(A/N – I do not own any of the Boondocks Saints, only my own thoughts and creations. Ok this is going to be a short story because I can't get it out of my mind. It started off as a one shot, but the more I wrote the more I wanted to write. But still it won't be too long and then I will get back to writing my TWD stories. Anything that will be in a different language will be translated in parenthesis. Let me know what you think, this is the first BDS that I have written so be kind!)

Chapter 1:

"Doc!" Sarah called as she walked through the door. Doc smiled at her and put a beer up on the counter while he served a group of men that were gathered around the end of the bar. Sarah sat on the stool and slid off her high heels. She was a doctor at the nearby hospital and usually she wore flats, but today she had a meeting in the morning and she had forgotten to bring a change of shoes, making her feet numb by the end of the day. "I love ya Doc," Sarah said as she tried to maneuver her left foot over her right leg without giving the men a show of what she was wearing under her skirt. She sipped at her beer while rubbing first her left foot then her right. When Doc was done with the men he stood across the bar from her and they talked until it was closing time.

Sarah was on her third beer and had already had several shots when Doc shooed away the men telling them it was time to go home. "Care if I stay and help out tonight Doc?" Sarah asked watching the older man. Doc looked at her and then looked at the door as if he was expecting someone. "Yo….yo….You can stay but I don't need yer help. You had a long enough day."

"If you're waiting for someone I can take off," Sarah offered as she leaned down and picked her shoes up before walking over to Doc. She enjoyed the cold floor on her tired feet and did her best not to think about what was on the floor. Doc's bar was clean, but it was still a bar. "Just a feelin'. Na reason ta be kickin' ya out," Doc said smiling while juggling the mugs in his hand. Sarah put her shoes down on the pool table before taking three of the mugs. "Still gonna help ya Doc," she said leaning and kissing his right cheek. He smiled and nodded then continued to clean.

They cleaned in a comfortable silence for a short while before Sarah sat back in her seat while Doc pulled out a bottle of Irish and poured two drinks. Sarah held up her glass and they clinked them together before drinking them. Sarah had been coming to Doc's a lot since her and her friends had found it one night when they had been out on the town. It was probably about four years ago now, and while her friends preferred bars that were more on the club side, Sarah liked Doc's bar and she had grown to love the old bar tender as if he was her own father. Doc had started letting her stay after closing when she had long days and in turn she helped him clean the bar. It was a routine they both had grown comfortable with, but for some reason tonight felt different.

After a few more shots and some more Irish, this time straight from the bottle, Sarah was past buzzed and was closing in on drunk when Doc started getting antsy. Sarah giggled a little while she watched the man rearrange bottles and glasses before putting them back to where they had been before. "What are ya doin' Doc," she smiled at him while she crossed her arms and rested her chin on top of them.

"Can't seem to sit still," Doc muttered and Sarah closed her eyes.

Sarah jolted awake when she heard a metal door open and Doc yell, "BOYS!" Sarah rubbed her face trying not to smear her make-up while she tried to listen to who was coming in with Doc. "Jesus, Mary and Joseph! I saw da ne, ne, news channel. Are ya boys all right?" Doc asked as she heard the footsteps grow closer.

"Sound as an Irish pound, Doc," a man's voice replied.

"Is it too late for a shot?" a different man asked.

"Oh, the Lord told me you'd be comin! He said, "Doc, they're comin" and I was ta get everything ready. So I did. Everything's ruh, ruh, ruh, it's all set."

"Uh, hem!" a new voice said causing the footsteps to fall right before they could enter the room making Sarah slide off the stool toward the pool table to get her shoes and slip out because she didn't want to impose on Doc and his friends. She tip toed to the pool table feeling as though Doc had forgotten all about her. "Oh," the second man's voice said making Sarah freeze for a moment before she saw they weren't in the room yet, "this is our Mexican." Sarah placed a hand over her mouth to stop her from laughing because for some reason, probably the alcohol, she found that funny. Just as she reached her shoes she heard two sets of footsteps enter the room while Doc introduced himself to the Mexican. "How are ya, lad? They call me… Fuck!... Ass!"

"Nice to meet you, Fuck Ass, I'm Romeo."

"Well then Doc," the first man called out making Sarah freeze with her back to the men, "Who's the lass yer tryin' ta sneak out of 'ere?"

"Sarah!" Doc said hurrying into the room with Romeo right behind him. Sarah turned awkwardly and slowly to the men. She straightened up and held her shoes down by her side while waving wordlessly to the men that stood with big smiles on their faces. "Sorry Doc," she said backing away slowly, "Didn't mean ta fall asleep on ya. I'll let myself out."

"Hey now princess," the man who spoke to her a few seconds ago called out as he caught her arm when she had turned to run out. Sarah's back went straight as she took a few deep breaths trying her best not to throw the man on his ass for touching her. "That's what Sarah means, right?"

