A/N Hi everyone, this is my first ever fanfic and I am really excited about it! It has been completely outlined so I know where I'm going with it. I'm also posting on Ao3 under the same pen name Irish_Cardigan incase this gets taken down. I want to thank TamiLove for being so super supportive and patient with me. And for helping me work through all my ideas! You are the best.

WARNINGS: SLASH, Explicit Sex, Dubcon, (what some might consider) Noncon, Temporary Body mod, Mpreg, Minor Character Death, Slow Boil Relationship. (I think that's everything)

If any of the above bothers you I suggest you hit the back button. This isn't PWP Erotica it is mainly Drama. If this isn't what you're looking for I suggest you hit the back button. If your parents could possibly ground you for reading this fic or you are too immature to handle sexual content I suggest you hit the back button. If you are under some weird presumption I own the Harry Potter series, once again… back button.

And finally full disclosure. I am not nor have I ever been: pregnant, gay, French, a man or a wizard. So if I get something wrong, I'm sorry. However, if you happen to be a homosexual pregnant French man who does magic I would welcome your expertise. No, seriously, PM me, you would be a perfect beta.

Oh yeah, also I'm an American. So unfortunately this fic is going to inevitably slip into American English at times. I'm especially sorry about that, I'm trying my very best to prevent it. If anyone wants to help me with making it sound more British it would be a huge help and I would really appreciate it.

Enjoy the show y'all it's going to be a wild ride. Hugs and kisses –Irish

Severus Snape panted, trying to catch his breath. It was too hot for May. Scratch that, it was too hot for Scotland. The halls of Hogwarts had remained pleasantly chill his last five spring terms but this year, his sixth, they were sweltering. Only one more month before exams and then he could leave, hopefully weather at Spinner's End was faring better.

All clever Slytherins were tucked away in their common room, the dungeons being the only comfortable location in the entire castle. But Severus was ascending the main staircase outside the Great Hall. An hour after dinner and the halls were still rancid with the salty smell of shepherds pie and preteens unencumbered by deodorant. For Severus' sensitive nose it was enough to make him want to vomit. But even out of breath, drenched in sweat and olfactory glands assaulted he pressed on his mission too important to abandon.

In the east-wing of the third floor corridor he finally reached his destination. The row of Lancet Windows overlooking the lake let so much sunlight in, the hallway felt like an oven. Still Severus sank into the shadows of a nearby alcove and waited. It wouldn't be much longer.

He shared his hiding place with a suit of armor, the metal pleasantly cool against his skin. He couldn't resist lifting his shirt and leaning into the touch, the chill intensified by the large damp pool in the small of his back. It was a small consolation he wouldn't be too uncomfortable during this bout of espionage.

At long last came the signal he had been waiting for.

"No Seriously Prongs you should have been there! Marlene McKinnon and Kathy Goldstein were swimming in the lake completely starkers!"

The voice of idiocy incarnate, Sirius Black, filled the hallway. Severus ground his teeth. Hopefully tonight he could glean some useful information. He turned his head slightly and could barely see Potter, Black, Pettigrew and Lupin take their usual seats on the windowsill.

It had taken him months to discover this pattern. Once a month the four would journey to this very corridor. All four would leave through the One Eyed Witch statue in the adjacent hallway and sneak into Honeydukes then return to Gryffindor tower before nightfall, mindlessly chattering all the while. He had observed this behavior now on three separate occasions. Each instance an event happening later in the evening was mentioned and each instance coincided with the night of the full moon.

He was certain all of this had to do with Lupin. For years he had suspected Lupin was a werewolf, but if the four idiots let something concrete slip he would have hard evidence. And with hard evidence would come the ultimate prize.

