Here's the final chapter! I hope you guys loved the series and the series I'll be starting on Dorendy will be uploaded later on today (I totally forgot about carla in this chapter ;-;) so enjoy see you guys in the next series! Review the story as well!

Chapter 16

"So Mest are you going to stay in Sliver Fox or are you going to join Fairy Tail?"

"I don't know Wendy, the only thing that's on my mind right now.. Is you."

Wendy looked at him with the most tender and loving smile he ever seen in his life. Through a life full hurt, loss, and sadness he finally found the light of his life, and his reason to wake up every morning. They both were sitting in his apartment, and she was snuggled up in his arms as her head was in the nape of his neck. His arms were wrapped her as he enjoyed her warmth. He didn't know how he lived those seven years, plus the three that he had been gone. Then Doranbolt remembered something in that moment when he talked with Lahar.

"Well we heard that this item, which we don't know what it is either, can cause someone to get stuck in their own mind in an infinite space or time. The only way out is different for each person, apparently it has to be something to give them the will to live. It can be very dangerous if in the wrong hands, and we want to make sure no one else falls victim to it accidentally. Silver Fox would be helping the world and the council by doing this mission."

"Well I don't see a problem I guess we get more than the actual reward. The thing is I have to tell the guild about it and I don't want my old job back. I'm happy working at the shop and the guild, sorry."

"I don't care if you tell your guild about this, but you have to take the offer for the job! That's the whole reason why I'm here in the first place!"

"Lahar look at me, does my life look unstable to you? Does it seem like I need to get my life together? No, so why are you making a big deal out of it?"

"I'm doing this for your own good. If you don't accept my offer then your guild won't have nothing left."

Doranbolt was silence for a few minutes until he spoke up, "Alright I'll do it, just don't harm my friends or my guild, then you a got a deal."

He had forgotten his deal with Lahar, but ever since he came back Lahar has yet to talk to him. Maybe because he chose the girl over his friend, but he couldn't help it. He was sure that Lahar wouldn't let it go easily, but since that he had been gone for so long he might get off the hook.

"Hey Mest you okay? You spaced off for minute. I know you usually do that, but its been quite awhile now."

Wendy looked up at him worriedly when she spoke. He could hear the hint of fear in her voice too. She just as afraid as he was of losing each other. With one hand he caress her face comforting her. He smiled at her, "Don't worry Wens I was just thinking on what I should do right now, I have a lot things I need to make for, you know."

"I understand Mest, whatever you chose I'll be okay with, just don't forgot about your new family at Silver Fox... I still can't get used to how we are now.. Everyday it feels new to me, yet it feels like the most natural thing to me too."

"I could never forget about them, and I know what you mean."

Wendy was going to say something else, but bit her tongue, "Well we should go since everyone from Fairy Tail and Silver fox are waiting at the shop."

Even though Doranbolt never got to learn everything about Wendy, he still noticed her hesitation before she spoke. Before they left he wanted to hear what she had to say. He grabbed her hand before she got of the couch, "Wendy, please tell me what's wrong? Did I say something?"

"No, I'm just worried about you Mest... You lost so many years of your life already because of me.. Are you really sure you want to be here with me? Besides 'this', what we are, isn't even legal. You have so much you need to do I feel like I will only be in your way."

He pulled her back onto the couch, and held onto her. Whispering into her ear, he wanted to erase every single little doubt, "Wendy, if it wasn't for me wanting to be with you, I would still be in the orb. I had to wait ten years for you, and I will wait another thousand years if I have too, so waiting another three for me to 'legally' be with you is fine. Also you won't be in my way, you'll be the person to stand next to me for the rest of my life, just as I will. So, please don't say anything like that again."

As much as she tried to stay calm she couldn't, with his hot breathe against her ear it made her heart go crazy. She could feel the truth and his love for her in his words as he spoke. She couldn't take it anymore as she started to take deep breathes she spoke quietly, "Doranbolt.. P-please stop I can't think straight."