"Yes," Sarah said slowly turning to face him. Something in her eyes had Connor letting go of her before walking over to the bar and grabbing the bottle of Irish. "Hola princesa. Mi nombre es Romeo, tal vez usted podria ser mi Julieta," the man named Romeo said walking up to her. (Hey there princess. My name is Romeo, maybe you could be my Juliet.)

At that, Sarah burst out laughing while Romeo ran his hand over his hair beaming at her. Finally she was able to say, "No hay manera en el infierno, buena oportunidad, sin embargo! Tiene alguna vez funciona de esa linea?" (No way in hell, good try though! Does that line ever work?)

"You speak Spanish?" Romeo said his chest deflating from the stab at his ego, "And yea it works. Sometimes," he mumbled as he walked away and the two boys who had been laughing while the conversation was happening were now laughing harder as Romeo plopped down at the bar. "Anyway Doc," Sarah said smiling at the man before walking, stumbling a little, over to him which made her walk past the other man who hadn't said anything to her yet. She tripped a bit and the man caught her by her elbow while she steadied herself and made it to Doc. She placed a small kiss on Doc's cheek, "I'm gonna take off and let you have yer guys night."

"Should ya really be drivin like this lass?" the man finally spoke to her.

"I'm not drivin," she giggled as she slipped on her shoes.

"Lord almighty Sarah," Doc said as she used him to balance herself while she put her shoes on, "Ya scare me half ta death when ya walk home like this."

"You worry too much," she said turning and walking toward the door. Murphy watched has she passed him ready to catch her if he needed to. The heels made her seem taller then what she was, but she still hardly reached his chin. Her strawberry blonde hair fell in waves down to the middle of her back and swayed as she walked. She wasn't quite skinny, but she had curves that could knock a man on his ass while her ice blue eyes would paralyze him and bend him to her will. He couldn't help but watch as he ass swayed side to side as she walked and he let his eyes slip lower over her nicely shaped legs. "Hey now sweetheart," he heard his brother say as he snapped out of his head, "No need to rush and leave. Why don't ya have a drink with us?"

"I should get going," Sarah said trying to walk around him but Connor wasn't moving.

"No gentleman would let a lady walk home alone," he said moving his hand to her arm slowly, "Especially not when said lady has been drinking and is in a shady part of town."

"Done it 'for," she said as she let Connor lead her to the bar. She stumbled again and this time Connor was the one to grab her.

"Aye," Connor said letting her sit down.

"Thank God," Murphy heard Doc sigh before heading over to the bar and getting Sarah some water.

"Thanks da," Sarah said jokingly, "So who are you two?" The boys glanced at each other for a brief moment and Doc looked back and forth between everyone there. "Connor," the man sitting to the left of her said taking a swig out of the bottle while keeping his eyes on Sarah.

"I'm Murphy," the other man said sitting down to her right and holding his hand out to his brother to take a drink. Murphy locked eyes with her and Sarah found it hard to look away. Connor cleared his throat and Sarah felt her cheeks heat up before she laughed awkwardly before sliding back of the stool. Both brothers moved to catch her thinking she was going to try to leave again but she held her hands up, "Easy there boys." She felt the world tilt under her and then two large warm hands were grabbing her wrists. She laughed as the boys watched her with amused smiles. "Why don't ya sit down princess?" Connor said standing up.

"I'm ok," she smiled, "It's these damned shoes. They make my ass and legs look amazing but they kill my feet. Annnnnnd I don't know why I just said that out loud. Anyway! I don't wanna just sit here all night." Connor let out a chuckle while Murphy coughed as he swallowed some of his drink wrong. Sarah made it back to the pool table when she bent down to take her shoes off giving the brother's a nice view of her ass. Connor shot Murphy a knowing smiled and Murphy glared back to him. "Ya can play pool princess?"

"No actually," she said picking up one stick and some blue chalk, "Always wanted to learn though."

"Wanna learn tonight then?" Connor asked as he started to roll up his sleeve but then stopped.


"Nothin," he said rolling them up the rest of the way. Sarah smiled as she saw his tattoo, "Nice. I have a few too."

"Oh yea?" Connor said coming up next to her.

"Mhmm," she smiled as his sent filled her nose.

"Can I see em?" he teased.

"Not drunk enough for that," she laughed as she turned to gather up the balls.

"How about two on two?" Connor said behind her. She glanced over her shoulder when Romeo and Murphy started heading their way.

"I'm gonna make you lose though," she pouted.

"Don't worry about it princess," Connor said draping and arm over her shoulder, "I can beat 'em with my eyes closed."

"That's cause yer dreamin' brotha," Murphy laughed out and Romeo joined in with him. She laughed as the boys bickered while she racked up the balls. When she was done she took the stick back form Connor. "Ladies first," Murphy said to Conner.

"Haha," Connor mocked him back, "Alright now princess, let me show ya how ta hold the stick." Connor helped Sarah get the hold right with her fingers before placing one hand on her back to lean her over. His body covered her and she couldn't help but wiggle a little bit under him. Murphy cleared his throat and Connor put a hand on her hip stilling her. He whispered into her ear and helped her line up the shot until she broke the balls. Three of the balls went in and they both stood up as Sarah flung her arms around Connor, "I did it!"