Lily Evans. Last year she broke off all contact with him and he had yet to convince her to give him another chance. It was only recently he realized he had been approaching the problem incorrectly. He was approaching the problem like a Slytherin instead of a Gryffindor. She had said herself actions speak louder than words. She didn't want his apologies. Clearly the only way Lily would take him back is if he proved his worth in a gallant act! And what demonstrated affection more than saving her from a werewolf? Still Severus didn't want to compromise himself too much for his best friend's sake. Today he would be a Gryffindor, but only if he could do it in the most Slytherin way possible.

"So when you say completely starkers do you mean completely starkers? Or did they have pants on?"

"No pants mate! I'm telling you. The two were splashing about. It was like lesbian porn happening right before my eyes."


Severus cringed. If only his Slytherin method could filter out the nauseatingly straight conversations he had been forced to endure.

He leaned forward trying to get a better look at his targets. Pettigrew was practically drooling as Black recounted his tale to a grinning Potter. Lupin on the other hand looked increasingly embarrassed.

"Guys," Lupin murmured his face fully flushed, "I don't think Kathy or Marlene would appreciate you talking about them like that…"

Sirius laughed and clapped Lupin on the back, "Come on Moony! Live a little, just because it's your time of the month do-" Remus pressed a hand to Sirius' mouth hushing him.

"Sirius. Not so loud some one will hear you."

Potter waved away Lupin's concerns. "No need to worry mate. No one ever comes down this hallway after all. Not in this heat," Severus couldn't help but grin. Potter continued, "Ok, we better get going. Honeydukes closes soon. I'm buying tonight. I still think it's hilarious you like chocolate Moony."

"There's nothing funny about it…"

"It's hilarious! I tell you, chocolate really tends to mellow you out. Anyway, you can count on us. We'll bring it to you same as always. Shack at ten o'clock."

Severus frowned. So Potter, Black, and Pettigrew usually brought chocolate to Lupin on the night of the full moon. His werewolf theory did not hold up to this new information. How could Potter and crew possibly feed a fully transformed werewolf chocolate and survive? He cursed internally, perhaps he wouldn't be able to save Lily from a werewolf but Lupin was obviously hiding something. If only he knew what.

He heard the four boys race down the hallway footsteps echoing as they went. He could still hear them laughing from the alcove, but felt safe enough to relax. The suit of armor had really dug into his back. He leaned forward to stretch out the muscle, but unfortunately his shirt snagged on an edge and the entire suit toppled to the floor with a loud bang.

Severus righted the armor with a spell and pressed his back against the wall, hoping Potter's merry band of idiots wouldn't come investigate the noise. When the murmurs coming from the end of the corridor ceased Snape let out a sigh of relief. Not wanting to be caught when they returned he slipped from the alcove and began his journey back to the dungeons. Unfortunately all did not go as planned.

"Hello Snivellus. Out for a stroll?" Severus turned around slowly, coming face to face with Sirius Black.

He schooled his features into his trademark sneer. "And what if I am Black? It's not any of your concern."

Sirius walked closer a bored expression on his face, "I don't believe you understand your current position Snape." Severus backed up as Black steadily encroached his personal space, "You see I think you were stalking me. And if you were stalking me," Severus' back hit the wall now trapped in a corner of the corridor. Sirius threw up an arm blocking any means of escape, "It is absolutely my concern."

"The earth does not revolve around you Black. This corridor isn't off limits. It's not past curfew. I have every right to be here, now let me go." Severus' eyes betrayed his nonchalant answer, darting around for a means of escape.

Inches away from Sirius Black's face was a miserable place to be. This close he couldn't go for his wand or Black would pry it from his hands with ease, nor could he attempt to run, and then there were all the… inconvenient physical side effects that came with proximity…

Why was Black so bloody handsome? Up so close he was confronted with every agonizing detail. The lightly tanned skin, the striking grey eyes, the broad muscled shoulders, the tasteful hint of expensive cologne. Even his sweat seemed engineered for maximum sex appeal: a small line glistening on his upper lip and another trailing down his neck to his chest disappearing behind a disheveled tie. Severus gulped. It wasn't fair. He shouldn't have to fight these feelings of jealousy and desire while being intimidated.

