?"

"I'm sorry, but we have found this is the best method for muggleborns." He said with an air of impatience.

"Why should that make a difference?"

"It will suppress your accidental magic while I examine you. It's the safest method for the both of us."

"But you said it was a monitor. There is no need to suppress my magic, I don't have accidental magic anymore." Hermione said. Deciding she had had enough she stood to leave, but was stopped when he grabbed her wrist, holding the metal to it.

"No, "Hermione cried out and without even a pause magically pushed him away, tearing the band from her wrist and throwing it across the room. Bolting for the door she no sooner had opened it before Healer Oddpick called out, "She's resisting."

Once out in the hall she saw the man from before and several others begin to approach, drawing their wands. Fearful Hermione did something she hadn't done in years, and really had only done once and let her fear and anger take over. Releasing it she turned the tables and saw the fear enter the eyes of the approaching men as a flurry of explosions went off around her. Satisfied that she could get away she turned and run but only got a few feet before she felt a pain in her back. She was out cold before she hit the floor.

When she awoke Healer Oddpick was standing over her, all kindness gone. "And you said you didn't do accidental magic anymore."

"That was 100% intentional." Hermione snarled.

"You blew up your room. You will have to sleep here until I see fit to return it to you." He said with a sneer and stormed away.

Hermione took in her surroundings as she heard him walk away. She was on a couch with a few other people sitting around the room. Down the hall she could see people working to fix the destruction she caused. Lifting her arm to rub at the sore spot on her forehead she noticed a heavy metal band around her wrist. This one looked different from the one before, the metal darker. She glared at her wrist then turned and reached out to attempt to levitate something but there was no magic in her. She felt cold and empty inside.

"You should have let them put the first band on if you wanted to do that." A blond boy about her age called from beside her. "That one only blocks accidental magic."

"These," another boy, brothers by the looks of them, said holding up his arm showing the same band around his wrist "are for the dangerous ones."

"They developed them after we blew up the ward one to many times."

"Impressive explosion by the way but they still got you. Can't turn your back you know."

"It took them three tries to get us here. Course they have upped their game since dealing with us."

"Where are we?" Hermione asked feeling panic and dread begin to take over.

"Welcome to the mudblood madhouse."

"It sucks here."

A/N So I was reading the Chamber of Secrets to my daughter and after a passage she said, "I didn't know Hermione was a mudblood." And I felt like I needed to wash her mouth out with soap.