"Aye!" he laughed.

"Should we give ya two a minute," Murphy said sounding a little aggitaded.

"Jealous brotha?"

"Nah just wanta beat yer ass as this game."

"Ha! Just go on and try to beat us!" Connor said wrapping his arm back over Sarah's shoulders. Sarah played a little but mostly watched as the game went on. She admired how the boys moved, how their muscles flexed when they took a shot. She felt warm from just watching them, and every time one of them would touch her in passing she would feel a little jolt of excitement. And every time she would catch one watching her, her knees went a little weak under their gaze.

When the game finally ended and Connor won, everyone did another shot. "Alright Connor," Sarah said walking up to him. She jumped up onto the table so she was sitting on the edge only inches from his face. "I wanta play against you."

"I don't think yer ready for it," Connor laughed as Sarah slid down off the table.

"Afraid you're gonna lose?" she said fisting the front of his shirt and pulling him closer.

"Aye he's afraid of losin to a girl," Murphy laughed and Sarah shot a glare over her shoulder at him.

"What's wrong with losing to a girl?" she questioned and Murphy stopped laughing.

"Aye brotha what's wrong with losin to a girl," Connor mocked his brother.

"Nothin," Murphy said holding his hands up in surrender.

"Alright boys," Sarah said, "Let's make this interesting." She reached into her bra and pulled out two twenties and slapped them on the table.

"Now lass, I wouldn't feel right takin yer money."

"Co, co, come on now boys give her a chance," Doc said bringing another bottle for us.

"Alright! Alright!" Murphy said pulling money from his wallet and setting it down with hers, "Don't feel too bad when you lose princess." Sarah watched Doc, Murphy and Romeo exchange money behind her while she picked up a piece of chalk and rubbed it slowly over the tip cue before bringing it to her mouth and seductively blowing off the dust. "Ladies first," Connor said stepping back and bowing.

Sarah sauntered over to the other edge of the table and lined up her first shot. She looked over and winked at Murphy before taking the shot, never breaking eye contact with Murphy. Sarah took her shot and sand five balls. "I'll take stripes," Sarah said smiling as she brushed by Conner who was now watching her with wide eyes.

Shot after shot Sarah sank each ball in whatever pocket she called out. Doc watched nearby as the game played on while Murphy sat there with the same dumb founded look on his face that Romeo had. "Come on now," Connor said running both hands through his hair.

"Alright," Sarah giggled, "I'll close my eyes for this one." She leaned down and lined up her shot then closed her eyes. She listened to the men breathing and made sure that no one was moving. She then took a deep breath herself and released as the cue shot forward through her fingers. She kept her eyes closed until she heard the ball drop from the table into the pocket and only opened them again when she heard Connor start muttering curses in different languages.

"Haha!" Doc shouted out a laugh and took the money the boys had left him, "That's ma, ma, my girl!"

"You fuckin' new!" Connor yelled throwing the stick onto the table. Sarah laughed and walked over to him.

"I wouldn't feel right takin yer money," she mocked him and held up the money he had put down.

"You knew how to play this entire time!" Connor continued with his voice raised.

"Maybe you're just a really good teacher," he said tucking the money into the waist band of his pants.

"Bull shit!" he yelled after her as she walked up to Doc who had split the money and gave her half.

"I can't believe you played us old man!" Connor said grabbing the nearest bottle and taking a long drink.

"Oh come on Connor," Sarah laughed as Connor seethed and Murphy yelled at Doc saying he wanted his money back.

"Double or nothing," Connor said reaching for his wallet.

"Darlin'," Sarah said taking off her coat, "I'm not taking your money."

"Not pool princess," Connor smirked.

"Whatcha thinkin'?" Sarah asked.

"Cards," Connor said walking over to where Doc was standing. After giving Doc a quick glare Connor picked up a deck of playing cards up and walked back to Sarah. She smirked at him, "Can I pick the first game so everyone can play?"

"Absolutely not," Connor said laughing.

"Fine," she sighed, "But after I beat you at whatever game you pick. We play one of my games."

"You mean if," Connor said handing her the cards, "If you beat me at Poker. What will you pick?"

"When. When I win, we will play King Card."

"The fuck is tha'?" Murphy said now that his curiosity was spiked again.

"Oh I love that game!" Romeo cheered cracking his knuckles and practically jumping up and down. Sarah laughed and helped set up the table and chairs for a poker game.

(A/N – So I hope you like it! I tried to keep it short but I hope it isn't too short! This just felt like a good place to end it! Let me know what you think and if you don't know what King Card and you're able to drink, you should give it a go with some friends. Awesome game, here's the rules if you want to see what our friends here are going to be playing… … It's called Kings on there. Either way I'm going to put these up as soon as I finish them and hopefully I get some great reviews from awesome people! Lots of love!)