"The way I see it there are only two reasons for you to be here," Sirius leaned in even closer, Merlin even his breath was minty fresh, "Either you were following me, or you were sneaking out." Snape tried to dart to the side but Sirius shoved him back into the corner, face darkening. "I know what's at the end of this hallway Snape. A certain one eyed witch. Sneaking out to meet some friends? Sneaking out to talk some politics?"

Snape considered his options. There was no way he could overwhelm Black physically, but perhaps if he riled him enough Black would make a mistake and he could slip away. Or even better, maybe he'd let something slip about Lupin. Anger was always Black's weakness.

Severus went in for the kill, "If you want to sign up for meeting invitations why didn't you say so? I'm sure you could ask your brother."

Sirius gritted his teeth, "Don't go there." He growled in a dangerous voice.

Severus clicked his tongue, "But Regulus would be so happy to extend them. He's become quite the regular at our little gatherings. He was so heartbroken when his deadbeat brother ran away from home last summer. I think being surrounded by friends in his time of need is helping him heal."

"Shut up."

"He was so sad. But when Mulciber and Avery took him out that first night I really think h-"


Black was literally spitting in rage. Snape laughed and wiped some stray spittle from his cheek, "Did I touch a nerve Black?"

His opening came when Black lunged forward to throttle him. He ducked under the outstretched arms and darted down the hall. Unfortunately he wasn't quite fast enough.

Sirius caught him by the shirt collar and slammed him up against the wall, pressing a toned arm to his throat. It was the worst-case scenario. He dropped his wand during the struggle and it clattered to the floor.

"You make me so fucking sick. Anyone willing to follow You-Know-Who deserves to burn. You're all vermin."

"How could you say such a thing about your own bro-"

"DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT REGULUS!" At the word brother, Sirius put so much pressure on Severus' throat he was gasping for breath. "Now tell me what you were doing here Snape!"

"…Fuck you Black…" Severus wheezed out, struggling to get his words out from his position in the chokehold. This was unfortunately the wrong answer as Sirius' face contorted into madness, pressing harder into Snape's neck.

"Fine… You're… Right… Following…"

Sirius snarled, but loosened his hold. "I knew it! I knew you were spying on us you son of a bitch. What the fuck did you hear?" Severus decided to take a risk. Perhaps if he played his cards right Sirius would drop a clue.

"I know everything Black."

"I don't believe you."

"I do."

"THEN TELL ME!" Sirius growled out, baring his teeth like a rabid dog "Go ahead Snape tell me what you know, tell me everything."

To this Snape had no reply and Black threw him to the ground. "You don't know anything," he sneered with an air of finality as he turned to walk away.

Severus trembled with rage from his place on the floor. He yelled down the hall as Black made his retreat. "I might not know it yet, but I'm going to figure it out Black!" Sirius didn't look back, "You four are up to something and I bet my Gringotts vault it's dangerous. I'm just going to keep at it until I figure it out. And when I do you'll be sorry because then everyone will know the truth. You four aren't cool or special or role models. You're nothing but MONSTERS. You're nothi-"

Black spun around sick of the insults. "Levicorpus" a second later Snape was upside down in the air, limp greasy hair hanging down in clumps, shirt falling over his face to reveal his too thin frame. "Tut tut Snape, seems you've learned your lesson about trousers. Unfortunately not what I was aiming for 'Exue Braccae'!" Snape let out an undignified squeak as his slacks began to remove themselves, leaving him clad in only his greying underpants.

Sirius laughed "Doesn't look like I'll be taking you up on that bet Snape. Seeing as your Gringotts vault can't even afford new underwear. '" He lifted the spell and Snape fell to the ground, hitting his head hard on the flagstones. He scrambled into a corner of the hall, blood pounding in his head, and covered his lap with the trousers. Sirius glowered at him from above.

