Author's notes: Hi guys, this is my first sasuhina fanfic so please bear with me. I would appreciate all sorts of feedback!

This story mainly centers around Sasuke and Hinata, as well as some one-sided Naruhina and there will be future Kibaino moments (There might be other pairings as well) . I've set the story 2 years after the events of chapter 699, so it may appear to be following the canon story line. However, I can assure you, the plot is very different from canon. Furthermore, I've tried to make the characters as in character as possible. Especially in Sasuke's case where he seems more open about his thoughts at the end of chapter 699. So I've tried to find a balance where Sasuke converses more and his thoughts are very personal, yet he still maintains a cynical personality when needed. Anyway enjoy :-)

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto but I do own many Naruto merchandise.

italics are for the character's personal thoughts.

Chapter 1:

Through his long raven-haired bangs, Sasuke saw the Hokage monument come into shape. Six faces –So the idiot wasn't Hokage. This information did not surprise Sasuke as Naruto was still young. In another few years his face would be up there. Tch. That realisation irked Sasuke; it would be as if Naruto was always watching. These last two years spent alone felt like a nice break from his loud-mouthed friend. He would never admit it – that Naruto was his closest friend – but he was sure that the idiot knew. Sasuke smirked proudly remembering the hardships both he and Naruto faced in the past. Adulthood however would be the next hardship for the two of them. There was just so much that needed to happen, from Naruto becoming Hokage to him and Sasuke discussing the reforms to the shinobi system. To rebuilding the Uchiha district and somewhere along the lines the both of them had to start their own respective families. Sasuke grimaced, a family required finding a wife and finding a wife required searching for a decent woman who met his standards. Shit. He had not sat down and thought heavily on his desire to restore his clan. Leave it alone and think about it later Sasuke. Just think about it later.

"Tch. Still guarding the gates," Sasuke noted as he strolled right through. For a moment he intended for it to be a question but his arrogance forced it to be a statement. He definitely did not give a damn about those two Chunins – Izumo and Kotetsu. A question implied that he did and he hated beating around the bush. The brunette seemed to not change his appearance at all and the one with the spiky black hair still donned a strip of bandage across the bridge of his nose. Sasuke deduced that the latter still looked as idiotic as ever.

The two village guards both looked up irritated, "Who the hell –"

Sasuke raised his eyebrows at the two Chunins. Feeling pleasantly nice he activated his sharigan and rinnegan to assist them at guessing who he was. The recognition occurred in matter of seconds that the two guards were flabbergasted. They then stammered out there apologies. Sasuke didn't really care but it felt good knowing his superiority could cause that. Sasuke smirked, the knowledge of this felt equivalent to a room of silence - fucking amazing.

Kakashi Hatake leaned back into his chair with a sigh. The mass amount of paperwork the Hokage role induced was beyond his imagination. No wonder why Tsunade kept sake in here. Kakashi ruffled his white hair as he leaned forward to his desk. He opened the draws hoping to find at least some sake.

"Tsunade-sama beat you to it already Hokage-sama. She emptied out all the draws that contained sake. She didn't miss a single drop."

Kakashi leaned back into his chair again. Shizune's revelation did not help his tiresome mood one bit. Moreover, she walked straight to his desk only to dump even more paperwork. Great.

Shizune laughed quietly at his sombre expression. "Oh, Izumo and Kotesu sent a message."


"Uchiha Sasuke has returned to the village."

Sasuke hesitated as his hand begun to twist the doorknob to Kakashi's office. Shizune had walked past him earlier, greeted him and told Sasuke to head straight in. Tch. Sasuke had purposely walked slower in order to avoid meeting with his old sensei. He wasn't in the mood to deal with neither Kakashi nor Team Seven. He needed rest and silence. After that he would sought them out. However, Sasuke knew that word would have reached Kakashi of his arrival. If he did not come now, Kakashi would only cause trouble for Sasuke later. Sasuke gripped the doorknob and gritted his teeth. Let's just get it over and done with.