He only smirked, he found her weak spot. He longed for her to say his name the way that she did just now, it was like a drug. He knew he would feel guilty for teasing her, but she made it hard for him to control himself. The only thing he said was, "I won't stop. I can't stop loving you, even if I tried Wendy."

After that he started to leave soft kisses on her neck and around her ear. He had wrapped his arms around her again bringing her closer to him. The more kisses he left, the more she pushed into him. She leaned into his chest and moved her head as she looked up at him. She loved the feeling that coursed through her whole body, and wanted more. Soft pants came out of her mouth, then he kissed her on the lips not holding back. He could feel her body heating up even more as he glided his tongue over her bottom lip. He figured she would fall behind in their kiss, but she kissed back with the same intensity as he did.

She pulled back needing air for what seemed like forever, and could still feel the tingling in her body. Now that her mouth was free she tried to talk, "Doranbolt.. We have to go.. To Quinn's shop or we're going to be late."

As she talked he continued to leave kisses on her face and her neck. Once she said Quincy's name he bit into her neck making her go weak. He didn't want her thinking of anything but them. Once he finished, he tried speak but was finding it hard to, "I don't want you saying any other name but my own. They can wait for another twenty minutes can't they?"

Wendy turned around in his arms and looked into his eyes. She saw how much his love for her was driving him crazy, and she thought that he could see the same in her eyes. They both sat there not saying or doing anything, but looking into each other eyes. Finally she smiled at him then kissed him on the lips gently, "I love you Doranbolt.. Mest... But we have the rest of our lives to spend with each other so we should go, or else we will have Erza dragging us over there. "

He put his head on her should and sighed, "Alright, but I'm not leaving until I get one more kiss."

She giggled, "Okay one more then you promise we're leaving."

She pressed her lips against his, as his hands stayed at her back and gripped her hair. She never complained about him being rough mostly because she was too lost in his touch to care.


"Wens, we came to pick you U-."

"Black and white movie for sure, I think I'm going to cry."

"I can't believe Wendy got a boyfriend before I did... I think we should leave Quinn."

"Why it's at the good part, besides they haven't noticed us yet."

"I think they just did..."

Wendy was first to noticed when she open her eyes, she had already turned bright red. While Doranbolt noticed she had stiffen up and looked up at Wendy confused until he looked towards where Wendy was looking.

"God damn it Quincy! Get out!"

On the whole way over Wendy was a shade of bright pink. Until finally Doranbolt assured her that Quinn and Lucy weren't going to say anything about it. Walking into the store she couldn't believe they were able to fit everyone from both of their guilds into the shop. Freckles and Gray had spotted them first, making everyone notice next. They got swarm of hugs from everyone, even some asked when they were getting married, jokingly of course. They all continued to party the rest of the day away.

Wendy looked all her friends and at Doranbolt, then thought of how lucky she's been, even though it's been a tough road. She never thought she would see him so happy until he looked down at her lovingly. It made her heart skip a beat several times.

"Mest, it feels good to have everyone together like this, it reminds me of old times."

"Yeah, it does, doesn't it?... Wendy.. Those seven years without you..I want you know something."

She looked back over to see his eyes gleaming that wonderful sea foam green, "Hmm?"

He leaned in making sure she heard him over the loudness of the room, "From now on the old times are behind us, only our future we can look forward too. I don't what I will do without you, so I'm never letting you go, no matter what happens I'll be there to protect you. I love you."

She smiled at thought of the future, then spoke softly, "I'll always support you in every way possible, and hold on as tight as I can to you, I won't let you leave for some bimbo. Haha... I love you too Doranbolt."

Glancing around quickly, he put a small kiss on her lips making her smile. He will never get tired of the feeling of being next to her, and he's pretty sure it was the same for her. Any other difficulties they would face in the future, he's going to face head on. He won't let anything stand in the way of their happiness. After so many years of hurt, he finally found his reason to look forward and enjoy his life.

It's been rough, but now the calm is finally here.