"You think I'm dangerous Snape? You think I'm the fucking monster? You and your pathetic gang of thugs are set on joining someone who kills people. People who can't even defend themselves. If you want to see a monster, look in the fucking mirror."

Severus ground his teeth at the hypocrisy and stood up. The trousers crumpled to the floor, but he was too infuriated to worry about modesty clad in only his shirt and undergarments. "You're fucking right Black. I DO think you're a monster. You have no room to act self-righteous. The Dark Lord does what is necessary for the betterment of the wizarding world, but you! You and YOUR pathetic gang of thugs can't even duel me unless it's three on one. You target people who can't even defend themselves. And what is your reasoning? That's right you don't have one. What did you say last time you ASSAULTED me in front of the entire school? 'It's more the fact he exists if you know what I mean.' So forgive me if I take your assessment of my character with a grain of salt."

Severus stepped forward shoving Black hard. "I don't care if it takes the next month. I don't care if it takes the next year. I WILL discover Lupin's secret and when I do I will end you." He ended his tirade inches from Black's face.

Sirius' expression of surprise suddenly melted into a mad smile. "Well when you put it that way Snivellus why don't I save you the trouble?" Severus darted towards his slacks, but Sirius caught him pressing his wrists to the wall.

It was only now Snape became coherent enough to note his surroundings. Still disoriented from the head injury everything seemed to happen in slow motion. He could see the maniacal glint in Blacks' eye. He could smell the sweat, feel it pooling in his underarms in what was sure to be unsightly damp spots on his shirt and he could see the droplets on Blacks' face: his forehead, the end of his nose, his upper lip. And he could feel the heat. The heat from the sun, The heat from desire ,the heat from embarrassment, It was the kind of heat that could only lead to irrationality and disaster.

Sirius licked the sweat from his upper lip before whispering into Snape's ear. "I can't have you slithering around following me like a fucking snake. So do you want to know Snape? If I tell you Remus' secret will you back off?" Severus gave an involuntary shiver completely vulnerable without his trousers. He prayed Sirius wouldn't notice the interested twitch of his cock.

The warm breath assaulted his ear once more. "Tonight at 9:00 sneak down to the Whomping Willow. You can use a long stick to press the small knot near the base of the tree. It will immobilize the tree long enough for your bony ass to slither down the hole near the roots. Follow the tunnel and you'll learn all about Remus and his secrets. Understood?"

Snape nodded before being unceremoniously released. He stumbled back and hastily put on his trousers and grabbed his wand. By the time he was armed once more Sirius was already walking away.

"Maybe if nothing else tonight will teach you to keep your greasy fucking nose out of other people's business." He didn't even turn, but just stalked away. Severus watched him go, until the only thing left of Blacks' presence was the echo of barking laughter reverberating off the walls. Determined, with a fire in his belly hotter than this blasted summer, Snape set off to the dungeons. He had to prepare for tonight.

Hours later Albus Dumbledore was roused by a white faced Poppy Pomfrey and three teenage boys in various states of duress. When the crisis was successfully dealt with and Snape, Potter and Black sent off to bed he heaved a heavy sigh.

He turned to the window of his tower and gazed at the grounds. The sprawling wonder of Hogwarts never ceased to amaze him. He loved nothing more than the view from this window. Up so high everything seemed small. But it was nights like tonight he resented having to view life from the big picture.

"Albus." Poppy's voice was barely audible, "You can't be serious. Sirius Black almost killed that poor boy! And not only that, he put Remus' very existence in jeopardy! Heaven forbid if Severus had died or been turned… you know the law Remus would have been put to death!"

Albus turned around and faced Poppy. In all his years he had never seen her so rattled. "There's nothing I can do Poppy my hands are tied."

"Whatever do you mean your hands are tied?!" Poppy cried incredulously, "You are the Headmaster! You can levy any punishment you see fit! Not to mention this isn't a first time offense. I have patched up Severus Snape so many times because of those four I've lost count. Sirius Black should be expelled immediately."