Kakashi Hatake looked up from his Icha Icha Paradise novel and waved at Sasuke with a crinkled eye, "Yo."

Sasuke closed the door and leaned against the nearest wall. He observed Kakashi turn a page of his perverted novel as he leaned back into his chair. Sasuke observed the numerous stacks of paperwork that flooded the office. It was still quite bizarre to see him as Hokage. Kakashi after all did not suite sitting behind a desk. Neither would Naruto, he's way too energetic.

"You know, I expected you here an hour ago," Kakashi looked up at Sasuke and smiled. "You're not picking up my habit of being late now, are you?" He teased.

"I got lost on the path of life," Sasuke mocked with a bitter tone.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes "Using my own excuses, very funny."

Kakashi snapped his book closed and leaned forward, resting his head on his hands. Taking it as signal that they were going to talk properly, Sasuke stood up straight and walked closer to the desk.

"Firstly, we need to discuss your rank. Technically, you're still a Genin and in normal circumstances you would need to take part in the exams in order to be promoted to the rank you're qualified for. However, taking into consideration of your past status as a missing-nin and then your travels, your situation is anything but normal. So I'm giving you the same option I gave Naruto – jounin or anbu?"


"You'll do well in the Anbu," Kakashi replied, "now don't think this is some sort of special treatment. It's mainly a precaution for other shinobi, after all both you and Naruto's abilities are at Sannin level or higher. We don't want an unintentional death on our hands."

Sasuke could agree with Kakashi on this. He was highly aware that both he and Naruto were the strongest shinobi in the world. Other villages would be insane to start a war with Konoha since there man power was tremendous. Speaking of tremendous power, Sasuke thought of his pink haired team mate.

"Sakura's a Sannin," he stated. He remembered her immense strength in the war. She truly had become a respectable and formidable kunoichi.

Kakashi raised his eyebrows, "I'm aware of that…" he trailed off until he realised what Sasuke was implying.

"Oh. Well, Sakura was already a chunin during the war. It was only natural she was promoted to jounin shortly after."

Kakashi's initial shock to Sasuke's subtle question was not a surprise. After all, Sasuke was acclaimed to be a heartless bastard. Sure, he was cold and cynical most of the time but there were some people who were fortunate to be granted his kindness or interest.
He would be disappointed if Sakura was not a jounin. She had long ago surpassed Tsunade as a fighter and as a medical ninja. Her power reflected the years of rigorous training. It would be a waste to not commend that. She deserved that at least from him. Satisfied with that information, Sasuke grunted giving permission to Kakashi to carry on.
Kakashi then began to explain that since Naruto was out on a mission for a week or so, Sasuke would stay with Kakashi until he returned. Sasuke scowled, that would mean an intense spar with Naruto would have to be postponed. If you can survive for two years without an intense spar, you can last a week. He pinched the bridge of his nose, repeating his thought as mantra.
He then discussed the prosthetic arm Tsunade had made for Sasuke was still available. He reinforced the pros of the arm, explaining that Naruto had no problems with it. Kakashi even had the guts to say that he highly recommended it. Tch. Sasuke already knew the pros of having the arm. He had even considered it quite a bit before he left two years ago. Yet Sasuke chose something far more valuable over the pros. His severed left arm served as a constant reminder for the one bond in his life that was constant – Naruto. He was eternally grateful for everything that idiot had done for him. He believed he hardly deserved the bond he and Naruto shared. Nonetheless, Naruto was the closest thing he had to a friend. That would always remain the same just like his severed arm.

"So, as promised the Uchiha district has been untouched. Rebuilding can commence whenever you wish."

Sasuke watched as Kakashi pulled out some papers from a draw. "Here," Kakashi handed him the papers which included a map of the land owned by the Uchiha's, as well as the previous outline of all the buildings in the district. "You can start from scratch or build a replica of the district."

Sasuke glanced at the papers quickly before folding them up and stuffing it into his pockets. He would think about rebuilding later. There was something else he had to do first in his mental to-do list.

"Hn," Sasuke turned around to leave and then paused. He turned his head around slightly to eye his old sensei, "Kakashi…where's Sakura?"

Kakashi stood up from his chair and walked over to Sasuke, "Working. She's a very busy woman. Here," Kakashi handed Sasuke a folded piece of paper, "It's the address of my home. There's a spare key under the mat."

Before he knew it Kakashi had pushed Sasuke out of his office. It felt nostalgic to be treated like a child. Yet it was also infuriating. As he walked down the stairs of the Hokage building, Sasuke came to a conclusion: Kakashi had not changed at all.

With his hands in his pockets, Sasuke walked through the village searching for Kakashi's house. It was awfully hot and he could feel the sweat dripping from his hair. His bangs had grown severely long, covering most of his forehead and tickling his nose and eyes. He had been too lazy to trim his bangs before returning. He would have to cut them tonight with his kunai. Sasuke flicked his head a little, ridding some of the sweat. He looked down at his poncho. I'll have to get rid of that as well. During his travels the poncho had its uses but now he was no longer travelling and it was inexcusably scorching.
Sasuke made a turn into one of the busy streets of Konoha. He hated crowds. It involved too much noise, too much bickering and too much talking. It lacked silence. Unfortunately, this was the only apparent way to Kakashi's apartment. Sasuke thought about jumping from building to building. However, that would only gain unnecessary attention he did not want. Sasuke continued on his way, thankful that no one had recognised him yet.
Sasuke made his way through the busy street, avoiding any eye or physical contact. He was almost at the end of the street when something caught his eye. Sasuke turned his head quickly to glance at what caught his vison. He smirked, proud of what he found. Making his way to it, his smirk quickly became a faint smile before diminishing to his infamous scowl.

"I'll take four tomatoes."

The old lady at the stall nodded her head and began to gather his tomatoes. It had been a while since he had sunk his teeth into his favourite food. His stomach began rumbling quietly at the thought of the juicy tomatoes. Sasuke pulled out some money from his pocket, giving it to the old lady. However, she gasped at realising whom he was.

"What?" Sasuke hissed.

The old lady smiled at him before answering, "I thought you looked familiar. You have the exact same face as your mother," she frowned, before returning it to a smile, "she used to always buy my tomatoes – she said it was her son's favourite. " The old lady bowed suddenly, "Thank you for your efforts in the war. We all appreciate it."

Sasuke nodded at the old lady as she stood up straight again. She gave him his tomatoes in a bag and he left abruptly, unsure of what he was feeling. In the past, Sasuke's defection had caused people to see him as a traitor to Konoha. Yet the old lady had said 'we all appreciate it.' This sudden change of atmosphere annoyed Sasuke. He did not expect people to 'thank him'. Tch. Sasuke decided he would ponder about this later. He swung the bag of the tomatoes over his shoulders. The old lady's revelation of his mother had triggered memories of his mother's cooking. He closed his onyx eyes for a second, relishing in the memories of his family.

That of course was a huge mistake as he walked into the back of somebody. The person gasped and Sasuke deduced it was a timid woman as she gasped silently. Sasuke opened his eyes to regard her as she turned around to face him. The two were so close that her face was centimetres away from his chest. Sasuke looked down at her and came to two conclusions: firstly, she was tiny. Secondly, her elegant, lavender yukata meant she was well-off and unfortunately for her he could see her big breasts. Okay, so maybe that was three. She tilted her head up and their eyes met. Sasuke was correct to assume she was shy as she blushed profoundly. Sasuke smirked as she stepped back from him immediately. The woman ensured that it was a good enough distance for Sasuke to not look down her shirt. She brought her hands in front of her and looked up at Sasuke immediately. Her lavender eyes met with his onyx.

"Hyuga," he scowled.

Please review as it would make my day/night :-)