Albus walked and sat at his desk. "Sit down Poppy" he said gesturing to the chair, "I would offer a Ginger Newt, but I doubt you would care for a snack right now." Poppy sat and Albus steepled his fingers before continuing.

"Poppy, you must understand my position. I don't like it anymore than you. If times were different expelling Sirius Black would be a simple decision, however there are bigger factors to consider."

Poppy raised an incredulous eyebrow, "Other factors? Alb-" Albus silenced her by raising a hand.

"Another disenfranchised half-blood joining Voldemort's army will make no difference. The heir of the Noble and Ancient House of Black joining the Light will make all the difference in the world. That is the kind of clout that can tip the scale in our favor. Wizengamot votes. Family Alliances. If it should come to pass Voldemort makes headway into the ministry we will need a name like Black to thwart him."

"I thought Sirius Black was disowned. Isn't Regulus the heir?"

"Walburga says what she wishes, but has no real power in the family line and Orion sees what he wants to see. Sirius will not be disowned."

Poppy couldn't believe what she was hearing. "So you're willing to throw away justice for a victim of a violent assault in exchange for... an advantage in a situation that might not even come to pass?!"

"That is how wars are won."

"It's sick."

Albus bowed his head, "I agree. Wars are sick."

Poppy stood up shaking a finger at her employer, "I won't let you do this. You have a duty to this school. You have a duty to Severus Snape."

"Poppy. If I don't do this Voldemort could win this war. Someone has to make the hard decisions. I don't like it anymore than you do, but sacrificing this one instance of 'justice' can save lives." Albus' eyes lost the last of their twinkle "I need you to make an oath to me Poppy. You must never speak of this to anyone."

"Albus I..."

"Poppy. You must."

In the light of the full moon Albus' stare was as sharp as glass and cold as ice. It wasn't a demand Poppy could refuse. She lowered her head in shame.

"Very well... God have mercy on us all..."

James tore through the common room, dragging a haggard looking Sirius up the stairs. Entering the sixth year dormitory they came face to face with a terrified Peter.

"What happened is Remus alright? Did Snape get hurt?"

"Not now Peter, out of the way. I'll fill you in later."

James dug his fingernails into Sirius' wrist and pushed past Pettigrew. He strode to the bathroom and shut the door. After applying the appropriate locking and silencing charms he rounded on Sirius.

"What the fuck was that?!"

Sirius had never seen James this angry. He looked down at the floor ashamed.

"James... I-"

James shoved him "No, seriously what the fuck were you thinking."

Sirius could feel the tears welling in his eyes. It felt surreal. All the things he had said and done to Snape earlier that evening so distant and hazy it was hard to believe they had happened at all. Everything he had told Snape made sense at the time. He tried to explain the best he could.

"Look this afternoon, when I stayed to investigate the crash... He was there James! He was spying on us! He told me he was going to find out our secret and ruin us. I couldn't let that happen."

"So you TOLD him our secret? That makes no fucking sense Sirius."

Sirius cringed and felt the first tears fall. "No... I don't know James I figured if he found out it wouldn't matter. No one would believe him if he tried to rat. No one believes Snape anyway."

James made a noise like an angry animal and pulled at his hair. "Not good enough Sirius you almost got him KILLED! What's more if anything had happened... MOONY COULD HAVE DIED SIRIUS DON'T YOU GET IT!"

The tears felt hot on his cheeks. Sirius had never felt so ashamed of himself. "I... James... I didn't mean anything by it I swear. I just wanted to scare him..."

"Not good enough! Moony is going to kill you when he finds out tomorrow. You know how frightened he is of his transformations. You know how afraid he is of attacking someone when he's not in his right mind. You betrayed his trust. You betrayed all of our trust."

"I'm sorry James. Just... FUCK! I'm so fucking sorry." Sirius punched the wall so hard James heard the bones break. Sirius seemed unfazed by the pain, "You weren't there. He kept talking about Regulus. He kept saying how it was my fault he's going to meetings and I was so mad. I hate him James I fucking hate him! I couldn't even think straight. Just the thought of him bringing Regulus into the Death Eaters."

James face softened. It was difficult to stay angry when Sirius got worked up like this. This summer had been rough. Sirius had put on a happy face. During break he regularly told the Potter's he didn't care at all about the family he left behind, but James knew how much the separation was hurting him. And he knew Sirius blamed himself for not convincing Regulus to leave too.

"Sirius..." James placed a hand on Sirius' shoulder, but Sirius refused to make eye contact.

"Sirius. You have an issue. Every time you get mad you don't think things through. I'm not saying what Snape said is right it's not. It's fucked up what he said about Regulus. It's not your fault Regulus is getting in with You-Know-Who. It's your parent's, and his housemate's and his own fucking fault. Not yours... But mate, if you keep losing it like this every time something pisses you off... you're going to end up in Azkaban. Just, promise me to start thinking before you act."

Sirius mulled this over. Not understanding what James meant at all. Maybe if he tried explaining again, "But Snape..."

"Dammit Sirius!" James shouted kicking the waste bin over. He ran a hand through his already messier-than-usual hair, "I'm going to bed. Just think about it alright." And with that he left Sirius in the bathroom alone.

Sirius pondered James' parting words. There was no way he was over emotional. This was a one-time thing. It's not like he made rash decisions often. A sharp pain shot up his hand. He looked down at it. It was turning a nasty shade of purple and swelling up. 'Probably broken then,' he thought to himself, 'guess I'll have to see Pomfrey tomorrow.'

The next morning Severus sat in the Great Hall still shaking and unable to eat.

A werewolf. He had suspected it early on, but given what Potter said the night before it seemed impossible! He still had no clue how the four managed to deliver chocolate to a werewolf every full moon and survive. Perhaps he had misunderstood… But even discounting the chocolate evidence, when Black told him to go down the tunnel he never thought he would come face to face with a werewolf! He assumed, best-case scenario he'd observe something useful. More than likely, the worse case scenario would come to pass and he'd be ambushed in a four on one fight. He never thought Black would try and kill him.

He stared across the hall at the group in question. A red-eyed Lupin sat in the center of the group currently being consoled by the chubby mousy prick. While Sirius looked glum being whispered to by an angry Potter. The attitudes of his nemeses if possible made his anger flare even brighter.

How dare they sit together looking so rattled? They have no right. There were no consequences for any of them. After all Dumbledore was hasty to latch on to Black's excuse. A prank, just a boyhood prank, never meant any harm. Of course, Gryffindors and their bloody pranks. It seemed as a Slytherin he was simply unable to understand Gryffindor's highbrow humor. He was a victim! But instead of justice he had been forced into silence under wizarding oath, threat of expulsion and wand snapping. It was enough to make him want to scream.

He stood abruptly from the table and marched from the room scaring the group of first years to his right. Oath or not, expulsion or not, he risked everything for a reason and he'd be damned if he didn't fulfill it. He might not be able to say exactly what happened. But surely he could convince Lily of the danger and win her back! Surely he could at least get some compensation…

It was after dinner by the time he found Lily alone. She was sitting on a stone bench in the east garden studying her History of Magic text oblivious to the world around her. It made his heart ache. She used to be like a sister to him, more family than any of his blood relatives. But here and now the feet separating them felt like miles.

His throat was suddenly dry, but summoning the little courage he had left he spoke.

"Good afternoon Lily."

Lily jumped almost dropping her textbook. Her bright green eyes widening at his presence and he saw a flicker of sadness before they settled into anger, the only way she looked at him anymore.

"What do you want Severus?"

He wanted to run. Wilt from the emotional onslaught of their first confrontation in a full year. Everything was painfully familiar yet different. Her cheeks had the same freckles, but they weren't flushed in joy. Her eyes the same color but lacked their mischievous sparkle. Her lips the same shape, but currently settled into the scowl she used to reserve for Potter. Regardless he pressed on.

"Look I could get expelled for this but please you have to listen to me. I've been working on this for months and I found out something terrible. It's about Lupin and Pettigrew and… Black and… Potter. You have to promise me you'll stop spending time with them."

Lily blinked disbelievingly, "Why?"

Severus bit his lip. This was not going as planned. Wasn't this the part where she acknowledged his efforts and took him back? "I can't tell you why, but… but… trust me Lily they are DANGEROUS. You have to believe me."

"Severus stop," Lily interrupted, her anger dissipating and tears welling in her eyes. Expression shifting from anger to indignation, "Are you still hanging out with Mulciber and Avery?"

"Yes, but…"

"I heard rumors of you attending a certain meeting in Knockturn Alley last month with Lucius Malfoy is that true?"


"IS IT?!"

"Yes, it's true but-" Lily abruptly slammed her history text shut cutting him off. She grabbed her bag and stood pointing a finger to his chest.

"How dare you accuse ME of hanging around dangerous people? Firstly, as it stands I spend very little time with James, Sirius, Peter and Remus. Secondly, I agree they are bullies, but Lucius Malfoy is DANGEROUS what you're doing is WRONG. Going to death eater meetings. Practicing dark magic. Given your actions and the people regularly in your company it's pretty obvious YOU are more dangerous for me to be around than those four." She inhaled a jagged breath and furiously wiped at her eyes before continuing.

"I'm DONE with your excuses Severus Snape. I told you last year that I cannot be around you anymore. It's bad for me. It hurts me to see you betray me like this. You were supposed to be my best friend but if you are willing to believe that vile pureblood supremacy crap you obviously don't give a damn about me." Lily turned to leave the courtyard but Severus desperately lunged grabbing her arm.

"No! I do! I care about you Lily I swear I do-"

"Save it. I'm done. I NEVER want to talk to you again." She shook him off but he could see her trembling as she walked back towards the castle and so he called out in one more desperate attempt.

"Are you going to stop hanging around those four? Stop it completely?"

"Are you going to stop hanging around those Death Eaters?"

"Lily please just let me explain-"

"Actions speak louder than words." And with that she left him alone in the garden, his task incomplete.

Even as the fear and sorrow threatened to overwhelm him Severus pushed them away latching on to his anger instead. 'Actions speak louder than words' how DARE she. If only she knew. As if she could compare his harmless political party with a fucking werewolf! A werewolf is a literal MONSTER! A werewolf is the definition of DANGEROUS!

Why didn't his life ever turn out like it was supposed to? He was alone. Bullied without cause, by his father, by his teachers, by his classmates. Why couldn't life just let him have this one thing?! Lily was all he had in this world how DARE she take that away from him!

A mantra pounded through his head as he made his way to the dungeons, "I HATE Dumbledore. I HATE Lupin. I HATE Sirius Black. I HATE everything. I HATE Dumbledore. I HATE Lupin. I HATE Sirius Black…" He played it on a loop in his mind until he threw open the door to his dorm room coming face to face with Mulciber, Avery, Wilkes and Rosier.

Mulciber lazily waved a meaty hand in his direction. "Hey Snape just in time. We're going to another meeting tonight, nothing big just some Firewhisky and talking politics. You in? Lucius Malfoy's coming."

He looked at his dorm mates and thought of the meeting last month surrounded by status, like minds and good whiskey. Somehow he knew tonight all three would be welcome.

"Let me get my cloak…"


I am a new writer
It's difficult sure.
My thoughts on my work
Tend towards insecure.

So if you would lend
Just a bit of your time
To give me some feedback
That would be sublime.

Just click on the button.
No need to be shy.
Even if you hate it
That won't make me cry.

Instead I will grin
Every viewpoint's unique
And I will improve
Through your honest critique.
